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April 12, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-12

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Today: Mostly cloudy High 49. Low 36.
Tomorrow: Sunny. High 55.

One hundred eght years ofed'itonid freedom

April 12, 1999

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agrees to
terms of
Code case
LSA sophomore Kate Lindsay said
she has cried many times in the 14
months since she was sexually assaulted
by former Michigan football player
Jason Brooks.
Lindsay said when she received word
from the Office of Student Conflict
Resolution on Thursday that Brooks
A greed to adhere to a set of sanctions the
niversity put before him, she cried for
"It's a huge weight taken offmy shoul-
der,"Lindsay said.
Brooks plead guilty to fourth-degree
criminal sexual misconduct in a
Washtenaw County court last summer.
He also accepted responsibility for his
actions in the assault under the Code of
. Student Conduct, Lindsay said. The inci-
dent - during which Brooks allegedly
Sreed Lindsay to kiss him in addition
ther forms of harassment - occurred
in February 1998.
Lindsay told The Michigan Daily that
Brooks returned a signed letter to OSCR
on Thursday agreeing to not contact
Lindsay "in any way, shape or form,"
including phone, e-mail, fax or by way of
a third party. Lindsay said Brooks initial-
ly made several attempts to contact her
after the assault occurred.
* According to the terms, Brooks will
not be allowed on University property or
be able to attend University events,
Lindsay said.
Brooks told the Daily in January that
he received a letter of emergency sus-
pension from Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford regarding his
involvement in an attempted larceny at
the Sigma Chi fraternity house and a
fight outside the house Jan. 8.
Brooks said the letter notified him that
e had violated the Code, the
University's internal guidelines and reg-
ulations, as a result of the incident.
Brooks soon left the University.
"If he ever wanted to come back to the
University, he would have to resolve
this,"Lindsay said, referring to aspects of
her case that were left uniresolved when
Brooks disenrolled from the University.
If Brooks wants to resolve the case
ghrough arbitration, he must first inform
he vice president for Student Affairs in
order to attend sessions on campus.
Lindsay said Brooks must resolve his
case involving her before he can attempt
to re-enroll.
Brooks could not be reached for com-
ment yesterday.
Because students' personal records are
protected by the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, OSCR officials
cannot comment on specific Code cases
0 See BROOKS, Page 2A

46 V Ab-vM6 - %ff -1JM w
The Washington Post
After showing what it called "relative
restraint" in deference to Orthodox Easter cele-
brations, NATO struck again at targets in the
heart of Yugoslavia last night, but senior Western
diplomats expressed guarded optimism that there
could soon be negotiated movement in the
Kosovo crisis.
Yugoslavia's official news agency Tanjug'
said a NATO missile hit a residential area in
central Novi Sad, Yugoslavia's second city, last
night. Earlier yesterday, more than 50 missiles
hit in and around the Kosovo capital of
Pristina, Tanjug said. The NATO command said

targets included a munitions dump, bridges, oil a continue
facilities, Yugoslav troop concentrations and determinat
two radio relay stations used for military com- the nextf
munications. diplomatic
As foreign ministers from the western alliance's tive," Sola
19 members prepared to meet in Brussels today for gence rep
the first time since the bombing began March 24, Yugoslavia
NATO Secretary General Javier Solana said there campaign.
were signs that Yugoslav President Slobodan France's
Milosevic's position on Kosovo was beginning to NATO was
move under the pressure of bombing and that there ment to th
was hope for "positive" diplomatic movement in essential r
the coming days. entered ar
"I think you could expect in the next few days reflection a


ation of the air campaign with full
tion but also you will see probably in
few days some movements on the
front ... which I hope will be posi-
na told BBC radio. He said intelli-
orts indicated "some cracking up" in
a's military as a result of the bombing
foreign minister, Hubert Vedrine, said
s starting to consider a political settle-
he Kosovo conflict and Russia has an
ole in negotiating a deal. "We have
phase where there is a preparation, a
and a consultation on what is to follow,"

Vedrine said in a radio interview in Paris.
There was no clear indication of what the
cautious diplomatic talk of possible movement
in the standoff with Milosevic signified, but it
coincided with the arrival in Brussels of U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for talks
with the NATO foreign ministers and, on
Tuesday, talks with Russian Foreign Minister
Igor Ivanov in Oslo, Norway. Albrighl ,as
expected to try to mend fences with Russia,
which has denounced the airstrikes against
Albright said there is a possibility that
See BALKANS, Page 7A

Jacks on
pushes for
Kosovo crisis
By Sarah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
In a passionate speech directed at every
individual in the 5,000-member audience
that packed Hill Auditorium on Friday morn-
ing, the Rev. Jesse Jackson expressed his
views on diversity in a way that was both his-
torically-based and personal.
Jackson's speech titled, "America, We
Must Leave No One Behind," was a history
of multiculturalism, diversity and affirmative
action in the United States and also a push
for students to become more involved by reg-
istering to vote.
He called affirmative action a "volatile
issue" and gave an historical perspective on
interactions between different ethnic and
racial groups in the United States.
Americans were not able to bring mem-
bers of different groups together on the issue
of ending slavery, ending legal segregation
and giving' all people the right to vote,
Jackson said.
"We must find common ground for
whites and blacks and browns,' he said,
stressing the importance of multicultural
Black and Jewish people should be a part
of a shared coalition, he said, because'
through a history of oppression "they have
shared common graves, common blood
Jackson said the mistreatment of people of
color in the United States challenges its citi-
zens to heal the breach and "make this a
more perfect union."




