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September 14, 2000 - Image 19

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14B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, September 14, 2000
A weekly guide to who's le L istThursday, Sept. 14
where, what's happening and through
why you need to be there ... Wednesday, Sept. 20



The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. M
First year roommates adjust to university Ii

Films opening

Almost Famous When asked for his
thoughts on Cameron Crowe's latest.
Frank T.J. Mackey replied with a simple
"Respect the Crowe." tame the hoi" If
this angers you, don't bother looking
the Mackster up in the phone book,
he's unlisted. At Quality 16: 7:15 (Sat.
only). At State: 7:15 (Sat. only).
Bait This film has Academy Awards written
all over it. Seriously. At Quality 16: 11:30
(Sat. & Sun.), 12, 2, 2:30, 4:30, 5:05, 7.
7:30, 9:30, 9:55, 11:50 (Fri. & Sat.).

The Original Kings of Comedy This look
at a stand-up comedy tour is yet anoth-
er joint from our boy Spike Lee. Thanks
for talking to us when you were in
town, dude. At Quality 16: 11:20 (Sat.
& Sun.), 1:55, 4:15, 6:45, 9, 11:20
(Fri. & Sat.)
Scary Movie Uhhhh, what's this doing
back in theaters? Miramax, you money
hounds. At Quality 16: 11:35 (Sat. &
Sun.), 1:30. 3:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:25,
11:15 (Fri. & Sat.).

Films holding
A An Instant Classic
B Very Good
C Fairk
D Not recommended
F Not Worth Your Time, or Your Money

The Art of War Come learn the finer
points of war from visiting professor
Wes Snipes. No word on whether or not
his pal Woody will guest lecture. At
Quality 16: 5, 9:15, 11:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
Autumn In New York Why did a movie
named "Autumn In New York" come out
in summer? Doesn't make much sense
now, does it? At Quality 16: 11:20
(Sat. & Sun.), 1:35, 3:40.
Bless This Child God bless you. Haley
Joel Osment, you my friend are a life-
saver. At Qualityu16: 11:10 (Fri. &
Bring It On B Yo, yo, yo, anyone who
thinks that they can take out the
women's basketball team, I got three
words for you - bring it on. At Quality
16: 11:50 (not Sat. & Sun.). 1:50.
3:50. 5:50, 7:50, 9:50, 11:45 (Fri. &
The Cell C- Enter the cell. The phone
was ringing, the hghts were swinging
and we were singing "Hells bells, head
for the cell. We never buy, we only sell.
Hells bells, head for the cell. We don't
like Jodie and we never saw 'Nell.' Hells
bells, head for the cell. My hair sticks
up, so I use gel. Hells bells, head for the
cell. Don't undercook our steaks, we
like them done well. Hells bells, head for
the cell." At Quality 16: 12:40, 3, 5:20,
7:35, 9:45, 12 (Fri. & Sat.).
Chicken Run A- Come join a bunch of
delightful feathered friends in a 5K race
to raise money for a new KFC in Ann
Arbor. Mashed potatoes on the side,
grits strictly optional. At Quality 16:
11:15 (Sat. & Sun.), 1:05, 5.
Coyote Ugly D+ This movie attempts
to answer the time-tested question of
whether or not Tyra Banks is a legiti-
mate actress or just a flash in the pan.
Well ... if she's good enough to rap
with Kobe, then she's good enough for
this movie. At Quality 16: 8:55, 10:50
(Fri. & Sat.).
The Crew Shame on you Burt Reynolds.
At Quality 16: 11:15 (Sat. & Sun.),
1:10, 3:10, 7:20.
Gone in 60 Seconds This movie should
be gone from theaters. And Cage, you
need to go to acting school before you
release any more movies, and please
send us your grades. At Quality 16:

