2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 8, 1999
Continued from Page 1.
"We have had systems already start
to fail," Thiele said. "We have been
on top of fixing them."
The Office of the Registrar's com-
puters had a minor problem in early
1998. The University puts new
recruits into the computers, and the
computer produces a purge date of
two years later. On Jan 2, 1998, the
automatic purge date was Jan 2, 2000.
The systems refused the data.
Thiele said the initial plan was to
work around the problem, but eventu-
ally the system was replaced. The
University now asks vendors to sign a
document assuring 2000 compatibili-
ty as a precaution.
"When we have a company who is
developing software, we have them
sign," said Andy Supers, manager of
computer procurement for the
For desktop computers and com-
mon items, University buyers can
check the Internet for product infor-
mation, he said.
"We have information from IBM
and Dell that the computers are 2000
compatible,"Supers said.
The University has been using the
document for about one-and-a half
years. The Computer Aided
Engineering Network has been
assessing the Engineering computers.
"We're addressing the most obvi-
ous and easy to address things,"
CAEN director Paul Killey said.
He said his team of Y2K workers is
prioritizing which interruptions
would impact students and
researchers the most.
Killey said while many people
worry about finance-oriented or busi-
ness-oriented software crashing,
some also are concerned about acade-
mic software.
"As an academic unit, we are con-
cerned with students being able to
login and do homework," Killey said.
Some Engineering classes are facili-
tated completely from the Web, he
"Get the software updates from
Sun and Netscape," Killey suggested
for students who may be concerned
about their ability to retrieve class
material off the Web after Jan. 1,
2000 from their personal computers
at home.
Continued from Page 1
"There have been years in the past
where my office has been inundated with
phone calls" about the issue, Sheldon
said. "We have not received any phone
calls this year."
Sheldon said the shelters adapt to
extreme weather conditions like those
experienced this week.
"They have policies regarding
length of stay," Sheldon said, "But
they are relaxed during this type of
situation. If anyone wants shelter,
they can get it."
As Ann Arbor continues its efforts
to clear city streets and sidewalks of
snow from last weekend's storm,
more snow looms on the horizon. The
National Weather Service Website
predicts 2 to 4 inches of new accumu-
lation today.
Continued from Page 1.
to read over its contents.
The assembly's report includes rec-
ommendations to amend the Code, a
legal analysis of the Code, comparisons
with student codes of conduct at other
universities and the results of 300 stu-
dent questionnaires administered by
One suggestion is to divide the Code
into two documents. One would serve
as an introduction to the Code and a
description of students' rights and vio-
lations, and the second would be a pro-
cedures guide kept by OSCR to direct
students when filing complaints. Reich
said the assembly may try to implement
this change before the January meeting.
"We are unclear as to whether sever-
ing the Code into two parts would
require regental approval," Reich said.
The committee also found that sec-
tions of the Code were ambiguous or
violated students' rights, including First
Amendment and Fifth Amendment
rights, and it recommended that related
passages be deleted. Other changes
could include the elimination of
hearsay from permissible evidence in
The Code's introduction also was
criticized by the committee, which
27 28 29 30 31 3 2 Continued from Page i.
Closed 9-6 9-6 9-6 9-6 Closed 9-6 "People showing pride by wearing
school colors. Hospitality and student
JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN participation were the deciding crite-
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ria," Cahn said. "Who is at the table is
more important than what you put on
11-6 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 9-6 the table."
JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN Cahn attended the Michigan vs.
10N J1 12 JA 14 15 Michigan State game this year, and was.
- 12 13 14 15 16 impressed especially with the people
12-5 Resume Regular Hours: M-F 9-6; Sot 9:30-5; Sun noon-5 and the surrounding vicinity.
Spdnng Commenceumm~'ent
Stu~dent Sr
CallFor E£nes
The Office of the Vice President for Communications
is issuing a Call for Entries for a Student Speaker at
Spring Commencement.
Saturday, May 1, 1999
9:30 a.m.
Michigan Stadium
The student speaker must be receiving a bachelor's
degree during Winter 1999 or Summer Term 1999.
- Curriculum Vitae (or resume) highlighting U-M
scholarship and campus leadership
- Typed draft of speech (less than 5 minutes in
- Audiocassette tape of the author reading the
- Contact Beth Moceri at 615-0520 or by e-mail,
With many students still stranded
outside Ann Arbor, more snow will hin-
der their attempts to return for classes
next week, but students should not
worry about losing their places in class-
es for their absence.
Esrold Nurse, assistant dean of LSA
student academic affairs, said the
University is understanding of weather-
related problems.
The policy of many LSA depart-
ments is to drop students who do not
attend the first two classes so waitlisted
students may be admitted, he said.
"The dean and I sent out a note to the
department chairs to ask them to not do
that until next week," Nurse said.
"Given the severe weather, we thought
it was appropriate to withhold decisions
until next week"
Nurse called the number of students
missing from classes Wednesday and
yesterday "substantial."
found through student questionnaires
and forums sponsored by the assembly
that "students felt ... the Code's intro-
duction dictated values expected by the
Administration ... and imposed those
values on them."
The committee also found flaws with
the lack of precedent used in Code
cases because of heavy restrictions on
the release of case information.
