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April 06, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-06

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Today: Showers. High 66. Lov
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April 6, 1999

w 42.
,h 58.

One hundred eightyears ofeditorlfreedom

-- <IF


next target
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -
Aided by clearing skies, NATO struck
fuel depots, bridges and army barracks
throughout Yugoslavia yesterday and
said it was taking particular aim at
Serbian ground forces accused of ter-
rorizing ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
Yugoslav officials said five people
were killed and at least 30 injured in an
a k on a southern Serb town of
That report of casualties couldn't
confirmed independently but an
Associated Press photographer at the
scene saw two victims of the bombing.
State-run Serbian television showed
footage of what looked like a residen-
tial area that was destroyed in center of
Aleksinac, a former mining town.
As night fell, air raid sirens sounded
a in in Belgrade, heralding the 13th
ght night of NATO bombardment.
The state-run Tanjug news agency S
said several missiles blasted a military th
barracks in Prizren, Kosovo's second
largest city, in the fourth attack there
since the NATO air campaign began
March 24.
Tanjug also said NATO jets fired
missiles early today at a communica-
tions relay station near Kosovo's
p vincial capital of Pristina.
o strong detonations were heard
late yesterday in the northern city of
Novi Sad, the state news agency Tanjug
said, and Serbian television showed
pictures of a huge fireball. The private
news agency Beta quoted Navi Sad's
mayor, Caslav Popovic, as saying the
power station at the city oil refinery
had been hit.
NATO also targeted a fuel depot near
Sombar, 12 miles south of the
garian border.
rumlija, a drab industrial town on
the road linking northeastern Kosovo
with the military headquarters at Nis, B
was also hit, Serb television said. D
Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic brushed off the continued
barrage, defiantly promising to rebuild b
the bomb-damaged structures and n
denouncing NATO "aggressors" and G
*resident Clinton promised an Of
"undiminished, unceasing and unre- M
lenting" air campaign. He said it would a
no longer be enough for Milosevic to
just stop the killing. He said "a Kosovo
denied its freedom and devoid of its
people is not acceptable," adding, "Our
plan is to persist until we prevail."
The airstrikes aimed to cut the
Yugoslav military's lines of supply and
transport - roads, bridges, airports,
.fuel depots and command centers.
TrO officials said better weather yes-
terday allowed them to increase the
number of bombing missions.
The better weather was little comfort
for the tens of thousands of refugees
who continued to pour out of Kosovo in
a wave of displacement not seen in
Europe for a half-century. The U.N.
refugee agency said the number of eth-
nic Albanians reaching neighboring
had reached nearly 400,000.
onditions remained dire at a
makeshift refugee camp at Blace,
Macedonia, on the border with Kosovo,

where thousands were living in shelters
of plastic and blankets in a muddy, fetid
rno-man's land.
"There are too many people in that
small concentrated area for safety and LSA
See KOSOVO, Page 2 Fina
Daily to assess affirmatiy{
*The Michigan Daily will conduct the first
opinions on affirmative action and admissions
The survey, designed in conjuncti
Communications Stud
Research, will be
Listening University students, s
ly enrolled University
Students selected
e-mail with the su
Student Survey."
To ensure all Univ
high level of partici
Students on an e-mail with this
irma tive soon as possible. TI
to complete.
ac tit on The results of the
of articles in the Dai
RdenAnt. when cnmnlet the surv will a

M' athletics
nixes Web
service deal

SA senior Cynda D'Hondt chooses the numbers on her lottery ticket at the Diag Party Store yesterday. The jackpot for
e Big Game Is $190 million and may climb to more than $200 million If no one wins the grand prize tonight.

y Uundsey Alpert
oily Staff Reporter
"If I had a million dollars - I'd be rich!"
The familiar lyrics of this Bare Naked Ladies tune may
e floating through the heads of many people as the win-
ing inumbers are drawn tonight for the $190 million Big
aine jackpot.
The Big Game, a multi-state lottery comprising
leorgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia and
ichigan, has not been won for 17 consecutive games,
nd the $190 million jackpot is now the third largest in

U.S. history.
The pot, which began building Feb. 2, keeps climbing
because no one has hit the five white numbers and one
gold ball number. In order to win the lottery's $190 mil-
lion jackpot, players must match the five white ball num-
bers, as well as the one gold ball number.
With $190 million in their pockets, many people said
they would be able to live their dreams or help others.
"If I won, I'd give part to my dad because he's played the
lottery for 30 years and has never won," Rackham gradu-
ate student Christina Gomez-Schmidt said.
It's not surprising that many players hold losing tickets
- the odds of winning the Big Game's jackpot are one in
76,300,000. In comparison, the likelihood of getting
attacked by a shark or struck by lightening, both extreme-
ly rare occurrences, are far greater than winning the lot-
But the odds of winning a minuscule $1 million from
the McDonald's Monopoly game are one in 91,000,000,
making the Big Game lottery the better deal.
The Michigan Lottery Commission predicts that more
than 17 million tickets will be sold for the Big Game by
tonight's 10:45 deadline. Between Saturday and yesterday,
more than 3 million tickets had already been sold.
Michigan Lottery spokesperson Stephanie Schlinker said,
"You'll get 70 percent of your ticket sales on the draw
The drawing, and perhaps the start of a new life for
some lucky people, is scheduled to take place tonight at II
"The sales of tickets is a lot more than normal, and
See LOTTERY, Page 7

