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February 16, 1999 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-16

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 3A


Prof. speaks about
college tenure wars

U' employee


A suspicious female subject was seen
ecking doorknobs and attempting to
nter rooms Saturday in the 400 corridor
of Strauss Hall in East Quad Residence
Hall, according to Department of Public
Safety reports. She was seen by witness-
es heading toward Hayden House was
described as about 40 years old, medium
height with long, thin blond hair, wearing
a black dress and carrying a mop.
The suspect confronted the witness
and stated she "works in the building and
with the police," according to DPS
The suspect became uncooperative
and loud, and officers responded, meet-
ing the suspect at the loading dock behind
East Quad. Officers found her hiding
behind a dumpster.
The suspect, who is not affiliated with
the University, refused any assistance or a
ride to a homeless shelter.
She then admitted to the officers that
the clothing she was wearing was stolen
* m the East Quad costume room.
The subject was subsequently arrested
for larceny. She assaulted a housing secu-
rity officer when she attempted to re-
enter East Quad.
A warrant check on the suspect was
negative, and the stolen property was
The subject was taken to Washtenaw
County Jail.
41 an attacked,
hen arrested
A man was attacked by his wife on
Saturday at 1156 McIntyre St., according
to DPS reports. The man was attacked
with a knife, but was not injured.
At the time the call was placed to DPS,
the man and his wife had separated them-
selves into different rooms. Officers
responded and interviewed both parties
volved. The man was subsequently
rsted for domestic assault. Project
Safehouse staff was notified, and the man
was arrested and taken to the Washtenaw
County Jail.
threatened by
A subject's 24-year-old ex-boyfriend
*lled her Thursday and stated he was
coming over to her apartment to retrieve
money that he claimed she owed him,
according to DPS reports.
The caller said her ex-boyfriend said
he would break into her Hubbard Street
apartment if he was not allowed to get his
The subject said she did not believe he
was carrying any weapons and did not
~ow what type of vehicle he might drive
eher apartment, DPS reports state.
DPS officers advised the subject to
recontact DPS dispatchers if he came to
her apartment.
The subject did have some of her ex-
boyfriend's property, and DPS officials
told the subject an officer would stand by
when the ex-boyfriend came to pick it up.
Shoes, books
stolen from Mo-Jo
0 An unknown subject stole a student's
unattended tennis shoes last Tuesday
from the hallway outside of his room in
Mosher Jordan Residence Hall, accord-
ing to DPS reports.
The student waited for three days to
call DPS and in the interim, two text-
books were also stolen from his unlocked
and unattended room.
[ an loiters in '
A male subject, described as having a

thin build, wearing a black-and-navy cap
and a dark coat was loitering in the
University Hospitals waiting area 5-D on
Saturday, according to DPS reports.
The subject was in the waiting area
throughout the day.
DPS officers responded and found the
subject in the 4-C waiting area.
The subject said he was visiting a
ient, but a check ofthe hospital census
could not find the name he gave.
The subject was. escorted from the
building and was advised not to return,
except for legitimate business.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Avmm S. Turkel.

By Nick Falzone
Daily Staff Reporter
From planning lessons to conducting research to
meeting with students, most college faculty mem-
bers have a packed schedule.
But from 1995 to 1997, University of Minnesota
faculty members had another issue to deal with in
addition to their daily activities - a war with the
Minnesota Board of Regents.
Minnesota Law Prof. Fred Morrison spoke with
the University's Senate Assembly yesterday about
the battle at his institution.
Morrison said the controversy began when
two regents wanted to prove their power to the
"The motivating force of the wars was that
one or two regents wanted to show they could
control the university and make changes very
quickly to it," Morrison said. "They wanted to
exhibit power for power's sake and the other
(regents) just got caught up in it."
Morrison said the regents tried to increase
their power by attempting to switch to a more
industrial type of faculty management. Under
this type of management, Morrison said, the
regents wanted to create changes that could be
disastrous for the faculty.
"In their proposal, they said any university
program could be ended within 60 days notice
and the faculty could be dismissed," Morrison
said. "They also specified that if a faculty
member did not have a spirit of industry, they
could be dismissed for that, too."
Morrison said the new style of management
would have stifled the faculty's creativity - par-

ticularly affecting researchers involved in long-
term projects.
"It was a very industrial kind of model ... a very
short-term, bottom-line approach," Morrison said.
"But they didn't realize that it sometimes takes 40
years to bring a project to fruition."
Senate Advisory Committee for University
Affairs Chair William Ensminger said there
are similar forces at work within the
University - people who want to apply a
business ethic to the academic enterprise.
But Ensminger, a pharmacology professor,
added that the change in the administration dur-
ing the past few years was an attempt by the
University Board of Regents to correct this
"As you know, we have a new president, a new
provost, a new vice president for academic
affairs," Ensminger said. "This is how the
University responded to this problem. The
regents, unlike those at Minnesota who were the
root of the problem, were responsible for the
solution of the problem here."
Morrison said the Minnesota faculty was
successful in its battle only after all parts of the
faculty pulled together.
"By pulling out a united front of the faculty, we
recruited the support of virtually the entire state of
Minnesota,' Morrison said. "We had a victory
when the governor said we needed a new way to
elect regents."
While the war with the Minnesota regents is
finished, Morrison said other challenges to
academic freedom continue at his institution
- including the issue of tenured faculty posi-

University of Minnesota Prof. Fred Morrison speaks to the Senate Assembly at its meeting yesterday
about the tenure war between the Minnesota faculty and the Minnesota board of regents.

tions. He said that while these positions tend to
be holding constant or declining, other profes-
sional teaching and research positions are
"We are defeating the point of tenure if someone
has a year-after-year appointment for 30 to 40
years," Morrison said. "If teaching and research
specialists are performing the same function as the
faculty, but without tenure, this needs to be looked

at and regulated."
Astronomy Prof. Gordon MacAlpine, who wi l
become the chair of SACUA on May 1, said the
University is also monitoring this issue to try and
prevent a similar situation from occurring here. j
"While it's unclear if faculty positions wil
decline here, we are talking with the presiddet
and the provost and they know of our concefts
with the issue," MacAlpine said.

