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November 08, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-08

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 8,, 1999


Continued from Page IA
their power," Kirschen said.
LSA senior Celia Alcoff, event
coordinator of the Conference on the
Holocaust, said she wants people to be
aware that the anti-Semitism and vio-
lence that brought about the Holocaust
is still rampant in Europe, the United
States and around the world.
"Svoray witnessed these hate crimes
- first hand and is courageous enough to
travel around the world and recount
these events in order to raise our
awareness and urge us to step forward
and face the issues of anti-Semitism
and racism," Alcoff said.
Alcoff noted that the event may
attract a diverse crowd, and said she
hopes that not only Jewish students
will attend.
"I think that the hate and violence

that Svoray witnesses don't only affect
Jewish people and the crimes that are
occurring in the United States nowa-
days such as black churches being
burned, Jewish children shot at the day
care center in Los Angeles, and homo-
sexual murders are all forms of hate
crimes," Alcoff said. "I think many
people live with the denial that it could
happen to them."
Similarly, Roth said, "The neo-Nazi
movement just doesn't single out
Jewish people and whether or not the
neo-Nazis single out other groups in
particular, prejudice is something that
affects everyone."
Alcoff also said racism and anti-
Semitism are evident at the
"Incidents of swastikas painted this
year at Mary Markely Residence Hall
are the most obvious examples, but I
think there is a lot of hate that is not

portrayed so publicly," Roth said.
Kirschen said racism and anti-
Semitism still exist in many ways,
including accusations that Jews con-
trol the media and banks and are left
wing subversives. He said, "I still think
there are many people who disguise
their anti-Semitism under the word of
anti-Zionism. There is no difference
between anti-Semitism and anti-
Kirschen shares Alcoff's sentiments
that racism is still prevalent today.
"Racism still exists. Just look at the
example of what happens to African
Americans when they're stopped by
police. Racism is all over."
Roth said she is looking forward to
hearing Svoray speak tonight.
"His story is so bizarre that it does-
n't seem that it could be realistic, but it
is," Roth said. "The scary part is that it
is real."

I I - 1

Continued from Page 1A
Although the footbal game was the
highlight of the weekend for many
families, tickets were elusive for other
"We tried to get forbaI tic.kets, hut at
the last minute, our plans fell through?
explained LSA first-ycar student Craig
Lautenschlager, a Virginia native. "So
my step-father and I went to Detroit and
Canada instead. I also got to see most of
my family, so that was terrific."
Some families remained in Ann A rbor
to take in the sights. Kri. Klesne. who
drove from Mattawan, Mich., toured the
classes of daughter Anna Klesney, an
Engineering first-year student.
"We went to see all of her class-
rooms. A janitor opened up Chem 1800
for us, so it was really neat" Kris
Klesney said. "We also took a walk
through the" Nichols Arboretum.
Although Parents Weekend is direct-
ed mainly to parents. unlike Siblings
Weekend which is held during winter
semester, manv siblings came with
their parents.
Herschel Bender. younger brother of
LSA first-year student David Bender,
said he was excited to visit the
"We went to the football game, and
then we're going to dinner," Bender
said. "It was really cool and different,
because I've been to games at (John)
Hopkins (University) before, but this
stadium was so much bigger. I also
wanted a chance to be on television, but
I don't think I made it."
Annette Taylor, mother of LSA first-
year student Matthew Taylor, brought
younger son Evan Taylor with her. "He
misses Matthew, so he was really happy
to hang out in the bleachers with his big
On Saturday night, many families
went to Hill Auditorium to see Maher.
Although tickets for the event sold out
quickly and many people said they
enjoyed the performance, several par-
ents retreated to the lobby in disgust
after watching part of the show.
"I watched for a little bit, but I
thought he was repulsive," Klesney
said. Parents were advised beforehand
that Maher's performance would not be
appropriate for younger children.
Some parents who wanted to attend
the weekend were unable to visit. Some
students said their families were unable
to come in from other states, adding that
they will return home at the end of the
month for the Thanksgiving holiday.
"My mom lives in California, which
is too far to come in," LSA sophomore
David Raban said. "She comes in during
other weekends though, so it's not really
important that it's Parents Weekend.:'

