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December 08, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-12-08

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The chi Da - nesdy Deember 8. 1999 - 3

Bonfire clothing
restricted by
Texas licenser
he Department of Collegiate
*ensing for Texas Agricultural &
Manufacturing University has decided
not to approve any license for bonfire-
related merchandise that would be sold
for profit.
The university's annual bonfire col-
lapsed on Nov. 18 killing 12 Texas
A&M students.
The university will take proceeds
resulting from the sale of bonfire-
related items and donate them to its
*fire memorial fund. The univer-
, also has decided that student
organizations can sell bonfire mer-
Inspirations, a clothing retailer for
the school, was the first to produce and
sell memorial bonfire T-shirts.
Proceeds valued at $17,000 have been
donated to the fund.
Brown students
Wrested in Seattle
Seattle police arrested four Brown
University students and one alum dur-
ing a protest against the World Trade
Organization last Wednesday.
The five individuals spent five days
in jail, with almost 600 other protesters,
and were released from jail Sunday.
The students attending the protest
traveled on behalf of Brown's Young
Communist League. They were arrest-
*or being in a "no-protest zone'" out-
side the conference.
The Brown students called for the
abolition of the organization, citing a
lack of public accountability in WTO.
Police find body
of Texas student
Police have identified the body of
J Lea, a senior at the University of
as, who died of dehydration after
breaking his left leg and right foot.
The injuries immobilized Lea, which
kept him from obtaining food and
Lea, whose death was ruled as
accidental, was found in
Shackelford County, Texas, last
week. He was reported missing
Sept. 24, when he was driving from
Austin to Midland, Texas.
*he autopsy revealed that Lea's
injuries indicate a vertical fall, where
he would have landed on the heels
instead of the balls of his feet.
Officials from the Midland County
Sheriff's Department cited lack of
facial hair as evidence that Lea could
have died as early as Sept. 29.
Virginia Tech
tudent missing
Rebecca Myers, a junior at Virginia
Institute of Technology, remains miss-
ing in Key West, Fla., after she did not
reboard a cruise ship with her family
last week.
She was vacationing with her
family on a Royal Caribbean Cruise.
During a short stop in the Florida
Keys, Rebecca spent the morning
shopping with her 12-year-old sister
Sarah returned to meet her parents,
without Rebecca, at noon on

Thanksgiving. She told her parents that
Rebecca had left in search of a beach to
take a nap.
Her family discovered that Rebecca
was missing 30 minutes after reboard-
ing the ship.
ole to speak at
. uke s winter
Elizabeth Dole is scheduled to
speak: at Duke University's May
Commencement. Dole is a former
member of Duke's Board of
Dole graduated from the Woman's
College at Duke in 1958. She was also
&ember of Delta Delta Delta sorority.
e served as president of the Woman's
Student Government Associated and
was named The Chronicle's Leader of
the Year.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jewel Gopwani.

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By Yael Kohen
Wly Su-fl -Rcprer
Students who have been convicted of a drug-relat-
ed crime will no longer be eligible for federal finan-
cial aid as of July 2000, according to a provision of
the Higher Education Act of 1998.
A student with a drug possession conviction will
be ineligible for one year from the date of the first
conviction, two years from the date of the second
conviction and indefinitely from the date of the third,
according to the Website for Free Application for
Federal Student Aid.
An applicant who is convicted for selling drugs
are ineligible for federal financial aid two years after
the first conviction and indefinitely after the second.
Eligibility status can be redressed after completing a
rehabilitation program.
The new 2000-01 FAFSA forms include a ques-
tion about an applicant's drug conviction history. The

question on the form does not specify the penalties
to financial aid for being convicted ofa drug-related
crime. Students are referred to the Website
Kwwf-nfca.ed.gov/q28 or instructed to call 1-00-
433-3243 for details.
But many have made their opposition to the new
provision apparent.
The FAFSA question "raises the problem of equal
protection' said Rachel King, legislative counsel for
the American Civil Liberties Union. She argues that
the provision is selective in who it penalizes because
only those who commit drug-related crimes and not
other crimes that could be considered more heinous.
The University's Office of Financial Aid has
expressed concern that students and family members
who fill out the forms will be confused by the ques-
tion. Relevant information detailing how their drug-
related history pertains to consequences is absent,
said Margaret Rodriguez, the office's associate

