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March 23, 1999 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-23

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 - 3

Stalker violates
order, blocks
einale student
A subject violated an order of person-
protection filed against him Thursday
when he blocked the path of a female
student in Stockwell Residence Hall,
according to DPS reports.
The subject, who has been allegedly
stalking the victim, stood in front of the
female student and blocked her path as
she was trying to enter the dining hall.
When the female student returned to
her room, the male subject did not fol-
w her, DPS reposts state.
he Ann Arbor Police Department
s contacted and the personal protec-
iOn order was faxed to DPS officials
for verification. A report was filed.
Trespasser seen
in East Quad
A caller reported a trespasser in East
Quad Residence Hall on Friday,
according to Department of Public
*fety reports. The subject, who goes by
e name 'T' has been known to tres-
pass before, reports state.
The subject was seen on the third floor
between Cooley and Hayden houses
wearing a green top and dark pants.
A witness reported that the subject
headed out of the building and down
South University Avenue before DPS
officers could respond.
Student found
Sleeping in vomit
A student reported that he found
another resident outside of his door in
the Thompson House of West Quad
Residence Hall on Saturday sleeping in
vomit, DPS reports state.
The subject was coherent and said he
was staying with a friend on the second
floor of West Quad. Residence hall
maintenance workers were contacted to
*an up the vomit and DPS officers
were dispatched to the scene.
cause of complaint
Multiple complaints of rollerbladers
causing disruption near the Law Quad
and the 700 block of East University
Avenue were reported to DPS officials
Rollerbladers were reported to be
wing the railings leading into the Legal
Research Reading Room to perform
The rollerbladers were damaging the
railings and creating a hazard for
pedestrians, DPS reports state.
Another caller said the rollerbladers
had taken materials from a construction
site and were using them in an "unsafe
way" in the courtyard west of the
Becutive Residence and north of the
ill Street carport.
DPS officers were dispatched and
advised the rollerbladers of the skate-
board ordinance.
Subjects argue
about MSA fliers
Five subjects got into a verbal dis-
agreement Saturday at Mary Markley
Residence Hall over the distribution of
ichigan Student Assembly campaign
Piers, DPS reports state.
Markley front desk staff called DPS
to report that the five subjects were argu-

ing near the desk. The staff also believed
the argument might become physical,
according to reports.
-¢DPS officers were dispatched to sta-
bilize and assess the situation.
The subjects were found to have no
Autstanding warrants against them.
DPS officers reported no physical
altercation and the subjects said they
agreed to address the MSA postering
.and election process in a civilized man-
A report was filed.
Laundry stolen
from Alice Lloyd
A 'caller reported their laundry had
n stolen from the south laundry
o in Alice Lloyd Residence Hall
yesterday, according to DPS reports.
The caller did not know who could
have stolen the laundry. The value of
the stolen laundry was less than $100,
DPS reports state. A report was filed.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Avram S. Turkel.

Candidate views differ on

'little things'

By Angela Bardoni
Daily Staff Reporter
Substance. That's what independent Michigan
Student Assembly candidate Jim Secreto is
promising to students if elected to the assembly
later this week.
"I want to address issues that are important to
improving the University," said Secreto, an LSA
first-year student. "I'm not promising 'little things'
because they have no substance or significance."
But what exactly are those little things that appear
on student government campaign slates each year?
In the past, candidates have promised that, if elected,
they would work for two-ply toilet paper in bath-
rooms and to improve food in the dining halls.
Some of this year's candidates differed on how
they prioritized the little things. Some said they
would rather focus on broader issues, such as the
Code of Student Conduct and tuition increases,
while others said they want to build their slates on
both small and broad issues.
Andy Coulouris, an LSA junior running for the

