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February 18, 1999 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-18

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10B - e Mihi8gn Daily - Week d, etc MPagazine thus YFebruary 18, 1999




0 TheI

Continued from Page 2B
newer hits the Stones belted out this time
last year, but without all the mysticism
anTsplendor of the "Babylon" sessions.
Plus there is no new album to promote
this time around, and if star-studded duets
are planned for the future, the Stones are
hiding them under one of Jigger's ridicu-
lously tall Uncle-Sam top hats.
Such a quickly-assembled tour without
the usual excess is not exactly standard
fare for the Stones - a group that for
their 1978 world tour had a foldable
"Lotus Garden" stage constructed com-
pt*± with a giant inflatable penis and a

Tarzan rope for Jagger. Still, through the
replacement of numerous guitar players,
even more numerous drug-related arrests
and a sound that shifted from Chuck
Berry-influenced R&B to off-the-cusp
Woc 'roll to long, lonely bluesy ballads
to psychedelic and disco madness and all
the way back to R&B - the music has
still remained the driving-force behind,
any Stones tour
The band's first year on the road, 1964,
featured Jagger receiving a fine for pee-
ing on the wall of an East London gas sta-
tion and the August release of the instant
worldwide smash "Satisfaction." The
band quickly followed up their first hit
single by intensifying touring schedules

- often doing sets in less-than-kosher
venues. In December, a crowded stage
caused Richards to be knocked uncon-
scious by a spark from his own amplifier.
The late '60s saw the Stones dominate
rock 'n' roll charts with such hits as "Get
off My Cloud," and the forlorn "Paint It
Black"-which was the band's first sin-
gle to reach No. 1. But while the Stones
proved able to produce individual hits,
they still had yet to put together a standout
album. In 1967, the band turned its back
on its successes in the rock and rock-bal-
lad genres and released the psychedelic-
drug fueled "Between the Buttons" and
"Their Satanic Majesties Request" -
unimpressive records inspired by the

Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour." The
Stones returned to their R&B roots by
launching a 1968 European tour featuring
the hit single "Jumping Jack Flash" and
later that year released their first truly
acclaimed album "Beggar's Banquet.
In 1969, as the controversial songs
"Sympathy For the Devil, and "Street
Fighting Man" flooded radio airwaves
around the globe, guitarist Brian Jones
announced that he was finished with the
band. The Stones responded by hiring ax-
man Mick Taylor to replace him. This
was the beginning of the end for Jones,
who drowned in his swimming pool in
December 1969 in an incident police
described as "death by misadventure."

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The tragedy outside of the studio was
followed up by a string of recording suc-
cesses. The 1969 album "Let Bleed"
immediately made "You Can't Always
Get What You Want;" and "Give Me
Shelter" anthems for a generation. The
Stones formed their own short-lived
record label in 1971 and produced such
gems as "Sticky Fingers" (complete with
the Andy Warhol-designed album cover)
and 1972's "Exile on Main Street." But
the sales of all three records were slowed
somewhat by the finale to the Stones
1969 tour at Hamount Speedway. During
the Hamount show, members of the Hell's
Angels, who were hired by Jagger and
company to work as security guards,
stabbed one fan in front of the stage. The
murder touched off massive rioting and
left nearly 1,000 people injured.
The Hamount events did not sour the
world's appetite for Rolling Stones tours,
however. The Stones again hit the road to
promote their album "Goat's Head Soup"
in 1973 and sold out the largest arenas all
over the gle. ater that decade, "Sone
Girls" and "Tatto YO" tours geeraed
unprecedented c-itical and ulC
accla2n. The atones' success on te toad4
and i the stud . cam eveihout 1 ca ,or
had to be reph ace with RonnieWod i a
hFwgit yui.i.zd i.tiAn pl4cs, and.
despte numnerou s ores o ag . i:-d
RCichards on hrin, 3i°scocain.-4 a' nu mariju-
a cams s ,;
4o1re re(l ' te band h1- s,; c
comrci al g ic0 11 41roadw4h"S, t(
1 fore the "BabYon" prrductin.1 wv
arled with a pack ofyoung, st rng ca-
corded back up vocalists to suppirt a
more easily-tPiing Jagger - the band is
proving once again that with the Rolling
Stones: The show must always go on.
Great Brands
ey g
Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 9-5:3O2,
Wed & Sat 9-1
320 S. State St. '{jchardson's
Decker Drugs).
662 - 945 3
---.. - - ... -m
any falafel sandwich
1 Per Person Per Order
307 S. FfthAve.
I L rone .n -Q6 I.
I.......-- ..-- --

