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December 01, 2000 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-12-01

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l~onjured up...
he Sorcercer," a Gilbert and Sullivan,
production runs through December 3 at
the Mendelssohn Theater. Student
tickets $7 at League Ticket Office,
michigandaily.com /arts
J' grad Pu
By Joshua Gross
Daily Arts Writer
St. Elmo's Fire" got Georgetown.
"Animal House" nabbed the
University of Oregon's campus. Even
"Road Trip"
snagged Ithaca.
Michigan stu-
dents and alum
Voices were left to
By Jack waste their lives
Fishstrom away in small
buts Saturday at the cubicles, staring
Michigan Theater out their window
at the gray, life-
less sky, pining
for the Bell
Tower or the
Diag, dying
alone, clutching
their VCRs with-
out a movie to remind them of their
college campus and the better days
they associated with it.
Ithough Jack Fishstrom 's debut
film "Voices" doesn't revolve around
the lives of University of Michigan
students, it does encapsulate quintes-
sential Ann Arbor, inserting a unique,
vivid story into our familiar sur-
roundin s .
"When it takes a lifetime to devel-
op one's own melody, harmony with
others doesn't come easy." "Voices"
e story of Oliver Brand, a speech
pathologist (played by Michael Lee)
ironically trying to find his own
voice while helping others find their
He is shy and awkward, preferring
Guns, Go(
By Sonya Sutherland
For the Daily
When the Catholic League declares
war, the police have to be called to
prevent Christian protestors from get-
ting out of hand and monologues
ost result in arrestation, you know
arilyn Manson is coming to your
On the road
with Godhead
and Cold right
Marilyn now, Manson
brought his
Manson Guns, God and
State Theater Government tour
Nov 28/29 2000 to the Motor City
for a two-day
00 shock rock

Honed theatri-
cal skills and all,
Manson and
company put on
one hell of a
show. Opening with the
"Irresponsible Hate Anthem," every-
one's favorite ringmaster soon nount-
a pair on stilts to sing
urniquet." DJuring "The Fight
Song" dedicated to "everv teacher
who ever called you stupid and every
dad who ever told you you would
never amount to anything," Manson
riled the crowed into a frenzy. For
cyery girl who thought there was not
cnough Marilyn to go around, he
grew to the ceiling-brushing height,
rising above the stage on a pedestal to
perform "Crucifixion in Space" and
kisses to the hysterical audi-
ee. And what show would be com-
plete with out a song where Marilyn
dresses as the pope'?
After doffing his catholic gear and
discarding a table that displayed two
bald, prosthetic Marilyn heads,


DECEMBER 1, 2000

lsstrom topremihrefilm at Michkgan

to immerse himself in his loneliness
rather than reach out to others as he
hypocritically instructs his patients.
His usual places of solace become
invaded by the women in his life, his
estranged younger sister and her
teenage daughter, his manipulative
boss, and an untouchable younger
woman, the object of his desire. In a
world of adults, it is the youngest of
these women who connects with
Oliver and helps him conquer him-
Jack Fishstrom, the producer,
director, screenwriter, cinematogra-
pher, film editor, music and sound
effects editor, set designer and cast-
ing director of "Voices" has thrust
himself into the medium of filmmak-
ing after 20 years of hiding from his
artistic self.
Fishstrom earned a graduate
degree in film and television produc-.
tion at the University in 1994 and has
since been a lecturer in technical
communication at the University's
College of Engineering.
While a graduate student,
Fishstrom earned the prestigious
Hopwood Award for his first written
He self-financed "Voices" by using
savings, credit card debt, a home
equity loan and payment deferrals.
The cast of Ann Arbor natives shot
on a daily basis around the schedules
of the various cast members, the
youngest of whom, 14-year-old Sarah
Colette, in her acting debut, needed
time each day to complete her paper

Each cast member sacrificed a lot
for a project that they truly believed
in, despite the seemingly numberless
misfortunes that plagued the produc-
tion: Electrical malfunctions, a miss-
ing set (a U-haul that disappeared to
North Carolina), and a loss of 55
minutes of film (it was loaded back-
wards) that needed to be re-shot.
It is possible that you have seen the
film being made, or that you are even
in it, walking in the foreground, so
concentrated on your destination that

yoU overlooked the inconspicuous
filn crew in your wake.
"Voices" has been in production in
Ann Arbor for the past two years,
popping up at Borders Books & Cafe,
the Huron River, Kcrrytown, Pizza
House, Mediterrano and other
University locales.
And in keeping with true A2 hip-
ness, Fishstrom refers to his specific
brand of filmmaking as "micro-film-
making," comparing it to the local
flavor of microbrew.

courtesy of Derek Trucks bEan
Derek Trucks and his band will appear at the Magic Bag tonight.
Derev.k Trucks Band

morphs memb ers,


By Mike Spahn
Daily Editor in Chicd
For most 21 year olds, p
on one album would be a
Derek Trucks, playing on

Courtesy of Jack Fishstrom
"Voices" is the debut by filmmaker Jack Fishstrom, a College of Engineering
lecturer in technical communication and former Hopwood recipient.

