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December 03, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-03

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 3, 1998


Continued from Page 1A
activity involved in the death, the
report will be made public, Hall said.
Although still looking for answers,
Cantor did say he is pleased that
rumors of suicide can be dispelled
-officially. Cantor said he had heard at
home and through his daughter Jaime
that many people were talking about
that possibility on campus.
"That disturbed us the most,"he said.
University spokesperson Julie
Peterson said the University has done
all it can to keep the family up to date
throughout the investigation.

"We have wanted to keep them
informed as best we can," Peterson said.
Hiring a lawyer to investigate the
evening does not signal an intent to sue,
but it is a major step, said David Trivax,
a Detroit area personal injury lawyer
with 15 years experience dealing with
these types of cases.
Trivax said the lawyer in this case
should explore the possible culpability,
or guilt, of the Phi Delta Theta fraterni-
ty, where Cantor was seen drinking the
night of her death. The University also
should be a focus of any inquiry, based
on its responsibility for the window in
Cantor's room.
"It's not brain surgery," Trivax said.

"You just have to sec if someone may
be culpable:" But Trivax caution ed that
he did not know al the detail of the
case, and the incident could have been a
"horri ble accident."
The fraterny had it chater sus-
pended last week, and Cantor said the
occurrence o f obvious illeg al act ivit y at
the house when his daught er was there
troubles him.
"I'm of the belief that if you behave
in an irresponsible manner, there are
consequences that you must face,"
Cantor said.
Phi Delta Theta chapter president
Mike Novick refused to comment on
the situation.

Roundtip Air.RT Transfers TAKE
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" Free Party Pack*21 Hours of YOUR VACATION
FreeDrinks*14 Free Meals WITH THIS AD
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Continued from Page 1A
attention to binge drinking and the
death of LSA first-year student
Courtney Cantor, he said, gave him
incentive to present it publicly.
"In my mind, the formation of the
program and (Cantor's death) are inde-
pendent," Christie said. "But there has
been more of a push behind it because
of the incident"
Cantor died Oct. 16 after falling
from her sixth-floor Mary Markley
Residence Hall window. She was seen
drinking at a party at the Phi Delta
Theta fraternity the previous night.
"The media often focuses on those
who drink in a way that puts them at
risk, so it makes it look like the whole
campus is an animal house,' said
Alcohol and Other Drug Education
Coordinator Marsha Benz, who said she
applauds the RHA effort to implement
a program that addresses the reality of
binge drinking on a college campus.
"I think it's great that students are
organizing to take action,; Benz said.
"Any real change ... ultimately must
come from students."
Benz said the University was
denied a grant several years ago to
sponsor an alcohol-free night club in
the Michigan Union.
RHA suggested that the Sober
Saturdays program put on activities
once every two weeks.
"It seems like it would be a good
idea to have this sort of event on a reg-
ular basis," Benz said. "It would be nice
to have a regular hang-out that is inter-
esting to students and alcohol-free."
Other colleges have sponsored the
Sober Saturdays program.
"The input we have gotten from
other universities is that the idea works,
but often the people at the program still1
want to be with their friends who are
drinking," Christie said.
The program would bring a come-
dian, hypnotist or other headliner to the
a University building and provide door
prizes for students between 8 p.m. and
2 a.m. - the hours Christie said
encompass the prominent party time.
"Basically there is a lot of drinking
on the weekends, and if there is some-
where else to go, close by, that is alco-
hol-free, it will be a good alternative,"
Christie said.
Although the RHA has managed to
garner limited commitment for corpo-
rate sponsorship of the program and the
support of Housing, administrators
have not been presented the idea offi-
"We're focusing on the residence
halls right now, trying to give students
something other than drunken party-
ing," Christie said, adding that RHA is
hoping for a tremendous turnout to the
event once it begins early next semes-
e practice
csafe course
and 5
Hassle FregI

