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October 15, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-15

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 15, 1998

En gin eering reviews

Continued from Page IA
last winter.
The investigation brought a lot of
attention and division to the wealthy
suburb. Granger said he had also suf-
fered for his crimes: His goal of a
career in politics was shot and "my
name has been dragged through the
mud across the country.
"Me sitting in jail will only be
counterproductive. I gain nothing by
sitting in jail, and neither do these
girls," he said.
Kenny said several people had writ-
ten him to ask that Granger serve no
jail time, noting his leadership quali-
ties. But Kenny said Granger apparent-
ly used those qualities to befriend the
girls for sexual gain.
"I think it's important to note that
achievement is one thing and character
is another," Kenny told Granger.
"There are people who have achieved a
lot ... and yet whose personal character
leaves a lot to be desired.
"I know, as all parents who have
raised children through high school

know, the difference in maturity
between an 18-year-old senior and a
14-year-old freshman."
Granger was the first of four
Grosse Pointe teens charged in the
case to be sentenced. All were origi-
nally charged with felony counts of
third-degree criminal sexual conduct,
punishable by up to 15 years in
The other defendants pleaded
guilty to charges of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor and will be
sentenced later this month.
Kenny put several conditions on
Granger's probation, requiring him to
spend 200 hours as an adult literacy
tutor and wearing an electronic tether
when not at school until Aug. 31,
Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor
Doug Baker had asked for Granger to
serve a 180-day sentence. He said he
was happy with the sentence, but less
satisfied with Granger's statement.
"He seemed to roll it all in together,
that he and the victims were on some
joint venture into illegality. I think that
misses the point," Baker said.

Continued from Page 1A
almost got kicked out," Marsac said.
"He had to go before the (Engineering
Honor) Council. He was sweating it."
Marsac cited part of the written Honor
Code - a statement saying a test-taker
did not receive or conceal information
during an exam that all Engineers must
sign - as a reason for student honesty.
"The teachers are not in the room
during the exam," Marsac said. "Kids
take it mores seriously. The teachers are
saying, 'I'm not a baby-sitter; this is the
real world."'
But in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, most instructors
monitor exams. Some said they adminis-
ter different exams to each student in an
effort to reduce cheating on tests.
Many instructors said they were not
aware of any cheating on homework or
exams. If they were, they may opt to han-
dle the situation individually rather than
report the violation to their department.
"No sane person would ever catch
and charge a cheating student,' eco-
nomics Prof. Richard Porter said. "The
processes, University and court, would
use up a year of your life."
Because cheating is not included in .
the violations listed under the
University's Code of Student Conduct,
policies vary in each of the 18 divisions
of the University.



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LSA interim Dean Patricia Gurin's
office receives about 50 reports of
cheating each year. The office reported
that last year 66 LSA students were
accused of cheating.
Economics visiting assistant Prof.
Michael Kiley said he recently dealt
with a suspected cheating problem
completely on his own by having the
students retake the exam.
"In this particular instance, some
people chose not to follow directions,"
Kiley said. "Some people took more
time or did not hand in their exam."
Kiley said he was told by students
there may have been a problem, and he
didn't know which students had cheat-
ed, so the only option was to re-admin-
ister the test.
Ebert said a problem with cheating
accusations is the "gray area" between
student collaboration and an actual
cheating offense.
"Sometimes, students work together
a little too much on homework assign-
ments" Ebert said, adding that whether
this constitutes cheating is a matter of
opinion. "Cheating isn't always inten-
LSA first-year student Nick Huang
said he often works with his
Mathematics 115 study group on prob-
lem sets - and owns a calculator that
stores math formulas.
"Usually, people use these calcula-
tors to store formulas they can't
remember, and that's OK," said Huang,
explaining that in the future, these num-
bers won't need to be stored in his
memory. "You figure, you don't need to
memorize things in the real world. You
can always go back to the book."
In LSA, some professors said, the
definition of "cheating" can become
very hazy because of longer essays and
written assignments - problems that
aren't easy to monitor.
Economics Prof. Bob Barsky said his
experience with student cheating has
been on assigned papers - "not quite
plagiarism, but dependence on one
source with little attribution.
"The most serious cheating problem
that I encounter is the excess death rate
among grandmothers," Barsky said. "You
know what I mean - spurious reasons
for delaying exams and assignments."


GOP Congress working to adjourn
WASHINGTON - After a year of sputtering, the Republican-controlled
Congress is stumbling toward adjournment under pressure from a resilient
President Clinton and congressional Democrats eager to turn election-year talk to
education and other popular issues.
Since muscling an open-ended impeachment inquiry through the House l*
week on a largely party-line vote, Republicans have been forced into a prolonged
series of closed-door negotiations with the White House on other matters.
A year's work hangs in the balance - from legislation on national issues such
as education and contraceptives to the individual projects that many lawmakers
crave - and the daily script has been predictable. Chief of staff Erskine Bowles
spends hours in private talks with GOP leaders inside the Capitol, and the presi-
dent roughs up Republicans in brief, once-a-day public appearances before the
television cameras.
"I wish I had time to win the philosophical debate with our friends on the other side,
who somehow see helping more teachers teach and providing more school buildings
as an intrusion into local affairs. It is not," Clinton said this week at a campaign-style
appearance at an overcrowded Maryland school a few miles from the White House
Republicans counter that the Democrats are merely defenders of a large bureau-

