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September 25, 2000 - Image 1

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September 25, 2000

LJ' wonban Napster

By David Enders
Dail Staff Reporter A u er nur comes as

Hank Barry, the Interim Chief Executive
Officer of Napster Inc. and a University
alum, visited campus to talk to students at
the Business and Law schools Friday, the
same day University officials announced
their decision not to ban the use of Napster.
Napster, a computer program created by
then 19-year-old Northeastern University
student Shawn Fanning last year, searches
computers logged onto it for mp3 music
files, and allows users to upload or down-
load them.

CEOaddress''es students
University Chief Information Officer that they shut down Napster because of
Jose-Marie Griffiths took a stance on the a "moral, ethical, ard legal obligation"
issue after receiving a letter from Howard to keep copyrighted material from being
King, the lawyer for artists Dr. Dre and exchanged over their systems. King
Metallica, who have sued Napster for copy- cited the Digital Copyright Act of 1998,
right infringement. and asked the universities to respond by
King's letter, which was sent to major Friday.
universities earlier this month, asked On Tuesday, Griffiths sent King a letter

rebutting that stance and defending the
use of Napster for locating uncopyrighted
"This has been an issue we've been
looking at a long time," Griffiths said.
"We expect individuals to be aware of
copyright laws. We are a community of
King did not return messages left at 10s
office throughout the weekend.
Besides the University, eight other
institutions announced Thursday aid
Friday that they would not prohibit Nap-
ster for similar reasons. Three of the
See NAPSTER, Page 7A

Interim Napster Inc. Chief Executive Officer Hank Barry, a
*University alum, speaks to Business and Law students
Friday at Hutchins Hall.

*new heart
By Usa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter
Taking a page from its own Com-
prehensive Cancer Center, the Uni-
versity plans to bring all of its
Weart-related resources under one roof
in a proposed new cardiovascular
The University Board of Regents
unanimously approved plans to create
such a center at its monthly meeting
"Fighting such a deadly group of
interrelated and common diseases
requires the mustering of our
resources in a cohesive and effective
ashion," Executive Vice President
or Medical Affairs Gil Omenn said
in a written statement. Omenn did
not elaborate on plans for the center
at the meeting.
"This center will help our institu-
tion serve the people of this state and
this nation better, as we combat both
the causes and the effects of cardio-
vascular disease," Omenn said.
Usage of the University's adult car-
*iology services has increased nearly
22 percent over the past three years.
The new building, which is still in
the planning stages, will house facili-
ties for invasive and noninvasive pro-
cedures and outpatient programs that
will allow patients to see multiple
specialists in one visit.
After not having a meeting last
month, the regents had a large agen-
da to discuss at this month's meeting.
They also discussed parking options
*vailable for staff and faculty at the
Chief Financial Officer Robert
Kasdin announced that by 2002, a
total of 2,611 new parking spaces
will be available.
Kasdin said the University didn't
gain any new space for parking, it
just made better use of what was
"As much as we complain we
didn't have spaces, we noticed we
See REGENTS, Page 7A

Cand le in the wind

group brings
e xhibit to A2

By Tiffany Maggard
Daily StaffReporter
An anti-abortion project that has
been called highly disturbing and
even repulsive during visits to 26
universities across the country will
be on display today and tomorrow on
the Diag.
The Genocide Awareness Project
is organized by the Los Angeles-
based Center for Bioethical Reform
and features about 30 16-foot by 13-
foot images of aborted fetuses juxta-
posed with scenes from genocide
The project was invited to the Uni-
versity by the campus Students for
Life and Chi Alpha Christian Fellow-
ship groups.
"We're essentially doing what Mar-
tin Luther King did with his compari-

son of the brutalization of blacks to the
brutalization of Jews," said Gregg
Cunningham, director of the CBR.
Cunningham said the project aims
to remind Americans of a Time
magazine report which cited that I
million holocaust victims were new-
born children.
"We're saying, 'What is the differ-
ence between an infant Jew in a death
camp and a fetus in the process of
being born?"'he said.
Cunningham said responses to the
project have varied from sympathetic
to violent.
At the University of Kansas, a stu-
dent drove his car into the project.
Earlier this year, the Genocide
Awareness Project visited Washington
State University, where the student
government organized a weeklong

Ann Arbor resident Eric Reed and 4-year-old son Nicholas work together to prevent the wind from blowing out their
candles while-Eric's sister, Laurie Reed, looks on at a vigil held Friday outside the University Cancer Center.

By Whitney Elott ground zero. in a very competitive atmosphere," London
For the Daily Because parties, residence hall life and stu- said. "Social outlets and integration between
dent organizations through the Office of New gradate students in different fields can great- SYrNnEY ooa 40nd ua edy -USA
Getting used to the ins and outs of the Uni- Student Programs are primarily aimed at lv deeacestress levels and the nossihility f Samantha Arsenault (800 freestyle relay)- USA

versity isn't something that seems like a typi-
cal problem for graduate students, but some
new graduate students have felt lost in the
shuffle this fall.
"Coming to the University is like
you're a tad-
pole and they Z E NY
just drop you STUJDE
in a huge tank r L ,.FE ,
of water," said
Pete Paulos, a .
fi rst- year
graduate student in the Taubman School of
Architecture and Urban Planning.
At an age when students already have spent
four years as an undergraduate making
friends and contacts, first-year graduate stu-
dents at the University must start again from

undergraduates, graduate students said their
interaction is often limited to people in their
fields of study.
After completing his undergraduate work
at the University of Utah, Paulos said he has
met people in his classes but is only starting
to build his social circle here.
"Age is always there in the back of my
mind," he said. "Walking to class I see these
kids who are just starting their college
careers, but I feel like here I'm just as new
and unknown as they are."
Jayne London, program representative of
the Rackham School of Graduate Studies
administration, gives great importance to
social interactions in a graduate student's
"Grad students can be here for a long time

a grad student leaving his or her program of
About four years ago a group of graduate
students began "Social Grads," a group that
brings together those new to the University
who want to meet other new students in a
relaxed environment.
Physics graduate student research assis-
tant David Chin, who received a master's
degree at Oregon State University, has
been involved with Social Grads for two
"We provide lightly structured, low-
stress events as an alternative to the bar
scene for people to communicate with
other grads who they wouldn't see on a
daily basis," Chin said.

