One hundred nine years ofeditonzafreedom
. ,
April 10,2000
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
111 21 I'l 1 M-P T
odMartin Ford addresses impact of Vietnam
forCed to
tell all in
Martin and his son to
appear in court in the
next two weeks
By Mark Francescutti
Daily Sports Editor
Banned men's basketball booster Ed
Martin and his son Charles will now
officially have to divulge all details
about his dealings with Michigan bas-
ketball players as part of a plea bargain
with the U.S. District Attorney's
University General Counsel Marvin
Krislov said Martin it will most likely
be a few months before Martin will
have to talk.
'"These things take time," Krislov
On Friday Martin and his son were
each charged on one count of running
an illegal gambling ring and one count
of income tax evasion.
Martin and his son will appear in
court within the next few weeks to
officially acknowledge the plea agree-
ment and then admit to their wrongdo-
*Krislov said at that time a sentencing
evaluation period will commence, in
which at some point the U.S. Attorney's
Office will contact the University to set
up a meeting between the three parties.
"We have learned that plea agree-
ments were filed (Friday) in federal
court involving cases brought against
Ed Martin and his son," Krislov said in
a written statement. "The specific
charges before the court have nothing
0do with the University. We under-
nd, however, that as a condition of
these plea agreements, Mr. Martin and
his son are required to speak with the
University about matters relating to
our basketball program. When the
United States Attorney's Office indi-
cates it is appropriate, we will inter-
view Mr. Martin and his son."
Michigan will have to report the
f'dings of the tell-all session to the
IWAA, which may place additional
sanctions or violations on the basket-
ball program.
The NCAA has a four-year statute
of limitations on such cases, but The
Ann Arbor News reported last year
that Martin gave former Michigan
guard Louis Bullock about $50,000
into his senior year of 1998.
In March 1997 the University dis-
closed two NCAA violations the team
t urred through contact with Martin.
prhe case tookwanother turn in the
Spring of 1999 when the FBI raided
Martin's residence while conducting
an investigation of his alleged involve-
ment in a gambling numbers opera-
tion. The bureau uncovered evidence
linking him to at least five former
Michigan basketball players. Bollinger
said last May that evidence suggested
several past players had taken cash
&mentsfrom Martin while playing
But one issue that remains unclear
in the minds of many is the Universi-
ty's relationship with the federal inves-
tigation of Martin.
Because the Internal Revenue Ser-
vice has been involved in the matter,
one possible point of interest for feder-
al authorities may be the unreported
income by former players via Martin.
After the raid, the FBI issued sub-
0V nas for former players Bullock,
obert Traylor, Maurice Taylor, Jalen
Rose and Chris Webber to appear in
front of a federal grand jury. That
testimony has not been released to
the public.
"We don't know what Mr. Martin
and his son will say, but we look
forward to talking to them and fol-
lowing up accordingly," interim
Jletic Director Bill Martin said.
is our ongoing mission to ensure
the highest standards of excellence
and we are committed to doing
everything possible to achieve those
University President Lee Bollinger
could not be reached for comment, but
By Jeannie Baumann
and Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporters
Former President Gerald Ford visited cam-
pus Friday to host a conference on the effects
of the Vietnam War during the last 25 years
and to formally announce the declassification
of nearly 40,000 documents from the Nation-
al Security Council to be handed over to the
Ford Library on North Campus.
Ford, a University alum, spoke to the audi-
ence about his presidency during the final
days of the Vietnam War and the rescue of
U.S. troops from Saigon.
"For me, April 1975 was the cruelest
month," Ford said. "I still grieve for those
who were unable to be rescued. I still mourn
for the 2,500 American soldiers who to this
day remain unaccounted for."
Ford said the documents covered "every
segment of the conflict in Vietnam, from the
Paris Peace Accords, to the tumultuous final
hours inside our Saigon Embassy."
"History is best served by providing the
widest, earliest possible access to official doc-
umentation," Ford said.
The conference consisted of three panels
addressing, "America and the World," "The
Presidency" and "Politics and the Media."
The first panel, moderated by Director of
the Eisenhower Center Douglas Brinkley, dis-
cussed the importance of public opinion in a
Panelist John Marsh, secretary of the Army
to President Ronald Reagan, said "if Ameri-
ca's going to war, he better take the American
people with him."
Vietnam veteran Mary Bailey said she was
disappointed that the panel did not discuss
humanitarian aid as an alternative to war in
future situations resembling Vietnam.
"I sent a lot of boys to heaven," said Bailey,
who worked as a nurse in 1968. "If we can
destroy people, we can also help build."
Ford came up from his seat during the dis-
cussion to address the Paris Peace Accords,
See FORD, Page 7A
Former President Gerald Ford speaks with former Sen.
Eugene McCarthy on the Vietnam War in the Michigan
League on Friday.
divest nt
By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
Participants in the annual Take Back the Night march down East Washington Street in protest of violence against
women Saturday night.
Rally addriesses sexual vio1ence
By Sana Danish
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite the more than 300 unfamil-
iar faces staring back at her from the
Diag on Saturday evening, Social
Work graduate student Beth Harrison-
Prado stood on the steps of the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library and spoke
openly about surviving sexual assault.
