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March 26, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-26

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Today: Sunny. High 56. Low 21. One hundred ei ht years n editorialfreedom
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 60.6J Ve lk e

March 26, 1999

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NATO air



The Washington Post
American and allied warplanes threw fresh
waves of bombs and missiles against
,,slavia yesterday, concentrating again on
alefenscs to clear the skies for manned
striktes yet to come against the military forces
in the field.
For the second day, NATO massed a great
deal of its fire on the regional and central
command posts that bind Yugoslavia's 2,000
anti-aircraft weapons into a modern integrat-
ed system. Other targets included military air-
fields in the city of Nis, army barracks in
Urosevac and Prizren and a radio and televi-
s transmitter at Mount Jastrebac south of
grade, the-capital.
Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO's supreme com-
mander,, said the bombardment would "sys-
tematically and progressively attack, disrupt,
degrade, devastate" and "ultimately ...
destroy" the army of President Slobodan
Milosevic if he did not bow to an American-

Targets in Yugoslavia hit
in second day of attacks

drafted peace plan for Kosovo, the rebellious
province of Yugoslavia's dominant republic,
The first visible returns on Operation Allied
Force, however, directly contradicted NATO's
declared objectives. Serbian army and special
police stepped up their efforts to crush resis-
tance in Kosovo, gouging a wider trail of blood
and flame across the secessionist province that
the United States and its allies sought to pro-
Fighting also slipped across Yugoslavia's
international border, when Serbian forces
opened fire with mortars and automatic
weapons at the villages of Dobruna and

Vicidol in neighboring Albania. Containing
the Kosovo conflict- which "has no natural
boundaries," President Clinton said
Wednesday - is the central strategic interest
at stake for NATO. Among the homes
destroyed in Vicidol, according to Albanian
independent radio stations, was one belong-
ing to the family of former Albanian president
Sali Berisha, a sponsor of the rebel Kosovo
Liberation Army.
Another alarming prospect of spillover
appeared in Montenegro, the republic that is
Serbia's last and unwilling partner in the for-
mer Yugoslavia. According to U.S. intelligence

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Protesters burn the American flag outside the American Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia yesterday while
NATO forces conduct air strikes in neighboring Yugoslavia.

Votes reach
record high
Demerits may
threaten outcome
By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
Although an 18 percent voter turnout for a major election
may seem lackluster, it was a record for this term's student gov-
ernment elections which ended last night.
As the second day of voting for the Michigan Student
*Assembly, LSA Student Government and University of
Michigan Engineering Council winded down yesterday at 11:59
p.m., a record high of 6,380 students had cast their ballots.
"Last year was a record," MSA Elections Director Andrew
Serowik said. "This has surpassed our expectations."
Serowik added that during last year's elections, about 4,600
students voted.
Of the total number of students who voted, 6,202 cast their
vote online and 178 students voted at a paper polling site.
Taking some last ditch efforts to sway voters, members of all
Ohree parties and independent candidates campaigned on the Diag
yesterday. While simple literature handouts did not cause contro-
versy, deciding who could use the Diag for special party activities
sparked conflict between the Blue Party and the Students' Party.
The Blue Party reserved the Diag through the Office of
Student Activities and Leadership for campaign activities yes-
terday that included music and a gorilla-suited LSA-SG vice
president Gregg Lanier entertaining students.
In addition, the Students' Party held its traditional Pizza Day
on the Diag, but did not reserve the area, Students' Party
spokesperson Brian Reich said.
Blue Party member Elise Erickson said she called the SAL and
*he Department of Public Safety to find out if the Students' Party
reserved the Diag and if not, to have their distribution halted.
SAL Director Susan Wilson arrived at the Diag to investigate
the complaint and asked Students' Party members cease hand-
ing out the pizza.
See MSA, Page 7

budget passes
state House

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
In a session that adjourned at 3:25
a.m. yesterday, the state House of
Representatives approved Gov. John
Engler's fiscal
year 2000 igan
higher educa-
tion budget al
tion, leaving itl
nearly identi-
cal to the orig-
inal proposal. Budget proposal
The 69 to
41 vote sends the bill to the Senate for
discussion in a series of four hearings
held by the Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee on Colleges and
Universities set to begin April 9.

Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
Creek), who chairs the committee,
said he plans to rewrite the way fund-
ing is distributed to the state's 15 pub-
lic universities.
Engler's proposal includes a 1.5 per-
cent funding increase to be distributed
to every university, plus an extra 1.5
percent to each university that raises
tuition by less than 3 percent.
University President Lee Bollinger
told a House committee earlier this
month that a 1.5 percent across-the-
board increase would be insufficient for
the University's needs and would cause
a 4 to 5 tuition increase this fall.
But Schwarz said yesterday that he
will combine both figures. giving all
universities a base increase of 3 per-
See BUDGET, Page 7


ABOVE: LSA junior Betsy Crouch
lifts a piece of pizza to her plate
as LSA sophomore Eric Lai
reaches for a free slice provided
by the Students' Party yesterday
on the Diag.
LEFT: Dressed as a gorilla for a
Blue Party promotion, current LSA
Student Government Vice
President Gregg Lanier
entertains LSA sophomore and
Students' Party candidate Marisa
Shetlar on the Diag yesterday.

'M' athletic
Foar gives
varsity status
to 2 sports
Staff Reporter
Years of club team dreams were realized yester-
day when the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics voted unanimously to grant men's soccer
and women's water polo varsity status for the 2000-
2001 academic year.
Planning Committee Chair Phil Hanlon, who
oversaw the new sport selection process, said rev-
enue from rising football season ticket prices for the
upcoming season helped make the additions possi-
One consequence of the increase in football
prices is that the department gained the flexibility
and ability to add new sports," Hanlon said. "This
runs counter to national trends where many campus-
es are cutting sports because of rising scholarship
The men's soccer and women's water polo club

,athletic chages-
a Men's soccer and women's
water polo are to become varsity
sports in 2000.
Even with the addition of men's
soccer, the University is still
pr essing toward meeting Tit'e
1X nder equity requirements.
a Both sports will cost a combined
$x.25million er year in five years,
once allscholarships are fully.
phased in.
sity status since 1989.
"For the past four years we've been preparing our-
selves in the event this should happen," Burns said.
"We tried this time to address all the perceived stum-
bling blocks of the past: facilities, financing and
gender equity.
"Anything that'll give this much pleasure to so
many people is worth waiting for," he said.
Women's water polo coach Scott Russell said he
is elated and is convinced that a Michigan women's
water polo team will spur statewide interest in the
"We had been hearing rumors for a couple of
months but I wasn't sure until I heard it today,"
Russell said.
Hanlon said the planning committee also con-
sidered adding women's lacrosse and women's

Bill targeting
Hash Bash
passes Senate
By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Calling a state Senate bill that would toughen Ann Arbor's
marijuana laws a "sham," Sen.-Alma Wheeler Smith (D-
Salem Twp.) cast the lone opposing vote yesterday as the pro-
posal passed the Senate 36 to 1.
With the 28th annual Hash Bash on the Diag scheduled to
take place next Saturday, the bill has no chance of affecting
this year's event because the Houe of
Representatives began a three-wee
recess yesterday.
Senate Bill 380, sponsored by
Sens. Beverly Hammerstrom (R-A
Temperance) and Mike Rogers (R- r
Howell), would prohibit cities in
Michigan from enforcing penalties fo
marijuana use that are less than what
state mandates.
A legislative loophole currently allows Ann Arbor to be the
only city in Michigan to classify marijuana possession as a civil
infraction punishable by a $25 fine for a first offense. State law
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Sigma Kappa sorority members Erika Dudley and Laurel Carlson cheer for
their team during the "Sing and Variety" show at Hill Auditorium last night.
Greeks unite for
communtity service

By callie Scott
Daily Staff Reporter
Shouts and chants filled Hill
Auditorium last night as members of
the Greek community finished off
Greek Week 1999,
With 800 pints of blood drawn,
2,000 hours of community service
tallied and more than $115,000
donated, 10 days of festivities culmi-
nated in the grand finale - "Sing
and Variety," the annual performance
show during which Greek members
display their talents to a full house.

teams was given its chance to perform
last night, bringing to a close the week
of what many Greek members
describe as good-natured competition.
Fraternity and sorority members,
donning get-ups that ranged from
tuxedos and evening gowns to
pleather pants and cowboy hats, dom-
inated the stage throughout the
Adding their personal touches to a
variety of songs, including "Circle of
Life," "Footloose" and "Ice Ice
Baby," the teams sang, danced and

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