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February 19, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-19

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2 -- The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 19, 1999


Yeltsin vows to stop force in Kosovo-

The Washington Post respond.
MOSCOW - President Boris Yeltsin vowed yester- But soon after the ailing Russian leader spoke, the
day not to permit the use of force by NATO warplanes White House denied that he had been in touch with
if the Kosovo peace talks - which have a deadline Clinton lately, either by telephone or letter. The last
tomorrow - fail. Yeltsin said he had conveyed his time the two presidents talked was at the funeral of
views in writing andby telephone to President Clinton, Jordan's King Hussein 10 days ago, and their last sig-
but the White House said the two leaders had not com- nificant phone call was on Dec. 30, when Yeltsin did
municated recently. communicate a similar message, according to White
Yeltsin was making a rare public appearance for a House officials.
one-day Kremlin summit with leaders of the European "Russia's views on this issue are well known," said
Union. He was asked to comment on U.S. plans to National Security Council spokesperson David Leavy.
move 51 additional warplanes to Europe for possible "In the end, NATO will have to make a decision on the
air strikes against Serbian forces if the plan for a peace- use of force based on its own interests and the interest
keeping force in Serbia's separatist province of Kosovo of the region and the interests of the international com-
is pot accepted by noon tomorrow. munity. We'll manage the differences with Russia in a
"I gave my opinion both in writing and on the phone constructive way."
to Clinton that it won't work," said Yeltsin. "This is all. U.S. officials said they sought clarification from
This is our whole reply. We will not allow Kosovo to be Russia after Yeltsin's remarks and were told they were
touched." Yeltsin did not say how Russia might taken out of context. They played down the signifi-

cance of the confusion over communications between
the two leaders. "Clearly he's recovering from some
serious medical history," said an official who asked not
to be named. "I wouldn't read too much into it.
Everybody makes a misstep here or there."
Such a discrepancy about a high-level communica-
tion between Moscow and Washington is unusual.
Yeltsin's spokesperson, Dmitri Yakushkin, said the
Russian president later reiterated to the EU leaders "the
thoughts that he had expressed in the message to Bill
Clinton that he mentioned in front of the journalists."
Yakushkin did not say whether it was a written or tele-
phoned message.
Russia long has expressed support for Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and repeatedly has
warned against the use of force in Kosovo, the pre-
dominantly ethnic Albanian province where rebels
are battling for independence from Serbia. Serbia
and Montenegro compose present-day Yugoslavia.

EPA proposes stricter pollution rules
WASHINGTON - Tougher air pollution requirements, soon to be proposed for
cars and for the first time sport utility vehicles, could dictate not only the quality
of the air but the kind of cars people will drive for decades to come.
The Environmental Protection Agency, after weeks of discussions with auto
makers, is expected to submit a draft of the proposed regulations within days f
final review by the White House, government and private sources said.
The new anti-pollution package also would require oil companies to produce
cleaner gasoline nationwide by cutting sulfur content by more than 90 percent.
Sulfur inhibits the efficiency of vehicle pollution-control equipment.
Tighter pollution rules for both motor vehicles and gasoline, which would begin
to be phased in in 2004, would be key in determining how states meet federal air-
quality goals and the types of vehicles motorists will drive during the next 20 years.
EPA officials refused comment, pending the review of the proposal by the White
House Office of Management and Budget.
But industry and environmental sources briefed on the draft proposal called the
tougher automobile standards essential to meeting federal air-quality goals, includ-
ing new health standards for smog and microscopic soot. The EPA proposal spe -
ifies nationwide tailpipe emission standards similar to those already adopted
2004 by California.

Jimmy John opened his first store in Charleston,
IL in 1983. Today he has a whole bunch all over
the place, including here.

Q: HEY, JIMMY JOHN! I'm the only woman in two of
my civil engineering classes. Don't you think the school
should recruit more women into civil engineering?
- Elaine Marshall, University of Michigan




A: Yeah, I guess, Elaine. Though I gotta' tell you, when I was in
school, I woulda' paid double for a class where I was the only guy!
Q: HEY, JIMMY JOHNI My mom and dad are coming
to visit this weekend. My room is totally trashed. I don't
have to clean it up, do I?
- Len Steekle, University of Illinois


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-A: Lenny, Lenny, Lenny! Relax! That's what closets are for!
Here's a quick quiz: What color is your dorm room floor. If you
can't answer, get busy!


