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October 15, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-15

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One hundred eigh years feditorialfreedm

October 15, 1998

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By Erln Homnes
Daily Staff Reporter
To keep up with changing times, the Honor Council is
planning to give its written Honor Code - the list of
guidelines under which every Engineering student oper-
-- a face-lift for the first time in nearly 80 years.
he changes to the Honor Code come at a time when
access to the Internet and increases in group work assign-
ments make cheating more tempting - and professors in
the College of Literature, Science and the Arts are turning
to strictly-proctored examinations and alternated seating
tqdiscourage the temptation.
'The Honor Code stresses personal integrity, trust and
cooperation among students and faculty and is used to dis-
courage cheating, said Emily D. Ebert, Engineering Honor
100 join
to honor
life of
By Yael Kohen
For the Daily .
Members of the University community
gathered on the Diag fbr a vigil last night
to commemorate ,the life of Matthew
Shepard, the 21-year-old University of
oming student who died Monday after
Wng severely beaten. Law enforcement
officials suspect Shepard was targeted
because of his sexual orientation.
About 100 people crowded near the
Hatcher Graduate Library to attend the
candlelight vigil organized by the Office
of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
People of all sexual orientations, races
and ages spoke at and attended the vigil.
"We had a good group, a lot of diversi-
not just a uniform person," said LSA
sophomore Christy Robinson, organizer
of the event.
Shepard's death after a four-day strug-
gle in the hospital impacted the
University community, vigil speakers
"This is a really difficult time for us
all ... for all of us decent people," Members of the
LGBTO Director Frederic Dennis said. UniversIty of W
Dennis said he felt this crime on a per-
*al level. it to heart...
"I started to think about my own stu- Robinson said
dents here at Michigan," Dennis said. "I they are, ever
started to put their faces there. It really should celel
could've been any one of us." because that's
Robinson said she hopes the vigil are."
showed students they are safe to stand up Maureen H
for themselves without fearing hate student affairs
crimes. looked out to t
"I hope that people will be able to take show the world
- a.


update cheating rules

LSA using stronger measures to curb
cheating in its diferent departments

Council president.
Unlike the College of Literature, Science and the Arts,
Engineering instructors are not required to proctor exami-
nations. Instead, the code attempts to deter cheating by
instilling honesty in Engineering students.
The proposed revisions, which are in the discussion
phase, include altering the code's introduction and chang-
ing the wording to more accurately reflect current
Engineering standards. The actual policies of character the

Code enforces, Ebert said, will remain the same.
"We wanted the written code to generally reflect the true
spirit of the Honor Code," Ebert said, explaining that the
new code will restate and clarify the old policies. "We
want to make sure the code hadn't become a set of specif-
ic policies or details. We want it to work in a positive way."
Currently, Ebert said, violations of the code are reported
to the Engineering Honor Council, which "examines all
sides of the stories fairly" and determines punishments -


ranging from grade reduction to possible expulsion for a
second offense. Ebert said expulsions are rare.
During the 1996-97 school year, Ebert said, the Honor
Council received 33 reports of cheating violations involv-
ing 44 students.
"We've seen all types of cheating violations - includ-
ing copying homework and copying exams," Ebert said.
"The students in general are very honest. I don't think
they're looking to cheat. I do think Engineering students
are trustworthy."
Engineering sophomore Patrick Marsac said his single
brush with the Honor Code was enough to warn him that
cheating "isn't something to mess around with."
"A classmate got caught copying homework and ...
to jail time
From staff and wire reports
DETROIT - Former senior class president of Grosse
Pointe North High School Dan Granger yesterday was sen-
tenced to 4 1/2 months in jail and two years probation on one
count of conspiracy to contribute to the delinquency of a
Granger's admission to the University was postponed this
fall pending a full admissions review.
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said she could not
comment about any part of the University's review of
Granger's admission.
The three victims wore black, and
came to the courtroom with their parents,
siblings and sheets of blue-lined note-
book paper.
The papers held their arguments that
Granger should spend as much time in
jail as possible for giving them alcohol
and having sex with them even though
they were 14 years old.-Granger
But their tears outran their words by
a wide margin. None made it more than a few sentences
before being helped back to their seats, crying.
"You've ruined my whole life," said one. "I can't go outside
without getting harassed."
"He took something from me I can never get back," said
"I thought I'd found a friend in him and his friends," said
the third, "To him, I was just one of his toys..."
Wayne County Circuit Judge Timothy Kenny could have
sentenced Granger to between three and six months.
Before Kenny sentenced him, Granger told the judge he
was truly sorry, and that the minimum sentence with com-
munity service would be for the best.
"Your honor, my actions were wrong, wrong, wrong ...
because I as well as these young ladies engaged in an activity
which took a part of ourselves we can never get back"he said.
The girls came forward after the Grosse Pointe North High
School yearbook was published this spring with a picture of
Granger apparently exposing himself. The crimes happened
See GRANGER, Page 2A

