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September 14, 1998
s, '..IV'Y1-wh * 'M" Hh y+ti }^ pv .YW 1Y'{4M\9MY
will focus
.gin tuition
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Containing the cost of tuition may
be a major issue in this November's
University Board of Regents election.
The terms of Regents Philip Power
(D-Ann Arbor) and Shirley McFee (R-
attle Creek) will end this November,
-leaving two seats up for grabs.
In the state primaries on Aug. 4,
Republican nominee David Brandon
and state Rep. Jessie Dalman (R-
Holland) and Democratic nominees
Power and Kathy White were elected to
run for University regent. McFee
announced last spring she would not
seek another term at the University.
Most nominees said tuition will
become a major point of contention
*uring the campaign season.
"I think we really need to keep a lid
on tuition increases," Dalman said.
"We owe it to the students from the
state to keep the tuition within the
inflation rate."
Dalman said she would like to
determine how administrative rather
than academic budgets could be cut.
Power, who is running for his sec-
ond full term on the board, said the
4egents must balance tuition increases
with state appropriations.
"Regents are forced with the choice
of keeping tuition down and reducing
the quality of education or keep it the
same," Power said.
White, a law professor at Wayne
State University, said she wants to
develop revenue from technology pro-
duced at the University to reduce over-
all costs to students,
"The University has an enormous
9nount of research dollars poured into
it," said White, a patent attorney who
formerly wrote contracts for the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers in
Washington, D.C.
Of the candidates, only Brandon
said he does not see a specific issue
dominating the race this fall.
"I'm not sure the regent election is
about a specific issue or several
*sues," Brandon said. "There'll be lots
of other issues that will develop over
eight years."
Candidates had differing opinions
on affirmative action.
Dalman said that while affirmative
action may be discussed during the
campaigns, the two lawsuits facing the
University concerning the use of race
as a factor in its admissions policies
will most likely "play out in the court."
But Power said both topics would
Akely be addressed by the voters and
"I think that the issues will include
the University's affirmative action and
admissions attempts to maintain a
diverse student body," Power said.
Although the University's Code of
Student Conduct will be up for review
this December, the candidates said they
did not see the Code as a prominent
issue in the election.
0 See REGENTS, Page 2A
The pre mounts
Both parties push or punishment
The Los Angeles Times lied, either in his legal deposition in January for the Paula Corbin
WASHINGTON - President Clinton and his attoreys came Jones civil lawsuit, or in his grand jury testimony on Aug. 17. The
under growing pressure yesterday from Democrats as well as president himself said that night in a televised address that he was
Republicans to concede that he lied under oath, as alleged by "legally accurate" when he denied having engaged in sexual rela-
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, and to throw himself at the tions with Lewinsky, a former White House intern.
mercy of the American people and Congress. In a series of talk show appearances yesterday, the president's
As the swirling debate in the Monica Lewinsky matter began to attorneys reiterated that position, which holds that Clinton did not
focus more intently on finding a way out of the wrenching national consider his activities with Lewinsky to be covered by the broad
dilemma, Clinton supporters and critics said some form of punish- definition of sexual relations presented to him by Jones' attorneys.
ment short of impeachment may be in order, such as a congression- But Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), speaking
al reprimand or censure. Some expressed hope the matter could be publicly for the first time since Starr's report was released Friday,
resolved expeditiously, perhaps before the November elections, flatly rejected that argument.
Their suggestions amounted to an extraordinary bipartisan "I think the evidence there is overwhelming that he did lie,"
entreaty to Clinton and his attorneys to consider striking the equiv- Lott said on Fox News yesterday, adding that the apparent perjury
alent of a plea bargain with Congress to salvage his presidency "may well be" grounds for impeachment.
and let the country move forward. "Unless something changes," Lott said, "I don't see how (the
Clinton's lawyers have steadfastly denied that he purposely House) can avoid" impeachment proceedings. Lott later expressed
f: "I think the evidence there
is overwhelming that he
did lie ... Unless something
change', I don't s ee how
(the House) can avoid"
impeachment hearings.