MSA Vice Presidential seat with the Blue Party, said
that if elected he would work to establish programs
that will benefit students in many ways.
Setting up an at-cost
copy service, run
through MSA, for stu-/
dent groups is one of W ,
the programs. "They
pretty much pay for
paper and toner,"
Coulouris said.
MSA executive can-
didates Sarah Chopp,
an LSA sophomore,
and LSA junior Sumeet Karnik - running on the
Students' Party ticket - said the little things in
their campaign aren't insignificant, but they are
easy to accomplish.
"We're trying to establish a recycling program
with the janitors so that we can reduce the amount
of wasted paper throughout the year," Chopp said.
"Instead of throwing out all of the advertisements

that clutter the halls, we would ask the janitors to
have a recycling bin in their cart so that more
waste can be recycled."
The self-described "pro-biker/pro-pedestrian"
independent candidate David Taub said he is only
promising tangible goals. The LSA junior said he
wants to see bicycle tire pumps installed in various
accessible areas around campus. "I'm going to do
something for the bikers of the campus," Taub said.
The differing ideas of candidates are compounded
by phantom prospects for a seat on MSA. "Vote for
the invisible man" fliers covered the walls in Angell
Hall yesterday, presumably taped there by a practical
joker, just one year after posters urging students to
vote for a dog dotted the hallway's walls.
MSA elections director, Business senior Andrew
Serowik, said he doesn't have any official totals for
the amount of unregistered candidates, but he said it
is something that happens each year during the few
weeks prior to election. "There's always people who
like to poke fun, but it doesn't really have a signifi-
cant impact on the elections," Serowik said.

Candidates running for spots on the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts' student govern-
ment said they can't offer some of the "little
things" MSA can because LSA-SG works only to
improve the college's academic life.
"We're trying to institute a fall break, and we
would like to see the format of group work in math
classes restructured," said LSA sophomore Marisa
Shetlar, who is running with the Students' Party for
a representative seat.
Shetlar added that LSA-SG will attempt to
change the University's academic environment to
meet the needs of all LSA students by establishing
or improving various programs on campus, includ-
ing academic advising, foreign language and LSA
department minors.
Although it doesn't look like the two-ply toilet
paper will arrive in residence halls any time soon,
student government candidates said they will work
to make significant improvements to students'
lives in ways they see it - whether its working on
the little things or focusing on broader issues.

Engineering seniors to
choose UMEC members

By Angela Bardoni
Daily Staff Reporter,
Engineering seniors will cast their;
vote this week to decide who will rep-
resent their class on the University of
Michigan Engineering Council during
their final year as Engineering under-
UMEC, which will welcome the
newly-elected officials into its cham-
bers this fall, is the official student gov-
ernment of the Engineering School. 3
Engineering junior Jon
Malkovich, who is running unop-
posed for the senior class president
position, said UMEC bases its mem-
bership on engineering student
group participation.
"We sponsor activities throughout
the year, put on by different student
groups," Malkovich said. "If an
Engineering student group wants to ask
for money from UMEC they must be
eligible; to be eligible they must attend
Malkovich added that unlike the
Michigan Student Assembly, UMEC
doesn't express stances on political
UMEC spends its time planning
activities that get Engineering stu-

dents involved in doing things outside
of academics. The candidates said the
activities they plan and the "stuff"
they do makes them different from
In the past, UMEC has hosted the
Slide Rule Ball, sponsored the Spring
Party and planned the Engineering
School graduation ceremony. Through
planning and pai cipation in various
activities, Malkovich said, UMEC has
been able to form inter-society relation-
Engineering junior Heidi Savin,
who is running for the Vice
Presidential position, said that if
elected she will work to make
Engineering students' lives as good
as possible.
Savin got involved with UMEC
after going to some of the group's
meetings. Savin said she feels that if
elected she will make a positive
impact on Engineering students
through UMEC.
"Through community service, the
Slide Rule Ball and the First-Year
Initiative program, we want to get
Engineering students involved in activ-
ities around campus," Savin said.
The First-Year Initiative Program,