'Rebels with a Cause'
draws activist alumni

Silver: 2
Tom Dolan 200 individual medley- USA
Bernice Orwig (women's water pol) )- USA
Uroezos 3
hsMarelWouar(80 reetylely)-NISrand
Mace Wees (1800 rete reay - Netherlanids
Thompson Gustavo Borges(400 freestyle relay)- Brazil
bags -bronze
in 1,500 free
By Benjamin Singer
Daily Sports Writer
On the last day of Olympic swimming in Sydney, Aus-
tralia, Michigan senior Chris Thompson added his name to
the list of Wolverine medalists by taking the bronze and set-
ting a new American record in the 1,500-meter freestyle
Friday morning.
Thompson's time of 14:56.81 bettered American Erik
Vendt's previous record of 14:59.11, set at the U.S. Olympic
trials Aug. 16.
"It's been a longtime goal of his to be the American
record-holder," assistant Michigan coach Eric Namesnik
said. "It's a surprise, but he's been getting better and better,
so it's not that big of a surprise."
Australia's Grant Hackett finished first in 14:48.33, upset-
ting fellow countryman and silver-medalist Kieren Perkins.
After falling to sixth place through the first 250
meters, Thompson moved into third place two laps
later. He was then locked in a battle with Russia's
Alexei Filipets, South Africa's Ryk Neethling and
Vendt for third place.
University of Arizona graduate Neethling finished first
ahead of Thompson in the mile swim at the NCAA Cham-
pionships in Thompson's first two years at Michigan. Uni-
versity of Southern California sophomore Vendt defeated
Thompson last year.
Namesnik does not expect that Thompson felt any rivalry
with those twoor used it as a motivation for this swim.
"I talked to him in between the prelims and the finals and

qA y Jane Krull
ily Staff Reporter
The top floor of Cottage Inn Pizza has not
always been a place to eat - - it was the resi-
dence of a legendary student activist leader.
Alan Haber, the first president of Students
for Democratic Society, said he established
the group while living in his apartment that
now is the upper level of the restaurant
University students, faculty and commu-
(ity members got a taste of history yester-
day as "Rebels With A Cause" premiered at
the Michigan Theater. The documentary
focuses on the active role SDS had in the
1960s political movement.
When students at the University fonned
the first chapter of SDS. the group concen-
trated on civil rights. But as chapters
expanded at universities across the nation
- eventually topping off at 400 - the
group also tackled issues including the Viet-
gm War, the draft and the women's move-
Went. In April 1965 the group organized its
first of many marches on Washington, D.C.,
protesting U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

Helen Garvy, who directed of the docu-
mentary, made the film in order to preserve
the activist and SDS history that she said
has been distorted over the years. Over time
and government intervention, she believes
the activist role has been toned down.
"If they can convince you that there is no
effect that you can make, then why try," said
Garvy, who belonged to the SDS chapter at
Harvard University.
Associate producer and SDS member
Robert Pardun said the movie is important
because it reveals what an impact the stu-
dents made. "I think it is a good thing to get
out there. People don't realize how serious
(the government) took us," he said.
During the 1960s, the FBI formed the
Counter Intelligence Program in order to
neutralize the student activist movement.
Members of main council of SDS each had
an extensive FBI file.
Profits made from the screening of the
documentary will benefit the Guild House,
an interfaith justice and peace campus min-
istry in Ann Arbor.
"The Guild House was and still is a meet-

"Rebels with a Cause" director Helen Garvy and Al Haber, the first president of Students for
a Democratic Society, speak at the Michigan Theater yesterday before a showing of Garvy's
ing place for students - especially back in House piano," Toy said.
the 1960s," Guild House Board of Directors Attending the premiere were students of
Chairwoman Rosalie Karunas said. new politically active organizations.
Guild House Board of Directors member Students Organizing for Labor and Eco-
Jim Toy said the house served as a meeting nomic Equality member Zack Schulman, an
place for SDS and possibly the location RC sophomore, said he attended the pre-
where the group's manifesto was crafted. miere in order to apply SDS activism expe-
"It is rumor that Tom Hayden conceived riences to SOLE. "I wanted to learn more
the "tort Huron Statement" under the Guild See REBELS, Page 2A

Tonight You've got to live and learn Perl jam Drew to the rescue
Partly cloudy. Twenty undergraduate and graduate students will Violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman Drew Henson steps in and leads the
3 Low 43. spend the academic year living together and working at performs with emotion, class and Wolverines to a wild, 35-31
Tomorrow Dicken Elementary School in Ann Arbor as a part of the style at Hill Auditorium. PAGE 8A. comeback victory over the Fighting
Partly clo idy Partly cloudy. High 64. Michigan Branch Telluride Association. PAGE 3A. Illini. PAGE 11.

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