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One hundred eight years ofeditor l freedom
January 8, 1999
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Code re
Regents will not address the
Code of Student Conduct until
their February meeting
nifer Yachnin
y Staff Reporter
The Office of the Vice President for Student
Affairs has decided to postpone the review of the
Student Code of Conduct until the February
University Board of Regents meeting.
Only the Michigan Student Assembly, Senate
Assembly and University administration have the
ability to formally suggest changes to the Code,
which must be approved by the regents. MSA
Code review members mailed copies of their
report to the regents' homes in December.
"Everything had come in so late in December
... it really gives people the chance to analyze
more thoughtfully," said Maureen Hartford, vice
president for student affairs.
MSA Student Code Review Committee Public
Information Director Brian Reich said the assem-
bly was scheduled to present its re
regents in January, but did not expect
sion of the report until the February m
The reports will be presented and di
ing the February meeting, Hartford sa
Hartford said the committees spent
of time on the reports and added, "it w
sincere if we didn't give people amplet
the reports well."
But the assembly will attempt to in
changes including additional fundingf
port to the ingthe Code and creating additional staff positions
any discus- in the Office of Student Conflict Resolution before
Ieeting. the February meeting, Reich said.
scussed dur- Hartford said the changes can be made without
id. regental approval because they have "nothing to do
a great deal with the text of the Code, but rather with the com-
rould be less munication of it"
time to read Regents Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) and
Dan Horning (R- Grand Haven) refused to com-
nitiate some ment on the report, stating they needed more time
for publiciz- See CODE, Page 2
MSA Code review:
® The Michigan Student Assembly
submitted copies of its review of the
Student Code of Conduct to the
University Board of Regents in
U The presentation of Code reviews
by the Office of the Vice President
for Student Affairs, MSA and the
Senate Assembly have been
postponed until February to give the
regents more time to examine the
MSA suggests splitting the Code
into two separate documents.
for Y2K
By Jaimie Winkler
Daily Staff Reporter
In 357 days, the world will hold its
b eath as computers may or may not
their dates to the year 2000.
The University is gearing up to fight
the potential interruptions caused by
the year 2000 problem. The Y2K prob-
lem would cause computers to confuse
Jan. 1, 2000 forJan 1, 1900.
.The Year 2000 Committee at the
University has been working on action
plans for aspects of the University should
there be problems on New Year's Day.
"Where we are right now is the
Nle campus has finished the assess-
ment," Year 2000 Project Manager
Gloria Thiele said.
After the assessment process, the
campus will work on individual action
plans for different schools and divi-
sions of the University, Thiele said. The
committee expects to have action plans
ready for the entire campus by July 1,
she said.
Thiele said the committee also hopes
have an adequate communication
pan in place between students and the
University in case problems arise for
the next year's winter term.
"All of the colleges are being asked
to look at 'what ifs'," Thiele said.
While assessing the systems and
potential problems, Y2K researchers are
deciding whether to fix or replace them.
See Y2K, Page 2
SID dies
due to CO
From staff reports
Brian Fishman, former sports
information director for the
Michigan hockey program, was
found dead in his Ann Arbor apart-
ment yesterday.
The Hidden Valley Apartments
fkplex resident died from carbon
monoxide that had seeped through
his heater and into his home, said
Jonathon Grant, regional manager
of Hidden Valley Apartments.
Where the incident occurred,
Grant said, return air vents in the
apartment were blocked by boxes.
Fishman had recently moved into
the apartment.
"This time of year is not usually
L one or two incidents," Grant
~d. He added that no previous
deaths involving carbon monoxide
poisoning have occurred in the com-
Other residents in Fishman's
building were evacuated and placed
in a hotel for the evening, Grant
said. The displaced residents should
be able to return to their homes
AAPD officials and Grant would
not say Fishman was the victim, but
Michigan Athletic Department offi-
cials confirmed last night Fishman
had died in the incident.
