The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 8, 1999 - 3A
U' remembers
Psychology and psychiatry Prof.
Neil Kalter passed away in his Ann
Arbor home Oct. 23.
A University alum, Kalter taught
courses in advanced statistics, research
methods, child psychopathology, fami-
-y therapy and parent losses at the
He was named Teacher of the Year in
1994-95, and has had much of his work
blished in a variety of scientific jour-
4ls and books.
A memorial service was held in
the Rackham Amphitheater last
The family requests that instead of
flowers, donations be made in his name
to the Ann Arbor Hospice.
Lawmakers respond to
city employees, farmers
Poland honors
*xperts at 'U'
The Poland Gold Cross of Merit was
given by President Aleksander
Kwasniewski to five University
Slavic languages and literature Prof.
Bogdana Carpenter, Vice Provost for
International Affairs and Prof. Michael
Kennedy, Near Eastern studies Prof.
Piotr Michalowski, and Center for
Russian and East European Studies
ogram associate Marysia Ostafin
were the recipients of the awards.
.University alum Jozef Blass received
the Knight's Cross of Merit, the highest
eivilian honor presented by Poland.
They received these honors for their
efforts to promote Polish culture and
affairs at the University.
urvival Flight
amed best air
ambulance group
The University Health System's
Survival Flight was given an award as
the best air medical program in the
nation this week at the annual conven-
tion of the Association of Air Medical
Services in Nashville.
The award recognized Survival
Oght's excellence in patient care, lead-
ership, safety, innovation and commu-
'nity service.
The 16-year-old program makes
more than 1,300 flights each year,
transporting nearly 20,000 patients.
Survival Flight surpassed more than
°!5O other air ambulance programs in
the United States to be named the best.
4CC plans benefit
children's auction
The Washtenaw County Jewish
Community Center plans to hold a
silent and live auction fundraiser
Saturday at the JCC on Birch Hollow
Drive in Ann Arbor.
The auction, held every other year,
will benefit the JCC Early Childhood
'Center scholarship fund, add play-
around equipment for the center,
*pand senior programming and devel-
op an intergenerational program for
children and seniors.
Items up for bid include a Bill
Bradley autographed basketball,
lMichigan vs. Ohio State football
Gtkets, jewelry, a weekend apart-
m:rnent in Manhattan, a week apart-
rnent in California wine county and
lunch with U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers
-Ann Arbor).
,Tickets are $18 and are available at
the door, or by calling the JCC at 971-
0990 for reservations.
forum for women
A workshop designed to help
women reduce the stress and conflict
that results from a hectic schedule
d busy lifestyle is scheduled for
aturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Career Center of the Alumni
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Lindsey Alpert.
Michael Steinberg, a lawyer and legal director for the American Civil Liberties
Union in Detroit, addresses students on the use of racial profiling yesterday in
the Michigan Union. The issue has recently come into the national spotlight.
Racial profiling an
LANSING (AP) - Political arm-
twisting over a city's right to tell its ' I vi
workers where to live will continue
this week in the state House. farming I
On one side are fire-fighters, police
and other public workers and their
unions, insisting that requiring them
to live in the city in which they work
is a violation of their rights and can will push the full
divide families who work in different the language that
cities. complete ban.
On the other side are about 80 "Our resolve is t
Michigan cities that want to keep idency requirem
emergency workers and administra- Republican said o
tors living in the community they public television's
serve. "People can live
A bill that would ban residency live in America, a
requirements passed the Senate in governmental rul
May. But it was one vote short of the them to live whe
four needed to pass the House to."
Employment Relations Committee, so The Senate, mea
a deal was cut to get the bill on the turn its attention b
floor. Michigan farmers.
The compromise bill passed by the the recommendat
committee Wednesday would limit the Senate Agricultura
ban to those who are married to some- Force.
one who works for a different city The Senate alrea
with residency restrictions. designed to protect
Employment Relations Committee ordinances which
Chair Rep. Robert Gosselin said he their livelihood a
Continued from Page 1
There were several performances and pieces of art
available for public viewing. The Heinzman School of
Irish Dance. presented Irish step dancing which consisted
of young girls in colorful Irish dresses.
The dancers lined up in single file with the smaller
children in the middle. They danced with their arms rigid-
ly at their sides while their feet swiftly taped away on the
wooden floor.
"We displayed all of our steps from the beginner steps
to the Ad Horn Pipe at the end, which is one of the more
advanced steps," said Heinzman School co-Founder Liz
Heinzman. "We tried to encourage the culture with the
music, the talking, the language and the dance."
The Irish step dancing accompanied the Irish painting
exhibit that opened on Sept. 24. The exhibit includes 65
works by 35 Irish artists ranging from portraits of the
Irish Revolution in the early 20s, like Sein Keating's
"Men of the South" to more recent works like Rita
Duffy's "Segregation."
There was also a double portrait of a young female
Irish dancer by Alice Mahler. The side panel explained
the painting as two different identities of Mahler's
Irishness. The lighter side, where the dress was larger
than the girl, was the "nurturing" side of Mahler's
House to return to
t would require a
to do away with res-
nents," the Troy
n an appearance on
"Off the Record."
e where they want to
and no residency or
es should require
re they. don't want
anwhile, is slated to
back to the plight of
, taking up some of
tions issued by a
l Preservation Task
ady has passed bills
A farmers from local
threaten to restrict
and to restrict tax
increases when property is trans-
This week, the Senate is scheduled
to open debate on a bill designed to
make it easier to take part in the state's
Farmland and Open Space
Preservation Act - and thus encour-
age more farmers to remain in agri-
"It is vital we preserve Michigan's
farming heritage," said Majority Floor
Leader Mike Rogers, (R-Brighton),
sponsor of the bill. "Farming is in a
The bill would reduce the thresh-
old to participate in the farmland
preservation law, under which "a
farmer can claim an income tax cred-
it if property taxes on the land and
structures used in farming exceeds .7
percent of a farmer's household,
31 we preserve Michigan's
- State Sen. Mike Rogers (R-Brighton)
Majority floor leader
ssue for
Continued from Page :A
people of color don't believe the
police because they get stopped for
these bullshit reasons and humiliat-
ed," he said.
