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January 14, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-01-14

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 14, 1999


White House lawyers, prosecutors give stances


Continued from Page 1A
argument on behalf of the team of House prosecutors
known as managers. He promised to present "a block-
buster of a speech" that will demonstrate "very clearly
that the president committed impeachable offenses."
"I think our case is very solid - if people will lis-
ten," Sensenbrenner said yesterday. He last tried a case
in court in 1975.
The trial begins at 1 p.m., 358 days after the presi-
dent's relationship with Monica Lewinsky became public.
The 130-page memorandum submitted by Clinton's
lawyers bears the stark designation: In Re Impeachment
of William Jefferson Clinton President of the United
States. It misspelled the president's name.
The White House team argued that the alleged
offenses do not amount to high crimes and misde-
meanors and that the evidence does not support
the perjury or obstruction charges. They also
Continued from Page 1A Continued f
by residents did not have to evacuate "I think'
their homes. came abut ft
With the blizzard conditions said LSA-St
Michigan has experienced this month, Associat
roofs are particularly susceptible to col- Owen said t
lapse. In the Detroit area, there were lum commi
several reported incidents of collapse faculty befo
due to an overload of snow. "We ares
, The total amount of snow for the hopeful tha
Detroit area already has reached more end of the s
than 23 inches and is rapidly approach- Each LS
ing the record-setting amount of 29.6 arid propos
inches in 1978. More than 28 inches of Some depa
snow has fallen on Ann Arbor this minors, Ow
month. posal are tl
It is expected to continue snowing minors and
this week, and Ann Arbor may receive elect a min(
several additional inches. "So far, th
- The Associated Press contributed to has been po
this report. Some stu

argued that Clinton's rights as a criminal defen-
dant were violated because the articles of
impeachment contain more than one charge each
and do not delineate specific charges of wrong-
doing against him. For instance, they fail to
specifically identify "a single allegedly perjurious
statement, and charging obstruction of justice
without identifying a single allegedly obstructive
action by the president."
In sum, said Clinton's legal team, "The Articles of
Impeachment that have been exhibited to the Senate
fall far short of what the Founding Fathers had in
mind. They fall far short of what the American people
demand be shown and proven before their democratic
choice is reversed. And they even fall far short of what
a prudent prosecutor would require before presenting
a case to a judge or jury."
The articles approved by the House Dec. 19 "prop-
erly state impeachable offenses," House representa-
tives wrote in a scant, five-page memorandum.

Their document states:
"Wherefore, the House of Representatives states
that both of the Articles of Impeachment warrant the
conviction, removal from office and disqualification
from holding further office of President William
Jefferson Clinton."
Clinton's legal team is made up of five attorneys
from the office of the White House counsel and six
from a private Washington firm.
As presented by the president's lawyers, the ques-
tion facing the Senate is this: Whether the will of the
American voters who twice elected Clinton should be
disregarded because, "in the final analysis ... he had a
wrongful relationship and sought to keep the existence
of that relationship private?"
Should Clinton be removed from office, they
asked, because he "used the phrase 'certain occasions'
to describe the frequency of his improper intimate
contacts with Ms. Monica Lewinsky" when there
were II such contacts over 500 days?

France proposes lifting Iraqi embargo
UNITED NATIONS - France proposed a plan yesterday to lift the embargo on
Iraqi oil sales and replace the U.N. program of intrusive weapons searches in an
attempt to break an impasse among Security Council members about how to deal
with Iraq in the aftermath of a U.S.-led bombing campaign.
The proposal, which French diplomats said could lead to a resumption of Iraqi
cooperation with U.N. inspectors- emphasizes ensuring that Iraq does not acquio
new supplies of the weapons of mass destruction that the council forbade follow-
ing Iraq's defeat in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Until now, U.N. efforts have focused
on finding and destroying any prohibited weapons in Iraq's existing arsenal.
Iraqi resentment of that policy caused President Saddam Hussein's government
to defy the inspectors from the U.N. Special Commission, or UNSCOM, and led
to American and British air and missile strikes Dec. 16-19 against Iraq. Since then,
the defiant Iraqi government has refused to permit UNSCOM to return, and the
council has been divided about how to coax or force Iraq to cooperate.
The division has been especially deep among the Security Council's five per-
manent members, each able to veto any decision. While the United States and
Britain advocate a continued hard line, France, Russia and China have called for a
more flexible approach that would ease the crippling economic sanctions and elin*
inate the more intrusive aspects of the weapons search.

