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February 16, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-16

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 16, 1999


'U'talks remain stag

Continued from Page IA.
negotiations, they should not be
included in GEO's contract.
While GEO spokesperson Chip
Smith insisted these issues - integral
to GEO's membership - should be
included in the contract, he also asked
why the University refused to move
in their wage and fraction recalcula-
:4ion proposals.

"It's odd that they're sticking out
over something that costs more while
hurting more GSIs," Smith said. "It's
odd that they don't want to talk about
it at the table."
But Gamble said the cost of the
University's counterproposal is unim-
portant since it provides better support
for GEO's membership. Gamble said
the counterproposal provides GSIs
with a .4 appointment - those who
work approximately 40 percent of the

hours of a full-ti
with more mon
wage increase p
Although Ga
focusing ont
issues, Smith sa
University's lac
quieting at this
tion process.
"It's extrem
effort and energ
this," Smith sai



Camplt4e Li
p rese


Continued from Page 1A
me faculty member - evolution and ecology, out of the pic-
ey than GEO's current ture.
roposal. "If our aim is to build on our
amble said his team is strengths, I suspect considerable agita-
the most important tion from the (biology) department on
id he still believes the this point," Easter said.
k of movement is dis- The University is only one of sev-
stage of the negotia- eral higher educational institutions
enhancing their life sciences pro-
ely alarming how little grams. Notably, Harvard University
gy they're putting into recently allotted $200 million for
d. life sciences.
"Other institutions are not standing
still on this,' Bollinger said. "It's very
important that the University establish
itself as a major life sciences research
The 19-member commission was
appointed by Bollinger last May to
find ways to launch the University
as a world leader in life science
The commission outlined three specif-
ic initiatives - genomics and complex
genetics, chemical and structural biology
and cognitive neuroscience - to con-
centrate on as central areas of research.
Two inter-disciplinary initiatives
were also proposed - a
"Biotechnology and Translational
Mali delivers his Research Initiative" and a
"Biocomplexity Initiative" to integrate
Europ~i y rid. empirically derived information.

GOP debates role of impeachment in 2000
Far from ending with President Clinton's acquittal, the political skirmishing over
impeachment now shifts from the floor of the U.S. Senate to places such as Iowa
and New Hampshire.
But rather than pitting Democrat against Republican, a new battle is brewing
between those GOP candidates and activists hoping to make impeachment a major
issue in the 2000 presidential campaign and those wishing to change the subjec*
quickly as possible. "People are sick of the entire debate," said Whit Ayres, a
Republican pollster and counselor to Lamar Alexander's 1996 presidential cam-
paign. "They don't want to be reminded; they think it's a stain on the body politic
and there's very little to be gained by talking specifically about it."
But Jonathan Baron, communications director for former Vice President Dan
Quayle, said, "A serious Republican contender for the presidency not talking about
this issue is impossible. This is a defining issue. This is an enormous issue for the
Republican Party."
With impeachment having loomed so large for so long, it's easy to lose perspec-
tive and foolhardy to attempt any far-reaching predictions. "The most important
thing to remember is things tend to be less important than we think at the time,"
said David Doak, a Democratic strategist. "All things seem huge when they're a*
ally occurring."



The golden voice of)

Rust belt making
a comeback
WASHINGTON - The heart of
America's industrial Midwest, mired in
an economic slump and losing popula-
tion a decade ago, is making a come-
Industrial communities like
Cleveland, Detroit, Louisville and
Peoria lost jobs and population in the
1980s as older industries closed, leav-
ing the region characterized as the Rust
But day, the Census Bureau
reported, "in many Rust Belt metro
areas, unemployment is down, wel-
fare rolls are down, crime is down,
wages are up and the population is
either up or stable."
Reasons for the turnaround vary
from community to community,
Census analyst Glenn King said, but
the improvement in the national econo-
my has helped a great deal.
In addition, he said, local growth
strategies have been important, led by
mayors, local residents and businesses

in different cities.
"Michigan, for example, has made a
concentrated effort to diversify its
economy away from being auto depen-
dent," he noted. "That has had a posi-
tive impact."
Union negotiationse
resume after sickout
DALLAS - Most of American
Airlines' flights took off as scheduled
yesterday as negotiations resumed
between the company and its pilot
union, 10 days after pilots began a sick-
out that tangled travel for more than a
half-million passengers.
About 800 of American's 9,4
pilots were still listed as sick yesterA
down from the nearly 2,500 who were
out Thursday and Friday, airline offi-
cials said. Cancellations of 11 percent
of flights was no worse than a day of
bad weather in a hub city, officials said.
American's parent company, AMR
Corp., and the Allied Pilots Association
began to negotiate the integration of
recently purchased Reno Air.