Officials try to resolve budget disputes
WASH INGTON - White House and congressional bargainers meeting yester-
day at the Capitol wrangled over education funds and restrictions on mining and
other industries as the two sides tried to further narrow their budget differences.
The disputes now cover only four of the 13 annual spending bills for the fisCal
year that began Oct. I after months of battling over how to allocate the proj
federal surplus.
Republicans have begun moving toward some of President Clinton's demands on
purchasing park lands, abortion and other issues as GOP leaders hope to broker a
deal and send Congress home for the year by Wednesday.
"We could have it worked out" by then, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-
Miss.) told reporters.
The remaining bills cover seven Cabinet level departments and other smallcr
agencies, as well as foreign aid. A fifth measure dealing with the District. of
Columbia's budget is all but finished.
One of the White House's primary remaining priorities was securing $1.4 billion
to help communities hire thousands of new teachers; the funding is pa.f
Clinton's initiative to shrink class sizes over the next seven years.
Republicans have offered $1.2 billion but would give states flexibility to use the
money for other education efforts. So far, the administration has rejected that offer.

U.S. may lose U.N.
seat; dues not paid
Richard Holbrooke doesn't show up for
U.N. Security Council votes are the
times he thinks he is doing his job best.
The U.S. ambassador to the world
body spends those days - one or two a
week - in Washington, trying to per-
suade members of Congress to put the
United States' money where its mouth
is. The United States will lose its seat in
the 188-member General Assembly if it
doesn't pay its mounting debt to the
world body by the end of the year.
The issue will climax in the next
week or two as President Clinton and
Congress negotiate over the U.S. bud-
get. Holbrooke argues that the price of
the arrears - which the U.N. maintains
have mounted to $1.7 billion, though
the United States puts the figure at
about $1 billion - is a bargain that
would protect U.S. interests around the
"This is not some wasted money for
bureaucratic fat cats," Holbrooke said

recently with fresh indignation, though
it's perhaps the 60th time he has said
those words in the past .month of
intense lobbying. "This is money-to
protect our vital security interests... By
one degree of separation, our troo n
Kosovo could be in danger if we unW-
fund the programs we helped create."
Families gather to
mourn crash victims
NEWPORT, R.I. - Relatives of the
victims of EgyptAir Flight 990 gathered
yesterday to bid them a wrenching
farewell at the edge of the sea where their
loved ones remain.
About 250 family members gatheyd
at a park overlooking the Atlantic Ocean
as leaders of the Jewish, Christian and
Islamic faiths offered readings, chants
and prayers in three languages.
Relatives were led to the water
through a corridor formed by military
personnel and caregivers, including
workers from Red Cross, National
Transportation Safety Board agd
Salvation Army.


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Sikh guru praises
Pope for tolerance
NEW DELHI, India - As Pope John
Paul 11 sat down yesterday to exchange
views with leaders of 10 other religions,
Indian security guards stopped a blue-
turbaned Sikh trying to enter the assem-
bly hall with a 4-foot sword.
The armed man; it turned out, was
Bhai Manjit Singh Sahib, a Sikh guru.
His chair, three places to the left of the
pope, remained vacant for 30 minutes
before he could persuade organizers
that the ornate silver saber was a sym-
bol of his religious authority, not a
security threat.
Once inside the hall, he lay it proud-
ly on the head table and joined belated-
ly in a remarkable hour of speeches
appealing for religious tolerance and
praising the Roman Catholic leader's
globe-trotting pursuit of that ideal.
Like the saga of the holy sword, the
pope's three-day visit here, which ends
today, has revealed an India plagued by
religious suspicion and violence but

committed to overcoming them.
After scores of bloody attacks in the
past two years to protest what Hindu
fundamentalists call "forced con-
sions" by Christian missionaries, e
pope appeared to inflame the tensions
yesterday by declaring that people
"have the right to change their religion
if their conscience so demands.:
Flood destroys towns
in central Vletnam
KIM LIEN, Vietnam - One ofj's
region's great floods of the century -
paged across central Vietnam yesterday,
turning towns and villages into inacces-
sible islands and severing the rail line
and main national highway that link
Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh City.
Officials said the weeklong deluge of
rain had claimed more than 450 lives -
mostly in and around the old imperial
city of Hue - destroyed 116 bridges and
washed 6,700 houses out to sea.
- Compiled from Daily wire repop


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