also designed by UMEC, focuses on
first-year Engineering students and get-
ting them acclimated to the
Engineering school, Malkovich said.
Through the First-Year Initiative pro-
gram, Malkovich said, UMEC hopes to
encourage first-year student involve-
ment with Engineering student groups
and also to inform them about pro-
grams the College of Engineering
During the First-Year Initiative
Program, first-year students can partic-
ipate in a duck race - with proceeds
going to charity - listen to presenta-
tions by different engineering societies
and learn how to get involved on cam-
"We would like to implement a first-
year seminar for first-year students that
would be designed to inform students
about the different Engineering majors,
different fields in which they can use
their Engineering degree and how to
plan for a career in Engineering"
Malkovich said.
Malkovich added that UMEC is
working with the Engineering deans to
design various program to support
Engineering students, with an added
emphasis on first-year students.

Muin Khoury, director of Centers for Disease Control's Office of Genetics and
Disease Prevention, speaks yesterday at Medical Science Building I about
the Human Genome Project.
on gee maping


By Nick Falzone
Daily Staff Reporter
From DNA testing before the
Clinton impeachment trial to recent
cloning controversies, it is evident
the study of human genetics has per-
meated the everyday lives of many.
At the forefront of this scientific
research is the Human Genome
Project, a study whose goal is the
sequencing and mapping of an entire
human genome - every gene in the
human body, totaling approximately
80,000 to 100,000 genes - by the
year 2005.
But molecular medicine and
genetics Prof. Elizabeth Petty said
the project is going quicker than
anticipated and expects it to be fin-
ished two years ahead of schedule.
"The framework map for the
human genome has been completed
and this provides us with the basis
for sequencing the genome," Petty
said. "That part of the project is 10 to
15 percent finished; the rest should
be done by 2003."
As the project inches toward
completion, it is becoming obvi-
ous the information obtained from
the study is changing the face of
the medicine and public health
fields. One of the major changes
to these industries is the appear-
ance of new fields of study within
the groups - such as human
genome epidemiology.
Muin Khoury, director of
Centers for Disease Control's
Office of Genetics and Disease
Prevention and an expert in this
scientific field, spoke yesterday
about HuGE and its relations to
medicine and public health to a
crowd of nea-ly 80 members of
the University community.
Epidemiology first-year student
Kathy Bock said she found Khoury's
lecture to be informative and con-
ducive with the goal of the

Department of Human Genetics
Seminar Series, providing students
with an accurate exposure of "what's
going on in the real world profes-
Khoury, the fourth of five speak-
ers in the lecture series, said he
defines HuGE as the application of
epidemiology - the study of the dis-
tribution and determinants of disease
in the general population - to the
human genome project.
.Khoury added that one of the
ways HuGE is most frequently used
is in genetic testing for disease. For
example, with the use of newborn
screening - genetic testing at birth
- more than 300 babies who would
have suffered from permanent men-
tal retardation as a result of
phenylketonuria now lead relatively
normal lives, Khoury said.
Khoury said PKU is a disease that
causes the excessive accumulation of
the amino acid phenylalanine in the
But through genetic testing of
newborns, he said, the disease can
be detected and prevented by
excluding this protein from the
baby's diet.
Examples such as this illustrate
the CDC vision for HuGE - health-
ier lives through the use of genetic
knowledge, Khoury said. But he
added there are also ethical issues
surrounding HuGE, especially con-
cerning the use of genetic knowledge
in reproductive decisions.
Khoury said he believed govern-
ment and public health officials
should not give couples advice about
issues they face in their private lives
until there is enough data to make
knowledgeable recommendations.
"Pre-sex genetic screening -
that's not in the realm of public
health as I see it," Khoury said.
"Governments should stay out of
the debate."

hen Julie Clement was considering
attending law school, she wasn't sure she
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t Alianza Meeting, Michigan

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
League, Trotter House, 7 .m. G Psychology Academic Peer Advising,
L "Two'World Views: Creation and 647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
Union, Evolution," Sponsored by WELS Weekdays 11 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Lutheran Campus. Ministry, USafewalk, 936-1000, Shapiro Library

Hurry! Evening classes are only
offered during May term.



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