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February 18, 1999 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-18

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6B The chig n Daily - ee iet. i Magazine -Th day bruary i, i99




*The Michian Dailv - Sekend. etc. Mag

E]Video Rewind
dBarbarelia' pleases viewers with skin, kitsch

By Erin Podolsky
Daily Arts Writer
The greatest female superhero the
world -- nay, the universe - has ever
seen flies around in a pink spaceship cov-
ered in floor-to-ceiling shag carpet. She
wears see-through plastic body armor -
all over. She has sex by holding hands.
Her name? Barbarella, queen of the
galaxy, and she's been around since 1968.
"Barbarella," the sci-fi soft-core porn
classic, stars Jane Fonda as the epony-
mous heroine who travels across the uni-
verse to bring back scientist Duran Duran
(Milo O'Shea). The President of Earth
tells her (that is, when he isn't busy ogling
her naked body) that Duran Duran is hid-
ing out and engineering a weapon that
will destroy her home. When she arrives

on his planet - though it's more of a
crash than a landing - her spaceship is
put out of commission.
She is accosted by attack
dolls who eat chunks of her
legs, leaving her dripping
with fake blood, until she is
saved by a nameless hairy
man-about-town. He wraps
her in fur and takes her on
his ice-sailboat of love, con-
verting Barbarella into a sex'
fiend who subsequently uses
her feminine charms to get
what she wants.
With the help of Professor
Ping (Marcel Marceau), a
spritely old man who punc-
tuates his sentences with "Ping,"


Barbarella is introduced to a blind angel
named Pygar (John Phillip Law) who
spits forth platitudes such as, "an angel
does not make love, an
angel is love." Later, with
help from a sexual pick-
me-up, she motivates the
flightless angel to fly again.
Thanks to her angelic
dalliance, Barbarella is
conveyed to the castle of
the Great Tyrant, the she-
witch, played with great
moments of overacting and
deliciously pseudo-erotic
speech patterns by Anita
The two battle using the
power of a mysterious substance that
flows under the castle known as the
Matmos. Ultimately, they must unite as
one against the Matmos when it rebels,

locks the two together in an invisibly
walled chamber and tries to kill everyone.
Fonda goes about her dynamic and
lithe-bodied performance with all of the
seriousness she applies to her more
"serious" roles. Barbarella may have
originated as a comic book character, but
Fonda invigorates her with life and libido
heretofore unseen in science fiction.
The same cannot be said for the rest of
the cast; they are little better than the
automatons who feast on Barbarella's
flesh early on, but that's part of
"Barbarella"'s charm.
The production design is laughable and
the script is, like the moon, made of copi-
ous amounts of green cheese. It's so bad
that it's good and it's so good that it's
great. There's no doubt that Barbarella
could be the queen of any galaxy she
chooses, and she'll rule the VCR like
nothing seen before.


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Continued from Page 4B
and Grill. Five dollars at the door admits
one to the eclectic world of Michigan ice
climbing, but the experience is well
worth the price.
The wooden tables that run two-thirds
of the floor are lined with climbers: most
from Michigan, many from Canada, a
few from the Alps and Andes, a few with
their kids, and all with their dogs.
At 8 p.m. the lights dimmed and the
slide shows began. The presenters repre-
sented the virtuosos of the sport, spon-
sored climbers seen on the covers of
magazines and mentioned in the stories
of Jon Krakauer.
The first to break the ice this year was
Shawn Parent, a professional Canadian
climber. He focused on the waterfalls of
Ontario that bear names as colorful as the
pictures themselves: Parental Abuse,
Paradice and The Womb, to name a few.
After Shawn came Scott Backes,
member of the elite North Face climbing
team, whose first slide dropped the jaws
of the crowd: Patagonia, Argentina. His
45-day expedition of Mt. Fitzroy put the
novice climbers in their place, presenting
pitches of a difficulty he technically rated
as "either do really good or you die."
The second night featured two more
climbing gurus, Fletcher Andrews and
Barry Blanchard. Andrews brought along
his stereo for added effect, using a mixed
tape to lend an emotional ambiance to his
inspiring slides of Mt. McKinley.
Blanchard did the same with his writ-
ing, describing his ice climbing adven-
tures of frost bite and fallen comrades in
heartfelt prose. A member of the
Patagonia expedition team, Blanchard
entertained the audience with his big
game stories of Katmandu and K2.
While the slide shows served as the
evenings' entertainment, the afternoons
were committed entirely to climbing.
Everyone rendezvoused at Pictured
Rocks Falls, a 30-foot frozen wall only
five minutes out of Munising.
The professionals hit the ice first,
providing technical tips for the audi-
ence below, as well as a few circus
tricks. Later the laymen climbers had
their turns, ascending and belaying,
trading gear and planning future trips.
The festival is always congenial to
beginners as well, with the big compa-
nies offering their equipment for use, in
addition to a steady flow of helpful
For beginners, the best way to enter
the world of ice climbing is still to take
one of the various instructional courses
offered in the Michigan and Canada.
Beginning- through advanced-level
courses in the sport can cost as little as
$60. These opportunities allow any
aspiring climbers or winter deviants to
meet the seasonal elements on equal
terms and to conquer the seemingly
undefeatable snow and ice, upper
peninsula style.
Look Your Best
For That Big Job interview
Dascola Barbers
615 E.Liberty Off State
M-F 8:30-5:20 Sat Ti 4:20pm
No Appointments Needed

