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The Michigan Daily - Special Edition - Thursday, Decemher 14, 2000 - 3


'U' s dets have. v aried
r%-Ut.40 to judge's rulin

By Anna Clark
and Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Saif Reportes
University stutdents iesponiiii"to Jsie Pitrick Du i"" in s smisi-
mary judgmeinit irintnhde iicaensise otfirac iniadmissions for
the Coll eeitfLiteratisre.Sciescead theiris airee'oisone thin:.
This decisioisisoniiy hrhe esnnin"g(it a Ion''jounmes ofappeils
that is likely hraded for ihlicterd Statcs Snipremec COUrt.
"It is antexrcelleni, positive dccisin"saisd MSA Vice-Ptrsident
Jim Seceto in ILSAS sinsiir.I ts miins 't Univerisits ot Mirlil-
pan policy thait hcnefits iallsudents, not just nilnorities.
But MSA C I.ommiunicatisonss chaii ir ats Nclan said he cisi'rees
wvith the t asilys official sitacein Its or citthe Ltnmsersity 's
adnmissisins psslicies.
"Iniy its iy s n SASrcprsritativec I think its important
that ilica tlhe assmhlsnmakcs a decisisint ill theircptrcsentatitves
get bhlindit indI s~ri sit.ii said Nsolaits sitISAsciphiomtore.
"Froitsthsattperspirctisecthis is a r ' i storirLi.tus stpcirscinal-
Iv" I don't i tree Atfi rimat isec c tsit mkcs cdistinictions hiytrice
stnd I doci't thtitk racc shsoulcd cevier e cistiniction."
LSA SOIsshiiuitiot I mss Justinsi lson, cliair ot 51 As Peace andc
sist ice ICotitsstitnt saticdthet id e lefti alot otfripenittgs for
appestls itn the jtictntt
NMembehrs cithelirCtsalitisintto Defendcsl'of firitivie ActilotsBy,
Ansv Meains Necrssarvi ssicic he tusts its sdmtent is i staritig
pittowaciisrdl 'reater iiite'',ratsmsi its litihes edcastion.i
"'I thinik itssiily the firsit steplinia lciiilinicofiiistrietoc c
coitte, hut ini ordert1is tscsstinsc sicWliihav iiioecittinu isc r'lt-
iO.~satidi ISA ssiphomioresiincsit i lesihiti aBASIN memtthr.
Ruickli is stdettatic1AMNS membtrtiiJressica Cunrtintechloed lie
"This drcisionshvslis thle strenthltfcthliiatioemeinrt and the
cleterninaitisi ftihi ii is W icvisisni tovinsi Cusrtin sticd.
"Beca useth is dccisontUiphol ds threIiini vii ity St irhi iii's
imidergraclsmate plait. it itandss as a bartroIthle reseerecamioti of hid~-l
er eclscation."
Buttnt all studictsis coissicler tse cdecisisiii a victors.
LSA juio r DusiiiiLee. is ir series as sitte chatirmtantsof' the

"I think it's only the first step in a
long line of victories to come, but
in order for us to continue, we
have to continue fighting."
- Agnes Aleobua
LSA sophomore
sistipris chiapier oif lie cotnsersvative youthli crganiiaticiit 'its
AmeiricaitstotrtFrecdomsa id lie is disaippoilnistedshbitthel Uc111
mtica rusr it ipliolctssithtatsecaills rttccissitttitoal ita Idis-
.However. I aittpimtsistic'"Iccesaid in iaisrittessiitiatet.I
at certatintihitt ,vsiisill Ninttiteippeails procssanid liiialls hut ail
indtth ra ic isviiitillsatthutsi esitys s itiitisti tisotsinisists sits
eitplos iii".
e.pirtsietiotf5V)ICE. a strident "rcip a" Iinsiticese d c
adtisutsionis, ddedcIthatu"maybhsonisday these admnittstratoirs isill
(ci tteir Iteads Grit ot the stndad reaizethatciwlisathhyvdiscismi-
nat its ted ottraciallihnspeople isill tot itandifrIt.
Nolaiiisatic1le ithinkss the posiblity iiostrpsottiti" appeil e ancis
isirsi iusicitent prohahlyswint afft thle Unsiversity.
IThrsiss i 9srct chcli ticait hi lsis "rita'' ts hrappleld ito
ahi shet coriit.-Nolaniisatid. I scitst lls this isill ''et cm the
Suri Cite stui- t.Tetre's heeitso manytivdiffereit rulingesitid the
Stl-ipt e r Ctourt needs toima ke aintionat t li"
Aftfiltativse actiont iwill remnt sits tiily drichedussuesinisthin
MSA andtiatinus itdent iti GripS
Ih IsMSA Altfitrma tise c stti1it' Iasi Frce.wiscuh ftrreidtI tics-
clii nighha ssitsatmc i w ills aheadsfit. i snsasitsr
'c lyhotrps is tht iwhioesvci is puit its cliarg'ewill leawirthtl
Islliithctticss,- ilston satid.
I sops thiyirisliztthrsree ti siesitol tsh ibtsinsstead of
osiractii" a ahr'e'('riueiotsitdens,"slesaid.

