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January 13, 2000 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-13

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 11A

i-Ho, Gender and the Academ
Double Lecture ~y Dr. Kyra Gaun
and Dr. Cheryl Keyes
~,m, Pendeleton Room Michigan nion
or more information,
please contact Damon Williams,
936.1055, mlkteam@umich.edu
S~orec b M KSym e~ p
Panin o lmi ee n t N i -op
and iulural tuies (o lective
G~ Ga~tt wIIlrov de a Icure titled
he Q Vbe ixing i5 ures
wi 'cscussKop g
p e a o ,rDaai course t ee in hd h~ op m Jicas
social behav or andecbin aesjetlps
aleor ascf le, monolitlc 'I bk
s e edian Dad nglih 8rr crie. Dr.
K eee es wi~l rovide a mu t me iasre-
se tat on on yomen and h p-op.~at
Wil combine filmand musi. r. s teau noK ersesy e es
M is 4re t.o tm ray lc tture'
aprs uinehe~aprMaufc raiion"
Flip Hop Explosion
8pm, Michigan League Ballroom
Admission $4
For more information
p lease contact Randall O'Neal
622.9352, randallg~umich.edu
Sponsored by Mied Initiative a
Lentmusic rq g toether op eofaDs
in valius Compeitons.{ r~raet
AfricanAmerican Male Psychology:
Challenges and Conflicts
In the Journey of Living
featuring Dr Joseph White
2:30 pm, East Hall- 4448
Department of Pschology
For more information
p lease contact Lisa Jackson
936.3670, rjackso@umich.edu
c~r oedb ackStudent
o r i Lahe no7.i io~sar Chavez-
rosa 'r idST sitm'rof inL
Co mittee, aandearmn s
lon ti ctivit and scholar,
r oEc Ites aponer In the
0o aC ar mergn2:lacing
ttoestp$ izin a u ur in
As 1~oga~n darsoca lenges
af ace ian Amer can men
t rou hot tthe Plie cyje. His inter-
actwiv ptgettionlye se e ar
imnag ei
iuoa the srugeinerm
o intmacyissueanog r,
swe I s ni aon interventions
neoe ' ~es~~
starring Oprah Winfrey
3pm, Lorch Hall
plaecontact Mary Lou Chlipala
Soogsrd bvDepartrnnt of ¢f~ish
~the e rga in Film and ieo
A discussion of the i mrtant heroes
anemna ersionsof thetory llow
K ovie.
Frmthe People to the Stage
to the Academy and Back
Panel discussion
with Dr. William Perkins,
Or. Kra Gaunt, Mr. Oliver Wang,
Dr. Cheryl Keyes and the
Mighty MOS-D E1
4pm, ichigan ~eague Baro
For more information
p lease contact Damon Williams
936.1055, mlkteam~umich.edu
Sponsored by MLK Symposium
Planning Committee and the Hip-Hop
& Cultural Studies Collective
The panel inttI des a diverse rou of
Schtolars narts*, an d comma ef tr
fripmla T ss etbal ckteruns.t'aei
wfIi u p r~e an ijtfexpeon.,h
oitt , pq s ~eon ill
as an expressive force orpsocal chng.

