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February 08, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 8, 2000


Continued from Page 1.
Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). The
Schumer-Snowe plan was specifically
designed for undergraduate college edu-
cation, said Dave Lackey, Snowe's com-
munications director.
There is a perception in Congress that
providing for a graduate education is
going beyond what is necessary, Lackey
said, adding that Snowe does not neces-
sarily adhere to that point of view.
Graduate students tend to get grants
outside of the Department of Education
from the National Science Foundation
and the National Institute of Health,
Cross said.
But except for the Javits Grant, there

are no federal grants for graduate stu-
dents involved in the humanities and
social sciences.
Clinton's proposal includes the $30
billion College Opportunity Tax Cut
over a 10-year period. The proposal will
provide families a tax deduction or cred-
it of up to $2,800 on up to $10,000 of
Clinton's plan also allocates $1 billion
for existing programs and new initia-
tives including Pell grants, Work Study
and the Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grants. The proposal gives
an $200 increase to Pell grants.
University officials said they are con-
tent with the overall increases in higher
education spending as proposed by
Clinton, Bank said.

Continued from Page 1
exploit the Native American communi-
"This is a public institution. These
people have access to a place in this
community that no one else does,' he
Reilly said three Michagamua mem-
bers came to speak with the protestors
Sunday but "we said we're through talk-
ing and it's time for them to leave."
Michigamua member Joe Delgado
said the coalition is degrading the soci-
ety's integrity by supplying the Univer-
sity with incorrect evidence of its
"They're supplying the University
with false information. We want the

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University to know the facts. We still
ts stick to our proposal of honest and open
dialogue. To resolve this, we need dia-
n Continued from Page 1
was estimated to be between 8,000 to
10,000 people. Somewhere between
400 to 800 actually stripped down
and participated in the run, which
begins at the Rock and ends in
3 Regents Plaza.
Granholm's office got in touch with
Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian
Mackie after receiving the letter. "We
are fully satisfied that local law officials
are taking necessary steps,' Granholm's
spokesman Chris DeWitt said.
Mackie has discussed concerns with
the Ann Arbor Police Department, and
characterized the run as something to
be cautious about.
"There's a certain danger, of course.
We've had people hit by a car, there's
the problem of groping - and imag-
ine applying to a job with an indecent
exposure conviction,"Mackie said.
wN Indecent exposure is considered a
misdemeanor sex offense. The list of
sex offenders is public information
throughout the nation.
But there have never been citations
given for anything other than alcohol
violations at the event, according to
the AAPD.
During the past few years, large
crowds and the use of video cameras
by spectators have become concerns
for Naked Mile participants. The
threat of possible sexual assaults and
the participation of local high school
students have also heightened police
awareness of the annual event.
' "As it's grown and gotten more dan-
gerous, the police may react different-
ly," Mackie said. "There's a number of
difficulties no matter what course they
take. Public safety has to be their num-
. l"-

"We have the same goals - they
need progress and we need progress,"
Delgado said.
Reilly said they have attempted to
contact University President Lee
Bollinger, Provost Nancy Cantor and
Harper through phone calls and e-mail
but have not received any direct
Reilly said interim Dean of Stu-
dents Frank Cianciola personally
visited the group several times yes-
terday and Sunday. Reilly said the
group is not satisfied with just dia-
logue because "we've talked to
them for many years," and the soci-
ety still exists.
He added that the eight coalition
members will remain in the Michiga-
mua's room until the three administra-
tors visit them and comply with their
15 people who write letters to local
and state officials on various concerns.
Bolz has never participated in or been
to the run.
"I'm just a taxpayer expressing my
opinion," he said. His letter cited safe-
ty concerns for the runners and also
stated "aren't the laws on the books
meant to apply to all; young as well as
older people; college students as well
as the general public?"
"It's not like people are going
around an elementary school naked,"
said Katie McLaughlin, an LSA junior
who ran the mile last year and plans on
participating this April. It's kind of a
fun college prank."
McLaughlin said she was aware of
the possible penalties.
If they were serious about enforc-
ing it, I wouldn't run," she said.
"I don't think anything they do
should affect the people running it. I
think they should step up security for
the runners," she said.
"I don't think it's harmless, violating
the law,' Bolz said.
Neither does the AAPD.
"At this point, as far as preparation
for the Naked Mile, we are in the plan-
ning process," said Larry Jerue, the
patrol division chief for the AAPD. He
said that last year the mile prompted the
Department of Public Safety and AAPD
to put 25 extra officerson patro.
"there is no definite plan yet," he
Jerue also answered to the plea that
the mile is a harmless college prank. "I
went to college too, but we have to
explore other options." He said the
police department plans on meeting
with University officials before the
Historically, the University has dis-
couraged students from running the
mile, but has never done anything to
stop it.
In the end, Mackie gave the simplest
advice on the matter. "Don't run," he


F --^

Consumer reports
prepares defense
LOS ANGELES - Consumer
Reports, America's widely respect-
ed buyers' guide, will be forced to
defend its own credibility in a trial
that gets under way this week in
Los Angeles federal court.
Isuzu Motors has accused the
magazine and its nonprofit parent,
Consumers Union, of rigging tests
to show that the 1995-96 Trooper
sport utility vehicle displayed a
propensity to roll over when mak-
ing emergency turns.
Both sides already have poured
millions of dollars into prepara-
tions for the product-disparage-
ment and defamation trial, which
begins today.
Since 1968, Consumer Reports
has been sued a dozen times for
knocking products and has never
lost a case or paid an out-of-court
But this legal battle could prove
to be the most challenging. And
looming just ahead is a companion

suit by Suzuki Motor Corp., whose
Samurai SUV was branded
rollover-prone in 1988.
The.Trooper was put through its
paces in the spring of 1996 at Con-
sumers Union's 327-acre test track
in East Haddam,Conn.
Pfizer strikes multi-
billion dollar deal
NEW YORK - After a bruising
three-month takeover battle, Pfizer Inc.
struck a deal to buy Warner-Lambert
Co. for $92.3 billion yesterday in a
merger that puts Viagra and the block-
buster cholesterol drug Lipitor in the
same corporate medicine cabinet.
The combined company, to be
called Pfizer, will be the world's sec-y
ond-largest drugmaker. But if the
merger succeeds as analysts expect,
the company is expected to vault to
No. I within two years.
The challenge for executives of both
companies is to put aside their nasty
accusations and lawsuits and unite
their research, sales and manufactur-
ing efforts.