Steinberg explained how racial
profiling began largely as an offshoot
of the war against drugs in the 1980s.
"Seventy-five percent of drug
users sent to prison (in the 1980s)
were black," Steinberg said. He also
noted statistics from the last 20 years
that show minorities, despite making
up a small demographic of drug
users, made up the majority of those
convicted of drug use. As a result,
officers became more likely to stop
black and Latino/a drivers, essentially
because statistics suggested that they
are more likely to be criminals,
Steinberg said.
He defined racial profiling as
"Stopping people and questioning
them and thinking that they are crim-
inals because of their race.'
Mark Watkins, an LSA junior, said
he knows race can be a motivator in
traffic stops. While driving his 1981
Monte Carlo in Redford, Mich. two
years ago, Watkins said he was pulled
Watkins alleges the Redford police
officer asked him if the car was
stolen, and although Watkins asserted
it wasn't and produced his license and
proof of insurance, the officer persist-
ed, he said.
"He said 'you can drive with me to
the station or we can take the car,"'
Watkins said.
Watkins said the officer told him
that a check of the car would only
take a few hours, so he agreed. When
he got to the station, the officer
informed him they would keep the
car for two days.
Watkins said when he asked why he
hadn't been told how long the check
would really take, the officer allegedly
told him, "'You never would have
agreed to come down here with us."'
In the end, the Redford police kept
Watkin's car for five days, despite the
fact he didn't receive a ticket. He also
said he had been stopped a handful of
other times, only to receive no ticket
for any kind of offense.
The Redford Police Department
records department could not be
reached for comment on the inci-
ACLU has filed cases against
racial profiling in eight different
states including Illinois, Pennsylvania
and Maryland.
"We're working to develop a case
in Michigan," he said, but pointed out
that collecting evidence of profiling
is difficult. Most police departments
do not record the race of the driver in
a traffic stop, and many of the stops
associated with profiling don't even
result in a ticket. But ACLU is col-
lecting data on similar traffic stops
and urges anyone who feels they are a
victim of profiling report the incident
to them.
AAPD officers do not keep track
of race in traffic stops, but staff Sgt.
Greg O'Dell, who is part of the inter-
nal affairs department, is adamant on
the subject.
"Our policy is that we will not tol-
erate racial profiling," O'Dell said.
"If someone felt they were stopped
because of their race, we would
investigate and if it was found to be
true then the officer would be disci-
plined by the chief of police.
"We are very aware (of the prob-
lem) - if anyone feels they have
been a victim, we encourage them to
make a complaint," O'Dell said.
But AAPD officials have no plans
to begin recording the race of sub-
jects in traffic stops.
"The humiliation and embarrass-
ment is profound. It's sort of being
treated as less than a citizen," said
U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit).
Conyers has been trying to pass
a bill requiring police departments
nationwide to log the race of a sus-
pect when making traffic stops.
The bill passed the U.S. Senate last
year, but hearings on the bill have not
been held in the House of
"For generations now, people have
been stopped because of their race,"
Conyers said. "In the past, it was
always the motorists' word against
the police officer, and in the past the
court was willing to take the officer at
his word," he said.
Conyers said the bill would require
officers to record "race and disposi-
tion, of a driver. "It's a simple solu-
tion to a long-standing problem," he
Conyers, who is black, recalled his
own run-in with racial profiling when
he was a law student at Wayne State
The officer was "very well known
for stopping African-American citi-
zens - he gave me a ticket for the
bulb illuminating my license plate
being out, and he made it clear that if
it wasn't that, it would have been
something else.
"I think we've made progress
before getting to the law," Conyers
said, pointing out that some police
departments in the country have
already begun logging race in traffic
Irishness. While the darker side of the portrait, where
the dress was to small for the dancer, showed her'
Irishness' "confining" nature.
"I was very happy because I saw a lot of people look-
ing at the paintings upstairs," Slavin said.
Also in the upstairs gallery was a man playing the.
Uilleann pipes, commonly known as Irish Pipe.
Uilleann means elbow in Irish Gaelic and refers to the,
musician's elbow that forces the air throup-h the instru
ment which resembles Scottish bagpipes.
To conclude the day English Prof. emeritus Lea
McNamara gave a short lecture on Jack Yeats in front of
several of Yeats portraits. McNamara also read Yeats' one-
act play, "The Green Wave."
"His paintings have attracted me ever since I can
remember looking at paintings," McNamara said. "Then
when I discovered that Jack also wrote I began reading
and was very captivated."
McNamara also taught Irish history for 25 years. His
presentation was the conclusion of a day that kept patrons
in the museum for hours Slavin said.
"I thought it was very successful," Slavin said. "Most
people seemed really happy and trying a lot of things.
Something I noticed compared to other family days is
that people came and stayed for a long time. I had so
many people who came at 1 p.m. and didn't leave until 4
niL. A&# N A 64 ." ''ICAn Cri-yn L
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
n m
2104, 6 p.m.
0 "Mentality" discussing mental ill-
nae and its effAts. Snonsomd
Q Campus Information Centers, 764-