By William Nash
Daily Arts Writer
Over-anxious cops, bad tips, and
drunken students - pizza delivery's a
tough job, but somebody's got to do it.
They are recognizable by their wind
socks, marked cars, or maybe even
crazy and highly illegal driving tactics.
They are the pizza men.
Ataul Haque (pronounced like "a
tool" said very quickly) has been
the late night deliverer for Domino's
on East Williams Street for the past
10 years. Although his car does not
bear the company logo, his maroon
Honda Pre lude has become a staple
here in Ann Arbor. Its muffled purr
is like Palo's bell, eliciting a sali-
vary response a block before Haque
Haque~e has aspirations of being a
eompute pgamr, but he las
stuk witrDmi,' for the 'riends he
h a adadth 1-5e ksan
22ou r . a t~

guy, every time it's a medium thin
crust with black olive and pepperoni,
$7.72 ... every time."
Forming friendly relationships with
students has its advantages and disad-
vantages, Haque said. The tips might
be better, but sometimes students try to
break the pizza deliverer/student rela-
"Students offer beer and (ask me) to
come into parties all the time," Haque
said. "I don't drink and couldn't accept
Backroom Pizza deliverer Brian
Reese said that students offer him beer,
and weed, and "shit" all the time.,
"On the record, I never accept,"
Reese said, with a laugh.
An advantage' of delivering to
drunken/'impaired students, besides
free samp les, is hvgher tips, Rees;e
Bo-th lHaque and fellow Dormno's
emp2oye P ank a Mc1 arand sId that
women' ar 'he bst tppers
Ha_ ed. "They a n ad 4

Pizza drivers confront danger,
drunks, cops behind the wheel

Michigan ,gipyQWeekend, eta. n

On the less humorous side, both
Reese and Haque have had dangerous
experiences as delivery men. Haque
was robbed when he was a Domino's
delivery man in Ypsilanti.
"I've never felt unsafe here in Ann
Arbor," Haque said. "But in Ypsi
delivery men seem to get robbed every
other day."
Reese had a bad experience at a house,
when some students surrounded him and
said they wanted all the pizza in his car
Reese peeled out of the house after they
paid for the one pizza they ordered.
Piza drivers say the Ann Arbor Police
an~d Department of Public Safety have
sometimes caused problems for them,
too. Both Reese and Haquc have been
pulled over, though to varying degrees.
Recae said that he is pulled over at least
once a amanth-.
"Cop iul rn e over all the time:"'
Raeese sa2, who 4s on div.in~g proba-
ion. "Te Iove tO fLk< wihm.

wia a v

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Da Vinci's drIver John Ardrews

hac~ '1-2 ~ -

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ivlari... .e..2eOC na 0 .eet me
most pizza.
One of Reese's best expV.riences
came on his first day as a pizza man.
"It was the naked mile and traffic
was slow," Reese said.

ete ha ht 22 said. "SmehoLw
p2ic 2a.e bee ver 0i to m
Ph2 , Cot .1g in iz delJerer
who wlihd not'.0 to 'se 'isat narme,
sai 2e ha Cnly been pule ovr once
in the t8 mionths he has worked there.
That one time, he got off since there
was no sign near where he made an ille-
gal U-turn.

"There are so many peop)le who
order everyday, always the same
thing" Haque said. "There's this one



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than Dorms~
When it comes to work
does not fit all. Kohl's is<
stFre chains,sp eing
We have a number of o
variety of parw
* Depart
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* Lass P
In addition to flexibleb
Call 1-8
* o



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