11:40 (Fri. & Sat.).
Highlander: Endgame This movie is
cool, but it's nowhere near as cool as
the next "Highlander" movie will be. At
Quality 16: 5:50, 7:45, 9:40, 11:35
(Fri. & Sat.).
Love and Sex Jon Favreau is so money
and he doesn't even know it. At State:
5:15 (Sat. & Sun.), 7:15 (not Sat.),
Nurse Betty C+ Nurse Betty. you had
me at hello. At Quality 16: 12:25, 2:35,
4:55, 7:10, 9:20, 11:35 (Fri. & Sat.).
At State: 4:30 (Sat. & Sun.), 7, 9:15,
12 (Sat. only).
The Replacements C- Keanu Reeves is
so scab and he doesn't even know it.
So strap on your chin-strap, check your
cups at the door and get ready to root
your pants off for his portrayal of quar-
terback Shane Falco. Mouthguards
optional. At Quality 16: 12:35, 2:50,
5:10, 9:25, 9:35.
Saving Grace Hey, Grace, you look like
the perfect fit, for a girl in need of a
tourniquet. At Quality 16: 12, 2:05, 4,
Space Cowboys Clint "Saggy Bags"
Eastwood stars as a space cowboy who
is deemed to have stuff righteous
enough to make the trip upstairs. Is
Clint a master of the universe? Time
will tell, my friends. At Quality 16:
12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:05, 9:25.
The Watcher C- Not exactly one to
write home to the parents about. At
Quality 16: 11:45 (Sat. & Sun.), 1:45,
3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 9:50, 11:40 (Fri. &
Way of the Gun Pistol packing action
that's not afraid to give you a tough
slug below the belt. At Quality 16:
2:45, 6:45, 9:05, 11:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
What Lies Beneath Michelle
"Moneybags" Pfeiffer stars as Harrison
Ford's cute, little wife. Does she pull it
off? Is the sky red? Are stop signs
blue? Do bees sing? Is steak cheap?
Does the P.T. in P.T. Anderson stand for
Peter Turner? Is California east of New
York? You get the point, the girl is cute
but she can't act to save her life. At
Quality 16: 11:30 (Sat. & Sun.), 2,
4:35, 7:15 (not Sat.), 9:55.

The Five Senses (1999) No word on
whether or not this has anything to
do with "The Sixth Sense," but we
know that Bruce Willis isn't in it -
he's too busy handing out Emmys.
Michigan Theater, 7 p.m. $5.50.
The Tao of Steve (2000) Come learn
about the magical powers employed
by Steve Francis in his quest to win
rookie of the year and bring
respectability back to the Houston
Rockets. Michigan Theater, 7:30 &
9:30 p.m. $5.50.
Face to Face So-Cal punk rock from a
well-seasoned band. St. Andrews Hall,
Detroit. (313) 961-MELT.
Guy Davis This blues guru once acted
the part of blues "founder" Robert
Johnson in an Off-Broadway play. On-
stage tonight, expect stories and per-
formances mixed with old-time blues.
The Ark (316 S. Main). 8pm. $12.50.
Songwriters Open Mike Dreamed of
playing on MTV unplugged? Come
one, come all to an open forum for
local songwriters and musicians. The
best acts are edited for channel 9 on
cable TV. Oz's Music (1920 Packard
Dr). 7:30pm. Free. 662-8283.
Women and Wallace Young Wallace
comes home from school to discover
his mother dead in the kitchen.
Watch as this traumatic experience
affects his dealings with women as
well as his entire life. Arena Theater .
TBA. Free. 764-6800.
Some Natural History - Chris Doyle
Discover this comical and engaging
work of stop-action video which uti-
lizes student workers. Media Union.
12-6 p.m. Free. 764-0395.

Courtesy of Robert C.ray
The Robert Cray band closes out the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival in
style this Sunday at Gallup Park. Call 747-9955 for info.

