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October 18, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-18

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MaOoer 18. 1999 - 3A

UBC prof. to
give lecture on
Japanese history
Asian studies associate Prof.
Joshua Mostow, from the University
of British Columbia, will be giving
a lecture titled, "Court, Commoner,
and Country: Visual Appropriation
and the 'Tales of Ise"' as part of the
Noon Lecture Series.
Mostow will discuss two histori-
cal times in Japanese history: the
late Heian - 12th Century - and
the early Meiji - 1870s.
The lecture is hosted by the
Center for Japanese Studies and will
be held on. Oct. 21 at 12 p.m. at
1636 International Institute.
Women's Center
offers programs
Soundings: A Center for
Women is now holding registration
for their October and November
Programs range from Divorce
Support Services to Financial
Empowerment to Career Change
Programs. To request a brochure or
to register call 734-973-7723.
ALA urges tests
during Radon
Action Week
The American Lung Association
of Michigan urges all people to take
this week to test their homes for
radon during Radon Action Week
which continues through Saturday.
. Radon is the second leading
cause of lung cancer, and the second
leading cause among non-smokers.
It is expected to be responsible for
thousands of deaths each year.
For additional information about
radon call 800-543-LUNG.
Parisian jazz age
exhibit at library
An exhibit highlighting the Jazz
Age in Paris, 1914 to 1940 will be
held at the Ann Arbor District
Library through Nov. 29. The exhib-
it is organized by the Smithsonian
Institution Traveling Exhibition
Service and the American Library
The Ann Arbor District Library
is one of 28 libraries that will host
this collection between 1999 and
On Oct. 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. on the fourth floor atrium an
opening reception will be held featur-
ing jazz guitarist Alex Anest.
U.S. Administrator
-to lecture on
small business
Aida Alvarez, administrator of
,,,the U.S. Small Business
Administration and the first
Hispanic woman to serve as a mem-
,ber of the U.S. Presidential Cabinet,
will give a free public lecture titled
"A History of Success, A
Millennium of Opportunity: Small
x'Business Policy for the 21st
-Century" on Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. in the
Schorling Auditorium at the School

of Education.
Alvarez is in chtrge of directing
the delivery of financial and busi-
ness development programs for
United States entrepreneurs.
The SBA is the largest single
financial backer of small business.
Y Affirmative Action
program televised
sentation, "Affirmative Action:
Where Do We Stand?" will be
broadcast on channel 22, UMTV.
The tape will air Oct. 18 at 8 p.m.,
Oct. 19 at 10 a.m., Oct. 21 at 3 p.m.
and Oct. 24 at 3:30 p.m.
The program details the history
of the lawsuits, the philosophy
behind the University's admissions
practices and an update on the legal
status of the cases, which are sched-
uled to go to trial next summer.
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporter Lisa Kolvu.

Thousands march
to support illegal
immigrants in US.
Continued from Page IA
nearly 5 million undocumented immigrants were residing in
the United States in October 1996. This group was estimated
to be growing by about 275,000 each year. This estimate is
25,000 less than the estimated growth in 1994. The 5 million
undocumented immigrants made up to 1.9 percent of the total
U.S. population.
"The goal of the march was to call national attention of the
public to the situation that is suffered by undocumented
immigrants and to bring light to other issues that concern
immigrants," Orellana said.
It is estimated that between 15,000 and 20,000 protesters
walked about two miles from Malcolm X Park on 16th St.
N.W., which is near a predominantly Latino/a neighborhood,
to Lafayette Park, which is in front of the White House.
Women's organizations, workers unions and international
immigrant coalitions participated in the march.
Cynthia Garza of the Project of the Counsel for Latino
Agencies helped organize students from universities across
the nation, including the University. Garza offered her office
space as a shelter for the students.
"It is great that the students of the University are showing
such great interest and being a part of the march. I think the
University of Michigan has a reputation for being interested
in these types of issues and just to have the representation at
the march is important," she said.
But not everyone at the University favors giving undocu-
mented immigrants legal status. Engineering senior Mark
Dub maintains that "to give a general granted amnesty to
illegal immigrants would be unfair to persons who immigrate
here legally." Dub also noted that "if undocumented immi-
grants were given legal status it would show people who
haven't immigrated here that if you break the law in coming
here and don't get caught, it will be OK."
But Beatriz Maya, education director of The Farm
Organizing Committee, said immigrants should not be penal-
ized for needing a place to go.
"There is a lot of hypocrisy in the way we treat immigra-
tion. The immigrants are blamed for being here and there is
no discussion of the causes of immigration," she said. Maya
said undocumented immigrants are extremely vulnerable in
the United States and are subjected to economic exploitation,

iamond leaves
committee post

"A ~LL[ L~W
University students march among the 15,000 protesters in
Washington, D.C. on Saturday.
abuses and in some cases, death.
Dub does not reject the humanitarian goals of amnesty
"One of the great things about the U.S. is that it was found-
ed on people escaping persecution and I think we should pro-
vide a safe haven for those who are escaping inhum an con-
ditions;' he said.
Yet he said he would limit the ability of natives of other
lands to penetrate the U.S. border system without tight con-
trols being in place. He said he believes that immigrants who
migrate to the United States "need to present themselves here
legally. You have to play by the rules. Exploitation and ilegal
immigration need to be addressed. They're two separate prob-
lems and both are serious."
INS reports state that in October 1996, the highest per-
centages of undocumented immigrants lived in California,
Texas and Washington, D.C., the site of the protest.
Orellana related her School of Social Work classroom
experience to her marching in Washington.
"As a student of social work you are constantly being edu-
cated about injustices and how injustices are a very complex
issue, lot of the times there are structural causes for people's
poverty. This definitely was an issue concerning why people are
at the bottom of the ladder and how structurally it's construct-
ed," she said.
"We're all immigrants regardless of your status of residence
or no residence. I think that we are all entitled to certain rights,
the right of not being exploited or discriminated," she added.