Rackham student Jessica Curtin, a member of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means
Necessary, makes victory signs yesterday in the Michigan Union Underground.

Legal counsel from all sides claim
p artial victories in Duggtan' s ruling

By Jen Fish
Wit ilaIwyseis ott all sides elaiisi
scullspotrtots otvictors. the onily cer-
taity thatsesms to listse rousle cisi Of
lrtcte Pittrirk Dui-, sss's decisionito r
gr"tmii illr irssi tt rdeiseit i islii sir cf
the Unisiersity is tai ts inppeil is ciii
the sias.
It's mtorelte ltinsot sic isitld
appeal the dciilIof itruiltitintseitef."
said Cuirt Less siwso is the Directri of
Legal itid PubicssAtffaistotthe Ceniter
Anid althsoug'h Irs so ~calledl yes-
terdays sdecisionssa patill ictory" for
the Wsissstoss DC.bhi iectkhirsIo
tiled the initial rises its 1997, le,,,l
experts say otherwse
.They're putti"g;a 'mod tire oin a
,ood deteat."VWane Stite ILii Prof
Rohert Sedler sait.
In hoit lasssuits clsilleisusit" the
Un issersitys ursc ot iaccis iatfictor ini
idissiions. the Univiersityssscoss-
tetided thaitcdiesityis iiaicospellisig
"overnmnttal itnterest as outlinied its
Justice Lewis Possell s 1978 opinsossits
te L.S. Sips-elseICourtrscrse Btkke is.
I nii cisits is! tsm/fin-ia sums ntis.
5Buit itsichiesving diiversits. Potsell
wsrote. race may osls he onse ot the tic-
tori used in admissisonis processes.
The partial victory for te CIR lies
isi Drtcgcatis deessions that the Lits i-

mits Isrosn 5 N(6-5158 siere siscinsti-
uinii lbhcctrue, is DLt"I(-r sit cte ini
this oiion.t"i.. itis crcrom the
lice oftsheg"idmlithemselvs cihlitsits
scums rises. lie onsly cetiisgats"tccr
1Asas ace,
Di1iihbecauise'oit chimi"tes smade its
199 5)95 Ot"" itrusted te L msersits's
cmiirest syistemIS islmit 1 mi~ticsmtmtioiiul
UrititiPowesis tanda suh rds snictshe onsh
muicthat ressmis iisiwhether or nt
discsrsits ii really a comtpellint""oserms-
mecnsal iteesti
St hest.saiiiecml experts. Dmguamt
mmliii" sa him eispiesv sio s strutwsi
mitutsosimLirmtnal scoulmd opensisrp te
possiility otfstoresuts fromstusrdens
sihsosiere rejected chumsris" those sears.
The onsv lyrestisos thatim5ises is if
shie is souse oilier "rorip entitled so
shimisies.I Dmke Liiw Ptrot.Jeromse
ICnlp samd. ltthere ire such lmsmeamts.
thiey si ldmhaIise so prosveststtheir
ivs cihissesbeenss iifieaiitls alseredt
des totihteir tailrtso he admittedht
the~ Univiersity.
There may he ste damiages, hbst
those are not goitig so he thiat great amid
isokse si thtanyvpeople:' Culhp said.
Ik c id plainstiffs Jenntifer Gruise
amid Patsrickflamascuhierivill he entitlent
so darna-es noi, that te ivstems they
appliechunsdrrwsiproventi o he cis-
"This tewsstuemis isirrelesanst with

