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December 09, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-09

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 9, 1998
Space station put in higher orbit ineSme



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SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - With the bulk of their
construction work behind them, Endeavour's astronauts gave
the new up-and-running space station a safe but shaky lift to a
higher orbit yesterday.
The pilots fired the shuttle thrusters to climb to an altitude of
about 248 miles, 5 1/2 miles higher than before.
NASA wants to leave the international space station in as
high an orbit as possible. Spacecraft gradually sink because of
the naturally occurring drag of the atmosphere, and need to be
boosted periodically.
The seven-story, 35-ton station swung back and forth a half-
foot or more in Endeavour's cargo bay, its solar wings flapping,
as the shuttle moved higher and higher.
"Wow, look at that," astronaut Nancy Currie called to her
crewmates. The tips of the wings waved a full foot, she said.
The astronauts kept close watch on the quivering stack dur-
ing the 20-minute ride, carefully spacing out their thruster puls-
es to reduce the stress.
"Nice job;' Mission Control said when it was over. Shuttle
commander Robert Cabana replied that the boosting procedure

"really worked slick."
It went so well, in fact, that Mission Control canceled a sec-
ond boost that had been planned for Friday.
After the previous night's 7 1/2-hour spacewalk to wire the
Zarya and Unity station modules together, the astronauts took it
easy yesterday. It was their first break since rocketing into orbit
last Friday.
"We've still got a lot ahead of us," Cabana told a TV inter-
viewer, "but it really feels good to have everything we need for
mission success under our belt."
As the astronauts relaxed, flight controllers took up the slack,
monitoring all systems aboard the space station.
Unity, the American-made side, came to life for the first time
in orbit late Monday after spacewalkers hooked up 40 electrical
The Unity connecting chamber was right around the freezing
point when its heaters kicked on. The 36-foot cylinder should be
warm enough by the time the six shuttle astronauts venture
inside on Thursday, said NASA's lead flight director, Bob

Arbor, massages are a great way to
revive the senses and help concen-
tration. This allows students to keep
things in perspective during stressful
"It really does help students before
an exam to have a massage," Vamek
Lucky for University students,
Vamek is running a "Final Frazzle"
special at the North Campus student
union, Pierpont Commons. She set
up in the lobby area of the commons,
and giving 10-minute mini-mas-
sages for $6. To accommodate stu-
dents whose studying keeps them
around campus for longer and later
hours, she is available from i1 a.m.
to 8 p.m. every day. Vamek will be
working on North Campus until the
last day of finals.
"It sounds kind of weird, but it
really does work, and it's better than
gulping a handful of Tylenol," said
Engineering graduate student Jack
Keoshian, a "regular" client of
The Michigan Union Program
Board has study break activities
planned for the rest of this week and
next week.
The semi-annual Great Union
Study Break is scheduled for Friday.
It will be in the Michigan Union
from 8 p.m. until I a.m. Activities
will include laser tag, movies,
karaoke and food. Study aids will
also be available, and everything is
free for University students.
They are also sponsoring Study
Daze. This evening coffee and cook-
ie break for students is planned for
Dec, 12-16. It will be from 7 p.m, to
I1 p.m. in the main lobby of the
Even with all these great pro-
grams and events planned, some stu-
dents still find napping to be the
best release for their stress.
"Forget the studying and just
sleep," LSA senior Faris Hussein
said. "It's the best thing for you,
Continued from Page 1.
work to help them kick the alcohol
habit entirely.
Supporting the recent Ann Arbor
Police Department's crackdown on
underage drinking, Dotson stressed the
importance of combining enforcement
with educational efforts.
"It can be useful, but if that's your
sole intervention, it's not going to
work;" Dotson said. "When we don't
enforce laws, we breed disrespect.
Punishment alone does not change peo-
ple's behavior,"
LSA junior Beth Marchel, a member
of Pi Beta Phi, said she went to the dis-
cussion to find information members
of her sorority could use to monitor
drinking in their organization,
"I came looking for information
that's realistic" Marchel said."I don't
see alcohol being cut out of the Greek
system altogether anytime soon."
Although recent events have placed a
spotlight on the campus' Greek com-
munity, Marchel said people have
always associated fraternities and
sororities with drinking. She said she
believes the groups are now working to
change that negative image.
"There's been a heightened sense of
awareness, at least in my house,"
Marchel said.
Social Work graduate student Mike
Trepper said DrinkWise is a good pro-
gram, but its cost to clients of nearly
$500 is too much to attract most stu-
dents to use its services.
"I think their program helps people
cut back if they can identify their prob-

lem," Trepper said. "For students
though, its drawback is the cost"

