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December 09, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-09

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 9,1998-- 3

preparig for
2K problem
University of Connecticut is on the
road to having the university's comput-
er systems Y2K compatible by the year
2000in time for the deadline set by
officials, reported The Daily Campus,
theschool's student newspaper.
in April, the state made state agen-
cies, such as the university, responsible
to ensure their computers will not have
problems when the next century comes.
The statement urges state agencies to
the Y2K problem a priority over
other computer projects by the deadline
of June 1, 2001.
Officials said efforts have been
focused on updating the mission criti-
cal systems, which is integral to run-
nin the computer systems on campus.
The university mainframe and software
is nearly all tested and upgraded. By
August, financial aid, student records
d human resources, including payroll
personnel information, is sched-
uled to be finished.
Federal grants to
students fall
The cost of higher education contin-
ues to increase, while the amount of
federal grant money awarded to indi-
dual students is falling, placing
tacles for low-income students
financing their education, the Daily
Bruin reported.
A study done by the Education
Resources Institute and the Institutefor
Higher Education Policy showed that
despite increased funding, federal
grants'are becoming a lower percentage
of college tuition.
Pell grants, one of the main federal
Bnts, cover half of what they did 20
ears ago.
Researchers said there has been a
trend that more low-income students
are attending community colleges
rather than four-year institutions.
Brown U. alumni
angered about
new sletter
The February issue of Brown
Alumni Monthly, featuring a tat-
tooed Brown University student on
the cover and a picture of a co-ed
room, angered many older alumni,
the Brown Daily Herald reported.
Brown alumni describe the uni-
versity as a cultural sewer. Alumnus
Frederick Fordon in response said,
rrow deeply for what was and is
I more
Another alumnus responded to a
"60 Minutes" report talking about
Brown courses on homosexual and
lesbian issues. Alfred Miranda
decided to stop donating to Brown
until the university stops including
courses taught by gay or lesbian fac-
ult ..
University officials reported that
it is impossible to please all 70,000
U. Arizona GSIs
g4 health benefits

A two-year . fight to allow
University of Arizona graduate
teaching research assistants the
right to health benefits has ended
with th'e administration agreeing to
health care insurance next
semester, the Arizona Daily Wildcat
.Under the plan, graduate assis-
tants. can use the Student Health
Center's services for free. They can
also have specialized treatment out-
side of the center for a co-payment,
which ranges from $5 for a standard
visit to $100 for hospitalization.
The insurance costs the university
88 per person each semester.
*out $770,000 was set aside to
cover the costs for one year.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Susan T Port.


By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
Last night in the Kuenzel Room of
the Michigan Union the Office of
Greek Life held its 1999 Officer
Installation ceremony.
The executive boards of the Black
Greek Association, the Interfraternity
Council and the Panhellenic
Association turned their positions over
to a new group of officials, elected
before Thanksgiving break.
IFC adviser John Mountz began the
ceremony by looking back on the year
the 1998 officers faced.
"It's been an interesting year,'
Mountz said.
After each group of new officials
recited their oaths and the IFC and
Panhellenic executive board members
were pinned, each new president dis-
cussed their goals for the upcoming
Although the ceremony was very
positive and sentimental, the past year's
obstacles were on the minds of incom-
ing officers.
Cindy Faulk, an Education junior and
incoming president of the Panhellenic
Association, said the Greek system's
image is important to her.
"I love the Greek system and I want to
promote its positive aspects"said Faulk,
a member of Delta Gamma sorority.

House grapples
over casinos

LANSING (AP) - Republican Gov.
John Engler will have to lobby harder
for House votes as he seeks approval of
four tribal casinos he agreed to three
years ago.
The Michigan House of
Representatives spent several hours
yesterday debating a resolution on the
gaming compacts, but lacked the votes
to push it to the Senate.
An Associated Press tally indicated
that compact proponents fell about 20
votes short. The vote board was open
for roughly an hour. During that time,
the resolution picked up nine votes
before the board was cleared. An unof-
ficial tally showed 64 members voting
no and 32 voting yes.
House Majority Leader Pat Gagliardi
(D-Drummond Island) said another
vote would be taken today. In the mean-
time, he suggested that Engler work
harder for passage.
"We were hoping the governor
would get more Republicans on
board. I think that's what it will take
to get more Democrats to vote yes,"
Gagliardi said.
Engler sent a memo to House law-
makers urging approval of the com-
pacts that he negotiated three years ago
so the state will have some control over
the casinos.
The compacts allow the state 8 per-
cent of slot machine revenues, limit the
tribes to one casino and 2 percent of
slot machine revenues goes to local
governmental units.

Rep. Ron Jelinek (R-Three Oaks)
proposed two amendments to the reso-
lution that would have given local gov-
emments the right to negotiate for a
larger share than 2 percent and to vote
on whether they wanted the casino in
their communities.
Both failed on votes of 46-47 and 43-
Rep. Harold Voorhees (R-Wyoming)
voted against the issue because he
thinks the 14 current Indian casinos are
"We know gambling is a compulsive
issue. There are many families in this
state who will be hurt by this legisla-
tion," Voorhees said.
Rep. Howard Wetters (D-
Kawkawlin) said he was voting against
the resolution because a recent attorney
general opinion said new compacts
must be adopted by statute.
"A resolution is a back door way to
do something I think is significant," he
said. "There are more stringent controls
on Detroit casinos, more taxes. I think
there should be something more equi-
A resolution, however, has the best
chance of passage. It requires only a
voice vote, meaning lawmakers' votes
are not recorded, and requires a majori-
ty of lawmakers present that day - not
a majority of all members.
A roll call vote, however, was;
requested yesterday by members and it
is expected a second vote today would
be recorded.