Magic Bag
Tonight at 8 p.m.

not n
to g
can b
Way t
on tii

d and government: Goth icon
lanson plays Detroit Rock City

Manson then climbed into a pulpit to
sing "The Love Song," as the back-
drop became giant crucifix - made
out of guns. The "Beautiful People"
was followed by a triple encore, as
Detroit was called "one of the best
crowds yet." Although the set was not
destroyed as per Manson tradition.
probably due to the fact drummer
inger Fish played with a broken col-
larbone, Twiggy closed the show with
the launch of his bass across the
Such a presentation was to be
expected from the king of shock rock,
but the real surprise for the night was
opening act Godhead. The first band
signed to Manson s newly formed
label Posthuman Records, Godhead
proved themselves to be the reason to
get to the show early. Lead singer
Jason Miller said "that a lot of pres-
sure is behind there, being the first
band, because everyone wants it to be
successful." Godhead's flawless per-
formance proved to be more than sim-
ply successful.
Warming up the crowd, the band
rocked through new songs from their
upcoming album, including "The
Reckoning" off the Blairwitch Project
2 soundtrack. "Break You Down"
which features Manson, and a note-
worthy cover of the Beatles "Eleanor
Although this tour puts Godhead
on stage in front of audiences infi-
nitely larger than any previous per-
forming experiences, the band's
intensity translates to the larger
venues with out compromising quali-
ty. Miller's stage presence rivaled
much larger frontmen, and combined
with the band's musical talent;
Godhead made a major contribution
to Manson's show, and proved it the
type of rock concert that the current
music scene so desperately needs.

the Aquariumi Rescue Unil
and Phil Lesh and Friends.
But just two years after
band that helped form him
the Allman Brothers -it's}
that is really fueling the 21:
"The last week or so hash
it's really been opening
said last week before a shor
The Derek Trucks Band
the stage at the Magic Bad
tonight, has been in transitio
few months. New add
Burbridge and Javier Colon
player and singer, have
changed the feel of the band
Burbridge, a long time coll
Trucks, brings the band a
with his organ and flute,
"can do nearly anything wi
Trucks said.
And it's that newfound si
tion that has Trucks looking
"Anytime you have peop
who are focused and want t
path it pushes you."'Trucks
The impressive resume t
has built does not go tot
speaks reverently of his ex1
the Allmans, respecting th
saying he'll be ready to pl
anytime he's asked. And h
respect to all those who hav
during his musical adolesc
when he talks about hisc

which is rounded out by bassist Todd
Smallie and percussionist Yonrico Scott
that he seems most excited.
laying guitar Trucks spoke glowingly of shows 'pp
kick. But for and down the Fast Coast that have found
one album is the band growing together. While t.he
early enough band - and Trucks himself - -are rela-
lie has two tively inexperienced, the chemistry
albums out they've felt onstage in recent weeks hlas
now, two left them eager to push forward. ?
nearly ready "It's one of those things where you 'et
a and more off (stage) and you think this is what le
butions than band should be sounding like. It's rare to
e counted. feel that way. You always get off stage
at's just the thinking what you can change ... but
his guy oper- every once in a while it really locks.
There's a lot of freedom in that," Trucks
icks has been said.
he road for Trucks trces his musical 'influen 'Cs
v a decade, back to Elmore James and Duane
11 with Allman, who was the catalyst behind the
s iiicludiiig Allnian Brothers Band aiid much Hof
t, Frogwing s Docrk's slide work. Those early influ-
eiices. Trucks said, allowed hime to gro w
r joining the musically at an early age.
musically - The DTB plays a be-bop influencd
his own band jazzy type of' jam, clearly influenced by
year old slide the likes of Miles Davis and countless
blues greats. They hesitate to label tlat
been amazing sound, choosing ratherto let go and try to
up," Trucks jam their own, new music every night.
w in Hartford, The band's shows are marked by experi-
mental jams and impressive interplay
which takes and Trucks said he enjoys the freedom
g in Ferndale that comes with producing a new sound.
n for the past "I definitely think that when you're
litions Kofi doing something, trying to create sonme-
, a new organ thing new ... there are really no boufld-
significantly aries. It's too early to be coming out to
, Trucks said. one of our shows and expecting anything.
aborator with Hopefully it's changing all the time. }
new sound "The music we listen to and study is all
while Coloi the stuff that was really on the front of the
th his voice;' curve, the music that changed things,"
Trucks said. "When those guys were first
ease of direc- playing be-bop and jazz there was no
to the future. name for it. And when the sceie was, in
le around you Chicago with electric blues, there was no
o stay on that name for it."
said. And while Trucks stops short of call-
this frontmoan ing for a new musical revolution, lie does
his head. He get a little philosophical when discussing
perience with the final goal of'the music.
e sound and "I think the end goal is to find a place
ay with them musically where you're comfortable and
he pays great you can see yourself doing it for the rest
e helped him of your life," 'Trucks said.
ience. But it's It's a very exciting time. I imagine
own band -- we'll be doing this fora long time."

Courtesy of nterscope
Say hello to Mr. Manson and part of his merry band of pranksters.
Indie rock? In Ann Arbor?
Come witness several of Al"s very own indie rock powerhouses at
The Lunchbox (321 John St.), the city's newest underground rock
venue. The all-ages show goes down at 8 p.m. Saturday night, and
the proceeds from the $5 cover go to Amnesty International
Appearing are:
0 Adam's Castle
8 Showshane
1 A thousand times yes
8 Presidio
® Jeff Grey
Call 241-1321 for more information.

U .1

Dramatized by Christopher Sergel ,
Adapted from the novel by Harper Lee
Directed by Kathryn Long

___________ S I



zber 7-9,
:ber 1 0

at 8p

k '._ .: U ';. .5 '3 .: - c .7 i U.t ' i3 ; i - :"s

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