j 'ta Beta Pi
Martin Luther King Jr. Film Series
7pm, Chrysler Center Auditorium
Angela Fletcher, 763.0765
afletche~engi n.umich.edu
SnsrdOKTau Beta P, College
A series of six fils each cnt ining
te aen yrsipTiyaP
(4 O~ ics1,arbh 1,Arir 8
S 'oul Eclise
A lyrical journey through minds
featuring Rgge Gibsn
and the 'MIGHTY MO-DEF
8pm, Michigan League Ballroom
For more informaion
please contact Damon Williams
or Angela Beatty, 936.1055
manin Corn miteey im -lpand
C lu 4Stu escoiectie, ad the
~lack dent Unon
pp-n t o e.' S(a , eturIj a
k'lnarost s Nato aloetry
*aim'ion Ft a bson p con-
ones. me ev fIc on t
6 aueroracep M os w
wil rf9m tssrp new,,
glease 'WacK .on Lo h ies
Ces ar avaiIi letjl hthe
Pl~anting Seeds for a Proserous
Future:-Discussions with High
School Students on Identity
and Academic Success
Community Service Activity
4pm, Trotter House
For more information
p lease contact Damon Williams
936.1055, mlkteam~umch.edu
Wre .a
Symoiu m Planning Co mmittee
D joe hite o r ovisiti es~lg
foup. Ihiseve is closet tnepu~ic.
J gpec ial Screening
of The Hurricane
9pm, Quality 16 Movie Theater
on Jackson Road
For more information
please contact Lisa McRipley
763.9044, lmcriple~umch.edu
Rpo sope Office of Multi-Ethnic
J.nune 1966 Rubin "Hurricane"
rwasa s rong Otenirfor the
imd eweit 1,i tte.Wen three
Seopte were urere d ima Nwiersey
ar, Carter's B rea s were desroyed
1e was roneousTN arrest do cor-
ittin hese rrers antc senfenced
ome witess a tr o iosrg h
L)gee a ht Ito" starsihti~r tle
'Noice of Diversity Exhibit
8am, Michigan Union, Rotating Sites
For more information
please contact Deb Mexicotte
and Robb Thibault, 763.3202
or rthibaul~umich.edu
tmraam gorcItgan n
Ihis xhjbi aem es the irit of
r. Martflutner in ,Jr inrpv h the
nivlyua $c~ei adrewits
gt~d rn nin pan e ric, varetof
Zt entujr iQ Q h, o1 cwivi ind
social stic. fi itSwl alsorovide
the co~t xt nwnicthestta~e t$
?tton wl 1e tre re an edat s
Pfurhb~ereni ro ate ccn~ho se
the~Kichigan b noi auing hewneeUk.
J pirit of MLK Dinner
5pm, William Monroe Trotter House
For more information
9lease contact Shannon Martin
763.9044, smmartin~umich.edu
8Wce o~~TMOItithnic tudent Afairs

A*nzrto ho or and celebra te the
nributions O om munities nvatf sinn Id
Muini- i dent Aarc
January 13Mh. T is event is frie.
1AMusical Celebration
of the MLK Holiday
7:.30pm, The Ark, 31S. Main
For more information
9please contact Martha Kransdorf
761.1451, mkransdo~umich.edu
ian uertat oncii or 'eaceh
Noin ee etr1 ilia t andJ a ieiners
ot r rtol.hei in Jr. tnriug
h ecu aloguesti are the a red onoge
liPr ers amu Itic. It ra r utat
andtsadi oeir e ratiOS.n,
FpWease c ee actors(
for Pe a nde.ustice bb
or icp'hotmail.com
W 'hen Race Breaks Out
Panel Discussion
8am, Wolverine Room
For more information
please contact Phyllis Frus
647.4522, frus~umich.edu
8gopsored by Sweetland Writing
Sweetl nd Writ r etewill hol!
ro n t abl ed i n a ita te 4 b
1-eooe ox, ut o o hefrhcmng
~artsi gan s arenvi sn are their
jissi n ritj, read nn ,end isvssion

