The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 7A
Encompass celebrates 'U'
diversity, draws hundreds.
By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
East Liberty Street was buzzing Saturday night
when a crowd of more than 1,500 students, faculty
and parents packed into a sold-out Michigan
Theater for the first-ever pan-ethnic diversity show.
After the mass of people waiting in line to pur-
etickets for "Encompass: Many in One"
mally thinned out, the much anticipated show-
case of cultures began at 8:15 p.m. The event was
one of the first to kick off the month-long Martin
Luther King Jr. Symposium.
The night began with a multi-media presenta-
tion highlighting quotes from King's memorable
"I Have a Dream" speech.
One reason for the large turnout for Encompass
was its pan-ethnic line-up of student acts. The
show featured traditional dance and music num-
bers. One of the first performers, a Korean drum
group called Sinaboro, created beats that resonat-
ed throughout the theater.
Also emphasizing percussion, the Filipino-
American Student Association presented
"Sakuting," a folk dance from the Philippines.
The Persian Student Association took the stage
with a dance number called "Del-bar," meaning
"holder of the heart"
Representing different ends of the world, Kol
Hakavod, the University's only Jewish a cappella
group, displayed its ability to sing traditional and
modern songs in Hebrew, and the Malaysian
Student Association performed two dances.
Although not affiliated with particular ethnic
organizations on campus, several other groups
performed cultural dances. The students involved
in "Echoes from the East: An Arabic Dance and
Tamil Dance" presented traditional performances.
With upbeat music and dancing, the audience met
both groups with undeniable approval.
Concluding the cultural dances and the show,
the spicy Salsa dance group and the energetic
Congolese dance group both presented animated
Deeming themselves a culturally diverse
ensemble, Amalgamation-8 played classic ja;
typified by a stable-sounding stand-up bass, coni-
plex horns and a drawn-out organ.
During its performance, a cappella group 58
Greene sang popular American songs.
Between acts, Encompass featured short multi-
media presentations intended to inform the audi-
ence about human rights issues.
The program kicked off the winter diversity
theme semester and the organization with the
same name.
Mascots anger Native American activist
J. , New:
Nou've got to ggt awvayt
By Nick Faizone
Daily Staff Reporter
While mascots for teams such as the Kansas
y Chiefs or the Atlanta Braves evoke cheers
om many sports fans around the nation, many
Native Americans including Charlene Teters find
these images offensive and painful.
"America is using Native American mascots to
distort our image and deflate the self-esteem of our
future leaders;' Teters said Saturday during her
address about Native Americans' image in popular
culture. "Every day, somewhere in America, some-
one is wearing a red face or turkey feathers or mak-
ing up ridiculous ceremonies. But this goes unno-
"When are we going to realize this is the same
thing as racism?" Teters, a member of the
Spokane nation, asked a crowd of 50 at the
Mendelssohn Theater.
Teters said many Americans are unaware these
mascots are offensive to Native Americans.
"These images have become so candy-coated
that people don't know they are racist," Teters
said. "But Americans are playing with ideas that
are central to our identity and religion."
LSA sophomore Erin Eisenberg said people can
be more sensitive to the issue.
"In general, American society is not aware of
this issue" Eisenberg said.
Teters said many mascots are reminiscent of a
time when white men openly discriminated against
Native Americans.
"A brave was a way to call our people less than
human so you didn't have to refer to us as simply
men or women," Teters said.
Teters said her goal is to eradicate these and
other offensive images by the year 2000. She said
changing the mascots will not affect fans' enthusi-
asm for their team.
Sarah Wacksmuth, an LSA sophomore, said
while she didn't know these mascots were offen-
sive before attending Teters' address, she will be
more aware in the future of the logos' connota-
"It didn't occur to me to think of the Cleveland
Indian mascot as a severed head," Wacksmuth said.
"Now when ever I see that, that's what I'm going to
think of."
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By Jaimle Winkler
DailyStaff Reporter
Among the Martin Luther King Jr.
Day celebrations, students, campus
leaders and community members gath-
ered to discuss affirmative action.
For the second year, the topic evoked
verful emotions from students as the
versity faces two lawsuits that chal-
linge its use of race in admissions.
Last night in the Pendleton Room of
the Michigan Union, Academics for
Affirmative Action and Social Justice
held a debate with the College
Republicans on the use of race as a
facor in University admissions before
a-crowd of about 200.
AAASJ members debated in favor
is use, basing their arguments on
tfor resolution that "Affirmative
Action in University admissions con-
tinues to be necessary."
"The University is taking into
Continued from Page 1A
account inequities before admissions,"
said Niki Gregerson, a Rackham stu-
dent and member of AAASJ.
She also compared the admissions sys-
tem to a running track. She said the stag-
gered starting lines account for the differ-
ences in the circumferences of the lanes.
Without the stagger, the runner on the
inside lane would have a shorter distance
than those on the outside, she said.
Gregerson argued the admissions poli-
cy is similar in its attempts to give a boost
to underprivileged minorities; they do not
have to go a greater distance to arrive at
the same place as white students.
Other items of debate included if
wealthier students are able to buy their
way into the University by using stan-
dardized test preparation, and also
reverse racism, race violence on cam-
pus and Gov. John Engler's "Robin
Hood" program.
The program has attempted to
equalize the amount spent on each
public school student in the state.
Ann Yeager, arguing for the College
Republicans, said she does not like to
think she received admission or jobs
based on her gender.
"If merit has not been the standard of
the past, why can't it be the standard of
the present?" said Yeager, an LSA junior.
She added that a movement toward a sys-
tem of merit is better than staying with a
race-bias system such as the University's.
Down the hall, and earlier in the day,
more than 50 people gathered on the
second floor of the Union to discuss
affirmative action as it pertains to the
two lawsuits.
The panel leading the discussion con-
sisted of three students, two lawyers and
Shanta Driver, the national coordinator of
By Any Means Necessary.
"We have a right to be heard in this
lawsuit," said Miranda Massie, a lawyer
for the students who are attempting to
intervene on behalf of the University in
the suit against the Law School. The
group has attempted to intervene in the.
lawsuits against the Law School and the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts but were denied. They are appealing
the rulings.
Massie also said she thinks the
University and the students attempting
to intervene have different interests in
the case. She said the admissions sys-
tem needs to be reviewed and exposed
as being unequal and skewed in
wealthy applicants' favor.
Agnes Aleobua, a senior at Cass
Technical High School in Detroit who
has been accepted to the University, said
affirmative action is important because it
eliminates some of the differences in sub-
urban and inner-city education and
allows inner-city students a chance to
improve the quality of their education.
Mandate was developed and as a result, the University
has embraced greater diversity with increased minority
4)uderstadt answered questions and heard comments
from more than 40 members in the audience.
- Art and Design sophomore Wilson Hall said he has
noticed that although the University is a diverse place,
students often associate with students from the same
"I still see the same kind of groupings that I saw in
my high school," Hall said.
Duderstadt said society plays a role in this behavior.
"It's very hard when students are coming from seg-
regated communities," Duderstadt said, adding the cur-
rent generation of students has grown up in a relatively
stable, peaceful and prosperous period of time, resulting
in students who are not as active on social issues.
"There is certainly not the same level of intensity"
Duderstadt said. "I think there is a need for another gen-
eration of activism."
Duderstadt talked briefly on the lawsuits facing the
College of Literature, Science and Arts and the Law
School that target the use of race in admissions.
"It is a very important case and ... is quite likely to
go to the Supreme Court in three or four years,"
Duderstadt said. He added that regardless of the decision,
the University will always be committed to diversity.
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