Former IFC President Brad Holcman makes a presentation during yesterday's
Induction ceremony for new IFC, BGA and Panhellenic Association officers.

In addition to the strength of the
Greek system, Faulk is also concerned
with the system's social atmosphere.
"One of the most important issues
will be the social scene. We really need
to regulate ourselves" Faulk said.
New IFC President Rohith Reddy, an
LSA senior and member of Phi Gamma
Delta, discussed one of the themes for
his upcoming presidency. "The mentali-
ty is that of being responsible."
One of his initial responsibilities

directly involves the issues of alcohol
and the Greek system.
"The first thing is to look at the
Alcohol Task Force to evaluate their rec-
ommendations and see if they are appro-
priate;" Reddy said.
Marcus Collins, incoming president
for the BGA, said he plans on strength-
ening the organization.
"One of my main goals is for the
BGA to be a more united force,' said
Collins, a member of Phi Beta Sigma.

Deck the house

Bill designates state wildflower

7 1, MMTV

L , ':

LANSING (AP) - Hey robin, white pine and Petoskey
stone - meet the dwarf lake iris. It's about to join you on
state lists as the state's official wildflower.
The plant with its blue-purple blooms has been promoted
for some time by Michigan naturalists, who say it's unique to
"To see dozens or hundreds of these wonderful blooms
spread over the ground, amongst the white cedar trees, only a
few yards from the Great Lakes shore, is a truly memorable,
and truly Michiganian, experience," wrote Ann Arbor
botanist Barbara Madsen in a letter to Rep. Liz Brater (D-
Ann Arbor) sponsor of the measure.
The botanist said the plant is found only on the northern
shores of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. While its leaves
are only a few inches long and the plant itself is short, it
sports spectacular blue-purple blooms that are as large as
many taller iris species, she said.
The dwarf lake iris, on state and federal lists of threat-

ened plants, had the backing of the Michigan Botanical
Club, the Michigan Nature Association, the Michigan
Natural Areas Council and the Michigan Environmental
The president of the Michigan Wildflower Association had
argued last year that the designation should go to the large-
flowered white trillium, which had proved more popular than
the iris in an informal 1996 Michigan poll.
Dwarf lake iris supporters won the debate in the
House last year by pointing out that the trillium grows
over much of eastern North America and isn't as unique
to Michigan.
Legislation designating the dwarf blue iris as the official
state wildflower won final approval Monday in the state
Senate. Passed 36-1 without debate, it now goes to Gov. John
Engler for his signature.
The only senator voting against the bill was Sen. David
Jaye (R-Washington Twp.).

r I

Mary Lee Frye takes advantage of the warm weather by putting up Christmas
decorations on her home in Ypsilanti yesterday.
Feds charge gangrs
w"ith drugoffenses

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DETROIT (AP) - Eighteen mem-
bers of the "Dog Pound" gang in Detroit
were accused yesterday on federal
charges of dealing crack cocaine in
Michigan and Ohio as part of a traffick-
ing ring that produced four killings,
including a contract hit the leader
allegedly ordered on his own brother,
authorities said.
The indictment returned by federal
grand jurors includes drug, weapons and
murder charges. Each count names John
"Bread" Bass, who investigators say led
the outfit accused of plotting to deal
"large amounts" of cocaine in Detroit,
Pontiac and Canton, Ohio, from 1989
until 1997.
Bass and 10 other defendants, all of
Detroit, are charged with at least one
count of intentional killing. Bass is
charged in each slaying, including the
June 1996 shooting death of his brother,
Patrick "Ram" Webb, that investigators
say,Bass ordered to wrest control of the
operation he had shared with the sibling.
The government also alleges that Bass
and seven co-defendants took part in the
January 1992 death of Derrick "M.C."

Poole, who authorities believe was fatal-
ly beaten and dismembered in hopes of
concealing the crime.
Other victims of slayings authorities
link to the "Dog Pound" included Darius
"Little Chill" Hawthorne and Armenty
"Fat Moe" Shelton.
Investigators say he was a rival that
Bass and two other defendants were try-
ing to rob when he was fatally shot in
June 1992. Shelton was described by the
government as a rival drug dealer who
carried out the contract hit on Bass'
Bass and all but one of the accused
were in custody yesterday or freed on
bond in connection with the indictment
or earlier charges, federal prosecutor
Kelvin Scott said.
"These are very dangerous people
who are no longer - and who hopeful-
ly will no longer be - on the streets,'
Detroit Police Chief Benny Napoleon
said in announcing the charges with
federal prosecutors and investigators.
"This is a significant, significant case.
We're dealing with some very violent
individuals involved in a significant

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Correction: The Posada mentioned as a part of Latino/a Greek Week was put on by Alianza. This was incorrectly
reported in Monday's Daily.
What's happening In Ann Arbor today

-. Association Family Caregiver
:.,... Support Group Meeting,
Sponsored by Alzheimer s

Union Program Board, Michigan
Union, Mall on the ground floor, 7-
9 p.m.
Q "Practical Training and Employment
(F immigration status)
Warkshon&" Snnnsored by North

www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
01998 Winter Commencement infor-
mation, www.umich. edu-gradin-
fo on the World Wide Web
O Northwalk. 763-WALK, Bursley

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