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December 03, 1999 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 3, 1999 - 7

l3erlin unification

Food, people part
of 'Global Change'

By Caitlin Nish
,y StaffReporter
en years after the fall of the Berlin
Wall, the city is still rebuilding and
regrowing. The changing city is the
focus of [Re]constructing Berlin, a day-
long conference on Sunday.
This weekend's conference includes
three panel discussions by architects and
historians who have created or written
about the architectural growth of Berlin.
The panels conclude a three-week
series titled "Ten Years After," sponsored
part by the Center for European
udies in the International Institute, the
A. Alfred Taubman College of
Architecture and Urban Planning and the
department of Germanic languages and
"The panels are about development in
Berlin, how the shape of the city changed
a lot, said Prof. Brian Carter, chair of the
Architecture program. "They also dis-
cuss the issue of how people remember
city and what it is like now."
The panels, which will be held at the
University Museum of Art, will com-
mence with "Architecture and Urbanism
in the 20th Century."This panel will fea-

ture Wilfried Wang of the German
Architectural Museum, Axel Schultes, a
well-known German architect and Neil
Leach, a historian from Columbia
"The panels are designed to illustrate
an important combination of expertise
that this University has - deep contex-
tual expertise, knowledge about Berlin,
communism, Europe and professional
expertise - not just knowledge about
Berlin but understanding the architectur-
al theories which go into the remaking of
Berlin," said Prof. Michael Kennedy,
vice provost for International Affairs and
Director of the International Institute.
The second panel, titled "The
Reichstag," features Spencer de Grey of
Foster & Partners, a British architecture
firm; Michael Cullen, an American his-
torian of Berlin; and John Czaplicka of
Humboldt University.
"There is a very different sense in
rebuilding this city in comparison to
other cities such as Warsaw. This is not
only about the aftermath of communism
but also about coming to terms with
communism, the Nazi past, the German
future and the German legacy in

Architecture Prof. Brian Carter explains the Breslin Garden project to his
students yesterday at the project's display in the Art and Architecture Building.

Europe," Kennedy said.
The third panel discussion includes
Cullen, Czaplicka, de Grey, Leach,
Schultes and Wang, and will feature
slides of architecture from Berlin.
Prof. Steven Whiting, director of the
Center for European Studies and an
assistant professor of musicology said
that these discussions are pertinent to
all people.
"I hope that it gives any interested cit-
izen who think about what a city is and
should be a chance for direct contact

with architects and critics who have
grappled with one of the most difficult
problems of 20th Century urbanism -
how to rebuild a capital city with such a
tarnished history," Whiting said.
Kennedy said that these panels are
especially important for students. "For
students to be part of the global future,
which is an increasingly interconnected
world, they have to be familiar with
places, spaces and peoples beyond their
homeland and the virtual space afforded
by the Internet," Kennedy said.

By Chadbs Chen
Daily StaffReporter
The influence humans have over nat-
ural resources may significantly affect
whether the world will end some time
during the new millennium, SNRE Prof.
J. David Allan told a crowd of about 40
students last night.
As part of the Distinguished Faculty
Lecture Series sponsored by the LSA-
Student Government, Allan spoke about
"Global Change," while walking in front
of the first line of desks in Auditorium. C
of Angell Hall and using computer-gen-
erated graphs and photos to illustrate his
The focus of the presentation was to
create awareness of global change
among students and to stress the impor-
tance of understanding environmental
issues from a scientific viewpoint, Allan
said. He discussed several issues during
the presentation, including how the use
of food, fresh water supplies, and land
and agricultural resources affect the envi-
"This is something every citizen needs
to be aware of," Allan said. "People
should think of what they can do to influ-
ence the processes over several problems
facing the environment"
During his presentation, Allan dis-
cussed the current state of the planet's
resources and what could occur if
humans continue to use natural resources
at the current rate.
One issue the planet faces is the
problem of a "growing population and
a decreasing food supply." In several
hundred years the Earth may not be
able to sustain all of human life, Allan
To aid the environment, Allan stressed
the importance of becoming educated
about these issues.
"You have to conceptualize and know
the problem, not just look at trend analy-
sis' Allan said. "Science can help us
learn to do things in a more efficient way
to help the planet."
SNRE Prof. Tim Killeen also spoke
during the presentation, providing infor-
mation on climate issues.
"People affect the climate the most"
Killeen said, stressing that deforestation,
burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse
gases are all factors that increase the