- Senate Majorit Leader
Trent Lott
his hope that "it won't come to that," and sutggested that Clinton
"could" consider resigning.
He and other key lawmakers sugcsted that the president's efforts
to admit fault and seek forgiveness appear to be at odds with the
ongoing legal strategy of denying that he committed prjury. Even if
the legal arguments were to hold up in a cotrt of law, they said, it
appears tobe falling flat in the court of public opinion.
"One of the problems is, if the president reaches out, or he tries
See CLINTON, Page 3A
Dems: Clinton
crisis may hurt
voter turnout
By Mike Spahn "People don't want to talk about it,
Daily Staff Reporter they have a real bad taste in their
While White House lawyers strug- mouth," said Schroer, who is retiring
gle to save the President's job, con- from office after this term.
gressional candidates across the state None of the politicians said they
are busy discussing the ramifications think the crisis will greatly affect state
of the Clinton scandal on their politi- politics or elections, but they did say
cal careers. there may be future fallout in
Each of Michigan's 110 House of Michigan.
Representatives seats are up for elec- Voter turnout is a constant con-
tion this year, but Ann cern for politicians, and
Arbor's two representa- most agree the direct
tives - Democrats Liz effect of the scandal
Brater and Mary Schroer could be even lower
- said they believe the P Uit voter turnout than in
scandal will not have a previous elctions.
great effect on state poli- Schroer sid the
tics. e Im a of "betrayal" many people,
Brater, who is run- nneth art's includin' her, are feel-
ning for re-election in 'rport , in' will hurt turnon.
the 53rd district, said "For Demcrats, this
"no, I don't think it will" affect the has the potential to suppress voter
election. turnout and hurt some candidates,"
"In Washtenaw County, we have Schroer said. "This election will
always run on the issues," Brater said. come down to whether we can
"People vote according to the issues. inspire our voters to come out to the
There is very little blind voting by polls."
party." Brater said her campaign is
The report from the Office of the already working to solve the voter-
Independent Council was released turnout problem.
to the public Friday afternoon, caus- "That's probably the major con-
ing a feeding frenzy on television cern, voter turnout. We're going to be
and the Internet. Clinton's growing working hard to get the voters out,"
problems have since become the hot Brater said:
topic of conversation, and Schroer But Julie Knight, the Republican
said the people she has spoken to candidate for Schroer's seat, said
are very disenchanted about the she believes voters care enough to
scandal. See DEMS, Page 7A
The President glances over at Frst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton during an awards ceremony Friday on the White House
South Lawn.
--- ----------------- - -- --------- -- _ _ - -------- _-- - -------- ----- ---- - --_ _ - --- ------ ------- -- ---------_------, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As always, The Michigan Daily's coverage of print certain passages that other news organizations standards. j;Inside: Students and faculty react to the
recent events capturing the nation's attention is thor- omitted for publication because of their sexual nature. The allegations lodged against the president of the graphic 445-page report. Page 5A.
ough: We have approached the activity surrounding The reason for this decision is simple: Our audi- United States are serious and complicated. We have
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's report to ence - the University community - is a mature no doubt that our readers will receive all information ;. Excerpts from the Starr report. Page
Congress from academic, national, political and and sophisticated one. Discussions between stu- presented to them with the maturity and perspective 8A.
campus points of view. We also have included direct dents, professors and administrators on this campus the matter deserves.
excerpts of Starr's report in today's Daily. are thorough, specific and insightful. We feel our j Rebuttal from President Clinton's
You may notice, however, that the Daily chose to news coverage should strive to live up to the same - Laurie Mayk, Editor in Chief legal team. Page 9A
Former governor,
civil rights foe dies
'Frasier,' 'Practice'
make perfect as
Emmys turn 50
Former Alabama Gov. George Wallace,
the one-time firebrand segregationist
who was paralyzed by a would-be assas-
sin's bullet as he campaigned for the
presidency in 1972, died yesterday. He
was 79.
