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February 08, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-08

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One hundred nine years ofeditonalfreedom'


February 8, 2000

CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

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U Local TV station reports
Goss faxed resignation to
University President Lee
Bollinger yesterday
By Jen Fish
Daily Staff Reporter




of it.
The relationship between Henthorn and
Crawford has become a major issue surround-
ing the impending resignation of University
Athletic Director Tom Goss. Although Goss
was apparently aware of this relationship, his
failure to keep in communication with Univer-
sity administration has brought his judgment
into question.
Last night, Detroit television station WKBD
reported that Goss had submitted his resigna-
tion, but University officials would not com-
ment on the matter.
"We have nothing to add at this time, when
there is something to discuss, we will discuss

it," University spokeswoman Julie Peterson
The NCAA ruled last week that the relation-
ship between Henthorn and Crawford can be
construed as sponsorship of an athlete. As a
result, Crawford has to pay Henthorn back for
any extra benefits the NCAA deemed inappro-
priate, from the food that Crawford ate from
Henthorn's refrigerator to a 1993 Jeep Chero-
kee that Henthorn allegedly "gave" Crawford
in high school.
It has been estimated. that Crawford may
have to pay Henthorn more than $15,000.
But Skinner said she will bear the responsi-

case e
"If there's any restitution, I will take care of
it," she said last night in a telephone interview
from Renton, Wash.
Henthorn said he does not want any of
Crawford's money.
"Any money that I receive will be donated to
a University organization of Jamal's choice," he
said. "I've never wanted his money."
If Crawford leaves the University, he will not
have to pay restitution, leading some to believe
that he might enter the NBA draft at the end of
this season. Crawford filed for the 1994 draft,
but his application was one day late. If Craw-
ford had successfully entered the draft, his let-
ter of intent to Michigan would have been

Crawford's mother and Henthorn said they
believe Crawford will return to Michigan after
this year.
"It's his decision, but the conversations
we've had have centered around him coming
back to U of M," Henthorn said.
"He'll be back next year," Skinner said.
Henthorn also said that Michigan men's bas-
ketball coach Brian Ellerbe was "aware of the
situation" that existed between he and Craw-
ford. Henthorn met Ellerbe during the recruit-
ing process, along with assistant coach Kurtis
Townsend, while the coaches were recruiting
See CRAWFORD, Page 12

As the questions surrounding freshman bas-
ketball guard Jamal Crawford's relationship
with Seattle businessman Barry Henthorn
remain, one thing is for certain: If there is any
restitution, it will be taken care of by his moth-
er, Venora Skinner, and Henthorn wants none
By Undsey Alpert
Daily Staff Reporter

Budget plan
leaves out
graduate funds

A Michigan State University student
was admitted to Sparrow Hospital in
Lansing on Saturday with bacterial
eningitis, bringing the deadly disease
4nto the spotlight once again.
Michigan State reported a case of the
bacterial illness in October when Michi-
gan State sophomore Adam Busuttil
was diagnosed with meningococcal
meningitis, prompting nearly 16,000
Michigan State faculty and students to
receive the meningitis vaccine, Menu-
"There are five strains of meningo-
coccal meningitis that are known,"
Michigan State Information Officer
Tom Oswald said. "They're A, B, C, Y This book is at
and W135, and B is the one that's the Students C
immune to the virus." The student,
whose name has not been released, has
the B strain of the virus - the only one
that the virus does not protect against.
Meningitis is an inflammation of
brain and spinal cord linings. With
meningococcal meningitis, bacteria
nl.t the blood of the afflicted individ-
"Thereis a mortality rate of about 10
to 15 percent," Michigan State Universi-
ty Physician Beth Alexander said. "We By Robert Gol
are optimistic that the student will and Tiffany M
recover." Daily Staff Report
The Ingham County Health Depart-
ment and Michigan State have contact- Students in
ed most of the people that came in close were startled l
contact with the infected student. the building s
These students were given Native Americ
iprofloxacin, an antibiotic that kills chanting.
ny lingering bacteria. The noise re
Meningitis can be contracted through steps where n
direct contact with saliva and nasal and communit
secretions. The risk of contracting the show their sup
illness increases through kissing, shar- sion of the the
ing utensils or using the same drinking Union by the S
glasses. tion.The seven
Busuttil, who has recovered and is tower is home
returning to Michigan State in the fall, versity secret sc
lost the tips of seven fingers and one toe claim exploits
eghting bacterial meningitis. culture.
Although the University of Michigan Rackham st
has not had a case of bacterial meningi- said he and fe
tis since 1995, when a female student passerbys wou
Naked Mile
faces potential
By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
President Clinton announced his bud-
get proposal yesterday, which includes a
$31 billion program for higher educa-
tion. But University officials are con-
cerned that the higher education
provision does not include increased
funding for graduate students.
Graduate education "has been
somewhat neglected over the years,"
University Federal Relations Officer
Cindy Bank said.
Clinton's proposed budget includes
provisions for the Javits grant and the
Graduate Assistance in Areas of
National Need grant.
The proposal provides funding for
382 Javits fellowships, adding 95 new
fellows. In Fiscal Year 2000, $20,000
was appropriated to the Javits grants.
The fellowship request for fiscal year
2001 is $10,000.
GAAN appropriations, which were
at $31,000 last year, are not increasing
and the request has remained at the
same level.
The proposal claims to be an
increase, Bank said but "the requests
are basically level."