Don't you ever sleep?
- Katie Bailey, Nashville

You guys are open so late.I



IA: It's all about priorities, Katie.



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Continued from Page 1
the rate of inflation this year.
Later, Regent Rebecca McGowan
(D-Ann Arbor) expressed her grati-
tude to Vice President for Medical
Affairs Gilbert Omenn and the team
at the University Hospitals' Burn
Treatment Unit for quickly treating
victims of the explosion at Ford
Motor Company's Rouge complex in
Dearborn on Feb. 1.
The regents also approved multiple
building and improvement projects
including an upgrade for electrical and
fire alarms system at South Quad
Residence Hall. The project is estimated
to cost $4.6 million, financed from
University Housing, Kasdin said, adding
that the project is scheduled to begin this
summer and conclude during the sum-
mer of 2000.
The regents also approved $950,000
worth of renovations for the second
floor of the E.H. Kraus Building, more
commonly known as the natural science
building. The project is intended to pro-
vide reconfigured space for a open mol-
ecular cell biology research laboratory.
Other building projects approved by
the regents include repairs to North
Campus roads and a magnetic resonance
imaging facility addition to the
University's East Ann Arbor Health
Center on Plymouth Road, east of US-
Continued from Page 1
Baraka and Blue Ark described their
performance style - a mixture of dif-
ferent arts - as Funklore.
"I think the music and the singing
makes it really intense and the gospel
makes me want to cry," LSA senior
Sheree Brown said.
Many other audience members shared
Brown's sentiments, saying the perfor-
mance evoked numerous emotions.
"It speaks to the essence of the
African American experience;' Gilbert
said. "Blues in its nature expresses
anger, sadness, despair, yet through its
rhythm, a hope for life."
Baraka's poetry referred to numer-
ous people and events in black histo-
ry, including Billie Holliday, Booker
T. Washington and John Coltrane.
He spoke about slavery, lynchings
and freedom. In one of his poems,
Baraka sung about "the cold city
streets of Billie Holliday that still go
on today."
LSA junior Mwanaisha Sims said she
was able to relate Baraka's poem to her
"I was thinking so much of what I've
studied," said Sims, who is concentrat-
ing in African and Afro-American
Studies. "It makes me so proud."
The integration of familiar folk,
blues and jazz songs into the perfor-
mance affected the audience members
in a variety of ways.
"To see a production like this is an
enlightening experience and is sup-
posed to make you feel good," said
LSA senior Jujuan Buford, who was
the BSU speaker at the event.
Ann Arbor resident Tammy Butler
said the music revived memories of
when her parents used to play similar
music at home.
"Although he was talking about a lot
of things that are historical, they're still
here today," Butler said.

Turkey to stop
protests, rebels


Y2K may affect
home appliances
The image of the year 2000 computer
glitch is of a widespread infection that
infects not only the most complicated
computer systems but also all the little
pieces of technology strewn through
everyday life that rely on internal clocks
- such as videotape recorders, pagers,
automotive controls and coffee makers.
The question of how these items will
weather New Year's Day has become one
of the basic fears of the year 2000 prob-
The home has been a source of anxi-
ety, not necessarily because of the danger
of starvation or hypothermia during the
New Year, but because of the investment
homeowners have made in expensive
electronic equipment and the disquiet of
having familiar and comfortable devices
behaving oddly.
"The things that we are most familiar
with are the ones we always worry about
most;' said John O'Brien, the coordina-
tor of a community Year 2000 prepared-
ness group in Chico, Calif

But as it turns out, the testing of tens
of thousands of products by consumer
electronics companies - from digital
thermostats to automatic coffee makers
- has turned up a surprisingly small
number that will be affected by the year
2000 problem, also known as Y2K or 14
Millennium Bug.
Abortion clinics hit
with anthrax threats
Three abortion clinics and a Planned
Parenthood center closed yesterday
after receiving packages with warnings
they contained anthrax.
The FBI planned to analyzer the
materials sent to a Planned Parenthood
center in Manchester, N.H., and abc
tion clinics in Washington, D.
Milwaukee and Cincinnati. As with
other recent threats against clinics,
there was no indication the deadly bac-
terium was actually used.
In Milwaukee, the person who
opened the envelope and three fire-
fighters who were the first on the scene
had to go to a hospital for decontami-
nation and observation.


