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September 28, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-28

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Leaves, grass
Ohe Ann Arbor Fire Department
responded to a grass fire behind the
Varsity Tennis Center on South State
Street on Friday afternoon.
Fire officials reported the fire, which
they think began with spontaneous
combustion. The fire was quickly
brought under control and was con-
tained to a pile of leaves and grass.
The fire, located about 200 to 300
yards from the center, did not damage
'Racist graffiti
found on vehicles
Two vehicles were found Sunday
with racial slurs written on the hoods,
Department of Public Safety reports
The cars were located in the Murfin
Street parking lot
Woman reports
being "spat upon"
A woman reported Thursday
morning that she was spat upon by a
male subject at Taubman Health
Care Center on Sept. 9. DPS reports
state that she had not reported the
occurrence right away because she
was trying to contact his "parole
&No report was filed, and further
i vestigation showed that the spitting
was accidental and not a criminal com-
Man finds worm
in Wendy's chili
A University Hospitals Security
employee found what appeared to be a
worm in his chili at the Wendy's
*staurant located in the University
Hospitals on Thursday morning, DPS
reports state.
Bunk bed falls in
South Quad room
A bunk bed collapsed on two stu-
dents in South Quad Residence Hall
on Thursday morning, DPS reports
o one in the Bush House room was
' ured.
$400 worth of life
jackets stolen
A caller reported to DPS on
Thursday that $400 worth of life jack-
ets and knives were stolen from a vehi-
cle on Glazier Street on Thursday, DPS
reports state.
The vehicle was locked and showed
n signs of forced entry, DPS reports
Basketball players
bump heads
A caller to DPS reported Friday
evening that two subjects bumped
heads while playing basketball.
Medical assistance was declined, and
no official report was filed.
Students practice
for play with gun
DPS officers investigated a report
Saturday that a subject on Huron Street

was wielding a gun.
Further inspection proved subjects
were practicing for a play and no offi-
cial report was filed.
lasturbator flees
from officers
A suspect was seen masturbating in
the East Medical Center Saturday, DPS
reports state.
DPS officers could not locate the
Piggy bank and
quarters stolen
A report was filed with DPS early
Sunday morning when a piggy bank
and basket full of quarters were
stolen from East Quad. There are no
suspects, according to DPS reports
- compiled by Daily Staff Reporters
Dave Enders and Mike Grass.

Prof. examines lost Hemingway manuscript

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
In 1922, Hadley'Hemingway, then
wife of Ernest Hemingway, lost a suit-
case containing one of the renowned
author's manuscripts while traveling on
a train to Switzerland.
The suitcase, which was never
recovered, was the subject of a lecture
given by Prof. Nicholas Delbanco
yesterday at the Rackham
The lecture was held in honor of
English Prof. Delbanco's appointment
to the Robert Frost Collegiate
Professorship in English Language
and Literature.

"I think he's an eloquent writer and
his vocabulary is extensive."
- Josh Lefkowitz
First-year Music student

"Prof. Delbanco's commitment to
writers at the University of
Michigan has been extraordinary
and I'm delighted that he received
the recognition because it is
deserved," Rackham graduate stu-
dent Nicholas Harp said.
Although Delbanco received the
University's professorship honoring
poet Robert Frost, he chose to speak

about Hemingway.
Delbonco's lecture, "The Lost
Suitcase" examined how Hemingway's
work was never recovered but was not
completely lost. "My assumption ... is
that it became part of his 'A Movable
Feast,' Delbanco said, adding that "I
think that part of the early work was
"I found his remarks interesting

and what I liked best ... was that it
was clearly a project of some person-
al importance to him," Harp said.
Delbanco, who has authored many
books, was insistent that as a prose
writer he did not feel comfortable dis-
cussing Frost.
But not all audience members shared
Delbanco's feelings that parts of
Hemingway's work could be replicated
in "A Movable Feast."
"I don't think I could remember the
best parts," of a manuscript LSA senior
Kate Gotham said of Delbanco's
assumption that Hemingway was capa-
ble of replicating his manuscript from

The lecture comes at a key time as
Hemingway fans everywhere cele-
brateathe renowned author's centenni-
al year.
The presentation included reading
from Delbanco's own fiction.
Some audience members said they
did not completely understand the
message Delbanco was trying to con-
"I think he's an eloquent writer
'and his vocabulary is extensive,"
said Music first-year student Josh
Lefkowitz, adding that if he could
have read Delbanco's speech he
could have gained more form the lec-

