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December 08, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-12-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 8, 1999


Continued from Page 1.
Bollinger could not be reached for comment on the
meeting after which he left for Sweden. Bollinger is
the invited guest of physics Prof. emeritus Martinus
Veltman, who will be recognized Friday for receiving
a Nobel Prize for physics.
Last month, John Chamberlin,associate dean of
the School for Public Policy and chair of the
University's anti-sweatshop advisory committee,
which is studying possible labor monitoring pro-
?osals, said the committee would most likely not
nake a recommendation to the administration until
If the University does not meet the Feb. 2 deadline,

SOLE members said they would take action, but
would not explain what the possible action could
But SOLE member Adam Kramer, an LSA senior,
said the Feb. 2 deadline could force the advisory com-
mittee to quicken its study.
"We felt that this gives them ample time to deliber-
ate with the advisory board," Kramer said.
The University announced yesterday that the
Collegiate Licensing Company - a licensing
agent managing contracts between licensed manu-
facturers and 172 colleges and universities - for-
malized a request from six schools, including the
University, for the public disclosure of the loca-
tions of factories producing licensed apparel by
Jan. 1.

In July, Athletic Director Tom Goss sent a letter to
the University's licensed apparel manufactures requir-
ing the disclosure of factory locations by Jan. 1
"The earlier letter was sent only to our licensees and
represents one principle of the U-M's Code of
Conduct," said Martha Johnson Chaddock, the
University's manager of trademarks and licensing in a
written statement.
Although the move by CLC will affect only the
six schools, including the University, the
University of Wisconsin at Madison, Duke
University, Georgetown University, the University
of North Carolina and St, John's University, CLC
sent the memorandum outlining the request to all
CLC members, encouraging them to explore labor



White House helps to sue gun makers
WASHINGTON - The White House is helping prepare a class-action suit
against gun makers, alleging that guns and how they are marketed have contributed
to violence in public housing projects, administration officials said yesterday.
The class-action lawsuit by some or all of the nation's 3,100 local housing authori-
ties would be patterned on suits filed against the industry by 29 cities and counties, th'
officials said. Those suits claim gun makers have sold defective products or markete
them in ways that increase the likelihood they will fall into the hands of criminals.
The new legal effort was made known yesterday and was described by some
officials as more of a threat aimed at bringing gun manufacturers to the negotiat-
ing table than an effort to take them to court.
The administration hopes the-threat of a national lawsuit will force gun makers to
agree to end practices such as marketing guns that are impervious to fingerprints.
A negotiated agreement would allow the administration and gun control advo-
cates to claim a victory at a time when Congress has rejected writing into law new
firearms restrictions wanted by President Clinton.
"The administration intends to work aggressively to ... try to work to reach a set-
tlement with the industry," White House domestic policy adviser Bruce Reed saidi
"If settlement is not possible, then the public housing authorities are prepared to g
forward with their suit."

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Continued from Page 1
do some thinking. We as a people
need to focus on why we shouldn't
go out of business," he said.
"We're going to try every way we
can to impress people that being
Jewish is good for them," Bronfman
Some of the 75 students and
University community members in
attendance said Hillel doesn't always
appeal to all Jewish denominations.
Kevin Berman, treasurer of the
University Hillel Governing Board,
said Bronfman discussed beneficial
ways the center can reach out to the
University campus.
"He had a good message of trying
to make Hillel interesting and desir-
able to the masses," said Berman, a

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Business junior.
Most people deal with questions
about the strength of their spirituali-
ty at one time or another, said LSA
junior Jaime Goldberg, and
Bronfman helped ease that insecuri-
"As someone who really grapples
with Jewish identity, it was really a
message of hope and encourage-
ment," Goldberg said.
Bronfman said he is proof that
people are never too old or too late to
reaffirm their faith.
"I didn't become religiously
Jewish until I was about 60 years
old," he said, joking. "I'll tell you
how much of a rebel I was - I ate
ham on Yom Kippur."
Joel and Bronfman also delivered
speeches to about 200 guests at a
dinner later in the evening.
Continued from Page 1
adjacent to the University Power Plant
and across from Palmer Field - about
one block from yesterday's attack.
According to DPS reports, a man
holding a four- to six-inch knife asked a
woman passing by to give him $1. She
complied and the man continued to walk
in the opposite direction.
"We are doing extra patrols in the
area," Skowron said.
Brown said the two cases appear to be
unrelated, although DPS is not ruling out
the possibility.
Comparing descriptions of the two
attackers, the suspect in yesterday's inci-
dent is taller than the suspect in last
week's attack. Additionally, Skowron
said the suspect in yesterday's incident
was masked and the perpetrator in the
Dec. 2 attack "did not wear any covering
over his face."
Brown said students and others walk-
ing alone on campus should take precau-
tions. "Try not to be alone, but if you are
be aware of your surroundings," she said.