By Jenni Glenn
Weekend, Etc. Editor
. LSA freshman Dave Weglicki laced
up his sneakers, preparing to race over to
the CCRB to join a friend for a Friday
afternoon basketball game. Across the
room, LSA freshman Ross Ericksen
lounged in the loft of their fourth floor
room in Mary Marklev Residence hall
after emerging from the shower.
These two roommates met for the first
time two weeks ago when they moved
into the residence hall. They found them-
selves in a very different world from
their separate high school experiences -
Ericksen's in Cincinnati and Weglicki's
in Grosse Ile, Mich. Suddenly, they were
alone, without parents, teachers or many
familiar faces. They faced lines at the
many campus bookstores, strings of fra-
ternity parties and hall meetings with
their residence advisor. Like many other
fi'eshmen on campus, they now are shar-
ing their first experiences at the
University together, although they were
virtually strangers three weeks ago.
"You know what is funny about his
story'? It's the same as mine," Weglicki
During the past two weeks, the room-
mates have discovered many common
interests, including the fact that they
both looked at Notre Dame before
choosing Michigan. They're trying to put
together an intramural football team and
they both are meeting as many new peo-
ple as possible during the first weeks of
The two have tried their luck intro-
ducing themselves to people on the street
and received mostly friendly responses.
They also have a few high school friends

around to keep homesickness at bay. A
student from Ericksen's high school lives
two floors up and W eglickispends some
time with his best friend, who also came
to Ann Arbor, every day. These contacts
have expanded the circle of people they
know on campus.
Ericksen and Weglicki met many fel-
low freshmen in the residence hall.
where virtually everyone is undergoing
the same experience. The door to their
room often stands open, allowing the RA
and various neighbors pop in to borrow
magazines, use the computer or simply
"There are enough people that you can
hang out with different people every
night of the week." Ericksen said.
Those late nights forced Weglicki to
adjust his sleeping habits. While
Ericksen has no classes on Friday,
Weglicki still has to rouse himself in
time for his 9 a.m. class after the pair fall
asleep at 3 a.m. or later. They are learn-
ing to coordinate Ericksen's nocturnal
tendencies and Weglicki's need for sleep.
The roommates find it easier to com-
promise on the music playing in their
room. They both will listen to almost
anything except country tunes.
Other aspects of residence hall life
posed a larger problem. for the pair. For
example, Ericksen and Weglicki didn't
mind the cafeteria food, but they did
lament the lack of options at meals.
Weglicki also had to learn how to do
laundry after arriving at school. He
decided to send his first load home to
avoid figuring that chore out right away.
"Mv mom (also) did Ross' laundry
the first time since I live so close,'
Weglicki said.
While Weglicki lives less than an hour

First-time novelist signs copies of her
book "Murder of a Small-Town Honey."
Aunt Agatha's, 213 S. Fourth. 7 p.m.
The White House Collection of
American Crafts This exhibition fea-
tures the work of over seventy of
America's leading craft artists work-
ing today. These artists express
themselves through creative and
beautiful crafts. Twentieth Century
Gallery, Museum of Art. Free. 764-
Patch Adams (1998) Bust out the
back-scratchers and get ready to
lose that itch while you're enter-
tained by funny man Robin Williams.
This film is based on a true story
which means that it must be good.
No scratches, just patches. Guild. 9
p.m. Free.

The Tao of Steve See Thursday. At
Michigan Theater. 7 & 9 p.m. $5.50.
Tora-A-San's Sunrise and Sunset
(1976) Everyday the sun rises and
sets. Sounds simple, but guess what
kids - it ain't. Lorch Hall. 7 p.m.
Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival
2000 Day one of the three-day Ann
Arbor extravaganza begins with Ruth
Brown and Friends (with special guest
Mavis Staples) playing at the
Michigan Theater. Friday, Saturday
and Sunday be sure to catch various
local and national jazz and blues acts
as they play at the Michigan Theater,
Gallup Park andtThe Bird of Paradise.
Michigan Theater (603 E Liberty St)
7:00pm. $25. 668-8480.
A Parisian Soiree The band hosts a CD
release party and plays their chamber
music for friends, family and the gen-
eral public. Be prepared to nibble on
Brie and discuss the fine tastes of
true champagnes. Kerrytown House
(415 N. Fourth Ave.) 8pm. $15-$30.