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Iraq threatens to
attack Turkish base
BAGHDAD - Iraq threatened
yesterday to attack aTurkish base for
U.S. warplanes, along with other
American and British bases in the
region, if the jets continue patrolling
Iraqi skies.
Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright promised swift U.S. retaliation
in event of an Iraqi attack.
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin
Ramadan's threat, coming in an
interview with Radio Monte Carlo,
monitored in Baghdad, marked the
first time in years that Iraq has
threatened to attack neighboring
U.S. jets based at Incirlik, in south-
ern Turkey, have struck almost daily at
Iraqi defense sites after being targeted
by Iraqi defenses while patrolling the
"no-fly" zone over the north of the
Ramadan also repeated Iraq's threat
made Sunday against other bases in
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait from which

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U.S. and British jets patrol a southern
"no-fly" zone. The Arab League
denounced this earlier threat yester-
Serbia voices g
opposition to troops
PARIS - Serbia is willing to make
major compromises and grant rival eth-
nic Albanians broad self-rule, but it
adamantly opposes having NATO
troops police a Kosovo agreement, the
republic's president said yesterday.
For the first time since a Kosovo
peace conference started Feb. 6, M
Milutinovic indicated Serbs were
ing to give up most of the demands that
have stalled the talks - with the excep-
tion of NATO peacekeeping troops.
"We don't think that the troops are
needed if the agreement is good and
acceptable to the majority of people
living in Kosovo," Milutinovic told The
Associated Press, adding that abandon-
ing NATO demands for a peacekeeping
force was a "precondition" for any
eventual peace deal.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nitha Easley, ErinI Holmes, Katie Plana8, Mike Spahn.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Melissa Andrzejak, Marta Bil, Nick Bunkley, Karn Chopra, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Cohen.Vngnaud, Nick Falzone,
Lauren Gibbs, Jewel Gopwani, Michael Grass, Maria Hackett, Jody Simone Kay, Yae Kohen, Sarah Lewis, Chris Metinko, Kelly O'Connor,
Asma Rafeeq, Nika Schulte, Emina Sendijarevic, Jason Staffer, Avram S. Turkel, Jaimie Winkler, Adam Zuwerink.
CALENDAR: Jewel Gopwani, Adam Zuwednk.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editors
STAFF: Chip Cullen, Ryan DePletro, Jason Fink, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost, Scott Hunter, Thomas Kuijurgis, Sarah LeMire, Sarah Lockyer, Laurie
Mayk, James Miller, Michael Nagrant, Steve Rosenberg, Scott Rothman, Branden Sanz, l ly Scheer, Jack Schillaci, Megan Schimpf, t*
Whitcup, Paul Wong, Nick Woomer.,W
SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Editor
EDITORS:T J Berka, Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack, Pranay Reddy.
STAFF: Josh Borkrin, Evan Brajjnstein David Den Herder, Dan Dingerson, Jason Emeott, Jordan Field. Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon,
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ARTS Jessica Eaton, Christopher Tkaczyk, Editors
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Aaron Rich. Will Weissert
SUB-EDITORS: Ge F uri (Music), Chris Cousino(TV/Newrnedia), Anna Kovalszki (Fine/Pefomning Ats). Ed Sholinsky (Film). Corinne Schneider (Books)
STAFF: Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Jenny Curren, Jimmy Draper, Jeff Druchniak, Cortney Duweke, Brian Egan, Laura Flyer, Steve Gertz,
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Ted Watts. Juquan Williams, Leah Zaiger.
PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Edt
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Louis Brown, Dana Linnane
STAFF: Chris Campernell, Darby Friedlis, Kristin Goble, Dhani Jones, Jessica Johnson, Kelly McKinnell, David Rochkind, Nathan Ruffer, Sara
ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF: Toyin Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen, Paul Wong.
GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex Hogg, Vicki Lasky.
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