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February 19, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-19

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RIM "iili
Fight ensues
between 2 IM
hockey teams
A heated hockey game between two
intramural teams turned into a fight on
Tuesday night at Yost tce Arena,
according to Department of Public
Safety reports. The teams left the ice
rink threatening one another.
When DPS officials were contacted,
the two teams were in separate locker
rooms, but emotions remained intense.
The Yost Arena manager was con-
c ed that the fight would continue as
,players left the arena.
The manager called DPS to request
that they be present when the players
exited the locker room to ensure the
players left without a confrontation,
DPS reports sae
Suspect breaks
building window
n angry patron smashed the exit-
window of the Intramural Sports
Building on Tuesday morning, DPS
reports state.
Prior to striking the window, the sus-
pectread the hours on the door stating
when the IM Building is open, accord-
ing to DPS reports. He discovered that
it did not open for more than 2 and a
half hours, prompting the blow to the
DPS reports state that the suspect is
4 t- 5 feet 7 inches tall with dark
c hair. He was wearing a blue hat,
gray sweatshirt, and blue pants.
Unknown male
harasses female
student for date
A female student was approached by
unknown male student on her way to
s Tuesday afternoon, DPS reports
state. The male student asked her for a
date, which she declined. She told him
her first name only, then proceeded to
attend class.
Later in the evening she received a
call from the man who had approached
her. She does not know how the man
learned her last name or her phone
number. He repeated his request for her
to go out on a date with him, according
JPS reports.
PS officials said upon his request
she hung up the phone and went to a
friend's house to spend the night.
Students' wallets
stolen from CCRB
Two students had their belongings
stolen while playing basketball in the
main gym of the Central Campus
reation Building on Wednesday
evening, according to DPS reports.
They, had left them unattended while
they were in the gym.
The student's wallets containing
credit cards and cash were stolen, along
with a calculator, tennis shoes, a tote
baga University sweatshirt and warm-
up pants, DPS reports state.
Patron finds
emit in library
Vomit and other materials were
found in the stairwell of the Harlan

Hatcher Graduate Library yesterday
evening, according to DPS officials.
The caller said that she thinks people
may be residing in the library, but she
does not know where, DPS reports
state. She asked DPS to search the
building for the possible trespassers.
tar windows
S eral car windows were found
shattered Tuesday night in a gravel
parking lot on North Campus, DPS
reports state.
The caller did not know who
owned the vehicles with broken
windows and did not see any sus-
pects in the area, according to DPS
thing appeared to be stolen
from the cars.
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporter Marta Brill.

LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 19, 199' -
Volunteers to host children's book drive


By Kely O'Couor
Dr. Seuss' books can be found in nearly every
library in the nation, smudged with the fingerprints
of children enjoying tales as familiar and classic as
nursery rhymes.
Celebrating what would have been the author's 95
birthday next month, the National Education
Association will sponsor Read Across America Day,
hosting events to promote literacy for children.
Also joining in will be the University America
Reads Tutoring Corps, the local chapter of the U.S.
Department of Education's literacy initiative. The
group, consisting of University volunteers, will host
a drive collecting books for pre-kindergarten
through third grade students until Feb. 26.
Organizers have not set a specific goal for the
number of books they hope to collect, but the group
has decided where the books will go, said Program
Coordinator Albert Wat.

"Our first priority is to getthe books to the kids of
the families we serve in our tutoring program, Wat
said, adding that leftover books will go to local ele-
mentary school libraries.
The group will be accepting donations of new or
"gently-used" books at the Michigan Union, Pierpont
Commons, the School of Education, University resi-
dence halls and other drop-off locations.
Local businesses are also getting involved. Barnes
& Noble Bookseller located on Washtenaw Avenue
is offering a 10 percent discount to customers who
drop off donations at their store.
But the book drive is only one example of volun-
teer work done by University America Reads.
Volunteers regularly tutor students at ten elementary
schools in the Detroit area, including five in Ann
Arbor. Tutors are trained on how to make lesson
plans and teach phonic skills and letter sounds.
For many students, America Reads offers a strong
incentive to get involved, Wat said.

It "allows colleges around the country to use part
of their work-study money to hire students to
become tutors in the community" he said.
Wat said the group focuses on early literacy, hop-
ing to have all kids reading by third grade. That time
is a crossroads for many young students, he said.
"If kids don't reach literacy by third grade, they
have a greater chance of having academic difficulty
in the future," Wat said.
LSA senior David Votruba said being involved
with the tutoring program has given him the chance
to help on a project he feels strongly about.
"I believe that early education, especially reading
and writing skills, are essential to building confi-
dence in young children," Votruba said. "And I take
pride in my part of that"
Coordinator of the national America Reads Work
Study Program Laura Wood said creating "extended
learning opportunities" for young students, such as
after school and summer help, are an important part

of the initiative. Without them, many kids cannot
reach academic goals, she said.
"Either teachers don't have time to provide the
one-on-one attention students need orclasses arejust
too large;' Wood said.
The America Reads initiative was formed in
response to the results of the 1994 National
Assessment of Educational Progress, which showed
that 40 percent of American children were reading
below the basic level, Wood said.
This prompted President Clinton to launch the ini-
tiative. Following the State of the Union Address in
January of 1997, the project set up its office in the
Department of Education
Wat said the group is always looking for new
tutors, especially during the spring and summer term
when other volunteers go home for the summer.
Those interested should contact the Center for
Learning Through Community Service at