Wallace was born Aug. 25, 1919, in
Clio, in the rural, row-crop country of
southeastern Alabama.
The short, dark-eyed farm boy
lcame a scrappy Golden Gloves boxer.
He earned his law degree from the
University of Alabama, and served in
World War I as a flight engineer on B-
29 bombing missions over the Pacific.
After the war, he became an assistant
state attorney general, then ran success-
fully for the Alabama House of
Representatives in 1946.
In his first race for governor in 1958,
he lost the Democratic primary to John
Patterson, who had taken a harder line
*an Wallace in support of racial segre-
A parking
The City of Ann Arbor plans Soi
to go forward with parking an
structure reconstruction. Fet
News, Page 3A. Art
gation. Wallace reportedly vowed that he
would never be "out-segged" again.
He was successful on his next try in
1962. On Jan. 14, 1963, as bands decked
in Rebel uniforms played "Dixie,"
Wallace took the oath of office beneath
the white-domed capitol where Jefferson
Davis had been sworn in as president of
the Confederacy a century before.
"In the name of the greatest people
that haveever trod this earth, I draw the
line in the dust and toss the gauntlet
before the feet of tyranny. And I say ...
segregation today, segregation tomor-
row, segregation forever."
In a matter of months he made his cel-
ebrated "stand in the schoolhouse door,"
an unsuccessful bid to block the entrance
of two blacks to the University of
Wallace ran in a few Democratic pri-
maries in 1964, pulling significant
protest votes but hardly stopping
President Johnson's steamroller.
hues and jazz
unds and sights from the
nual Blues and Jazz
stival hit Ann Arbor.
s, Page LA.
Former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who died yesterday at age 79,Is greeted by
a National Guard general on the University of Alabama's campus in Tuscaloosa In
1963. Wallace, who vowed to prevent Integration of campus, gave way to troops.
Blocked by Alabama law from suc- spring of 1968. Wallace already was
ceeding himself in the 1966 election, he campaigning, and after a period ofseclu-
got his wife, Lurleen, to run in his sion following her death he emerged as a
place. It was a daring move, and she third-party candidate with retired Gen.
won overwhelmingly, establishing a Curtis LeMay as his running mate.
new mandate for Wallace's politics and Wallace carried five Southern states in
a springboard toward the White House the 1968 presidential election. But he
race of 1968. didn't get enough votes to throw it into
Lurleen Wallace died of cancer in the the U.S. House of Representatives.
By Bryan Lark
Daily Arts Writer
The past and the future of televi-
sion were the focus of the 50th
Annual Prime Time Emmy awards
last night in Los Angeles where Must-
See TV's new flagship show "Frasier"
made history as the television indus-
try celebrated its own history.
Balancing such classic clips as the
"Mary Tyler Moore" finale with hon-
ors for television's present best, like
surprise Best Drama honoree "The
Practice," Best Miniseries "From the
Earth to the Moon," Andre Braugher
of "Homicide," "Chicago Hope"'s
Christine Lahti, Helen Hunt of "Mad
About You" and "Frasier"'s Kelsey
Grammar, the sporadically entertain-
ing Emmy show, presented for the first
time at the Shrine Auditorium, came
off without a hitch.
But the telecast, extended this year
to four hours to accommodate all the
anniversary brouhaha, proved an
affair all too long to remember, even
if it wasn't short on memorable
"Every show must come to an
end,"said "Seinfeld"'s Julia Louis-
Dreyfus presenting a clip reel ofTV's
greatest good-byes, "including this one."
That feeling of lethargy was the
pervasive mood of the Emmy awards,
as everyone given a moment on stage
felt compelled to make light of the
show's unprecedented running time,
when they weren't educating TV land
about the birth and livelihood of the
The multimedia presentation of
See EMMYS, Page 7A
Weather Hi7
High 81.
The Michigan football team
was thrashed by Syracuse
on Saturday, 38-28.
SportsMONDAY, Page 18.
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