The assembly's non-scientific survey
of students found that less than half of
the 300 students surveyed were even
"aware" of the Code prior to September
1998, and the report states that is "a
fundamental flaw in the processes sur-
rounding the Code"
To improve student knowledge about
the Code, the assembly proposed dis-
tributing copies of a revised Code at
orientation for first-year students, the
beginning of winter term, during
Welcome Week and also printing the
Code on Information Technology
Division start-up screens, every major
University document, blue books, stu-
dent directories, course guides, campus
safety guides and residence hall guide-
lines. i
The final recommendation by the
committee is to create a permanent
oversight committee composed of stu-
dents, faculty and staff to review the
Code and OSCR on a regular basis.
"There was wonderful tailgating
on the golf course. In fact, it may be
one of the most scenic places to tail-
gate in the country," Cahn said.
Cahn attributed Penn State
University's high ranking to the large
region for tailgating.
"Penn State is blessed with an
incredible amount of land surround-
ing the stadium," Cahn said.
Jeff Nelson, a sports information
director for Penn State, said he is
very pleased with the results, giving
recognition to the alumni association
and the students.
"We have the largest dues-paying
alumni association in the country and
sell mnore than 20,000 student tickets
every year," Nelson said.
Dave Singer, an Engineering doc-
toral student at the University, has
been a season ticket holder for eight
He said he feels the University's
school spirit is high, but mentioned
some problems with tailgating at the
"Last year was great, but
Michigan was better years ago when
fraternities and sororities played a
larger role, and students didn't have
to fear getting in trouble," Singer
Patrick Goleski, an Engineering
first-year student, has attended
games at the Big House and at other
universities, but seemed surprised by
the ranking.
"We have a lot of pride in our
school's tradition, but we are not
really that wild because we are com-
fortable with our team always being
good," Goleski said.
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'Fidgit factor' can control weight gain
Fidgeting, pacing and other seemingly wasted motions can help prevent weight gain
in some people, according to new research that may explain why some folks with the
heebie-jeebies don't get fat even when they indulge in the equivalent of two extra
cheeseburgers a day.
The findings appear to bethe first direct evidence that some people respond to s
den indulgence by getting more ants in their pants, automatically upping calorie-bt
ing activities without realizing it.
In the Mayo Clinic study, 16 healthy volunteers consumed an additional 1,000 calo-
ries more than their usual daily amount for eight weeks, their every meal fixed by a
hospital nutritionist.
While all the subjects put on weight - from 2 to 16 pounds - those who did the
most fidgeting and other "nonexercise" activities gained the least.
"There are people who in response to overeating will unconsciously move around
more and therefore won't gain as much weight as other people," the study's leader,
Michael Jensen, said in an interview.
A key implication, the researchers said, was that becalmed people might better con-
trol their weight if they grew restless.
The work appears today in the journal Science, in time to boost flagging New Ye
Abortion doctors
targeted on Website
PORTLAND, Ore. - Abortion
doctors listed as "baby butchers" on a
Web site that reads like a wanted
poster live in constant fear for their
lives, attorneys said yesterday in a
case accusing the site of being an
invitation to murder.
"Just like bounty hunters of the
Old West, the defendants want to stop
the doctors by any means - dead in
their tracks," said Maria Vullo, who
represents a group of doctors listed
on the site called The Nuremberg
The site lists the names of hun-
dreds of doctors who perform abor-
tions, their addresses, their license
numbers, even the names of their
children. Those killed are crossed
off. Those merely wounded are
shaded in gray.
Plaintiffs, including Planned
Parenthood and a women's health cen-
ter, claim the site violates a federal law
that bars activists from inciting vio-
lence against abortion doctors and their
While Vullo noted that the site and
a set of "wanted posters" distributed
by the site's backers stop short of
making explicit threats, she said the
message was clear in a pattern
"posters and murders and murdL
and applause."
Death toll rises from
listeria contamination
ATLANTA - The death toll has
climbed to eight in a bacterial out-
break linked to a Michigan meat
processing plant, the Centers for
Disease Control and PreventiS
reported yesterday.
The CDC found listeria contami-
nation in an unopened package 'f-
hot dogs handled at the Bil Mar
Foods plant in Zeeland, Mich.
A different strain of the bacteria
was discovered in unopened pack-
ages of deli meat produced at the
plant. Bil Mar Foods is a Sara Lee
c ..
. ,'
Study assesses risk
of heart disease
LONDON - Half of men and a
third of women under 40 will develop
coronary heart disease at some point in
their lives, according to a new study of
Americans that experts say emphasizes
the need for society-wide improve-
ments in dietary habits and lifestyle.
Heart disease - the biggest killer in
most of the industrialized world - is
largely preventable by healthier habits,
and some experts say drug therapy for
so much of the population is not an
acceptable way to manage it.
Doctors also generally have believed
that if patients reach age 70 free of
heart disease, they are unlikely to get it
before they die.
"Our study would indicate quite to
the contrary," said research leader
Daniel Levy, director of the National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's
Framingham Heart Study, which has
been investigating heart disease for 50
years in Framingham, Mass.
Coronary heart disease, in which
arteries supplying blood to the heart get
clogged with plaque, is the most com-
mon form of heart disease. It can lead
to recurring chest pain known as angi-
na as well as heart attacks. Doctors
manage it by treating some of the cc
tributing factors, such as by prescribi
pills to lower blood pressure and cho-
lesterol. Weight loss and increased
exercise also help to minimize the
Central America
receives debt relief
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador0
The Central American countries most
ravaged by tropical storm Mitch have
received extensive debt relief from
the world's richest creditor nations,
sources confirmed yesterday.
Paris Club members, including the
United States, have agreed to forgive
80 percent of Nicaragua's debt, con-
sider a similar reduction for
Honduras and to postpone for three
years all payments on both countries'
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus su
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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