Students' siblings to visit
'U' campus for weekend

Members of the Jordanian Student Body and the Center for Middle Eastern and
North African Studies host a tribute to the late King Hussein of Jordan. LSA
first-year student Lana Karrain holds a book with guests' signatures.
Students honor
JordanS Hussein

By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
Instead of invading their siblings
bedroom at home like old times,
more than 200 brothers and sisters
will invade their siblings' campus.
Encouraging family ties and spon-
soring three days of activities, six
students organized the Siblings
Weekend kick-off planned for today.
"We've structured a safe and real-
ly entertaining weekend," said co-
founder Peter Yi, an LSA junior.
Yi began organizing the weekend
in May with five other students, who
he met at last May's Leadershape
conference in Lake Fenton, Mich.
Co-founder Kelly Heath said the
Student Alumni Council has spon-
sored similar weekends in the past
but the last one occurred at least five
years ago.
Students participating in this week-
end's activities registered ahead of
time and paid $15, which covered
costs for the student and one sibling.
The cost for this weekend's activi-
ties includes three meals and a visit
to Michigras, a mardi-gras type car-
nival, Yi said.
The weekend will also give stu-
dents and their siblings a chance to
bond while embarking on a scav-
enger hunt, to look for historical
items on campus. The winners will
be awarded prizes.
On Saturday night, Siblings
Weekend participants have the
option of attending the Michigan
men's gymnastics meet, an Impact

Dance performance, or the
Monster's of A cappella concert,
which showcases The Friars,
Amazin' Blue and The Harmonettes.
The weekend's organizers plan to
conclude the weekend with a student
showcase, featuring performances
by dancers from the Indian
American Student Association, the
Michigan Dance Team, a student a
cappella group named Dixon Jane
and dancers from the Native
American Student Association.
"We had a larger turn out than we
expected," Yi said.
Yi added that due to limited
resources, 50 students who wanted
to bring their brothers or sisters had
to be turned down.
"We want the siblings to see a lot
of different groups on campus as
well as campus life," Yi said.
The committee has primarily tar-
geted first-year students through
advertising the weekend at resident
halls, Yi said.
He added that most of the siblings
expected to visit this weekend range
from ages 15 to 18.
Co-founder Sumeet Karnick said
he hopes the weekend will "promote

the campus and relationships
between family."
LSA sophomore Erin Eisenberg
said she will bring her 15 year old
sister, Kati.
Eisenberg, who said she learned
of the weekend from a flier she
received in her East Quad Residence
Hall mailbox, plans on attending the
Monster's of A cappella concert with
her sister tomorrow.
"It will be nice;' she said. "We
don't usually get to hang out, just
the two of us without the family."
The organizers have recruited
numerous organizations and busi-
nesses to sponsor the weekend,
Among others, the list includes
Michigan Book and Supply,
' Anderson Consulting, Airtouch, the
Residence Hall Association and the
Michigan Student Assembly.
Corporate sponsors have provided
Michigan T-shirts and keychains for
the weekend.
Heath said the group has had w
good time putting the weekend
together and "it's definitely going to
happen next year," Heath said.
-Daily Staff Reporter Angela
Bordoni contributed to this report.

"We don't usually get to hang out,
just the two of us without the
- Erin Eisenberg
LSA sophomore

By Riss Berrin
Forthe Daily
A Jordanian flag, photographs,
flowers and a memorial guest book
decorated an Angell Hall auditorium
last night as more than 60 people paid
tribute to former Jordanian leader
King Hussein bin Talal. Hussein died
of lymphatic cancer Feb. 7 after a 46-
year reign as king of Jordan.
Sponsored by the Center for Middle
Eastern and North African Studies and
several Jordanian University students,
the event featured several speakers and
a film clip of photographs and televi-
sion interviews of Hussein.
Many students at the event
expressed an intense feeling of sadness
for their loss. Some cried while others
smiled - all remembering Hussein's
legacy to Jordan.
Rackham first-year student Iyad
Zalmout said he has been mourning for
two weeks. Zalmout said he felta per-
sonal attachment to Hussein after liv-
ing in Jordan for 16 years.
"This is the worst event of my life.
I felt as if I knew King Hussein better
than my own father" Zalmout said.
President of the Jordanian-
American Association of Michigan
Williams Salata said Jordanians in all
parts of the world had a unique rela-
tionship with Hussein.
"Whether we are in Jordan or in
Michigan, we always felt close to our
leadership, especially with King
Hussein,' Salata said.
Salata also noted that the king was
very dedicated to his people. "King
Hussein always kepthimselfaccessible
whenever needed. He practiced a love
of tolerance for all groups of people in
Jordan; Salata said.
Many individuals shared memories
of the king. Engineering sophomore
Nabeel Abu-Ata reflected on Hussein's
interests. "I rememberthe image of his
majesty in his souped up Mercedes. He
had a vast motorcycle and automobile

