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April 12, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-12

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 12, 1999


Continued from Page 1A
budget decisions will be closer to what
the University originally requested.
"I started out very concerned," he
said. "But I am now more optimistic. It
still has a month or so to go."
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek)
offered strong support of the science
institute, calling it a "huge opportuni-
"I will go against the house and the
governor on this, but I don't see it as
going against them because this will
be something the house will want to do
and the governor will want to do,"
Schwarz said. "It's timely - we've got
to do it"

Sen. Alma Wheeler-Smith (D-
SalemTwp.) said if the state approved
funding for the institute, the money
would come from Michigan's $300
million yearly portion of the federal
tobacco settlement. Furthering devel-
opments in science will help everyone,
she said.
"Fifty million dollars out of $300
million is not a lot of money to put into
an institute that involves three public
universities in the state," Smith said.
"it keeps us competitive, and that's
important too."
But the Senate Fiscal Agency has
cautioned senators about assuming
tobacco settlement money will be
available 10 years from now, Smith

Continued from Page IA
or arbitration proceedings.
OSCR assistant resolution coordinator
Gwyn Hulswit said sexual assaults are
considered a serious offense by the
University and punishments for related
actions under the Code often result in
immediate suspension or expulsion.
During the Code proceedings,
Lindsay wanted to remain anonymous
but now that the case is resolved, she said
she wants to share her experience.
"I've lost three semesters of my entire
life," she said, adding that she is anxious
to make the most of the time ahead of her.
"For the first time in 14 months, I'm
really excited. I can't wait for the fall,"
she said.
Lindsay said her grades have suffered
because of the assault and the months of
Code proceedings. She said her involve-
ment with the Code, has made her a
Code "expert."
She said although the Code, which is
under administrative review, it "is very
important and people misunderstand
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Continued from Page LA
the Diag.
While the colorful, festive part of Holi
is widely celebrated in India, the campus
celebration is unique. Engineering
sophomore, Krishnan Padmanabhan,
said he doesn't "really celebrate it back
home, except for the religious part."
"The fact that we have that many peo-
ple allows it to be celebrated in this man-
ner," Engineering sophomore Anish
Shah said.
Last year's Holi celebration on
Palmer Field was the first event of its
kind at the University, said Medical
first-year student Anand Farekh. "It
was very well received by not only the
Hindu community on campus, but by
people of all different religions and
cultures," he added.
LSA junior Kiran Sajja, a member of
the HSC's core group, described the
event as a way "to offer some type of
religious event during the winter term."
"It brings the community together and
a lot of students come out and have a
great time," Sajja said.
The rainy weather didn't dampen the
spirits of the hundreds of students who
attended the celebration to enjoy music,
food and each other's company.
Also described as "Paintball ... Indian
style," Holifest provided a wild atmos-
phere where streams of colored water
and hand-fulls of brightly dyed, fine
grain sand filled the air on the Diag,
making anyone in their path susceptible
to a rainbow attack.
Participants in the festivities aimed to
cover each other with the substances.
The result, LSA sophomore Madhu
Battu said, is that "you won't be able to
recognize people afterwards."
Engineering graduate student Rohit
Garg called the event "extraordinary."
It was a wonderful way to "show the
University what a different culture is all
about,"Garg said.
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Study: Inmates report high abuse rates
WASHINGTON - More than a third of the women in state prisons and jails
say they were physically or sexually abused as children, roughly twice the rate of
child abuse reported by women overall, the Justice Department said yesterday.
The figures for male inmates who suffered child abuse, while far smaller, also
are about double that of the overall male population, according to a study by the
department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.
More than 36 percent of female state prison and jail inmates surveyed in 1996-
7 reported they were abused sexually or physically at age 17 or younger, the burea*
By comparison, 16 studies of child abuse in the general population found that
12 percent to 17 percent of women were abused as children.
Among male inmates of state prisons, 14 percent suffered child abuse com-
pared with 5 percent to 8 percent of the general male population, the bureau
"I'm not surprised," said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority
Foundation. "While the inmate population is overwhelmingly male, the women,
who end up behind bars have had a very hard life.
"Childhood abuse increases the risk that anyone, female or male, could end up
in prison, because the home influence is so pervasive" Smeal said.