But Depatment in spkese
Jane Glickman said tha wthcn wording the que
tion, extra precu ere made sothat stud
would not be discouraged from filln out t
FAFSA forms because they have to include ther
criminal history.
The Deparment of Eucation was ier caret i
"not to ask more than we need to know' about a stu-
dents criminal history, (c kman sid adding tha
administrators wanted to be sure not to afect a stu-
dent's eligibility for state and instutional aid.
The purpose of thi: law ih "to get people in reha-
bilitation programs? Rodn guez said
But those w ho oppose the prom ision said rehabili-
tation is not a realistic ption fr those w1ho needa
financial aid.
Not all appicants convicted of a drug-related
crime are able to in rehabiliation programs

becaus proram or they can-
Ltmnth the Michia mStudent Assembly
pased rsoltio oposng henew provision.
h law helps uniersites or edu-
' i e m ram has said "When the
deral gornment orks ith educaion, they need
o make it easer and more accessible he added.
t not keeping drug dealers out of school,' said
\ R ep Ab.\ e R afi an A senior. Rafi, who
sponsored the res ion, said the law disproportion-
atev a ets minonii t's along class lines," he
Currn m the patment of Education has no
databse to ue omtorng whether an applicant
has been convite'd Af a drug-related crime.
A pplication te iexers are rehing on the honesty of
the stues lthough "we wil prosecute if we find
out tat peopl ed,' (Hicman said.

MSA wraps up for fall term

By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
In its last meeting of semester and the millennium, the
Michigan Student Assembly had no resolutions to pass. Instead,
assembly members read through three resolutions that are on
the table for the assembly's first meeting after winter break.
LSA senior Abe Rafi sponsored a resolution to form a
Student Advisor Task Force, which will train students in the
processes and language of the Code of Student Conduct.
Trained students will be able to counsel their peers who
become subject to the Code.
"Right now, no one on campus knows about the Code'
Rafi said, "When a student becomes entangled in the Code,
they are currently allowed to have any adviser that they want,
such as your parents. But those people don't know anything
about the Code either," said Rafi, adding that the task force is
intended to protect student's rights.
The Code is the University's disciplinary policy. Students can
be sanctioned under the Code for various reasons, such as sex-
ual assault and possession of illegal substances, and can receive
piunishments ranging from educational workshops to expulsion.
MSA led a group that recommended changes to the Code and
the Code process, as did the Office of Student Affairs, which
oversees the Office of Student Conflict Resolution.
If the assembly passes the resolution, representatives will
appoint student advisers next term who will undergo a train-
ing process and begin Code counseling next March.
"It's to help ensure that students get fair and equitable treat-
ment because (the advisers) will be trained to do so," he said.

MSA Minority Affairs Commission co-Chair Erika
Dowdell sponsored a resolution in response to the drop in
minority enrollments. According to University statistics
released last week, the number of black, Latino/a and Native
American students-- defined as underrepresented minorities
- has decreased 37 percent, 2.4 percent and 6.2 percent
from last fall, respectively.
"I, as well as other students are concerned about the drop
in minority enrollment and would like to see it reversed," said
Dowdell, an LSA sophomore.
The resolutions proposes to "work with the Office of
Admissions to expand minority outreach and retention pro-
Dowdell said she does not have a specific plan to reverse
decreasing minority enrollment yet, but she expects to meet
with University admissions officials to analyze the programs
currently in place.
The third resolution, sponsored by Peace and Justice
Commission Chair Jessica Curtin, resembles a resolution the
assembly passed last year to support a march and rally on
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - which falls on Jan. 17 next
"The march is different because we're hoping to have a
more regional demonstration," Curtin said, adding that the
MLK Symposium planning committee hopes to include
high school students and local residents in the march.
Curtin said the committee expects to make presentations at
Ann Arbor and Detroit area high schools next week, encour-
aging involvement in the march.