re''ardsto nsthisphlaintit'ts.'this isno
''muss" to trlp the is siisits ini ters
sit damagest"sid.m
Cul ait tnt Sedler'agreedhtth le
psssai'legldesvelopmenut wis ushlitte
pmrinctcils ot Powchllsssdecisions in
Bamkkeisere uphseld.
'This cams is insot shbiutsthse n ssi-
si chum l Studnts. "tS dccer isaist.'CIIR as
utu" 1thesis us phlias~ inifs tstntstrike
dotsshe enutires suruts stndthslursailent."
ICulp stressed this Dus""'um's rumlins
isis estremelyrfatfuts o te Bakke
I usde D 0"stook Bamkke is a
temtplatic md appiemdl in othe tarts sit
slus ruse;'his stint
Asothuer puns oftshe dcsions releasied
Litssilts Prsidenti Lee Bollinuer amid
losrstir Presidenst Jasuies Dumcerstadt as
inudusitvi l detenidamits int he case.
Unisesisislinsets issued te tur-
remitstud puss pmresidet sshsouldctbe
excused ou ths~egronsoGI cuasi fiedt
imunitity. Wishl stiles slims pshlic oft's-
cials cannssot hr eedtwislserpertortmig~
their dumieshihthicyhrbelieeinshe
Wi~ie ICnlp saud liesits tnotsustr-
prised tint Bollinger mid Dudersusuch
wsere excrusec, t. uis still conisiderecd sum
imiportanst victory f or this detendantuss.
.Alhiorslainhtiffuts knsosw thins pbhlic
officiasuhsilIms iIkels he exced.h
(Culp saintshies are susius suied as smu
ases of1' imidatmoui.

C'Rhissbhensexplicit," said
InDputs kmnteal Co umnsel Liz Basrry.
"fe suims siIus cliiIs ini order tos
itimdticlue sua ndtumakse iple submis-
rdctu thus mis mimc utionuspolicies."
IThr iterveinig defendsulssamucoali-
tuti citfmtturuus itir iactionitsuipporters,
Iimes o chintnImun c toryi . thOtli
thii tiamummhly i lent agaistust suuuususry
tjdmicgueits 'hisminrenors sargumec thast
theissu sitstpatt actpresenst ciscrinsi-
nsatismnsat theis veimrsitv still seeded to
he adcdressed, through a trial.
Dsgga''sitestithutle mencitona ot the
issuers cmlii i sciiattions mrutiteist
ins Issdcecisin liii she grocuup eshiect to
huearrse IsrGustDuwm ssouts te pot-
sihility sit a separateiralusaddressiing
cdiscrisumt'iat thus Uniersity.
Godfclrey Dillardc. Icad counusel for
she issuers casts defenudansts, said
ishletlher sumnit a sepaterialul irld
"cdependuc ho mtlyudcge Dmggani deals
wih ios ur reiiii l ise* he suaid.
"LUstsilhue"iyeS s sisome ind hrtof"
cdirectinoil thuat. either inte torusoh'
us Iseurims'' oristhuelosrmisohfsmutopinuion,
me rust speculatse,'hue stud.
Buss hecaussrtheisnutserieniors do
agree situhste diersitsyurgruiseut.they
sisy dcde n ot so pumihste discrimsinia-
miomlsuie.As rich corunsel Thieodore
Shaw siin isoral auisttietits,iitiitg
oult hueciicrsisyarummsent V,°uld he
"less thanusascomptetp ict or suy, bust it
siouldchbe a l sctcss 5escesMould sake:'

n ois'

Although U.S. District Judge Patrick Duggan upheld current College of
Literature, Sciences and the Arts admissions policies, the system in place
from 1985-98 was found to he unconstitutional.
Fdrjde rules
in favor of curreq.nt
admissions system