Code review scheduled for regents meeting

By Jaimie Winkler
Daily Staff Reporter
After a month-long delay and numer-
ous reports, the University Code of
Student Conduct review is scheduled for
presentation at the University Board of
Regents monthly meeting this week.
Overall, the regents have expressed
support for the Code and the student
review, which was not a part of the
review completed by the Vice President
for Student Affairs or the internal
review performed by the Office of
Student Conflict Resolution.
In addition to the Code review, a pro-
posal to change the Code amendment
process is scheduled for recommenda-
tion. This proposal would make
University President Lee Bollinger the

final authority on Code decisions -
instead of the regents. Under the pro-
posal, proposals for amendments would
be reviewed by a Student Relations
Committee - consisting of students,
faculty and administrators - who
would make recommendations to
Regent David Brandon (R-Ann Arbor)
said at first he was not in favor of the idea
of having a Code.
"I really don't have the background
or the sense of history," he said, adding
that with time he was able to see the
necessity of the Code.
But Brandon said he doesn't "believe
this is something the regents should be
involved in specifically."
Regent Olivia . Maynard (D-

Code proposal, housing rates to
highlight meeting.

Goodrich) said the important aspect of
review is to have students, faculty and
administration involved in the process.
"Periodically (the regents) should get
a report on it," Maynard said.
Another recommendation scheduled
to be made at the regents meeting is the
appointment of Fawwaz Ulaby as vice
president for research. Ulaby has held
the interim position since December
1998. The appointment will be effective
March 19 if approved by the board.
"During his short tenure as interim
vice president, Fawwaz has exhibited

outstanding leadership skills and a deep
understand of the issues associated with
this vital position;' Provost Nancy
Cantor said in a written statement.
Following his appointment as interim
vice president, Ulaby founded the U-M
Greats program. U-M Greats, which
will showcase University alumni at
monthly regents meetings and in the
University Record, was praised by the
regents after the January presentation of
University alumnus Claude Shannon in
the program's debut.
Members of the board are also

expected to debate the approval of
University residence halls and family
housing rates increases for the 199,-
2000 school year. The average expect&d
rate is 2.3 percent, according to the pro-
posal by Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford.
"The proposed 2.3 percent rate
increase is, for the most part, a reflectidn
of the costs necessary for University
Housing to maintain its present level of
services," Hartford's report said.
She also noted the financial strain on
University Housing due to lower-tha4-
expected occupancy.
"While lower occupancy causes
some variable costs to be reduce, the
fixed costs within the residence hall
system are tremendous," Hartford said.

DPS officers chase,
arrest camacker after
Law Quad incident

The University of Michigan Business School,
the Center for the Education of Women, and



Women cordially invite you
to the

Woman not hurt as
man forcibly steals car
this weekend
By Avram S. Turkel
Daily Staff Reporter
An apparently unarmed man threat-
ened a 21-year-old University student
shortly before midnight Sunday in the
parking lot adjacent to the Law Quad at
the 700 block of South State Street
before forcibly stealing her car, accord-
ing to Department of Public Safety offi-
The man accosted the student as
"she was getting into her car, and
asked for money," DPS spokesper-
son Beth Hall said.
When the student said she had no
money, the 36-year-old suspect pro-
ceeded to carjack the victim.
Before relinquishing her vehicle,
"the victim struggled with the sus-
pect, which caused the marks on his
face," Hall said.
The student went to the Ann Arbor
Police Department after reporting
the crime and told AAPD that while
fighting with the assailant she
scratched his face hard enough to
cause superficial marks.
A description of the suspect - a
male with short hair and scratches
on his face wearing blue jeans -
and of the student's 1990 blue Acura
Integra, were provided to DPS offi-
cials by AAPD officials.
While looking for a subject fitting

the description given by the victim,
officers in a DPS patrol car spotted
a possible match driving eastbound
on Oakland Avenue.
While being monitored by the
officers, the suspect ran a stop sign
between Oakland Avenue and Arbor
Street, which triggered the DPS
officers' pursuit.
Once the suspect became aware of
the officers, he abandoned the car
on Arbor Street.
The suspect eluded the officers by
running down Arbor Street toward
Blue Front convenience store.
A bulletin was broadcast to all
DPS officers to watch for the sus-
pect before a suspect fitting the
dlescription was picked up at the 500
block of South State Street between
the Literature, Science and Arts
Building and the Michigan Union.
At the time of the apprehension,
officers noticed scratch marks on
the man's face and nose, which
matched the victim's description.
A warrant check came up negative,
but the suspect was arrested because
the other evidence of his identity was
clear, according to DPS reports.
The suspect was processed by
DPS officials and was taken to the
Washtenaw County Jail.
The victim was not injured, but
did lose her black and brown back-
pack at the scene of the crime.
The bag had textbooks in it, and if
found the item should be reported to
DPS at 763-1131.

Women in Leadership Lecture
"Promoting and Sustaining
Success in a Changing World"


fetu ring

Connie K. Duckworth
Managing Director, Fixed Income, Currency
and Commodities Division
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Thursday, February 18, 1999
4:30 p.m., Hale Auditorium

*OA senior Andrea Zellner was misidentified in a photo on the front page of yesterday's Daily.

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