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September 14, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-14

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'U' regent candidates close in on Nov. elections

Continued from Page 1A
"It might be an issue on campus but
not in the regents race," Power said.
The review will be important to stu-
dents, Dalman said, but is not "a cam-
paign issue because it doesn't affect the
All four candidates are personally
connected to Ann Arbor, and all
except for White are University alum-

Brandon, a class of '74 alumnus, was
a student athlete and has remained
active with the University through the
Alumni Association.
"It has added a lot of value to my life
as well as a number of family and
friends," Brandon said.
Brandon has served as chair of the
board of trustees at Central Michigan
University for four years.
Dalman, her husband, children and
daughter-in-law are all University

Dalman's experience includes serv-
ing as chair of the higher education
committee in the state house. Term
limits prohibit Dalman from running
for another term as state representa-
"I've had a deep cormitment to the
I Iniversity ever since I graduated,"
Dalman said. "I think its important you
have a connection."
White grew up in Ann Arbor, gradu-
ating from Pioneer high School before
attending Princeton University. White


Want A

said her background qualifies her to
guide the University and to "build a
bridgebetween education science and
A class of '60 alumnus, Power said
he has enjoyed support from a variety of
parties during his term.
"I'm very happy that my I1 years
on the board have succeeded in
receiving support from Republicans,
Democrats and independents," Power
said. "Service to the University
should go beyond political partisan-
All the candidates said they plan to
target the student population during
their campaigns, but most have not
solidified any strategies.
"I have not put a campaign strategy
together," Brandon said.
Power said he is working with cam-
pus political groups and is hoping to
speak on campus.
Dalman said she also intends to
speak with students, but has not yet
made arrangements.
White said the University is not as
connected to the community as Wayne
State and she also plans to involve stu-
dents in her campaign.
Engineering senior Jim Riske was a
nominee during the Republican pri-
maries but lost the nomination. He said
he plans to back both Dalman and
Brandon by working on their cam-
paigns, rather than running as an inde-
"There wouldn't be a whole lot of a
chance of me winning" as an indepen-
dent, Riske said.

Pilots review tentative settlement
ST PAUL, Minn. - Leaders of striking pilots at Northwest Airlines spent much
of Saturday going over a proposed contract settlement that could end the strike that
has grounded planes since Aug. 28.
"We're always optimistic; we always wanted to negotiate a settlement," said Paul
Omodt, a spokesperson for the pilots union, as he arrived at a downtown h*
where the union's 17-member Master Executive Council was to decide whether To
accept the agreement, reject it or put it to a full vote of the 6,200-member union.
The day got off to a slow start as the council waited several hours for a final ver-
sion of the agreement, which was still undergoing last-minute language revisions.
By mid-afternoon, the full council had started going through the proposed set-
tlement. Discussions were expected to last into the evening.
"They've got to go through the whole proposed settlement in there," Omodt
said. "T'hey have 17 people that can vote in there, so there are 17 different opin-
ions possibly."
Members of the Air Line Pilots Association went on strike Aug. 29 after two
years of failed attempts to negotiate a new contract.
If the proposal is accepted by the ALPA executive council, it would be at 10
midweek before any service is restored. A vote by all the union members wo d
take four or five days and delay service even longer, Omodt said.

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DOT plan may make
air bags safer for kids
WASHINGTON - It should have
been a forgettable, low-speed fender-
bender. Instead, Robert Sanders car-
ried his dying daughter from the mini-
van he had been driving after an air
bag had slammed her unconscious.
Today, thanks in no small measure
to Sanders' dogged, painful crusade to
prevent such tragedies from happen-
ing to others, the Transportation
Department plans to announce a rule
designed to assure that air bags are
safe for children as well as full-sized
Current federal rules require only
that air bags protect belted and
unbelted male dummies in head-on,
30-mph crashes into an immovable
But air bags powerful enough to do
that can inflict deadly force on small
bodies. As of Aug. 1, 65 children had
been killed by air bags, almost all in
accidents that would not otherwise
have been fatal.

The proposed rule to be unveiled
today would require air bags to pass
safety tests using crash dummies of all
sizes -- large adult male, small adult
female, child and infant.
It will be open to public comnt
for 90 days and may be modi
before it takes effect.
Hacker gets at NY
Times Web page
NEW YORK - The Web page of
The New York Times was hacked yes-
terday morning by a group supporting
imprisoned hacker Kevin Mitnick.
An editor discovered the page had
been altered at 7:50 a.m. The page
taken down, repaired and back up t
7:40 p.m., said Nancy Nielsen, a Times
spokesperson. "The material was sc
offensive," she said, adding that the
Times has contacted the FBI.
In a mishmash of pornographic pic-
tures, creative spelling and vague
threats posted on a black background, a
group calling itself HFG, or "Hacking
for Girlies," ridiculed several members
of the Times staff.