collection" Abu-Ata said.
Abu-Ata also spoke of the tmes
when King Hussein would dress in dis-
guise and presumethe role ofataxi cab
driver, interacting with his passengers.
"He wanted to remain in close con-
tact with his people. He wanted to
know how they felt towards their king,"
Abu-Ata said. Many of the speakers
commented on King Hussein's role in
the Middle East peace process.
Michael Bonner, associate professor
for Middle Eastern and North African
studies, spoke of Jordan's strategic
importance. "It's difficult to imagine
the region without him. His influence
in the world was illustrated by the
numerous leaders represented at the
funeral' Bonner said.
The Jordanian students who helped
organize the event said Hussein's death
has brought them together. "On the day
of the funeral we decided to organize a
formal tribute to his majesty. King
Hussein taught us to work as a team, as
family" Abu-Ata said. LSA sopho-
more Nasser Majali said he is very
confident with King Hussein's succes-
sor, Prince Abdullah.
"Prince Abdullah has the full sup-
port of the Jordanian people, the mili-
tary and world leaders;' Majali said.
Bonner said he believes Jordan will
continue its current role in the Middle
East peace process.
"I am confident and hopeful that
Jordan will continue in success,
Bonner said.
The Jordanian students who orga-
nized the tribute hope to become a for-
mal organization. The group is also
considering establishing a scholarship
fund to honor Hussein's work for peace.
"This scholarship would be given
to a student who works for peace,"
Abu-Ata said.
The organizers of last night's event
plan to send the guest book, which
contained notes for Hussein's relatives,
to the country's royal family.

Rep. wants to stop gun lawsuits

LANSING (AP) -A state legislator announced yesterday
he is working on legislation that would thwart efforts to file
lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
Rep. Valde Garcia (R-St. Johns) said he wanted to wait until
his bill was written to announce it. But reports that Michigan
Attorney General Jennifer Granholm was considering a lawsuit
against gun manufacturers caused him to issue a news release:
"I felt it best we make this announcement now so those
concerned would know that legislation may be enacted which
will prohibit their suits;' Garcia said in the statement.
Granholm spokesperson Chris De Witt said the legislation
might be premature, since Granholm has no plans to pursue
a lawsuit now.

"We would certainly have concerns about any restrictions
that are put on the powers of this office," De Witt said about the
proposed bill. "There certainly would be some questions about
the constitutionality of what the representative is considering."
Garcia said his bill would not prevent state officials or
local prosecutors from going after gun manufacturers that
evade firearm laws, but protect the rights of gun owners and
businesses that obey state laws.
A federal jury in New York last week returned a $4 million
verdict against gun manufacturers found liable for shootings..
The plaintiffs argued successfully that the industry's negli-
gence in marketing and distribution allowed weapons to flow
illegally to states with strict anti-gun laws.


What's happening in Ann Arbor today
FRIDAY Annual Art Exhibition by Michigan
U "Are You Ready?," Sponsored by Prisoners, Rackham Center
U "Alternative Incarceration Programs Be ink thin Prodsctions, Lorch Galleries, 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
p resented by Norma Green,' Hal, Ask with Auditorium, 3 p.m.
Sponsored by Fourth Annual Art and 7 p.m. SUNDAY
Exhibition by Michigan Prisoners, L "Collective Motion and Avalanches,.
Rackham Center Galleries, 7 p.m' Sponsored by the Physics U "Getting Real," Sponsored by Chi
aIlmpact Dance Theatre Department, Dennison Building, Alpha Christian Fellowship,
Performance," Sponsored by Room 170, 10:30 a.m. Michigan League, Koessler Room
University Actisities Center, aI "Dialogue with Assistant Deputy 7-9 p.m.
Mendelssohn Theater, 7:30p.m. Wardens and Parolees,"
Q "Michigras," Sponsored by Sponsored by Fourth Annual Art SERVICES
University Activities Center, Exhibition by Michi an Prisoners,
Michigan Union, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Rackham East Con erence Room, L Campus Information Centers, 763
1:30-3:30 p.m. INFO, info@umich.edu, and
RDAY "impact Dance Theatre www.umich.edu/-info on the
.A RDYPerformance," Sponsored by World Wide Web
UnivrsityActivitiesr Center, U Norhalk,id 763-WA LK, Bursley
Graduate Christian " fofFih"SsrdFellowship Unversty .hae,73pm. Lobby, 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m.
Michigan League, Henderson I Workshop n Prison Theater C] Safewa k, 9361000, Shapiro Library
Room, 79 p.m. Practice," Sponsored by Fourth Lobby, 8 p.m.-2:30 a.m.
CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
University community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
charge admission will not be run.
All items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
risay, Saturday or Sunday must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to the event. We can not accept requests over the
iephone, and we can not guarantee that an announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.
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