President reports a
decline in welfare
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton used the latest report of shrink-
ing welfare rolls - cut nearly in half
since 1993 - to prod Congress for
child care, housing and transportation
programs that he said will move even
more welfare recipients into jobs.
He also announced final regulations
that give states greater leeway in using
federal welfare grants to set up such
programs themselves.
"With these steps, we can make the
legacy of welfare dependency a memo-
ry of the 20th Century," Clinton said
Saturday in his weekly radio address.
Nationally, more than 7.6 million
Americans were receiving public assis-
tance at the end of December, down
from almost 8 million at the end of
September and 14.3 million in 1994, he
"You can see the evidence of our
progress in communities across our
country," Clinton said. "You can see it
on inner-city streets where a new store-

front - tax preparing businesses -
are helping people file their income tax
returns, some for the very first time in
their lives.
"April 15 may not be the most
favorite day for Americans, but for
these people it's a cause for celebra-
U.S. Postal Service *
faces financial losses
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal
Service, which has amassed more than
$5.2 billion in profits in the past five
years, suddenly is confronted by the
prospect of a financial loss this year
even though it increased the price of
first-class stamps in January.
Despite a record volume of mail,
postal revenue has fallen well beo ,
projections at the same time costs are
soaring. Some officials say part of tTe
projected $281 million shortfall in fis-
cal 1999 is the agency's own fault:,
More big mailers are taking advantage
of discounted postage, forcing the
agency to carry more letters at cheaper

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India tests new
missile, fears arise
NEW DELHI, India - A new
nuclear-capable missile soared into the
skies above India yesterday, defying
U.S. appeals for restraint in testing
weapons and raising fears of a new
arms race with neighboring Pakistan.
India's Defense Minister George
Fernandes said the successful 11-
minute test flight of the All missile
marked a "great day for India," while
Pakistan said it would decide in the
next two or three days how to respond.
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpyee
said later in a nationally televised
address that the Agni proved India's
determination to strengthen its national
"In a rapidly changing security envi-
ronment, India cannot depend on oth-
ers to defend her. We have to develop
our own indigenous capabilities. Agni
is a symbol of that resurgent India," he
"India is on the move. And no one
can hinder our progress if we remain

unwavering and determined," he said.
The launch came nearly a year after
India conducted a series of under-
ground nuclear tests, prompting its
next-door rival to respond with tests of
its own. The two countries have fought
three wars since they were carved fro
a British colony in 1947. .
Wanke named new
leader of Niger
NIAMEY, Niger -The head of the
presidential guard unit that diplomats,
and witnesses say assassinated Niger's
president has been named the new
leader of this West African nation, the
government announced yesterday.
Commandant Daouda Malam Wanke
was named president and head of the
National Council for Reconciliation,
which will lead Niger for a nine-month,
transition period, state-run radio reported.,
Military spokesperson Capt.
Hamidou Djibrila said the military
ordered the Supreme Court and
National Assembly dissolved.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports'

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NESJennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Erin Holmes, Katie Plona. Mike Spahn,
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Lindsey Alpert, Amy Barber, Angela Bardoni, Rise Berrin, Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley. Adam Brian Cohen, Grard Cohen
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CALENDAR: Jewel Gopwani, Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jefrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editors
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STAFF: Chip Cullen, Ryan DePietro, Jason Fink, Seth Fisher. Lea Frost, Scott Hunter, Thomas Kuijurgis, Sarah LeMire, Sarah Lockyer, Laurie
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SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Editor
EDITORS: T JBerka, Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack, Pranay Reddy.
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WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Aaron Rich, Will Weissert
SUB-EDITORS: Gabe Fajuri (Music), Chris Cousino (TV/Newmedia), Anna Kovalszki (Fine/Peforming Arts). Ed Shohnsky (Film). Corinne Schneider (Books)
STAFF: Amy Barber. Matthew Barrett, Jenny Curren, Jimmy Draper, Jeff Druchniak, Cortney Dueweke, Brian Egan, Laura Flyer, Steve
Gertz, Jenni Glenn, Jewel Gopwani, Caitlin Hall, Gina Hamadey. Sasha Higgins, Chris Kula, Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Kelly Lutes, Andrew
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PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zion, Editors
ARTS EDITOR: Adriana Yugovich
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Louis Brown, Dana Linnane
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ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF: Toyin Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen. Todd Graham, Paul Wong.
GRAPHICS STAFF: Ales Hogg, Vicki Lasky.
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