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January 12, 1999 - Image 1

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One hundred eight years of editorlfifreedom

January 12, 1999

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keport reveals athlete


The line:


72 percent of student
athletes have gambled in some
way since entering college
45 percent of male student
athletes have gambled on sports

By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
After a semester marked with incidents of
illegal gambling among college athletes
across the nation, a report released yester-
day confirms what many have feared: the
number of athletes who gamble is higher
than previously thought.
The report, conducted and funded by the
Michigan Athletic Department, states that
72 percent of student athletes who answered
the survey have gambled in some way since
entering college. More specifically, 45 per-
cent of male athlete respondents gamble on
sports, the report states.
The term gambling can include anything
from playing cards for money to betting on

horses or dogs to taking money for purpose-
ly losing a game, the report states.
One seemingly low statistic is of great
concern to the study's authors, Mike Cross
and Ann Vollano, assistant directors for
compliance in the Athletic Department.
They found that more than 5 percent of
male student athlete respondents have pro-
vided inside information for gambling pur-
poses, bet on a game in which they partici-
pated or accepted money for performing
poorly in a game.
"Five percent might not sound like a lot,
but to me, that statistic should be zero,"
Vollano said. NCAA rules strictly prohibit
gambling on sports for which the NCAA
sponsors a championship.

Although many of the gambling practices
covered in the report are legal in the United
States, gambling has proven to be an addic-
tive practice for some people, Cross said.
"Society has gotten to be so accepting of
gambling," he said. "Gambling is like alco-
holism or drug use - you don't know you
have a problem until you try it the first
With nearly 80 percent of male college
athletes trying it, Cross said he feels there is
something to be concerned about.
Track and Field team member Joshua
Sellers, an LSA sophomore, said he doesn't
think the athletes he knows participate in
"With the exception of going to the casi-

no over the holidays, people really don't
have time," he said.
Sellers also said higher profile sports like
football and basketball might find the issue
of gambling more problematic.
"I would guess with the revenue that's
involved with those sports that they would
be more likely to attract gamblers," he said.
While the study does not offer informa-
tion on non-athlete gambling practices,
Cross and Vollano said they feel athletes are
especially susceptible to the temptation of
Athletes are part of a "population who
think they are invincible, are very competi-
tive and like risky behavior," Cross said:
See GAMBLING, Page 5

More than 5 percent of male student athletes have
provided inside information for gambling purposes, bet on
a game in which they participated or accepted money for
performing poorly in a game
Student athletes who gambled on sports with
*okmakers gamble an average of $225 per month

in Phi
Delt case
0 Prosecutors to
determine charges on
basis of new evidence
t*Nick Bunkiley
Daily Staff Reporter
Prosecutors are mulling over new
evidence in the case against Phi Delta
Theta fraternity members accused of
serving alcohol to LSA first-year stu-
dent Courtney Cantor and other minors
at a party Cantor attended hours before
her death.
"We're reviewing the police reports,
and we'll decide what charges will be
de against them," Washtenaw
Iunty Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Joseph Burke said yesterday.
Burke said 13 fraternity members
named in a criminal warrant requests
may face misdemeanor charges carry-
ing 90-day prison sentences for serving
alcohol to minors and possession of
alcohol by minors.
"There is a 10-year prison term in
the state of Michigan for serving alco-
to a minor which directly leads to a
death, Burke said.
But investigators have yet to deter-
mine whether alcohol played a role in
Cantor's death. Cantor died after falling
from her sixth-floor Mary Markley
Residence Hall window early Oct. 16.
The Ann Arbor Police Department
raided the former Phi Delta Theta fra-
ternity house, located on Washtenaw
Avenue, Friday morning -- nearly
three months after the party being
estigated took place.
"What prompted it now was the
prosecutor making his way through the
hundreds of pages in the report that was
submitted to him," AAPD Sgt. Tom
Seyfried said.
"The purpose of the search warrant
was for evidence primarily centered
around the goings-on surrounding the
party on Oct. 15 that Courtney Cantor
ended," Seyfried said.
eyfried said police confiscated fra-
ternity financial records along with
See PHI DELT, Page 5

Warrants not yet
issued for players

By Jewel Gopwani
and Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporters
Warrants have not yet been requested
for Michigan football players allegedly
involved in a fight outside the Sigma
Chi fraternity house early Friday morn-
Michigan football players Jason
Brooks, Ray Jackson and William
Peterson were seen by a witness and
Sigma Chi members involved in the
incident that occurred outside the fra-
ternity house at 548 S. State St.
Since the case is still under investiga-
tion by the Ann Arbor Police
Department, it is not known when or
even if warrants will be requested by
the police.
"That all depends on when charges are
filed" by the fraternity members, AAPD
Sgt. Michael Logghe said yesterday.
A fraternity representative, who asked
not to be identified, said several reports
were filed with the AAPD. "It's now in
the hands of the legal system," he said.
Washtenaw County Prosecutor
Joseph Burke confirmed that warrant
requests had not yet been filed with his
office yesterday.
"I imagine that-it will take a few
days, since it is under investigation,"
Burke said.
Michigan Athletic Department
Director Tom Goss was still in Texas
yesterday, and department officials
would not confirm whether Brooks,
Jackson and Peterson were involved in
the fight or comment on the incident.
AAPD officials confirmed fraternity
reports that a television set was thrown
from an upper-story window. Fraternity
members said Brooks threw the televi-
sion from a third-story window at 1:30
A fraternity representative said
Brooks was caught attempting to steal a