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Tensions rise after
Afghan militia action
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Fears of
a military clash between Iran and
Afghanistan rose to new levels yesterday
as the Afghan Taliban militia announced
it had taken control of an opposition
stronghold with strong ties toIran.
Mullah Wakil Ahmad, chief
spokesperson for the Taliban, said its
forces had seized Bamian, a town in
central Afghanistan that is the capital of
the country's Shiite Muslim minority.
Afghanistan's Shiite community, which
numbers more than 600,000, maintains
strong spiritual and political ties with
Iran, whose population is predominant-
ly Shiite.
The Taliban, the ultra-orthodox
Islamic movement that controls about
90 percent of Afghanistan, adheres to
the Sunni branch of Islam.
The Taliban announced its latest
conquest as the first of 200,000 Iranian
troops mobilized for military maneu-
vers along the Afghan frontier - the
second such exercise in the past two
weeks. Western diplomats said yester-

day that the Iranians could launch a
strike against the Taliban as early as
Congolese ho efu
after failing s
NAIROBI, Kenya - The collapse ol
recent efforts by neighbors of Congo te
secure a peace agreement betweer
President Laurent Kabila and rebels
campaigning for his ouster has delayed
but not crushed chances for a diplo at-
ic settlement of the crisis in the Cew1
African nation, analysts say.
Hundreds of soldiers and thousands
of civilians have died in the Congolese
conflict, which started Aug. 2 when the
rebels launched their campaign tc
unseat Kabila. Since then, the capital,
Kinshasa, has been plagued by short-
ages of food and other supplies.
Although civil war seems likely to
continue for a protracted period,
observers say none of the region's nati ns
can afford long-term involvement irs
war, either politically or economically.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.




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NEWS Janet Adamy, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Maria Hackett, Heather Kamms, Jeffrey Kosseff, Chris Metinko.
STAFF: Melissa Andrrejak. Christina Branson, Adam Cosen, Gerard Cohei-Vrignaud, Nikita Easley, Rachel Edelman, Trevor Gardner, Rachel
Groman, Enn Holmes, Dante Mastn, William Nash, Tel Nunel, Lee Palmer, Amit Pandya, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Eliana Raik, Josh
Rosenlatt, Melanie Sampson, lilly Scheer, Nika Schulte, Asia Sherman, Mike Spahn, Jason Stoffer, Sarah Welsh, Heather Wiggin, Jennifer
Yachnin. Adam Zuwerin.
CALENDAR:Katie Plona.
EDITORIAL. Jack Schilliaci, Edr
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sarah Lockyer, David Wallace
STAFF: Beth Bernstein, Jeff Eldridge. Lea Frost, Kaamran Hafeez. Enc Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb, Sarah Lemire, Laurie Mayk,
James Miller, Abby Moses, Aaron Rich, Peter Romer-Fnedman, Stephen Sarkozy, Megan Schimpf, Wajahat Syed, John TargowskiE
SPORTS Jim Rase, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Kleinbaum, Sharat Raju, Pranay Reddy, Mark Snyder.
STAFF: T.J. Berka, Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, Dave DenHerder, Chris Duprey, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John
Friedberg, Rick Harpster, Kim Hart, Chad Kujala, Andy Latack, Fred Link, B.J. Luna, Kevn Rosenfield, Tracy Sandler, Nita Srivastava, Uma
Subramanan, Jacob Wheeler.
ARTS Kristin Long, Chris Tkaczyk, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Jessica Eaton, Will Wissert
SU8-EDITORS: Brian Cohen (Music), Joshua Pederscon (Fim).
STAFF: Joanne Ainajjar, Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Colin Bar tos, Caryn Burtt, Neal C. Carruth, Arntha Chalam, Gabe Fajun, Chris
Felax, Laura Flyer, Michael Galloway, Geordy Gantsoudes, Cait Hall, Anna Kovalszki, James Miller, Rob Mitchum, Kern Murphy, Stephen
Paruszkiewicz, Joshua Pederson, Jennifer Petlinski, Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie, Aaron Rich, Joshua Rich, Deveron Q. Sanders, Anders
Smith-Lindall, Julia Shih, Gabriel Smith, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Ed
STAFF: Louis Brown, Daniel Castle, Mallory S.E. Floyd, John Kraft, Kevin Krupitzer, Kelly McKinell, Bryan Mc Lellan, Emily Nathan, Paul Talaniran.
ONLINE Liz Lucas, Editor
STAFF: Mark Francescutti, Marqrinsliev.
GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex HogMichelle McCombs, Jordan Yourg.

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