Supreme Court secures privacy rights
WASHINGTON - In a rare win for privacy rights, the Supreme Court ruled
yesterday that police cannot search people and their cars after merely ticketing
them for routine traffic violations.
Such a search is unreasonable and unconstitutional, the court ruled unanimous-
ly in an Iowa case.
The justices said police unlawfully searched an Iowa man's car after he was
stopped for speeding. The search found marijuana and a pipe in Patrick Knowles'
The decision amounted to "a pretty resounding no" to police, said Knowles'
lawyer, Paul Rosenberg. Allowing the search would have created a "very big cate-
gory of permissible searches," he said.
"Which of us has not at some point gone over the speed limit or made an illegal
left turn?" added Brooklyn Law professor Susan Herman, who signed a friend-of-
the-court brief on Knowles' behalf.
During arguments in the case last month, Iowa's lawyer acknowledged that the
state law would even let police search someone stopped for jaywalking.
The ruling disappointed the National Association of Police Organizations.
Traffic stops are "one of the least predictable and most dangerous duties of a law*
enforcement officer," said Robert Scully, the group's executive director.

Study: Landscape
changes climate
changes have caused significant weath-
er shifts and may be a major contribu-
tor to global climate changes, scientists
reported yesterday.
Researchers using computer model
simulations and field observations
across the globe found that intensive
farming, forest clearing and other
wholesale changes coincide with rising
temperatures and rainfall shifts,
The scientists say this role is equal to
that of the usual suspect of global
warming - industrial pollution from
factories, power plants and traffic.
"Land use is a significant contributor
to climate change," said climatologist
Jonathan Foley of the University of
"It's as important as what you do to
the climate when you double carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere."
The landscape issue is being debated
at the meeting of the American
Geophysical Union, which runs

through tomorrow.
In a separate study, researchers at the
National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration report the
20th Century is the warmest century in
the past 1,200 years.
They based their conclusion on-
ancient climate information trapped in*
Smoking ban boosts
bartenders' health
SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco
bartenders showed dramatic improve-
ments in lung health within two months
after the January 1998 implementation
of California's indoor smoking ban,
researchers will report today.
Examining 53 bartenders before and
after the ban was implemented, Mark
Eisner and his colleagues at the
University of California, San
Francisco, found that 59 percent of
those reporting respiratory problems,
such as wheezing, shortness of breath
and morning coughing, were symptom-
free less than two months after the ban






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Netanyahu receives
symbolic concessions
JERUSALEM - The United States
agreed to key symbolic concessions
yesterday on President Clinton's visit to
Israel and the Palestinian areas, extend-
ing a helping hand to an Israeli prime
minister under political siege.
New clashes erupted in the West
Bank as domestic pressure mounted on
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to
abandon the Wye River land-for-securi-
ty agreement with the Palestinians.
The violence and Israel's political
turmoil came just five days before the
start of Clintons visit to Israel and the
Palestinian areas,
The trip had been intended to shore
up the latest Mideast peace agreement.
In one of several bouquets to
Netanyahu, Clinton's top envoy to the
region reversed earlier claims and said
the president had initiated the upcom-
ing visit.
"It was frankly an idea that came up
from us," Dennis Ross said after an
hour-long meeting in Netanyahu's

But at a news conference yesterday
in Washington, Hasan Abdel Rahman,
a spokesperson for the Palestinians;
said Clinton's visit was Israel's idea.
Clinton's visit to Palestinian areas is
seen by both sides as a state visit to an*
entity Israel insists should not achieve
UN: 1B will be
iterate by 2001
LONDON - Nearly a sixthof
humanity, or one billion people, will be
illiterate at the start of the new century
due to the denial of basic education to.
children, the United Nations Childreno
Fund said yesterday.
The failure to educate hundreds of
millions of children poses a threat not
only to their lives but also to world
peace, UNICEF said.
"On a society-wide scale, the denial
of education harms the cause of
democracy and social progress and, by
extension, international peace and
security" the report said.
- Compiled frm Daily wire reports.

b s4


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SPORTS am Rose, Mnagng Ed
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