laptop computer
from a bedroom
at approximately
2:15 a.m.
Brooks left they
scene, but frater-
nity members
found him trying
to steal a Sony
PlayStation and a
portable phone
when the items Brooks
fell out of his
coat, fraternity
In reaction to
the attempted
theft, Sigma Chi
members called
911 and AAPD
officers were
dispatched at
2:23 a.m.
Fraternity rep- Jackson
resentatives said
Sunday that after
Brooks returned,
the offensive
tackle knocked a
Sigma Chi mem-
ber to the ground
and pulled
another member
over the fence
that separates the
sidewalk from
the fraternity's Peterson
front lawn.
After a pause in the fight, Jackson, a
fullback, reportedly hit a fraternity
member, knocking him unconscious
and giving him fractures to his cheek-
bone and nose.
The injured Sigma Chi member was
admitted to the University Hospitals
See PLAYERS, Page 5




helps, student
job search
By Sarah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
Some argue experience in a possible
future career can be nearly as important
as classes and grades during the college
LSA senior Courtney Stamm, stu-
dent coordinator of Career Planning
and Placement's Public Service
Internship Program, said she thinks any
internship experience is helpful for stu-
dents, regardless of whether it incorpo-
rates their major area of study.
"It's good to have a variety of back-
grounds. I'm a history major, but I'm
interested in journalism and broadcast-

Above: LSA junior
Matt Israel
registers for a
chance to apply
to dental school
while LSA junior
Tamara Conway
opens a
reference letter
file yesterday.
Left: A
Pharmacy junior
looks over
materials at the
Career Planning
and Placement
office yesterday.

ing' said Stamm, who spent a summer
in Washington, D.C. working for
NBC's news show "Meet the Press"
through PSIP
Stamm recommends CP&P for job-
searching students because it has many
valuable resources most people don't

know about, she said.
CP&P, located in the Student
Activities Building, is a comprehensive
resource center for students searching
for work, CP&P Project Administrator
Sharon Vaughters said.
See SEARCH, Page 9

Clinton papers
deny allegations

Class-action, to widen impact of suits
Lawsuits could now affect 6,000 recent applicants

Jaimie Winkler
ly Staff Reporter
As two lawsuits currently facing the University
evolve to impact more applicants who claim their
race hurt them in the admissions process, the
potential damages to the University remain

Recently, the lawsuits filed last year
by the Center for Individual Rights
against the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and the Law
hool targeting their use of race in
missions have been granted class-
action status. However, it is not yet
known how this could benefit white
applicants who were denied admission
on the basis of their race.


the class-action status.
"A class-action is a decision by a court that the
plaintiff in a particular case can be said to repre-
sent a larger group of potential plaintiffs," Clark
"The class-action focuses (the lawsuit) on the
policy," Pell said. "It closes a legal loophole'."
Without the class certification, the
University could charge the plaintiffs
would not have been admitted in a
race-neutral setting, Pell said.
"It makes it more difficult for the
University to argue that the plaintiff
was not hurt by this policy," he said.
ions On Class-action status impacts the out-
lal come of a suit more when damages
are primarily monetary rather than
policy-oriented, Clark said.
If the lawsuit results in an injunction, the

those applicants not granted admission from 1995
to the present who are members of racial or ethnic
groups the University favors less in admissions
considerations, according to court documents. The
University gives priority to black, hispanic and
Native American applicants.
Clark said that on the surface, the class mem-
bers seem very diverse in their non-race qualifica-
tions for University admission. "That's why it has
surprised a number of legal experts to see a class
certified in the University case," he said.
The courts, which will decide the rights of the
potential class members, require all potential
members to be notified, Clark said.
Under the ruling of the judges to bifurcate the trials,
which splits the case into liability and damage phases,
class members would not have to be notified unless
the University is found liable, said a source familiar
with the litigation who asked not to be named.

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Clinton sent the Senate papers strongly
denying "each and every" allegation in
the House-passed articles of impeach-
ment yesterday. He also asked the sena-
tors who will judge him to reject the
charges on grounds they fall short of
high crimes and misdemeanors.
At the same time, Clinton's lawyers
decided to forgo filing a motion seek-
ing to dismiss the case at its very incep-
tion, although officials suggested they
would make that motion after both
sides had finished opening arguments.
As Clinton's attorneys filed formal
papers with the Senate, key House law-
makers met privately to plan the formal
presentation of their case beginning
Thursday. "We will do a very good job
and then when we reach the point of
asking for witnesses, we think the sen-
ators will be in a more generous mood
having heard our case," said Rep.
Henry Hyde (R-Ill), point man in the
impeachment effort.
The impeachment trial -the first of
a president since Andrew Johnson in
1868 - will resume this week with

Lockhart, asked whether the president
will personally answer questions at his
Senate trial, told reporters, "I have no
reason to believe that he will testify."
The 13-page filing from Clinton's
lawyers - a joint effort by six private
attorneys and five members of -the
White House counsel's office - was
submitted in a sealed envelope received
by Senate Secretary Gary Sisco at
1 1:48 a.m. - 12 minutes before the
Inside was a two-pronged rebuttal to
the charges.
First, that the allegations of perjury
and obstruction of justice "do not con-
stitute high crimes or misdemeanors,
and thus are insufficient to warrant the
"conviction and removal from office of
a duly elected president.'
Secondly, that Clinton is innocent of
the charges lodged. Specifically, that
the charges of perjurious and mislead-
ing statements to Independent Counsel
Kenneth Starr's grand jury about his
relationship with Monica Lewinsky are
themselves false. In addition, Clinton
denied committing perjury when he
nn ,rPi nctinrfchefo~re the cgrnd

"The judge didn't make any judgment to dam-
ages," said Terry Pell, senior legal counsel for the


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