rom Page IA
what is unique about this resolution was that it
rom the students and the faculty at the same time,"
G President Sangeeta Bhatia, an LSA senior.
e Dean for Undergraduate Education Robert
he report would have to be passed to the curricu-
ttee, the LSA executive committee and the LSA
ore the minor program could be implemented.
still in the process of reviews" Owen said. "I am
t we can get a vote by the LSA faculty by the
A department would have to develop minors
se them to the LSA curriculum committee.
artments have already had discussions about
ven said.He added that the strengths of the pro-
be encouraging aspect of the interdisciplinary
the individual choice that allows a student to
he input I have received from faculty and students
sitive," Owen said.
dents with double concentrations who attended

a meeting with LSA interim Dean Patricia Gurin and other
LSA faculty including Owen to discuss majors and minors
said they would have appreciated the time and money
saved by the ability to elect a minor.
"There was a vote in the last election," Naheedy said.
The results showed an overwhelming support for the
minor option. Naheedy estimated the vote was 900-50 in
favor of the program.
"I haven't heard any very serious objections to it' Owen
Other universities, including Big Ten rival Indiana
University, already have minor programs.
"It's a proposal that is way overdue," said biology Prof.
Michael Martin.
Martin said that while there are some logistical kinks that
the program needs to work out, it is for the most part an all-
win, no-lose situation.
"We are somewhat out of step by not offering it to our
students," Owen said.
Part of the task force's mission was to examine the minor
programs at about 20 other universities.
"If they can solve their errors I don't see why we can't
solve ours," Martin said.

Court: Police have
leeway on property
WASHINGTON - Police who seize
an innocent owner's property during an
authorized raid need not tell them just
how to get it back, the Supreme Court
ruled yesterday.
In a unanimous decision, the
Supreme Court said officers who
search a home with a warrant must
leave a notice saying they were there. If
the owner is absent, they must also
describe what has been seized.
But officers are not required, then or
later, to give the homeowners instructions
on how to retrieve the items. In many
instances, seized items are put in the care
of the judge who issued the search war-
rant, and the homeowners must obtain a
court order to obtain their property.
The case of Lawrence and Clara
Perkins of West Covina, Calif., showed
how an ordinary couple can fall
through the cracks of the legal system.
For imore than a year, the two were out
$2,469 in cash that had been taken
from their home.

The case also illustrates how the
Supreme Court is unwilling to impose
new rules on city and state officials.

Pork protesters
sted iD.C.


WASHINGTON -. Capitol police
rounded up 12 members of an animal-
rights group yesterday after they set
bales of hay afire on the Capitoi steps
to protest government plans to help the
pork industry.
"The pork industry is a violent and
bloody industry. It should be outlawed,
not subsidized," said Michael McGraw,
a New York-based spokesperson for
PETA, People for the Ethical Treatmen
of Animals.
Capitol Police spokesperson Dan
Nichols said two of the 12 were arrest-
ed after the incident on the lower west
terrace and charged with igniting an
incendiary charge on the Capitol
grounds, arson and destruction of prop-
All of the charges are felonies.
Nichols said no one was hurt.

a I


The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University or ADA.
"OnhbsVerge eta New Millennium:
What is Dr.Kin"g's DreaM9

Banker's resigation
shakes markets
Brazil's central banker unexpectedly
resigned yesterday, and his successor
devalued the currency by 7.6 percent,
roiling world financial markets. Many
feared the economic contagion could
spread through Latin America and even
threaten the United States.
Wall Street fell sharply after the
announcement that Central Bank chief
Gustavo Franco had stepped down.
Investors worry that if Brazil falls,
Latin America's largest economy and
most populous country could drag oth-
ers in the region into the maelstrom.
An estimated 2,000 American busi-
nesses operate in Brazil, including such
giants as IBM, Coca Cola, Ford and
General Motors. U.S. banks have a $27
billion stake in Brazil, and weak opera-
tions overseas could pinch profits back
In Washington, President Clinton
consulted with the IMF and the G-7
group of wealthy nations, saying: "We
have a strong interest in seeing Brazil

.,, carry forward with its economic
reform plan and succeed.
Just a day earlier, Treasury Secretary
Robert Rubin listed Brazil as among
his chief concerns, along with the
financial mess in Russia and Japan
continuing struggles to right its econo-
Russia ang at U.S.
for securit sanctions
MOSCOW -- Russia reacted angrily
yesterday to the US. decision to impose
sanctions on three more Russian inst
tutes suspected of helping transfer missi
and nuclear technology to Iran, saying the
charges were groundless and would com-
plicate U.S.-Russian relations.
Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov
denounced the measures as "counter-
The Foreign Ministry issued a state-
ment saying the allegations "have no
grounds whatsoever"and the three insti-
tutes "are in full compliance" with
Russian and international law.

Eleventh Observance
January 18,1999
1:30 PM
Hale Auditorium,
Assembly Hall
Tappan and
Hill Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Followed by
and Reception

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