Political science Prof. J. David Singer debates nuclear disarmament at Haven
Hail yesterday.
r fs. debate nuClear
disarmament benefits

a 5

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
Weighing the pros and cons of
nuclear disarmament, political sci-
ence Profs. J. David Singer and Paul
Huth discussed yesterday disman-
tling the United States' nuclear arse-
nal and the recent Senate rejection of
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Singer, who is most notably
known for his "Correlates of War"
project, which changed the way
political scientists study internation-
al conflict, said he believes the
United States should significantly
reduce its nuclear capabilities to the
point of eventual disarmament.
"There are some tendencies to
move towards a nuclear-free world.
My view is that the United States
ought to give some attention to
researching this ... and then see if
we can turn back the clock;" he said.
Huth, who researches policies of
deterrence in international politics,
said although he does not see the
logic in maintaining a large stockpile
of nuclear weapons, he believes
nuclear disarmament would be pre-
mature at this point. He offered his
own views - which countered
Singer's - on what the United
States should do to decrease its
nuclear potential.
"There is no need to have several
thousand nuclear warheads. It would
be very plausible to reduce the num-
ber of weapons to about 200 ...
because I think disarmament is not a
politically wise choice at this time,"
Huth said.
"I've always had a problem with
the moral implications of using
(nuclear weapons). On the other
hand," Huth continued, "the threat of
nuclear weapons has a significant
deterring effect."
But Singer, who cited examples
such as the accidental discharging of
disarmed nuclear bombs off the
Spanish coast and in a Brazilian for-
est, said he is amazed that no serious
accidents involving nuclear weapons
have occurred.
"We are in a state of readiness
where there is an accident waiting to
happen," he said, adding that main-
taining an arsenal of any size poses a
threat to world security.

"We both agree on the significant
deterrence effect, but what about the
provocative effect ... of creating
anxiety? flow do we balance these
two?" he asked.
Huth suggested that the United
States concentrate on the purpose of
using nuclear weapons as a means of
"A small nuclear force can serve
as a deterrence and we should bolster
only that role," he said.
Singer maintained that any
nuclear potential is a threat and
should therefore be eliminated.
"The risks of going down to a low
level would be manageable, but
while we're there, I'd be willing to
look at going down to level zero;' he
The discussion also delved into
issues surrounding the Senate's
recent rejection of the treaty.
The treaty, which bans the explo-
sion of any nuclear weapon, has been
ratified by 51 countries including
France, Great Britain and Germany
- all of which have expressed dis-
may over the Senate's rejection of the
Odile Hugonot Haber, a member
of the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom and a French
citizen said that in light of the
Senate's action, she believes many
Europeans have negative feelings
toward the United States.
"Especially after the United States
didn't sign the Comprehensive Test
Ban Treaty, the people in Europe
have resentment for the type of lead-
ership the they promote," she said.
Singer and Huth both said they do
not view the Senate's move to reject
the treaty as detrimental to world
"I don't think the failure to sign it
at this time is a major setback to end-
ing nuclear tests," Huth said.
Singer said he agreed with Huth
on this point but added that many
Americans rightfully harbor recip-
rocal negative feelings toward
"They think the Europeans are
not serious about security and are
freeloaders who basically want to
rely on U.S. military capabilities,"
he said.



Point #1 Under The Influences

Various Artists


Various Artists

Various Artists


Various Artists



U University researcher Erie Robertson attended Howard University for his undergraduate degree and completed his
post-doctoral program at Harvard University. This was incorrectly reported in Monday's Daily.

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