Mars lander failure
stalls future visits
PASADENA, Calif. - NASA aban-
doned any real hope yesterday for the
missing-in-action Mars Polar Lander
and promised to investigate every
aspect of the failed mission and delay
future expeditions to the Red Planet if
The last, best chance to make
radio contact with the spacecraft
yielded only silence early yesterday.
A somber Richard Cook, the space-
craft's operations manager at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1
said the flight team had "played its
last ace."
NASA said it will undertake a com-
plete review of its ambitious Mars pro-
gram, which has now lost three space-
craft since 1993 - two of them in back-
to-back failures during the past three
"Clearly something is wrong, and we
have to understand it," NASA +
Administrator Dan Goldin said. "It is
conceivable that we will completely

change our approach"
Critics have accused the space
agency of trying to do too much with
too little money with its "faster, better,
cheaper" approach to spaceflight, in
which smaller, less expensive probes
are launched more often than in th
Trial starts for army
bludgeoning death
Army private accused of bludgeon-
ing a fellow soldier to death with a
baseball bat went on trial yesterday,
with military prosecutors saying for
the first time that the victim wa
killed because he was thought to be
Pvt. Calvin Glover of Sulphur, Okla.,
is charged with premeditated murder in
the slaying of Pfc. Barry Winchell in
Before the start of the court-martial,
Glover admitted to a lesser charge of
unpremeditated murder in hopes of
receiving a lighter sentence.

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Albright meets with
Syrian president
DAMASCUS, Syria - Striking an
upbeat note about the prospects for a
resumption of Syrian-Israeli peace
talks, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright said yesterday she was "much
more hopeful" following a three-hour
meeting here with President Hafez
U.S. officials declined to provide
even the sketchiest details of Albright's
conversation with the autocratic Syrian
leader, saying only that he had provid-
ed "new clarifications" on Syria's con-
ditions for resuming talks with Israel
that broke off in early 1996.,
Still, Albright's buoyant tone
appeared to signal a shift. Prior to her
arrival here yesterday, U.S. and Israeli
officials had grown skeptical about
Assad's desire to resume the talks,
despite an initial burst of optimism
after the election last spring of Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
"I feel, based on my discussions

(yesterday), that President Assad is
serious about finding the most produc-
tive way to" to resume the negotiations,
Albright said at a news conference after
meeting with Assad and Forei
Minister Farouk Charaa at Assad's
imposing modern palace overlooking
the Syrian capital.
Trail begins for 1988
Pan Am bombing
CAMP ZEIST, Netherlands -
Scottish prosecutor fumbled yest
trying to fend off a defense motion
drop a key conspiracy charge against two
Libyans accused in the 1988 bombing of
Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie,
The prosecutor came under intense
questioning by the judge during a pretri-
al session that marked the first public
appearance of the alleged Libyan intelli-
gence agents since their handover last
- Compiled from Daily wire repor*

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Asian Studies 121
Asian Studies 220 Sec. 001
Astronomy 101 Sec. 001
Astronomy 102 Sec. 001
Biology 101 Sec. 001
Biology 162 Sec. 001
Chemistry 130 Sec. 500
Chemistry 210 Sec. 200
Communications 101 Sec. 001
nr ... nir 4tinn logCarrnns

History 160 Sec. 001
History 161 Sec. 001
History 200 Sec. 001
Linguistics 210 Sec. 001
Physics 140
Political Science 101 Sec. 001
Political Science 111
Political Science 140 Sec. 001
Political Science 428
Psvcholoav 111 Sec. 001





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