Bomb suspect to be
charged in attacks
WASHINGTON - Eric Robert
Rudolph, who for months has eluded a
massive manhunt as a suspect in the
bombing of a Birmingham, Ala., abor-
tion clinic, will be charged with the
1996 Olympics bombing and two other
attacks in Atlanta, law enforcement
sources said Tuesday.
In May, when Rudolph was placed
on the FBI's 10 most wanted list, FBI
Director Louis Frech said that investi-
gators had developed "a significant
linkage" between the Birmingham
bombing and the three earlier Atlanta
attacks. Freeh said then that, while
Rudolph was not an official suspect in
the Atlanta bombings, he was "the
only individual that we're seeking
right now" for questioning in those
Investigators since have uncovered
substantial other evidence linking the
crimes but it is not likely to be made
public when the charges against
Rudolph are announced, a development

that could have come as early as yester-
day, according to the sources who
declined to be identified.
The Justice Department action is
designed to spur public cooperation in
the hunt for Rudolph and to discoura
anyone from helping the fugitive, t
sources said.
Congress blocks
nuclear info release
Department and Pentagon discovered
sensitive nuclear weapons information
in boxes of Cold War-era materials that
were about to be publicly released,
President Clinton's orders.
The discoveries sparked a hasty
scramble by Congress to block the
release of information that energy offi-
cials warned would advance the capabil-
ities of emerging nuclear states such as
Pakistan and India. The congressional
solution, which critics contend will slow
the release of Cold War documents to a
crawl, is part of the 1999 defense autho-
rization bill awaiting Clinton's signature


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The Vice President for Student
Affairs ad that appeared in the
October 12th edition of The
Michigan Daily contained an
error. The ad should have read
"A Very Special Thank You to
the following Ann Arbor Busi-
nesses for making WELCOME
TO MICHIGAN '98 a Huge
Success." We apologize for any
inconvenience this error may
have caused.
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Mideast leaders join
Clinton for summit
JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Palestinian Authority President Yasser
Arafat will join President Clinton today
for a rare three-way peace summit,
each buffeted by troubles at home and
each very much wanting a deal, but for
very different reasons.
All three leaders face restive opposi-
tions that are watching their moves
closely. And all three could undoubted-
ly use success in the talks - however
success is defined - to build domestic
political advantage.
The summit opens five years and
one month after the historic Oslo,
Norway, accords formally ended hostil-
ities between Israelis and Palestinians
and set in motion a laborious peace
process aimed at protecting Israelis
from terrorism and establishing limited
Palestinian self-rule.
With the peace process stalemated
for more than 18 months, however, and
acrimony and mistrust deepening, the
meeting at Maryland's Wye River

Plantation is seen by many as a crucial
last chance to prevent renewed full-
scale violence.
The U.S.-drafted compromise befo
Netanyahu and Arafat requires tW
Israelis to withdraw from an additional
13 percent of occupied West Bank terri-
tory in exchange for concrete steps by the
Palestinians to halt anti-Israeli terrorisrii.
Russian leader says
he will lower taxes
MOSCOW - Prime Minist
Yevgeny Primakov announced yeste -
day he will lower taxes and increase
government aid to hard-hit industries
to revitalize Russia's collapsing econ-
Communist Party leaders, basking in
their new influence in the government,
applauded Primakov's plan, as did
regional governors. Primakov left unan-
swered the question of how the finan-
cially pressed Russian government can
afford to cut revenues and increa
-Compiled fmmDaily wire reports.


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EDITORIAL STAFF Laurie M yk Editor i Cif
NEWS Janet Adnmy, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Maria Hackett, Heather Kamins. Jeffrey Kosseff, Chris Metinko.
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EDITORIAL Jack Schillaci, Edid
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sarah t-ockyer, David Wallace
STAFF Emily AcheTRam, Jeff Elode. Jason Fink, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost, Kaamran Halee. Eic Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Thomas Klijurgis,
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SPORTS Jim Rose, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Keinbaum. Sharat Rau, Pranay Reddy, Mark Snyder.
STAFF: T. Berka, Josh Borkir'. Evan Braunstein, Dave DenHerder. Dan Dingerson, Chis Duprey, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick
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WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Jessica Eaton, Will Wessert C ,
SUiB EDITOPS: Brun Cohen (Music), Micnael Galloway T 'V/Newmedia), Anna Kovalszk (Fine/Pefomrg Arts), Joshua PeOs(Film),. Corrne SchnelntK
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PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Editor
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STAFF: Louis Blown, Allison Cantei. Darby Friedlis, Jessica Johnson. Dana Linrane, Andi Mao, Rory Michaels, Kelly McKinnell, David Rochkind,
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ONUNE Satedru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF: Mark Frarcescutti.

Guarneri String Quartet
SsunOct14 .PM
Rackham Auditorium




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GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex Hg.Vicky Lasky, Michelle McCombs, Jordan Young.

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