By Rick Freeman
Daily Sports Editor
For about $2 million, the
University Athletic Department
could have become an Internet ser-
vice provider, bringing in revenue
from loyal fans and alums, accord-
ing to documents obtained by The
Michigan Daily under the Freedom
of Information Act.
Instead, the University cut its
losses after dropping $300,000 into
the project, broke off talks with the
Internet marketing firm it had been
working with and dragged its feet on
payment of its half of the venture.
The company, UniverseONE, and
the University had planned to com-
bine forces to provide total Internet
access to Michigan alums and fans
- for a fee, of course.
But the department broke off talks
with UniverseONE on Sept. 10 and
pursued a more modest proposal -
a redesign of its Website, which is
now called mgoblue.com.
All financial difficulties have been
settled, said Tom Jacobs,
UniverseONE's chief financial offi-
cer. But the company said it still has
no idea why the Athletic Department
suddenly decided to pursue another
"I'd love to know the answer,"
Jacobs said. "We wouldn't have
gone that far into it if we'd have
known they were going to do that."
Athletic Director Tom Goss was
unavailable for comment yesterday.
A confidentiality agreement pre-
vents UniverseONE and the
University from commenting specifi-
cally on their dealings with each
According to a proposal by
UniverseONE, the department
would have had to contribute $7 mil-
lion to become part of "a silent part-
nership to be formed and named
UniverseONE Collegiate Athletics."
The partnership would have
involved 22 other major universities

"combining to form a fan base of
over 30 million."
Just to start providing Internet
access, without joining the national
partnership, would have cost the
department a minimum of
"Just imagine ... A Wolverine fan
returns home from work to check his
e-mail and surf the net," according
to UniverseONE's promotional liter-
ature, obtained from the Athletic
Department by the Daily under the
Freedom of Information Act.
"He clicks an icon on his desktop
and a program boots up - not
Netscape Navigator or Internet
Explorer but Wolverine Direct, a
custom-designed browser with the
university seal and colors right on
the toolbar.
"Eventually he will make his way
to other parts of the net, framing
every page with the graphics and col-
ors of his favorite team, but instead of
paying a local service provider, he
writes a check to Michigan."
The financial difficulties came
after the department decided to cut
off its dealings with UniverseONE.
According to the original non-
binding letter-of-intent that spelled
out the relationship between
UniverseONE and the Athletic
Department, payment was to be
made "45 days after receipt of
appropriate documentation from
On Sept. 16, six days after the
University broke off talks with
UniverseONE, Jacobs sent a letter to
Goss' attention detailing his compa-
ny's expenses and requesting pay-
ment of $311,344.70.
On Nov. 11 -56 calendar days later
- Jacobs faxed another letter to the
Athletic Department, this time requesting
an immediate payment "in the amount of
$313,320 representing one-half of the
Permitted Expenses (311,345) and the
direct costs incurred in the production
See INTERNET, Page 7

Fear of semester exams

looms in student

By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
With finals less than three weeks
away, University students will soon
begin preparing for grueling exams,
scheduled for April 22 to 29. The
committee overseeing the testing
week, headed by University registrar
Thomas McElvain, said it's a big job
to schedule the hundreds of examina-
But a University policy addressing
changes to the testing period prevents
professors from shuffling final exam
times during the scheduled testing
According to the policy, "Final
examinations scheduled for one date

and time within the Final Examination
Period may not be moved to another
date or time within the Final
Examination Period without prior
approval of the Final Examination
The testing period and exam study
days are determined by McElvain's
committee and approved by the
University Board of Regents.
McElvain said the committee does
not allow two-hour exams to be given
on or before study days.
But McElvain said professors
have the right to have tests during
classes before the exam period.
Whether those tests count as the
course's final exam is up to the pro-

fessor, he said.
In comparison to other schools, the
University has a short study period.
This year, students will only have one
study day before the start of exam
The system isn't perfect, but with
the set-up of the academic calendar,
there is not much flexibility,
McElvain said.
"With the constraints of the academ-
ic calendar, we would have to add
days,'" he said, adding that if the
University would add additional study
days or a full study week, fall term
would have to begin before Labor Day
and the holiday vacation would be
See FINALS, Page 7

first-year student Katie Sultani studies chemistry in Cava Java yesterday.
ls officially begin April 22.

Ie action attitudes
comprehensive survey of student
s policies at the University.
on with the Department of
lies and the Institute for Social
a probability sample of 1,600
elected at random from all current-
to take the survey will receive an
bject heading, "Michigan Daily
versity students are represented, a
pation is required. If you receive
subject line, please respond as
he survey takes about 15 minutes
survey will be reported in a series
ly in the coming weeks.
lmn receive a conv of the Daily's

Council challenges U.N. sanctions

ByYaeI Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The City Council voted unanimously last night
to support a resolution "Commending Bishop
Thomas Gumbleton's Challenge to the Sanction
on Iraq." The resolution salutes the humanitarian
efforts of Gumbleton, who worked directly with
the people of Iraq after the United Nations-
imposed sanctions were implemented.
The council plans to send letters of its approval
of the resolution to federal representatives, sena-
tors and the president.
Several organizations, including the Middle
East Task Force of the Interfaith Council for Peace
and Justice and Prevent, brought attention to the

we'll make to the city council;' said Ann Arbor
resident Bill Thomson.
The resolution is based on a similar resolution
passed by the Detroit City Council.
"I think it's a very complex problem ... but it's
an issue of the heart," Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid
Sheldon said.
Ann Arbor residents are not the only communi-
ty members working to end Iraqi sanctions. In
February, the Michigan Student Assembly passed
a resolution in support of ending the sanctions.
"When I spoke to them (City Council members)
they were receptive" to the fact that MSA had
passed a similar resolution and they know they
have the support of the University community,


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