Harrison-Prado, who identified
herself as transgender individual,
described in frank detail the experi-
ence of being raped by a group of
men after initially being mistaken for
a gay man. Take Back:
The rally start-
ed the 21st annu-
al Take Back the
Night march
against sexual-
ized violence in
any form, which
included male and transgender partic-
ipants for the first time.
"I know that having an inclusive
march was challenging for some
people in this community, but 1
think it is a crucial step toward
truly challenging sexualized vio-
lence," Harrison-Prado said.
Organized by the Ann Arbor Coali-
tion Against Rape, the event included
speeches by survivors of sexualized
violence as well as poetry readings
and a musical performance.
"Being given the chance to speak
at the rally was a real honor and it
also gave me a chance to speak for
transgender friends who couldn't be
here to speak for themselves," Harri-
son-Prado said.
LSA freshman Seema Bhat said
the survivors' stories at the rally
See NIGHT, Page 10A
The University Advisory Committee
on Tobacco Investments announced, in
a report released today, a unanimous
recommendation for the University to
divest from the stocks it holds in tobac-
co manufacturing companies.
"Our only serious option, if we
choose to act at all, is to disassociate
ourselves from the industry; and the
only way to do that effectively is by
divestment," the report stated.
The University Board of Regents,
who must ultimately decide whether or
not to divest from tobacco stocks, plan
to vote on the issue during their
monthly meeting in May.
Law Prof. Kyle Logue, who chaired
the eight-member committee, said he
was happy with the work of the commit-
"We worked really hard to come to a
reasonable conclusion, given such a dif-
ficult question,"he said.
The committee addressed two basic
questions in the 38 page report. The
first question was what features of
tobacco products and what activities of
the tobacco industry warrant singling
out tobacco securities for potential
divestment. The second asked if these
issues contradict the essential values
of the University.
The report concluded that owning
tobacco stocks was antithetical to the
teaching, research and service - the
core University missions stated in the
University bylaws.
"The brazen dishonesty of the tobac-
co industry for so many years about
such enormous public-health signifi-
cance is, in the view of this committee,
unquestionably antithetical to the core
missions of the University," it stated.
University Chief Financial Officer
Robert Kasdin, who charged the com-
mittee last September, said the com-
mittee thoroughly and appropriately
addressed the divestiture issue in the
"Any decision to divest has to be
seen as an extraordinary event that
merits the closest consideratirn
because it introduces non-existent co
sideration into the investigation of the
University's portfolio," he said.
As a general policy the University
bases its investment decisions only on
financial factors such as risk and
But the regents passed a resolution in
1978 to divest stocks from companies
who engaged in business in South
Africa due to the nation's Apartheid
AAPDw :TArrests more likely at aked Mile
By David Enders
Dafly Staff Reporter
Students running nude through the streets in this
year's Naked Mile may be donning handcuffs,
according to the Ann Arbor Police Department.
Although law enforcement officials at the annu-
al event have made arrests for public drunkenness,
their main concern has been providing safety for
the runners. But last week the AAPD said they
will be more likely to arrest streaking students
than ever before.
"There's a tremendous increased potential for
arrests over previous years," AAPD Deputy Chief
Larry Jerue said. "We've tried all other
avenues absent of arrest."
Jerue said that increased officer presence
and the use of video cameras at "strategic
locations" will help the AAPD enforce the
ed Mile
associated with the run, including
rowdy spectators and traffic.
"It's extremely dangerous for partici-
pants and spectators alike for a crowd to
be moving across Washtenaw
(Avenue);' Jerue said.
"The thing that scares me the most
are some of the spectators - there are
some awful seedy people there," he
said, mentioning an incident last year in
which three women were struck with a
In the past, arrests made at the Naked Mile
have been alcohol- related. But an indecent
exposure charge in the state of Michigan is a Nak
misdemeanor and a conviction results in hav-
ing the offender's name recorded on the
But whether or not the AAPD makes arrests for
nudity this year, they can only make them on city
property. Traditionally, runners strip down near the
rock at the intersection of Washtenaw Avenue and
Hill Street and do not put their clothes back on
until they reach the cube in Regents' Plaza, but the
crowds are considerably thicker as the route moves
through the Diag, where the campus Department
of Public Safety has jurisdiction. Their role is not
expected to be as strict.
"The throngs of people are so large it makes it
unsafe to make arrests," DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said.
Great balls of color
ate's list of sex offenders for 25 years. The docu- bull whip and various gropings.
ent is made available to the public. "There's got to be a better way to mark the end
Jerue also mentioned some of the other dangers of school," he said.
Students volunteer
to cean u Detroit
By Lisa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT - More than 450 students
braved Saturday's snow and frigid tempera-
tures to work with The Detroit Project, an ini-
tiative to clean up parts of the city.
The project, according to its mission state-
ment, aimed to unite University students
"around the common cause of strengthening
Students volunteered to plant trees and
grass, build fences, demolish a garage or
wanted to contribute to the city.
"I worked in Detroit over the summer
and saw a lot of debris, and I always wanted
to take part in cleaning things up," Clor
Sandeep Jani, an LSA sophomore and logis-
tics coordinator for the project, said the idea
for the project originated from a desire to get
University students involved in projects out-
side of Ann Arbor.
"There is a lot of community service on
campus, but it's on such a small scale. This is
so much larger and in a place that has greater
Engineering freshmen Matt Gessford cleans
up brush at The Detroit Project on Saturday.