2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 3, 1998 N AT ION/WORLD CANTOR Continued from Page 1A activity involved in the death, the report will be made public, Hall said. Although still looking for answers, Cantor did say he is pleased that rumors of suicide can be dispelled -officially. Cantor said he had heard at home and through his daughter Jaime that many people were talking about that possibility on campus. "That disturbed us the most,"he said. University spokesperson Julie Peterson said the University has done all it can to keep the family up to date throughout the investigation. "We have wanted to keep them informed as best we can," Peterson said. Hiring a lawyer to investigate the evening does not signal an intent to sue, but it is a major step, said David Trivax, a Detroit area personal injury lawyer with 15 years experience dealing with these types of cases. Trivax said the lawyer in this case should explore the possible culpability, or guilt, of the Phi Delta Theta fraterni- ty, where Cantor was seen drinking the night of her death. The University also should be a focus of any inquiry, based on its responsibility for the window in Cantor's room. "It's not brain surgery," Trivax said. "You just have to sec if someone may be culpable:" But Trivax caution ed that he did not know al the detail of the case, and the incident could have been a "horri ble accident." The fraterny had it chater sus- pended last week, and Cantor said the occurrence o f obvious illeg al act ivit y at the house when his daught er was there troubles him. "I'm of the belief that if you behave in an irresponsible manner, there are consequences that you must face," Cantor said. Phi Delta Theta chapter president Mike Novick refused to comment on the situation. 1