By Daniel Wolfman
Daily Arts Writer
The Computer Age quickly ushers
forth the day when all of life can be
experienced from the isolation of a
single room. Contact between
humans will be limited as never

For barbers, beauty is usually only

before where even groceries will be spotted more at
delivered via the inevitable robot. ing the ideal
Everywhere, there will be social "Then they pu
Yet a few "Ce
important ves- C
tiges of the body seems to b
of humanity will
surely endure. name of the
For as long as
humans have hair dame."
on their body,-- Russell lutt
there will remain r sde Bal b
one hotbed of Owner, rca rbers
social gathering:

C m n
Salon, ho
cited di

there some new
bershops have?
gent of citizens
tain style? A fe
to identify wha
genuine trends
Stachura saids

the barbershop. Or if you prefer, the
hair salon.
Ann Arbor has no shortage of
either. For a simple, classic, few-
frills barbershop, there is the
Church Street Barbers. Across the
street from Angell Hall there is
Arcade Barbers, established way
back in 1918, outside of which
hangs the classic barbeshop indica-
tor, a red and white striped pole.
Relaxed and low-key in atmosphere,
one can walk in and receive, as
Engineering senior Benjamin
Mumma said, "A decent haircut."
Other salons refuse to be so
grounded, opting to be on the sec-
ond floor of buildings. Orbit, locat-
ed on South State Street, generally
requires one to make appointments
ahead of time, and always requires
one to walk up a flight of stairs.
Likewise, Jeffrey Michael Powers
Beauty Spa is arrived at via an ele-
vator the doors of which slide open
to reveal the salon.
Indeed, clustering together on
Central Campus, outnumbering gro-
cery stores by an incalculably high
ratio, is what Ann Arborite John
Much called a "bunch of barber-
shops. Really, a neighborhood of
shops." Within a minute's walk from
each other are Supercuts, Orbit,
Campus Barber and Beauty Salon,
Excaliber Barber Shop, and Arcade
What is the meaning of this? Is

"People want a lot of contrast, and
color. Everything is in, but especial-
ly unusually long, straight hair with
deep, vibrant and shiny colors ..
For guys, longer sideburns, a clean
look, close-cropped hair is popular,"
Chandler said. "But really, every-
thing has to be low-maintenance."
The main streak, though, running
through hairstyles, seems to be a
lack of a single, unifying main
Speaking from his shop, Arcade
Barbers owner Russell lutt said
there is a specific and dominant
trend running through today's hair-
"(In the past the trend has been)
long hair, and it's been short hair,
but now it's everything," Iutt said.
Then, echoing Chandler's com-
ments, he added, "Convenience
seems to be the name of the game."
Teresa Hollembeck, who works at
Campus Barber and Beauty Salon,
largely agreed. "It's sort of a hard
question. It's not how it used to be;
now it's so diverse. .. it's been that
way in the '90's."
Engineering junior Jason Riebel

, special appeal bar-
Is there a contin-
clamoring for a cer-
w students were able
at they thought were
s. LSA senior Sea
she thought she has
nd more people shar-
of a shaved head.
ut some blue-glitter
. pomade in their
hair, once it has
grown a couple of
inches. I think it's

d y

quipped, "If anything there's a trend
towards individualism. A trend
towards everybody doing different
things." RC senior Cara Spindler
laughed and asked rhetorically,
Iutt explained. "There's no war,
nothing to make people rise up. We
live in dull times. People don't feel
that they're making a statement with
a hair style." It seems, then, tat the
ubiquity of barbershops indicates
merely that many people want hair-
The statements people are making
with their haircuts are of personal,
individual significance, which
accounts in part for the number of
stories of failed and subpar haircuts
people report. With the lack of a
single direction dictated by social
standards comes the nuanced, idio-
syncratic demands of the individual.
As LSA junior Chrissy Hieb said,
"There should be a buyer beware
sign outside some of these places."
All submissions for
the 1999 Weekend,
etc. Literary Magazine
are due tomorrow by
Drop off your original
poetry and short sto-
ries in the Arts office
on the second floor of
the Student
Publications Building,
420 Maynard St.
Please provide a hard
copy and a version on


!SA sophomore Amy Fultz gets
Avenue. Some students say the

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