Bank said University officials are
still reviewing the material, but she
expects that they will be focussing
some attention on acquiring more
graduate student support.
The Javits grant provides senior col-
lege students who wish to go on in
graduate studies in the arts, humanities
and social sciences with fellowships.
The grant is good for four years and
provides tuition and a stipend based on
the student's financial status.
GAAN provides merit-based fellow-
ships based on financial need for grad-
uate students. The grants are awarded
to faculty members for training in the
science-oriented subfields based on
national need.
There are not enough Javits grants,
said Cynthia Cross, assistant dean at
the Horace Rackham Schools of Grad-
uate Studies.
Javits and GAAN grants were both
in danger of being eliminated in the
Higher Education Act of 1998 but it is
at a funding level much lower than it
has been previously, Cross said.
Clinton's plan stems from a simi-
lar proposal set forth by Sen.
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen.
See BUDGET, Page 2

mong many items found in the Michigamua facilities in the Michigan Union Tower. Sunday, members of
Color Coalition raided the Union's tower and continues to occupy it.

oup, occupies
ices, wanits m


the Michigan Union
ast night as the walls of
hook to the beat of a
an treetown drum and
sonated for the Union's
nore than 30 students
y members gathered to
port for Sunday's inva-
top three floors of the
tudents of Color Coali-
th floor of the Union's
to Michigamua, a Uni-
ociety, which protesters
the Native American
udent Andrew Adams
llow supporters hoped
Ad make a connection

between their actions and the coalition
protest. "They need to kick Michaga-
mua out and all other secret societies,"
Adams said. "The University won-
ders why it can't recruit Native Amer-
ican students."
Meanwhile, coalition members
invited groups of 30 students at a time
up into the tower for tours of the room
where Michigamua holds its weekly
Coalition members camped out in
the Michigamua room since early
Sunday morning to protest Michiga-
mua, saying that the University subsi-
dizes the secret society.
SNRE senior Joe Reilly declined to
say how the coalition gained access to
the tower. The group currently occu-
pies Michigamua's room exclusively;
the rooms of the other two societies in
the tower remain locked.
Students who toured Michigamua's

room were shown Native American
artifacts the coalition found during
their occupation.
LSA junior Brian Babb said some
of the Native American artifacts have
a "tremendous amount of spiritual
and religious significance."
Babb added that Michigamua's
inappropriate use of the objects is
"analogous to the desecration of com-
munion for Catholics."
Rackham student Deigo Bernal
said the University is well aware of
Michigamua's association with the
objects, noting that interim Universi-
ty Vice President of Student Affairs
E. Royster Harper has had meetings
with Michigamua in the room baring
the artifacts.
Bernal said he and the rest of the
coalition is angered by the fact the
University allows Michigamua to

W "Inter watching

LSA sophomores Kevin Widjaja and Cecil Bosshard listen to music on computers
in the School of Art and Design yesterday.



about MP3 use

April is a time of activity in Ann Arbor. The snow is
ne, students finish winter semester'and on the last day of
ass, hundreds of students streak across campus, wearing
nothing but running shoes and a smile.
Although the Naked Mile isn't scheduled to take place
until April 14, there are discussions already taking place on
how to control the event. The student tradition started in
1986 as a prank played by members of the crew team.
A tprf Pnnr prn , -c n o Miri nAtti-mu C-n-r

By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter
Napster.com, a popular MP3
music search site, has come under
fire from universities across the
Napster.com, is a Website that
includes a software program to guide
users to MP3 music files available
It locates all MP3 files down-

Several universities have blocked
access to Napster.com on their net-
works, citing the amount of band-
width space the software takes on
school computer networks.
,Northwestern University elimi-
nated access to the Website last
December. Northwestern's Informa-
tion Technology Director of Com-
munications Susan Andrews said
the site had accounted for 20 per-
cent of the network's resources

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