! LKChildren's Program
9:3am-3pm, Auditorium, Lorch Hall
For more information
9lease contact Lorelie Vargas
764.7563, atalie~umich.edu
ympswm anning Commitee
A day of cu Itural and ducatinal
r cnment actites for chiidr n.
ultueantrtn ero isrvaed
Ko, or atno, ani sov
u iorin:rct a. Atiw12m
f 9~tf rmAfre unc is roed
b ouatios tudenteswho
fous.on sses ofn pn-vrience
and princi pes Ofsoca Ijustice.
S he Reverend Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Memorial Lecture
featuring Dr.Henry Louis Gates Jr.
l0am, Event Locaton:Hill Auditorium
For more information
p lease contact Damon Williams,
936.1055, mlkteam~umich.edu
Afrcanrl an A s6Aerian Stues
D3pihal~sth crrermi~ o
a t t st~L.eiroe
va resso~t'i eeartgve
S hasterng. Urrers nd tg ediganscen
cornpeted a do me a°5tof hly
i etic acsing etork.
SoLege and Beyond
Lecture and Workshops
12pm. Anderson Room
Michigan Union
For more information
please contact Gloria Taylor
936.1055, gtz~umich.edu
V osord by The ffice of Acadtii
p eNjlultrcu I Iu ntaives and th e ack
lecre stuentswil Iparui+cipte in a
1ne cksops witUof M s u~entt
A Focus On Outcomes
2pm, Pendleton Room
Michigan Union
For more information
p lease contact Feodies Shipp Ill
764.0740, d i n if mih.ed u
tAimjSOSions, TheeAmbssaiors, an d
tphhe ffce of cademic Multcultural
nt e tiudentsrorc~lor,tiS 5pro ram
ita tot ~rePiv denn'lte
+univrts npil Peaur~ PT0? cor.
+1esersits areluiu e rrex prience
thei,.niyersity of ichi an and the
inhrucess lowing gra ua ion.
J Diversit in IOE
Panel Discussion
12pm, 1610 IE
For more information
p lease contact Tava Olsen
tlennon~engin.um ih.edu
Sponore ~yIndustrial n
0Aera tions ngierngIeartmen t
yWith the curent emph asis or the.
beeit an a rawvac s of affirmatve
acion in m i s disusson will
focws on thie iversty ofas pcf~i
en ineerng disci r e.n iicua r,
a p~eetapgon fi.iompa te ivers-
gi1th n I nds ra nd 5eaon s
iv11a pre uss tpe imp a susid
wilff s pln w ere the dpartent
stans thin+terl of stdens t
and fa'ul , an wat can e done t
j March and Rally
to continue MLK 's Fight
12pm, March begins at the corner
of South University and Forest
For more information
9lease contact Jessica Curtin

SjonsoredcbvM,.K DAY March
P nning conmiee
foI ow 1 ea ec a theowil
on in e ra ion in #~~ ucation nd
afirmrave~ action in ig~er educa ion.
J Celebration of a New Era
lpm, Rackham Amphitheater
For more information
p lease contact Marie Moorhouse
936.6729, moorhous~umich.edu
g~ipred by Women of Color
A celebr tjonof a ewara wirh
gius Jr faturino the voai Ptalentsr
he mbassadors repren a on s.
adition origatin at h4A enn
eminary in West tf i a .nl i
jor 'o th ,e tti~ew A tto he
rear an e seArtists. e group
hastoued hrou hout the word
srading a mess ge of love, god,
aic muskc.
J 7cting o n the Dream
Comunity Service Activity
1pm, Chemistry Building RM 1800
For more information
p lease contact Project Serve
936.2437, cplt.info~umich.edu
Spnsred by. Pro'ct Serve and the
MSympoSiurn lanning Committee,
n d1994, tt~eMa tin Luther Kin,~ Jr.
i-aralHoda ommitsslon iss eda
tget o my upR~e ytti vide:




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v SlUM
1te l~ig.edu

cArab-American Students
Marching into the Millennium
6pm, Michigan Union
For more information
p lease contact Sama Faik
971.6393, sfaik~umich.edu
re r imnat ommitee-University
In ho o j.of pr.. King's com mitment
educat it5bpart ici pants a cut.the
t o o m tereo n sa cn
inatiopn in order to l~p osser a more
mu iticu itural and diverse campus and
society. Conference includea 0resen-
ta tion of ulture ouringAa sque,
pti nes on ;ac? &m can tnd at
E t, 'inul~neviront-.
menta;rsicanrass rots a t vismaa an oteui.
Cst aed~c- anei and
rorJ aje tree. t an uet
?uors wd.nt a d i on -
~tuden t. FbKey 0te an et s eaokers:
~ast to R,UB ectodr pgrr9 jp
Ratt yn Ra ~Y, fiortan
Co-e it r o ina fr i flrcan
Student National
Dental Association's
Annual King's Feast
6:30pm, Sheraton Inn, Ann Arbor
For more information
p lease contact Sheila Gordon
528.2481, sheilago@umich.edu
ponsredb tuentNational
enta Assciaion


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