By Ray Kania
For the Daily
With the help of a translator and headphones, more
than 500 people from across the world understood the
universal language of peaceful compromise.
Aleksander Kwasniewski, the president of Poland, vis-
ited the University on Saturday, to participate exclusively
in a conference sponsored by the University's Center for
Russian and East European Studies.
The conference, titled "Communism's Negotiated
Collapse: The Polish Round Table, Ten Years Later,"
began Wednesday evening and concluded with Saturday's
session in Rackham Auditorium.
The event commemorated the Polish Round Table
talks of 1989, which peacefully ended 40 years of
authoritarian rule and began the collapse of
Communism across Eastern Europe. Kwasniewski
shared his experience as a round table participant for
the Communist Party, of which he was formerly a mem-
The leader addressed the audience in Polish, but field-
ed questions form reporters in both Polish and English.
Conference participants could listen to a translation of his
comments through headphones.
Adam Michnik, Lech Kaczynski and Grazyna
Staniszewska, former leaders of Poland's democratic
Solidarity movement, also spoke about the historical
round table talk as being a positive contribution to Polish
The conference is "final proof that the round tableis a
part of history," Kwasniewski said.
He added that, in light of current world conflicts, the
round table is "more important than ever" to demon-
strate how to change nonviolently the form of govern-
"The round table is a lesson that should be used,' he
Bishop Alojzy Orszulik, who represented the Catholic
Church at the round table, commended both the
Communist and Solidarity parties for their "bravery" in
eliminating Communism and establishing a new govern-
University President Lee Bollinger made introductory
See POLAND, Page 3A

The Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks Friday morning to a packed crowd at Hill Auditorium. In adds-
tion to the Michigan Student Assembly, many campus groups sponsored Jackson's visit.

"What kind of nation have we been?
What kind of nation are we? What kind of
nation do we want to become?" he asked,
explaining that "history is unbroken conti-
Only white males were allowed prefer-
ences for land ownership and voting
rights in the United States for years,
Jackson said, although "America was

Americans, the enslavement of blacks and
the marginalization of women."
As a multicultural nation, he said, people
can gain a sense of their roots by remember-,
ing the many ways in which people of color
were oppressed and the ways in which white
people profited from and exploited that
"Slavery oppressed by law, segregation
divided by law," Jackson said. "The U.S.
See JACKSON, Page 7A



the annexation of
massacre of Native


Bollinger: Do
not cut funds
By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. - University President Lee
Bollinger urged state Senate members Friday not to cut uni-
versities short as they make decisions about higher educa-
tion funding and to consider allocating more than $200 mil-
lion for the start-up of a life sciences institute that would
keep the state at the forefront of science discoveries.
Bollinger said tremendous discoveries are made daily
about genetics and the role of technology in under-
standing these advancements. Universities should take
advantage of this chance to make
history, he said.
"A great institution can't stand by and
let the explosion and benefits of this
kind of knowledge go on at other uni-
versities" Bollinger said, adding that
app ~ the University Board of Regents will
discuss the establishment of the institute
at its monthly meeting next week.
Michigan State University and Wayne State University
also are involved with the planning of the project.
The institute would "require tremendous internal
resources," Bollinger said. In addition to the start-up
money, the University would ask the state for about $50
million each year to maintain the center.
Bollinger addressed members of the Senate sub-commit-
tee on higher education at Western Michigan University's
School of Aviation Sciences in Battle Creek. It was the first
of four meetings giving college and university members a
chance to voice funding concerns before the sub-committee

Through the woods


LSA Juniors Payel Gupta and Neha Singhal hand out squirt guns to other students participating In
Holl Fest '99 on the Diag yesterday.
Hindu students celebrate

By CalHe Scott
Daily Staff Reporter
Sporting T-shirts with the warning: "Be pre-
pared to get dirty," more than 200 University
students armed with water guns and colored
sand targeted each other on the Diag yesterday
afternoon during "Holifest '99."

evil. It also commemorates the beginning of
spring and the fertility of the land.
The second annual campus celebration of the
holiday, sponsored by the Hindu Student
Council, followed a traditional religious service
in the Henderson Room of the Michigan
The event is a "good chance to combine the

Runners participate in the Habitat for Humanity 5K run yesterday In Nichols
arhnr.... a cna4 Swby4ha R.Ininas'Shooi'4 IHabitatfor Humanitv club.





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