ANKARA, Turkey --Turkey moved
to stifle Kurdish protests at home and
crush Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq
yesterday, while prosecutors interrogat-
ed the rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan at
a tightly secured island prison.
The capture of Ocalan continued to
fuel Kurdish protests in Europe forthe
third day, particularly in Germany,
where it was feared the Kurdish con-
flict would spill over onto its soil.
Turkey saw its most violent protests
yet when pro-Kurdish demonstrators
and police clashed in the southern city
of Ceyhan, injuring three policemen
and one demonstrator, the Anatolia
news agency said.
The Turkish military released a video
yesterday showing Ocalan being led
from a ship, his head covered by a
hood, onto the island of Imrali, in the
Sea of Marmara, where he was made to
pose in front of a line of Turkish flags.
Turkish stations ran the footage with a
caption reading, "This is the image

Turkey has been waiting for the past 15
Police, meanwhile, led sweeps-that,
according to the independent Human
Rights Association, have netted
many as 750 Kurdish activists si
Tuesday in Istanbul and the south-
east, the heartland of Ocalan's guer-
rilla war since 1984.
Mexican soccer star's
fathier kidnapped1h
MEXICO CITY - The brazen kid-
napping of the father of a belo*
Mexican soccer star provoked outrage
yesterday in a country nearly inured to
a barrage of abductions, bank robberies
and carjackings.
Jorge Campos, idol of soccer-mad
Mexicans, flew back to Mexico yester-
day from a tournament in Hong Kong
to take part in the hunt for his 65-year-
old father, Alvaro Campos.
Wishing the younger Campos well, the
coach of Mexico's national soccer team
captured the anger of many Mexic
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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3ther Kamins, "Editor in Chief I



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NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Erin Holmes, Katie Plona, Mike Spahn.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Melissa Andrzejak, Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley, Karn Chopra, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Cohen-Vrgnaud, Nick Falzone
Lauren Gibbs, Jewel Gopwani, Michael Grass, Maria Hackett, Jody Simone Kay, Yael Kohen, Sarah Lewis, Chris Metinko, Kelly O'Conn6r,°
Asma Rafeeq, Nika Schulte, Emina Sendijarevic, Jason Stoffer, Avram S. Turkel, Jaimie Winkler, Adam Zuwednk.
CALENDAR: Jewel Gopwani, Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editors
STAFF: Crlip Cullen, Ryan DePietro, Jason Fink, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost, Jenna Greditor, Scott Hunter, Thomas Kuljurgis, Sarah LeMireSarah
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SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Ed
EDITORS: TJ. Berka, Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack, Pranay Reddy.
STAFF: Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, David Den Herder, Dan Dingerson, Jason Emeott, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon
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Jon Zemke.
ARTS Jessica Eaton, Christopher Tkaczyk, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC, EDITORS: Aaron Rich, Will Weissert
SUB-EDITORS: Gabe Fajui (Music), Chris Cousino (TV/Newmedla), Anna Kovalszki (Fine/Peforming Arts), Ed Shoinsky (Film), Corinne Schneider (Books)
STAFF: Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Jenny Curren, Jimmy Draper, Jeff Druchniak. Cortney Dueweke, Brian Egan, Laura Flyer. Steve
Gertz, Jenni Glenn, Jewel Gopwani, Caitlin Hall, Gina Hamadey, Garth Heutel, Elizabeth Holden, Chris Kula, Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Kelly
Lutes, Ryan Malkin, Rob Mitchum, Andrew Mortensen, Kerr Murphy, Dikran Ornekian, Erin Podolsky, Lauren Rice, Adlin Rosli, Ted Watts,
Juquan Williams, Leah Zaiger.
PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Editors
ARTS EDITOR: Adriana Yugovich
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Louis Brown, Dana Linnane _
STAFF: Chris Campernell, Darby Fiedlis, Kristin Goble, Ohari Jones, Jessica Johnson, Kelly McKinnell, David Rochkind, Nathan Ruffer, Sara p
ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF Toyin Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen, Paul Wong.
GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex Hogg, Vicki Lasky.

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STAFF: Nate Heisler, Ryan Hopker, Jon Hotzer, Craig Isakow, Steve Jones, Melissa Kane, Sonya Keerekoper, Roberto Ledesma, Meredith

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