Late last night, as they learned of
his death, Fishman's former col-
leaaties reflected on a man they
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -The United States Senate opened
the first impeachment trial of a president in 131 years
yesterday, starting on a solemn note with the formal
reading of charges against William Jefferson Clinton
but soon grinding to a halt amid deep disagreements
over what to do next.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist entered the majestic
Senate chamber at 1:19 p.m. to take over as presiding
officer for the duration and swear in the jury of 100
grim-faced senators, who then marched to the well one
by one to sign an oath book pledging to do "impartial
Yet even as the trial formally began, the rules for
how it would be conducted, how long it would last and
how it would end remained unwritten - uncertainties
at the center of a struggle that threatened to plunge the
Senate into the same partisanship that consumed the
House during its impeachment debate last month. After
recessing without issuing the required summons to the
See IMPEACH, Page 7
Senate President Pro Tempore Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), left, swears in Chief Justice William Rehnquist yesterday in the Senate Chamber,
shown In this image from C-SPAN video. Rehnquist will preside over the impeachment trial of President Clinton.
'U'faculty offer clarfication
f Senate trial procedures
By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
With yesterday's swearing in of
Supreme Court Chief Justice
William Rehnquist and the 100
Senate members for the Senate trial
of the impeached president, ques-
tions surrounding what exactly will
come next still leave many uncer-
One of the most pressing issues
facing those involved with the trial
is whether witnesses will be called
to testify about the specific details
of the accusations made against
Clinton in the Articles of
Impeachment passed by the House
last month.
Either way, both sides could lose,
said political science Prof. Vincent
A full-scale trial including wit-
nesses could damage Republicans
because the testimony could weak-
en their charges, he said.
"It sounds high-minded to talk
about perjury," Hutchings said.
"But when the subject of the per-
jury is whether or not Clinton
touched Monica Lewinsky's
breasts," it takes away from the
seriousness of the accusation.
Because the testimony would be
shown live on television, a poten-
tially embarrassing situation exists
for the Senators. While American
See FACULTY, Page 7
Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) enters the Senate for yesterday's proceedings.
'M' named 2nd best tailgating school in country
By Karr Chopra
Daily Staff Reporter
Every Saturday morning across the
country, students and alumni -come
together to show their school spirit
before the upcoming football game.
Joe Cahn, the self-proclaimed com-
missioner of tailgating, said these fes-
tivities represent "the last great
American neighborhood."
To compliment one of the largest ath-
letic departments in the country, the
University recently received second
place in the Ultimate Tailgating Party
Kentucky Fried Chicken, a sponsor
of the National Collegiate Athletics
Association, worked with Cahn to find
the top 10 schools to spend your foot-
ball Saturdays at. Cahn also mentioned
that the Southeast and the Big Ten are
the top two conferences for tailgating.
calling a 1-800 hotline, or through the
7_ Uivrsy of KFC Website. Cahn's vote served as the
,Q U sv#ildeciding factor.
8,ouisia ate UnersityCahn, who attended 14 games this
SUnvertyf re esseeyear including the Fiesta Bowl, focused
0.' on the surrounding atmosphere and the
state universitypeople attending the tailgate in evaluat-
ing the quality of the fans' tailgating.
He said food and alcohol were of little
said Ted Carris, a KFC spokesperson. importance.
Carris said votes could be cast by See TAILGATING, Page 7
"How the fans acted before the play-
ers took the field was a major factor...,"
Storms hard on area homeless
By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Record low temperatures and heavy
snow accumulation have made trips to
class treacherous this week, but stu-
dents' difficulties in trudging across
campus pale in comparison to those
faced by people who have nowhere to
go at night.
Ann Arbor homeless shelters have
been full every night lately, thanks in
part to the first blizzard of 1999.
"We are maxed-out," said Clarence
seen a jump in the number of people
seeking shelter each night.
"When the weather became cold,
that's when it picked up," McFall said.
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt.
Michael Logghe said no one has to stay
on city streets at night.
"Most of the ones who stay out in this
weather do so by choice," Logghe said.
"They are very independent people, and
they don't want to turn themselves in to
a shelter."
Ellen Schulmeister, executive direc-
at capacity, and we have the rotating
shelter operating."
At night, along with Huron House
and the Felch House women's shelter,
the Shelter Association operates a rotat-
ing shelter program, in which area
churches provide a place for overflow.
"We have 13 or 14 area churches who
will take on about 15 people for one or
two weeks," Shulmeister said.
With the cold temperatures, "we do
have more people using the day shel-
ter," she added.