After 3 years, suit clears district level

By Michael Gras
Daily Nesiditor
I's bhenusa lpgthree years.
Andivhtile somie predict tshawssudt challhenginig
she Uiversiyvi Liieratiure. Scienuce anid this Srts
admissions policies will he sultimuately decided hv
she U.S. SuspremsaC oumrt. justu clearin' use district
rosin level was a journey in its own rights.
After Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamsaclher ini-
tially filed suit against she University us Octoher
1 997, she case has been subject so numueroums
delays. mtilons and appeals.
Is:ZheWashissgtots'D.C-bas'd Cenier tomr Idi-
'iduah Rights filed the lawsruit on behalf of two
white applicansts who claimsed they ivere unsfairly
evaluated cnder the LSA admsissions systems.
fIR's clientsfGratz and Hlamacher, claimsed
underqualified minority applicants were admsitted
over them because race was a factor in University
~R'ace shoruld never beusainatom:' Oasiscrher said
in ass interview' with she Daily in October 1997.
Grate, front Soutshgate, graduated wills a 3.765
grade point average and had ass ACT score of 25.
Il felt like there was a wrongdoing," Gratz said
that October. "The policies need to he changed so
-nobody has to go throughl what I went throughs"
Gratz said she hoped she lawicuit snould force
the University to change its ways.
As the University was still reactinsg to the suit
against LSA. fIR doubled its pnch that Decesa-
ber, targeting she Unisersity with a second suit.

admuissionsi policies were nunwfnul.
Barbara firutten ivhso applied its I996, said shte
oo sins unfairly denied admsissions so the Uniser-
siuvis Law School.
The University took istupons itself so defenud its
policies, even if istumiants brnginigte cuses so te
U.S. Suspreune Couin.
With two diffeents suits preparnug sostove
throrugh she federal cousin system, it was unclear
how long istivould sake so reach us resolutions.
The IUniversity ins beems recognized ton its
eflorts so inserease miniiority etnollmient.After smaus-
suve students protesis in the ate 1 960s amid 1970s
pressuring te University admsinistrations to rip the
numrsber of msinsority faculty atnd students.
Bnut by the mid-l9h0s, the University adminis-
tration decided their efforts did not go far
enough. In 1987, thenprovost Jaises Duderstadt,
who would becomse University president. imple-
msented the Michigan Manudate, a stew effort so
boost msinority enirollmtenut.
tinder the mandate's policiesssinority enrolment
University-wide increased frost 12.7 perceett to 25.4
percent at the timse the lawsuits were Biled.
"We are perhaps the amost strikius' examiple of
the Jeffersonians concept of a institution of highs-
em eduscatious," Dudersuadt told the Daily when the
Law School case was filed. "We are regarded as
one of the leaders in highIem ednucatiots.Drumrue-
rest stukes i a tarpet."
As pmes sure monuted, students beg'austo take

mil muh rsoustDelritit lda msotions so becomse
mutersvenisg" defendans inmathis LSAcase.
1TIsi March.41 studentssfiled a similarmr sotions
so sitesrsense usthis LawsSchool rcse.
1Thun studens'smotionss usas trupportedl by us
coto n sofms oh"oupsminterested ins teisitstinclsud-
its" te NAAC P Legal Defensse iandEduscationsal
Fndte Amnericansivis l Libesumes Union., the
MexicasitAusmenusanLe"galOeesse IFund, United
Equalshts lou Allisrmivuse Action.Coalitions so
Defenud Sttfirmative Actions Bs AiimMeanusNec-
ciiar mrsnd Liii StudenssftutuAffimat sime Actioni.
ho be included its thu ruse, the issuersesons sad
to prose ubhat tlsy hid a comupellinug insterest in ths
cases and that the interest would not be properly
represented by the University or CIR.
Alter Duggan anud Friedmuans initially deunied the
motion by te proposed instervensors, the 6uh Cir-
rail Court of Appeals in Cincinnsati overtutruned
the decisions its Augusst 1999,asakitig this the first
tisse a third party had ever been inclruded in a
case chllenginug affirmasutise action policies.
After store delays for trial preparation, lawyers
represensting she Unsiversity and CIR eutered Dcug-
pan's conurtroomssout Nov. 16 anud mude miotionus for
summstsary judgamenst-- where tie judge would
stake bus decisions solely 01n evidence isuitted,
avoidinsg a tsual.
Now tha u us Ott sittupheld te University's
cnurrenst admssionus systems, is is expected fIR
will appeal the case.
The Law Schsool trial is expected sosart in fed-