Freshmen Ross Ericksen and Dave Weglicki ended up roommates after they bo

from Ann Arbor, he had just as much
trouble learning his way around as
Ericksen. The roommates navigated
bookstores, fraternities and classrooms
with a little help during the first few
"I had my handy dandy map by my
side," Ericksen said.
The roommates said they felt silly
walking around with their schedules and
maps in hand. That made them feel more
like the new kids on campus than any-
thing else.

" I got lost going through
before," Weglicki said. "We
tourists for the first couple da
Now that they are learning
around, the roommates are a
academic life at college. Eric
to go into law, and Weglicki ia
medicine. They've already n
they need to have more initia
loge classes. The pair no lon
constant reminders and supp
school teachers, so they are
be more independent. They a

Renovation projects cover campus, imp

Denise Swanson


Get your events in The List.
Call Jenni or Elizabeth
at 763-0379.
Phone Numbers: Briarwood: 480-4555; Fox Village; 994-8080; Michigan Theater: 668-
8397; Quality 16: 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380; State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are
effective for Saturday and Sunday only.

Some Natural History-Chris Doyle
See Thurs. Media Union. 12-6 p.m.
Free. 764-0395.
The Klezmer Stretch Dance alumna
Carolyn Dorfman, along with her
dance company will present a story
of the choreographer's Jewish roots
and spiritualism in "The Klezmer
Stretch." Dance Building. 12:45 p.m.
Master class, 2:30 p.m. Lecture-
demo $10 non-dance majors (master
class), $5 non-dance majors (lecture-
demo). 763-5460.
Lee Meadows Local writer reads from
is new mystery novel, "Silent
Suspicion," a sequel to "Silent
Conspiracy." Nicola's Books
Westgate, 2513 Jackson. 7 p.m,
The White House Collection of
American Crafts See Thursday.
Twentieth Century Gallery, Museum
of Art. Free. 764-0395.

By Lindsey Alpert
Daily Staff Reporter
The state of Michigan notoriously has two sea-
sons, winter and construction. This year,
University students will experience both winter
and construction with multiple projects springing
up around campus.
These projects range from a new Forest Street
parking structure to the new Biomedical Science
Research Building to perhaps the most prevalent,
Mason and Haven Hall renovations.

Most students who have cruised through the
Diag have noticed poles and fencing built around
the area.
"Everyone seemed kind of shocked when they
came back' SNRE junior Jim Cohen said.
The Mason/Haven Hall renovations are expect-
ed to last until October of 2002, and when finished
will have added eight stories with wider corridors
to the Fishbowl area.
"We don't do this as a purposeful inconve-
nience," University facilities spokeswoman Diane
Brown said. "We need the buildings to evolve with

the changing needs of students and faculty."
The entrance to the Fishbowl might be closed
during the renovations, adding a further inconve-
nience to students.
"I hate the fences' LSA sophomore Jeni Mulein
said. "Our campus is so pretty and this makes it so
The fence will help workers organize construc-
tion traffic and deliveries.
"It's almost like being in a prison camp, LSA
freshman Yt Liang said.
Other students admit that the poles are unattrac-

(Tbe Lirbligan &zaij

Editors: Jenni Glenn, Elizabeth Pensler
Writers: Lindsey Alpert, Gautam Baksi, Kiran Divvela, Gabe Fajuri, Jen
Elizabeth Pensler, Darren Ringel, John Uhl
Photo Editors: 1ouis Brown, Jessica Johnson
Photographers: Jessica Johnson, Maiku Kyogoku, Brad Quinn
Cover: Jessica Johnson
Arts Editors: Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula, Managing Editors. Ben (Goldstein
Editor in Chief: Mike Spahn

Courtesy of New Line Cnema
P.T. Anderson's classic "Boogie Nights" stars Julianne Moore and Mark Wahlberg.
The State Theater brings the film back to the big screen Saturday.

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