Clinton proposes final federal budget
WASHINGTON - To a chorus of Republican ridicule, President Clinton
sent Congress his budget finale yesterday, a $1.84 trillion plan to expand health
care access, shrink the national debt and shower Democratic constituencies with
election-year largesse.
Blessed with a budgetary bonanza that past presidents could only dream about
- a projected $2.92 trillion in federal surpluses over the next decade - Clinton
used his spending outline to propose something for almost everyone.
He would cut taxes for the sick, elderly, poor and college-bound; spend more
for the environment, schools and gun-law enforcement; and erase the $3.7 tril-
lion publicly held portion of the national debt by 2013.
The proposal is sure to be heavily'reworked by Congress, where defiant
Republicans dismissed it as a gambit to bolster Vice President Al Gore's presi-
dential bid and the Democratic drive to capture Congress. They promised to fat-
ten the plan's tax cuts, trim its spending boosts and ignore its tax increases.
"It has all things for everyone they feel they'll need to get Al Gore elected
president," said House Budget Committee Chairman John Kasich (R-Ohio) who
called it "the president's fantasy budget."
"I look forward to working with the president in putting together a serious
spending proposal," Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici said,
(R-N.M.) "But this is a document designed to help Al Gore win election.

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ber one concern.
The letter that started the recent
controversy was sent to Granholm's
office last April by Ralph Bolz, a Livo-
nia resident and member of a group of


Hijack negotiations
underway in London
LONDON - Britain's hijack nego-
tiators settled in yesterday for what
could be days of talks with the armed
group still holding 157 passengers
and crew on the Afghan airliner that
was diverted to London's Stansted
Airport after a hop-scotch journey
across central Asia on Sunday.
.The hostages on the plane, includ-
ing about 20 children, were said to be
uncomfortable but calm as they head-
ed into their third day of captivity.
Earlier yesterday, eight passengers
were freed and told police they had
been treated decently. But nobody
could say when the ordeal might end
for the others.
The standard British approach to
hijacking cases is to keep the plane on
the ground, surrounded by soldiers,
and just keep talking. "I will say it
could be a very protracted technique,"
said police officer Joe Edwards, one
of the negotiators. "It could go on for

It wasn't clear late yesterday exactly
what the hijackers are seeking, but
there were suggestions that they repre-
sent a dissident group battling against
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban move-
If so, the group may have been
encouraged by the December hijack-
ing of an Indian passenger jet that was
taken to Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Barak launches air
attacks on terrorists
JERUSALEM - Under mounting
domestic pressure to avenge devastat-@
ing Hezbollah attacks on Israeli sol-
diers in south Lebanon, Prime
Minister Ehud Barak launched air
attacks today against targets deep into
Lebanon, including the outskirts of
Beirut, the capital.
Israeli fighter planes struck at Baal-
bek, knocking out power to the
ancient city used as a headquarters by
the Hezbollah in eastern Lebanon.
- Compiled fiom Daily wire reports

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NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nick Bunkley, Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winkler
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Jeannie Baumann. Risa Berrin. Marta Brill. Charles Chen, Anna Clark, Adam Brian Cohen. Shabnam Daneshvar.
Sana Dansh. Nikita Easley. Dave Enders, Jen Fish, Josie Gingrich. Anand Giridharadas, Robert Gold, Krista Gulb, David Jenkins.
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CALENDAR: Adam Zuwerink.
E0ITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Ryan DePletro, Nicholas Woomer
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SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing Editor
SENiOR EDITORS: Chris Duprey, Mark Francescutti, Chris Grandstaff, Stephanie Offen, Jacob Wheeler
NGHT EOITORS Geoff Gagnon. Raphael Goodstein, Arun Gopal, Michael Kern, Ryan C. Moloney, Uma Subramanian.
STAFF. Matthew BarWs. T. J. Berka, Rohit Bhave, Sam Duwe, Dan Dingerson, David Edelman, Sarah Ensor. Rick Freeman, Brian
Gatain, Ron Garer, Richard Haddad, David Horn. Josh Kleinbaum, Dena Krischer, Andy Latack, David Mosse. Jeff Phillips. David Roth,
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ARTS Christopher Cousino, Managing Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Toyin Akinmusuru, Jeff Druchniak
SU6E4TORS Matthew Bae" (Film), Jenni Glenn (Fine/Performing Arts), Ben Goldstein IBooks). Caitlin Hall ITV/New Medial, John Uhl (Music)
STAFF Gautam Baks, Eduardo Baraf, Nick Broughten. Jason Birchmeier, Nick Falzone. Laura Flyer. Andy Klein. Anika Kohon, Jacart Melton,
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Editors
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ONUNE Toyin Akinmusuru, Paul Wong, Managing Editors
EDITOR: Rachel Berger
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CONSIJLTAN' Satadru Prarrianik
C E a TAJB i








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