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March 26, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-26

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 26, 1999

Continued from Page 1.
"We considered a number of factors including revenues and
costs, the existence of an NCAA championship, growth of the
sport in the Midwest and community impact," Hanlon said.
"This does not mean consideration of (women's lacrosse and
women's ice hockey) is over.
"We just found stronger cases for soccer and water polo," he
The two new sports will have combined start-up costs of
$215,000. By their fifth year as varsity sports, they will cost the
Athletic Department a combined $1.25 million per year.
Both teams' coaches believe their teams are poised to be
nationally competitive soon after they become varsity.
Russell, who founded the women's club team in 1988, has
made it one of the most successful club teams in the nation. His
team is currently ranked No. 14 in the country, ahead of 27 var-
sity programs.
"We've been one of the top 10 teams in the country for the
past 10 years, but you attract a different kind of athlete when

you give scholarships," Russell said.
Bumns, who has guided his team to th
onship for the past two years, said men
build off its success as a club team.
"In the first year they might surpris
said. "The Michigan team will be able t
years be a top three team in the Big Ter
With soccer's status as the world's
with 4,000 youth playing organized si
area alone, the Athletic Department h
years for not making men's soccer a va
federal statute mandating gender equit
by many men's soccer fans to be the m
Athletic Director Tom Goss said the
roster management policies has allowec
the national trend and make men's socc
"Once these sports are added, we'll h
ference" between the percent of female
and the percent of female students at th
"To manage rosters and give opportur
sports is an opportunity we are looking

he club national champi- G R EEKS
's soccer will be able to Continued from Page 1
year that the entire Greek community
se some people, Bums comes together to support a common
o step in and within two cause. "It is not just a social event,"
n." said Meghan Gonyo, an LSA junior
most popular sport and who added, "it is a really good oppor-
occer in the Ann Arbor tunity ... to do something positive."
has faced criticisms for Money raised from the Greek Week
rsity sport. Title IX, the activities will benefit Camp Heartland,
y in athletics, was seen a national outreach program for chil-
ajor stumbling block. dren infected with HIV/AIDS, as well
introduction of creative as six local charities including Ann
d the University to buck Arbor Parks and Recreation and
er varsity. Habitat for Humanity.
ave only a 2 percent dif- "It's great how (Greek Week) brings
athletes in varsity sports all of the fraternities and sororities
e University, Goss said. together to help local and national
nities without.dropping charities," said Business junior Tracey
to continue." Finlayson.
The togetherness and philanthropy
U ® U® U ®U that characterize Greek Week should
® ® ®~® not happen just once a year, Gonyo
said, expressing her opinion that the
system "should do something like this
® in the Fall, also."
LSA sophomore Jaimie Lowden
reflected on Greek Week 1999, saying
that she saw her peers work hard to
live up to the week's theme of "Dream,
Believe, Achieve!"
NTING "I think that everybody was really
EST PRICES! U" involved and put in a lot of effort. The
SQ effort paid off."



House OKs $1.7 trillion budget plan
WASHINGTON - The House last night approved a $1.7 trillion Republican
budget proposal that would provide huge future tax cuts, increase spending for
defense and education and devote a majority of projected budget surpluses to bol-
stering Social Security.
The budget passed 221 to 208 largely along party lines, while the Senate worked
into the night, on track to pass a similar plan before Congress leaves for a two-week
recess. House and Senate Republicans hope to iron out differences when the
return in April, something they were unable to do last year when the two chambers
split over tax and spending cuts.
In practical terms, the GOP budget approved yesterday is largely a political doc-
ument that represents a first salvo in the year long debate between Congress and
the administration over the shape of spending and tax policy.
The GOP budget is premised on a new era of rising surpluses that could total
$2.6 trillion about the coming decade. The sharp differences between Republicans
and Democrats' about whether to return some of the surplus to taxpayers or spend
it on government programs will likely form the contours of the political debate
through next year's election. While both'parties broadly agree on setting aside the
vast majority of the surplus to fund baby boomer retirements in the next centurjN
Republicans want to devote the remainder to to tax cuts.

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IRS plans to ease
tax restrictions
WASHINGTON - Millions of
Americans who discover they do not
have the money to pay their tax bills may
find the Internal Revenue Service is not
playing its same old brand of hardball.
Because of last year's IRS reform
law, numerousyrequirements are being
eased so taxpayers can work out install-
ment plans and, in some cases, settle
large debts by offering a lower compro-
mise payment.
"Instead of collecting nothing from
people with an unpaid tax bill, we're
able to collect something," IRS
Commissioner Charles Rossotti said
In addition, IRS agents are being
trained to try harder to work things out
with taxpayers.
"In the past, we asked them to go out
and protect the government's interest,
said Harry Manaka, IRS chief of collec-
tions. "Now, we're telling our people that
customer service and the need to protect
taxpayer rights always trumps the need to

collect money when they come in con-
Many taxpayers do not have the
money to pay Uncle Sam but are not
doing anything wrong. Accountants
give one primary piece of advice: file
the tax return by April 15 no matter
what to avoid IRS late penalties.
Feds concerned With
disabled devices
WASHINGTON - Some police
departments have inadvertently
deactivated a safety device on their
Ford Motor Co. cars and vans that
ensures the vehicles will not surge
forward when officers shift out of
Federal investigators at the Nation
Highway Traffic Safety
Administration are contacting police
departments across the country tb
determine how widespread the prbb-
lem is and whether the agency should
issue a nationwide warning.
Most police departments use Ford
Crown Victoria patrol cars and
Econoline vans.

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1TO M M Y C H O N G h o o k a! h_ wt re" PliscPobm,

Fire kills 4 in
Mont Blanc tunnel
CHAMONIX, France -
Firefighters struggled yesterday to put
out a fire that killed four people inside
the Mont Blanc tunnel connecting
France and Italy.
Italian firefighters managed to extin-
guish flames in eight trucks on their
side of the seven-mile tunnel. The
French, hindered by toxic fumes and
smoke, were still trying to reach the
fire from their side, police said.
The Belgian truck that was the
source of the fire was still burning yes-
terday afternoon. French Transport
Minister Jean-Claude Gayssot said the
tunnel would remain closed for several
The truck, loaded with flour, caught
fire Wednesday morning about halfway
through the tunnel under Western
Europe's highest peak. A firefighter
and three other people were killed.
About 30 people were trapped in the

tunnel for several hours by the suffo-
cating smoke and soaring tempera-
Paraguay president
goes on tri
ASUNCION, Paraguay -- With pro-
testers calling for his ouster, President
Raul Cubas went on trial in Paraguay's
Senate yesterday, facing abuse of
power charges that could drive him
from office.
Cubas was impeached by Paraguay's
lower house Wednesday in proceeding
hastened by the assassination of hiW
vice president a day earlier.
As troops patrolled streets to maji-
tain calm during the third day of a labor,
strike, senators in a tense four-hour ses-
sion accused him of illegally freeing a
former army general from prison.
The Senate gave the president's legal
team 48 hours to prepare his defense
and planned to reconvene tomorrow.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Edito
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STAFF: Toyin Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen. Todd Graham, Paul Wong.
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GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex Hogg, Vicki Lasky.


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