Continued from Page 1
sitesrest. I IRlass irsarus ned
thins thronughi its admiissionis poli-
cies, thu Unisersity hunt admsitted
minsority strudensts thins are tinder-
qulified. ODuggans disagreed.
"The Courts agreesivith use
Uiversity Defendantus' assertion
thins all iwho are nultimaitely
admitted to te LSA are 'qnuali-
fied' acasdemsicallv. anudusnier
Plaintiffs son this I'ourtu seek so
imtply thins those muinorities iwhso
are admiittedhunuderste loiver
admsissions stand'ards are slot
acadeusically qualified for
admsissions" the opinsions stated.
f'urt Levy, fIR director of
legal asnd public affairs, said the
rutlitng confirs that the Univer-
sity discrimsinsates based on race
in its existinsg admissionss poli-
cies, Levy said that by saying
the 1995-98 policy was csncon-
stitrttionial, the juidge affiruned
his clients' assertions,
"In regards to the plaintiff's it's a
total victory. Its regards to the cas e,
it"s a partial v ictory,"Lesvy said.
"We're obviousyhy appy that
the plaintiffs ire vinudicatued its
that the conurt fond that they
wvere discrimsiunated against
becanuse of their race," Levy

"In regards to the
plaintiffs, its a
total victory. In
regards to the
case, its a partial
- Curt Lacy
Center for Individual Rights
Onus Univesity admsinisumators
clainsed the victory for theti-
"This is ans unequivocal victo-
ry for um. He held as fully con-
stitnttionsal our current systems.
The use of race as tie do it nowv
is comspletely qualified.'" Univer-
sity Provost Nanucy Canstor said.
USA Deans Shirley Nermat said
shte believes that the LUniversity's
practices ensrure diversity.
"That ruling enables rum to
constinsue to crease the kinids of
dimversity at the University of
Michsigan iwhich make this inch
us stimsuulating environumenst its
schich to study anud to teach,"


Tbis time is that he University's Lawe School In February 1998, 17 igh scshoot students. ras court an Detroit out as. s. ___________________________________
Se t 20, 987 1995 ___ Oct. 14, 1997 Dec. 3 1997 Feb. 5 1998 March 26,x998 July 6 1998 AU. 10, 199 Nov. 16. 2000
Tee-university Pesin Jncifes Gratzis The iWahigoni.C. Ctiliem a enace A5coaliin at proposd AsilarcaliiatffeelstOnrc intd v Te6th cint'esCu t f Lawyvrsrprseincg teiestsyi
Jamess Ddesadt eeced tunis tie ased Cetesesr Individuda lawsuit agicst tie inteeic deenats i ieseauc eendats Benad Friedman anes Appeals a Cccass and Ctile a matins Incsummay
implemens the Mchign tollage at Rgts iles a cati acicin Uiersity ccehal at iles a mconsea jin crthe pspses jic te Law le Law Schoent evening aveursugga t ad judmntufrIhe SA cae
Madate, aset of plices Literaue. Science lawsutaaict he Gruter,.chalerging the SA case. Te raup ii secaes. Te Calii cationa's melontr schema Fedmn's deemsicc in
aimed at icreasng and the Ais Cllege l eaue. Law Scenes admssions. comped of 1 hi ht ta Deivnd Afirmaie he case. eudatheinvenlrsee De.1 2000
disersity ameng teentsy Science and he Ais, Btalus a, Law Schol schols sudntvioca Aisn y in MeanJulE7.1998
and sudnts. Overal 1996 he frmes tnersity Dean Zfrey Lehman, the atorneys ACt, the Necessay,.Untied tr
inorily erollmet PalieS Hamachevi Pesdent ames teach of Re ats and NAACP LIal atfesearEaqualitad Afirmivlue FdraDulsc udagga rlsatsiutheUiestyy
pcesefrma 12pases7 Iis rjectd"from ludadlite Boad of ernisShiv ds assistant aid EduainaFued Atiow Sudc ntsr FdrlDstitJdecren at adm isincpcisarse alegal
inrcresato 12.7 uren SAiBarbaradeItem said crentei deani Ins Law Scool aid he MaexaAfimatie Aaiad 41 PatieS Oggn ardecien bunsastpivpioes sysamiwwe
in 1997. Guntal is Pesdeat Lee Bollpie. admissons. Aeiai Legal heee hihischlotan uivsisuity tetionsof thecLiSAuncnsiuinacl
reteteid sass Themsiii is iled an hehallanielEcinlniFundsse udts copristu he intesrigcoaltin
t h a c o l o u r z ca d a m a c h e r . go u in .j i ie c i ve .

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