Stanford dean speaks on anti-discrimination law

I Award-wining law professor
suggests gay rights movement
could be the next major civil
rights struggle in America
By Adam Zuwerink
Daily Staff Reporter
"Have we had the last civil rights struggle?"
Stanford Law School Dean Kathleen Sullivan
opened her lecture yesterday with this title ques-
tion - referring to the possibility that the move-
ment for gay rights could be another major strug-
gle in American society.
But Sullivan, delivering her speech to nearly
100 listeners at Rackham Auditorium, spent most
of the hour and half detailing her view of the clas-
sical history of American Constitutional anti-dis-
criminatory law and the recent criticisms from the
political right and left toward the legalisms of anti-
Sullivan was introduced by University Law
School Dean Jeffrey Lehman as "the complete law
professor" because of her multiple teaching
awards, reputation as a brilliant scholar through
her published works, including co-authorship of
the latest edition of the classic casebook
"Constitutional Law," and her commentary on
such news programs as ABC's "Nightline" and
CNN's "Crossfire."
Sullivan stepped into the position of dean three
weeks ago and previously served as professor of
law at both Stanford and Harvard Law Schools.
The first part of Sulivan's lecture dealt with
what she called the "spectrum" of group defini-
On the one side is the view that individual rela-
tionships within social groups are fluid and people
shift their involvements between groups over time.
"Groups are easy to join and exit. No one group

completely identifies a person," Sullivan said.
"American anti-discrimination law is classically
understood as being less-entrenching"
But on the other side of the spectrum is the
nationalistic conception of social groups and the
particular social identity it regulates on one's
social interactions
Using Kosovo as an example, Sullivan said
these "ancient conflict ideologies are passed down
over generations and are etched in stone."
Located in between these two opposites are
what Sullivan called "ascriptive" groups, the type
of groups that civil rights laws identify and ban
discrimination against.
Next, Sullivan outlined the critiques of anti-dis-
crimination law.
She said many who are politically aligned with
the right and left feel anti-discrimination law has
hardened groups and strengthened sentiments.
But Sullivan said the conservative's view of
"equal rights, not special rights" does not apply to
gay rights, like it does to affirmative action
As her closing remark, Sullivan said "Anti-dis-
crimination is about freeing individuals to groups
and from them"
Sullivan's lecture was sponsored by the
Telluride Association and was the first in a series
of Telluride Lectures this year.
Operating a house at Cornell University, of
which Sullivan is a former member, Telluride
plans to open a house next fall at 1735 Washtenaw
Avenue, and will provide a room and board schol-
arship to members of the house.
Currently, the association is operating a pilot
program with eight University students.
LSA first-year student Joseph Sosa, a pilot
member of the Telluride House, said, "The fact
that she's an alumnus (of the Telluride House at
Cornell) inspires me that some day I'll be able to
give a lecture such as this."

LSA junior Liza Rios talks with Stanford Law School Dean Kathleen Sullivan yesterday at Rackham
Auditorium. Sullivan spoke to students about anti-discrimination law in the United Sates.

Dance club employee
overdoses on GHB


Another Deloitte Consulting Oifference

By Dave Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
A 24-year-old employee of The
Nectarine, located at 510 E. Liberty
Street, was taken to the University of
Michigan Hospital Saturday morn-
ing due to an apparent overdose of
the increasingly popular drug
gamma hydroxy butrate, also known
as GHB.
The man was admitted for treatment
shortly before 4 a.m. and Ann Arbor
Police officers were called to take a
report, said Ann Arbor Police
Department Sgt. Myron Blackwell.
"His friends said 'he was tripping
out,"' Blackwell said.
The drug, which is more commonly
known as GHB, was reported by the
Ann Arbor News to be involved in a
second overdose earlier in the morning,

involving a 23-year-old Idaho man who
was found unconscious outside the
Nectarine around 1 a.m. The man was
transported to the University Hospital
Emergency Room.
No arrests were made in either case,
police said.
Traces of GHB, which is produced
naturally by the human body in small
quantities, was found in the body of
University student Courtney Cantor last
year, who died after falling from her
sixth-floor Mary Markley Residence
Hall window.
The drug is said to produce relax-
ation and euphoria and is often con-
sumed with alcohol in social situa-
tions. The illicit drug has also been
used in date-rape situations, as it
increases sex drive and slows social

Let's work this through together.

State searches for
more prison guards

LANSING, (AP) - The state's
Department of Corrections is having dif-
ficulty hiring 2,500 new guards for its
prison expansion and will considering
relaxing its educational requirements.
The Corrections Department has
planned a 7,000-bed expansion at a time
when there's competition for workers.
"Its a struggle when you have a 4.2-
percent unemployment rate and only
two college graduates out of every 100
unable to find jobs," said Corrections
Department Recruitment Manager
Gary Raff.

A state council on training standards
will decide Monday whether to drop
the requirement that job candidates
must have earned at least 15 college
credits in criminal justice or related
fields. Instead, they would have 18
months to complete the courses after
being hired.
A high school diploma would still be
required along with not having felony
convictions or pending misdemeanor
charges. They also would have to pass a
civil service exam for the $30,220 posi-

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