U.S. warns N. Korea
against missile tests
WASHINGTON - U.S. spy satel-
lites detected preliminary North
Korean preparations for another mis-
sile test-launch, and the activity drew a
warning from the United States yester-
day that further missile tests would
have serious consequences for U.S.-
North Korean relations.
"The United States does view the
North Korean missile program as a
serious threat to the region," State
Department spokesperson James Rubin
said yesterday, "and we continue to
press North Korea to cease all develop-
ment, testing and export of missiles and
missile technology."
Rubin said the United States has
made clear to North Korea that
progress toward better relations would
be hampered by further missile tests.
The North Koreans have been mov-
ing parts of their new Taepo Dong
missile from storage to a launch pad
since about Nov. 20, seen by U.S. spy
satellites. American officials passed

on to Japan a warning based on the
intelligence collected, said a U.S. offi-
cial speaking on condition of
Japan was unnerved by the firing
of a multistage North Korean rock
on Aug. 31.
Marines step into
simulated combat
combat may be simulated but the high-
stress demand for decisive action amid
confusion, complexity and danger is real.
For the first time, the Marine Corps is
using computer-assisted simulations an
clips from television news coverage
war-torn Bosnia and the movie "Full
Metal Jacket" about Marines in Vietnam
to teach corporals and sergeants how to
exert leadership in combat.
Simulators have been used for years
for aviators, tank crewmembers and
marksmanship courses, but the Combat
Decisionmaking Range now being used
here marks the technology's debut as a
teaching tool for infantry squad leader
the backbone of the Marine Corps.

Iraq calls for U.N. to denounce U.S.
UNITED NATIONS - Iraq asked the United Nations yesterday to denounce the
United States for interfering in its internal affairs.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saced al-Sahhaf called on the Security
Council to ask the United States to refrair from any threats or action again*
In a letter dated Nov. 30 and delivered to the council yesterday, al-Sahhaf said
the United States, when it recently threatened airstrikes, had aimed "to kill civil-
ians and destroy Iraq's industrial, defense and security infrastructure in order to
destabilize the country internally."
This would permit Washington "to put into effect its plan to overthrow the gov-
ernment of Iraq," he said,
Iraq, under American and British threat, agreed Nov. 14 to resume cooperation
with U.N. weapons inspectors charged with dismantling Baghdad's weapons of
mass destruction.
While agreeing the following day to give Iraq one last chance, President Clinton
left no doubt the United States would attack if Iraq didn't fully cooperate - a
he urged the overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Iraq's U.N. Ambassador, Nizar Hamdoon said yesterday he hadn't received a
response to al-Sahhaf's request for a council meeting to discuss Iraq's charges.


Women may be more
at risk for lung cancer
LONDON - Among smokers who
get lung cancer, women are nearly
twice as likely as men to develop the
most deadly form of the disease, new
research suggests.
Experts say the British study of
1,601 lung cancer patients marks the
first time scientists have discovered a
significant difference between the
sexes in the risk of small-cell lung can-
cer. Virtually always caused by smok-
ing, it is the hardest form of lung can-
cer to treat successfully.
The study, presented yesterday at a
conference of the British Thoracic
Society in London, showed that women
under 65 were 1.7 times more vulnera-
ble than men to small-cell lung cancer,
which spreads so rapidly that by the
time it is diagnosed, it is usually too
late to operate.
Seven of 10 of the women could not
be helped by surgery, and half the
patients die within five months of diag-
nosis, said the study's lead researcher,
Mike Pearson, associate director of the
research unit of the Royal College of

Physicians in London.
Men were more susceptible to non-
small-cell lung cancer, which is less
severe and can be operated on in ha4
the cases, he added.
"One in four women will get
small-cell lung cancer, whereas the
figure for men was one in six,"
Pearson said.
Australian officials
receive letter bombs
CANBERRA, Australia
Australian police said today they are
seeking a 43-year-old man suspected
of mailing at least 25 letter bombs to
tax officials' offices and homes across
the country.
Australian Tax Office staff nation-
wide were put on alert yesterday after
21 explosive parcels were found in a
Canberra mail center. Those bombs
were discovered after another letter
bomb exploded there, slightly injuri
two postal workers hit by plastl
- Compiled fom Daily wire reports

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