University community gather on the Diag yesterday for a vigl to coflwemorate the life of Matthew Shepard, the gay
yoming student who died Monday after being severely beaten.

about being themselves,"
d. "And regardless of who
ybody is different, and we
brate those differences
what makes us who we
iartford, vice president for
and a speaker at the event,
he crowd and said "We will
d we care and will not toler-

ate behavior like this in our world."
Just by attending, participants made a
statement against hate crimes, Hartford
Speakers stressed that the crime was
not committed just against homosexuals.
"This is hate towards everyone," said
Fran Mayes, the minister of the Tree of
Life Metropolitan Community Church.
The LGBTO plans to distribute rib-

bons University students can wear in
Shepard's honor. The ribbons will be
green, symbolizing serenity, and yellow,
representing light and life.
As part of the National Coming Out
Week events, the LGBT rally scheduled
for tomorrow at noon will be dedicated to
the memory of Shepard.
Inside: Kansas church to protest Shepard
funeral Page 7A


Religious leaders
target students by
preaching on Diag

The sign in front of Prime Student Housing on Church Street, one of many reality
companies that leases to University students, invites potential renters to its office.
Students already

hunting for housMg
By Rachel Decker common predicament. Grund, Greene
For the Daily and four of their friends found a house,
*all midterms aren't even over, yet the landlords promised the group they
the housing hunt for 1999 is already in could sign the lease, but then they rent-
full swing. With two-thirds of students ed it to someone else a few weeks later.
living off-campus, the search for hous- "She promised us a house;" Grund
es and apartments can be more stressful said. "She said the lease was basically
than exams. just a matter of being sent to us, and
University students look for off-cam- then all of a sudden -boom," someone
pus housing earlier and earlier each year, else signed the lease.

By Lauren Gibbs
Daily Staff Reporter
About once a week, you can walk
through the Diag and listen to
someone preaching about the
immorality of sex and the evils of
using alcohol. Or perhaps about
how everyone is a sinner, and find-
ing Jesus is the only way to save our
Shane Johnson is one of these
preachers. He is a member of The
Ezekiel Project, based in Mt.
Clemens, Mich., which trains its
members to teach the Bible.
Johnson travels to college campuses
within an hour drive of Mt.
Clemens to spread his message to
the students.
He presents his listeners three
choices when he preaches about
Jesus: Believe that Jesus is a leg-
end, was a liar or is the Lord. If you

"Sins will be canceled out for
those who believe his message,"
Johnson said.
Some students walk by Johnson
keeping their eyes to the ground so
they will not be caught in the stare
of these Diag preachers, some make
sarcastic comments to provoke their
response and some stop to listen for
Religion Prof. Ralph Williams
said he has heard many different
responses from students regarding
the preachers on the Diag.
"Some just listen to hear what
other people think, some are
annoyed by the aggressive and
exclusive nature of what is being
said, and others are offended by-
the views preached," Williams
But, Williams said, he has never
spoken to students who have


Ivan Smolder illustrates his Christian beliefs by painting a sign about Jesus
Christ. He was on the Diag, preaching to students, at noon yesterday.
their way of understanding text and Engineering senior Jonah
the world," Williams said. "They Cavanagh said the preachers have a
are utterly convinced of their story right to be on the Diag.


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