planet's temperature, which eventually
may lead to an increase in hurricanes and
"Changes in the environment can have
profound consequences for all humans,"
Allan said. "We want people to under-
stand the root causes of many of the
problems in the environment."
Environmental awareness issues are a
growing concern for many students.
"I'm really concerned about global
climate change;' SNRE junior Brianne
Haven said. "It can have affects on all
realms of society"
LSA-SG Public Activities Committee
Vice Chair Chris Gerben said, "How the
world is changing is a hot topic. If the
world ends, it may in fact be because of
how we are using up all of our resources
as well as the growing population."
Businesses, especially those in the
auto industry, also have started to pay
more attention to their impact on the
environment, Killeen said.
"We have even received inquiries from
Ford Motor Company for short courses
at the University" he said. "They are
interested in educating their employees
on global change."
The University provides students who
are interested in gaining more knowledge
on global change many educational
To expand students' understanding of
many of the issues facing the environ-
ment, the School of Natural Resources
and Environment and the department of
biology now offer classes to all students
in global change. The classes focus on
various environmental issues, including
sustainability and developing a scientif-
ic-based understanding of these prob-
The University also approved last
month a minor in "Global Change."
A Website, run by the all-faculty mem-
ber Global Change Team, also serves as a
resource for students. The site includes
electronic textbooks and lab manuals for
information on global change.
"This is the No. I resource to use for
people looking to learn more about glob-
al change," Allan said. "There are other
universities that are teaching classes
using this Website."
Interested students may visit the
Website at wwwsprl.nuich.edu/GCL.


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By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
The Presenters at the HIV/AIDS
Awareness Week Symposium spoke
about their personal experience with
the virus.
"This is real," said Mohammed Bilal,
Will Power and Jennifer Jako, who all
drove home this message to the crowd
of 150 people in Rackham Auditorium
LSA senior Danielle Lund said she
was "interested in hearing about real
people's experiences."
Jako traveled from Portland, Ore., to
share her story. Infected with the virus
at age 18, Jako described wondering
how she would do everything she want-
ed to before she was 25, "or if we would
even be 25."
Jako took her initial rage at the reali-
ty of the virus, her "immediate need to
inform people" and started speaking at
concerts and events. She co-directed
"Blood Lines," a documentary film
about people living with HIV and
Four years in the making, the 22-
minute documentary is scheduled to
run 10 times on MTV during the next

While introducing the event, co-chair
Jennifer Bentley said the event promot-
ed "positive change in how our society
deals with AIDS and HIV"
Real World San Francisco cast mem-
ber Mohammed Bilal and friend Will
Power took the stage with an interactive
presentation that dealt with the miscon-
ceptions of the virus as a purely homo-
sexual problem.
The duo acted out skits showing the
crowd that anyone can get HIV Basing
the skits on real people they have
known, the two addressed issues con-
nected to the disease.
One of the skits was about a married
man named Sebastian BaptistP with
two children who has an affair with
another man who is HIV-positive.
Baptiste contracts the disease.
"Support and honesty" are the two
words Bilal used to characterize the
skits. They stressed the theme that
"problem equals opportunity," meaning
that good things can spawn from nega-
tive ones.
Bilal and Power challenged the audi-
ence to relate their message to someone
infected with the virus.

"We encourage everybody to exercise their rights.
Then lefts. Then rights. Then lefts."
-Kenneth Cole

Continued from Page 1
In its pamphlets, UHS reminds
condom users to buy lubricated latex
condoms with a reservoir nipple. If
either partner is allergic to latex,
polyurethane condoms are another
option also protecting against STDs.
The pamphlets also remind users
to note condom expiration dates.
Vaginal Spermicides
When used with a condom, vaginal
spermicides offer excellent protec-
tion against STDs, according to UHS
handouts. They are "chemical barri-
ers that kill sperm," UHS pamphlets
state. But when used alone, they do
not provide reliable protection.
Vaginal spermicides can be pur-
chased in film, foam, jelly or sup-
pository form for an average of $7 at
UHS. They are recommended for
women who need contraception in a
pinch, are comfortable touching their
genitals, want an easy lubricant and a
non-prescriptive method.
Femna condoms

latex cap, and the cervical cap, which
is a thimble-shaped latex cap, are rec-
ommended for those people who don't
mind a method that requires planning.
Diaphragms cost $15 and cervical
caps cost $56 at UHS.
Oral protection
Paulson said that students fre-
quently focus on intercourse and not
oral sex when thinking about STD
"People are not thinking about oral
sex as a possibility," she said. "But
herpes can be transmitted from
mouth to genitals and vice versa."
Lori Lamerand, vice president for
medical affairs at Planned
Parenthood of Mid-Michigan, said
education about STD transmission
through oral sex is often missing
from sex education.
"People would be grossed out if
they knew about gonorrhea of the
throat or the fact that chlamydia in
the eyes can lead to blindness if
untreated," she said.
A variety of methods also exist to
orotect against STDs during oral sex.

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