* MSA rep. resigns from
posit ion as C ampus
Gover nanc e C oun cil c hair
By Jeannie Baumann
lhl Stat orter
L SA junior Rory Diamond offi-
cial l resigned Friday evening from
his position as cha ir o f the MI ichigan
Student Assembly's Campus
Governance Council.
IDiumond said that he gave up the
position to distance himself from the
leadership oOf the assembly. "I am
happy to be done with the leadership
of MSA. The Blue Party has failed
at every task that they set out to do,"
he said.
Diamond's position as CGC chair
carme into question during last
Tuesday's MSA meeting, when MSA
Vice President Andy Coulouris
made a motion to recall him from
this post.
Coulouris said the assembly's
executive officers have had to take
charge of much of CGC's work in
the past few weeks.
But Diamond said CGC - whose
job is to make student appointments for
administrative advisory committees -
has completed its end of every appoint-
le added that any absence of an
appointment is not due to any lack on
CGC's part but rather the administra-
Coulouris said the decision to
resign was the sensible choice for
MSA President "Bram (Elias) and I

knew that 1tis was coming *.. I want to
thank him for taking it upon himself to
step down," he said
Diamond stressed that his deci-
sion did not relate to the threat of
"My position was secure. I had more
than a third of the Assembly agreeing
with me:' he said.
The motion, which the assembly
was to set to vote on tomorrow,
would have needed a two-thirds
majority to pass.
Jennifer Vanroeyen, who has been
CGC vice chair for the past two semes-
ters, will become the interim chair until
MSA elects a new one.
Vanroyen could not be reached for
Elias said elections are to take place
during tomorrow's meeting.
Elias also noted that he and'Student
General Counsel Josh Trapani have
been working on a spreadsheet of
appointments "to make the job (of C(C
chair) more manageable for every-
Coulouris hopes MSA can use this as
an opportunity "for the assembly to for-
tify the appointments process" so it can
focus on other tasks.
"We have real issues ahead of us-to
deal with, and I'm glad that (the motion
to recall) will not take up the assembly's
time," Coulouris said.
Diamond agreed that there needs
to be a focus on other issues, and
cited that as a reason for his resigna-
"This is what happens when you
have nothing better to do - you just
kick up dirt," Diamond said.


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University alum Anandini Chandrasekhar (left) and her sister Anjali Chandrasekhar
(right) perform a classic Indian dance on the Diag on Friday during India Day.
Celebration honors
Indi~an life, co-utlture
By Jody Simone Kay jaipur earrings.
Daily Staff Reporter "I think it's nice to see the saris in per-
Barefoot and clothed in bright purple, son and see people out here expressing
red and gold saris, performers danced the their culture," said Ruthie Basham, an
classical Indian dance, Bharata Natyam, Art and Design junior.
to traditional songs in Tamil, one of the Anjali Chandrasekhar, one of the
languages that originated in South India. dancers from Hindu Temple Rhythms in
A crowd gathered to watch as the dancers Oak Park, Mich., said her costume was
transported them from the Diag to tradi- made of silk and is supposed to be
tional India. embroidered with gold.
India Day, which made its debut on "You're supposed to be dressed like a
campus Friday, was a belated celebration bride," Chandrasekhar said when
of Mahatma Gandhi's Oct. 2 birthday. describing traditional Indian perfor-
"The primary objective is to celebrate mance dress.
Indian culture. We're just trying to get University alum Nishant Jain said he
people to appreciate something we value," was impressed with the University's
said Vivek Padmanabhan, a member of amount of diversity but not its level of
the Association for India's Development. integration.
The main focus of AID is to raise funds "Diversity is getting to know each
for projects in India, said Rachna Dhingra, other's culture well," said Jain, who
a Business school senior and member of began the Ann Arbor chapter of AID.
AID, the event's sponsor. India Day included not only tradition-
AID is a non-profit, volunteer organi- al Indian dance and music, it encouraged
zation that supports more than 60 pro- passerbys to participate in Indian culture
jects in India promoting literacy, health- and create traditional art forms.
care, vocational training, women's Throughout the afternoon, yellow, red
empowerment and children's welfare. and green designs made of rice powder
Another goal of the event was to bring and called rangoli, also known as painted
together the 17 Indian student organiza- prayers, were drawn on the Diag.
tions, said Priya Sudarsan, a fifth-year "In traditional Indian homes they
Engineering doctoral student and orga- clean the front yard and put these designs
nizer for the event. on the ground. It brings art into life and
Sudarsan, like many of the participants is a way to bring God into your day,"
was wearing a South Indian sari and Sudarsan said.



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