8A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 19, 1999
Musical tribute honors King
By Emina SendUarvic
For the Daily
. More than 40 people gathered at the North
Campus Pierpont Commons on Friday evening to
pay personal tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
through song, music and interpretation.
The second annual "A Tribute Through the Arts
to Dr. King," sponsored by the Black Arts Counsel
and the Pierpont Commons Arts and Programs,
included performers, talented members of BAC
and students from the School of Music.
"I think music is the only language you can pro-
mote peace through. It's something everyone can
understand," said Edith Yokley, vice president of
BAC and a Music graduate student.
Once the lights were turned down low, the
evening began with the audience and performers
singing "Lift Every Voice and Sing," the black
national anthem composed by James Weldon
The event created a pleasant atmosphere as stu-
dents enjoyed music and song in memory of King.
"It's remembering someone who made it possi-
ble'for us to be here, to go to this school," Music
senior LaTonya Woods said.
BAC members and Music students performed
classical music, along with songs representing the
numerous struggles of blacks.
Aaron Flagg, president of BAC and a Music doc-
toral student, performed "Sometimes I Feel Like a
Motherless Child," a traditional spiritual.
Tami Lee, a Music graduate student, skillfully
performed "Zigeunerweisen" on the violin. Lee
had an obvious impact on audience members, who
applauded and showed their appreciation when she
"The impact (of the evening) was well-felt,"
Yockley said.
Between acts, performers recited some King's
more famous quotes to create a link between the
holiday and the performances.
Flagg said the struggles of black artists and
musicians reflect the Civil Rights Movement of
which King was a part.
"Martin Luther King Day is more that just a
legal change ... and there has been similar discrim-
ination in the arts as well as in the mainstream,"
Flagg said.
The evening came to an end when the perform-
ers and the audience joined hand-in-hand singing
"We Shall Overcome."
Some of the participants said they enjoyed the
event because it had a more personal feeling than
the speeches of the weekend.
"I liked singing and holding hands," said Erica
Sopha, an LSA junior.
Continued from Page 1A
led a march that included about 100
Another event yesterday was geared
to a somewhat younger crowd. Students
from Ann Arbor and Detroit Public
Schools gathered in the Anderson room
of the Michigan Union for a luncheon
and speech by WJLB Radio
Broadcaster John Mason.
Black Volunteer Network Rep. Mitzi
Dorbu, an LSA senior, said the program
targeted the high school students
because they are often overlooked in
memorial programs for King.
"We wanted to give them an experi-
ence they might not usually receive,"
Dorbu said. Feeling a deep understand-
ing of King's message can empower
young people in a way they might be
unaware of, she said.
"We want them to know that there are
people working everday in your com-
munity," she said. "You can be one of
them. You too can be a leader."
The theme of his speech was moti-
vating students to prepare for college,
and Mason used King's wisdom to
inspire students, said Mason's producer
Meeco Harp.
"He said basically whatever you want
to do in life, have passion for it,"Harp
King's contribution to civil rights
also spurred discussions on the struggle
of black citizens in other periods in U.S.
Art history Prof. Margaret Root held
an informal discussion in the Museum
of Art about two sculptures made in
commemoration of the emancipation of
the slaves after the Civil War.
The artwork feature President Lincoln
and was created shortly after his assasie
But not everyone on campus used their
day off to participate in MLK activities.
"There was no reason I didn't partic-
ipate," LSA junior Matthew Schultz
said. "I felt like it was a free day to get
all my reading done for the week"
Damon Williams, coordinator of the
symposium, said he was not surprised
by the interest shown in yesterday's
"They were very well attended,*
Williams said. "It was about what I
A major event of the day, the MLK
Day March, included more than 300
people, said Erica Dowdell, member of
United for Affirmative Action.
Performers honor the memory of Martin Luther King
Jr. through music Friday night at Pierpont Commons.
Continued from Page 1A
people joined a protest march through campus.
Although most marchers spoke out in defense of
affirmative action, some protested other causes, such
as the United States' sanctions against Iraq.
"It's not only about affirmative action. It's about a
number of different issues. It's general equality," said
Erika Dowdell, an LSA first-year student and a
member of United for Affirmative Action.
The marchers shouted, statements in unison.
"Affirmative Action is the way, long live the fight
of MLK, we demand equality and integration in edu-
cation," were among of the cries.
The marchers slowed traffic as they made their
way down South University Avenue, to State Street,
turning on East Washington street before heading
toward the Diag for a rally. People curiously watched
from stores and restaurant windows as the crowd
passed by.
"Marching is a good way (to send a message)
because it calls attention to a number of people who
are focused on this," LSA sophomore Jeremiah Sims
the rally, said Giovanni's message inspired him to
become-more active on campus.
"I should start doing something ... I want t
become a part of it," John said.
But LSA first-year student Raja Das said the
march didn't encite him to join campus organizations
to fight for equality later this semester. "This is pret-
ty much what I do for the year," he said.
At the rally, speakers addressed a range of issues,
but especially affirmative action.
People "make affirmative action a black issue but
it is not, ... it is a rights issue," LSA first-year stu
dent Samantha Brown said.
LSA first-year student
Tyrone John, who joined
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Continued from Page1A
Jan. 8 fight at Sigma Chi.
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr suspended lineman Jason Brooks and fullbacj
Ray Jackson from the team Wednesday for violating team rules. Jackson could not li
reached for comment. Brooks said he had not spoken with Carr about his future with
the team. "We're just waiting to see what happens with this case;" Brooks said.
Under the University's Code of Student Conduct, Brooks was placed on "emei:
gency suspension" from the University on Thursday for physically stalking or hari4
e, ing another person and stealing or destroying private or University property.
Brooks is scheduled to meet with a representative from the Office of the Vice
President for Student Affairs tomorrow as required by the Code's emergency suspen-
sion provision.
Goss said there are no specific dates set to review the players' suspensions from the
football team.
- "Basically we evaluate from time to time. We always have that right,"Goss said. "It
ng was a huge privilege we took away"
C I INTOfN address in the House chamber where the
Continued from Page 1A
White House Counsel Charles Ruff will
spend several hours presenting opening
defense arguments before the trial recess-
-s for Clinton's State of the Union
president was impeached.
Senate Republican aides, who aske#
not to be identified, said GOP leaders
would prefer that senators adopt the
demeanor of Supreme Court justices and
not express themselves during the speech.
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