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November 20, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-20

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 20, 1998


Continued from Page 1A
tion, followed the keynote address.
Members of the first panel agreed that although
women have advanced greatly in the political arena,
there is a long way to go before equality is reached.
Helen Thomas, dean of the White House Press corps
and a 39-year veteran of Washington D.C. reporting,
said she remains outraged that women did not get the
-right to vote until 1920.
"The discrimination against women in journalism
has been fantastic," Thomas said. "But I think the atti-
tude of the government has had a lot to do with the

women's movement,"
Both Anne Wexler, an assistant to former President
Jimmy Carter, and Liz Carpenter, who previously
served as press secretary to former First Lady Lady
Bird Johnson, echoed the journalist. They said they
believe the movement has come a long way, but total
success has not yet been achieved.
In contrast to the morning panel, the afternoon
discussion considered issues that will face the
women of the future. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-
Texas) said the inclusion of a wide range of women
in the political process is imperative to the future of
this nation.
"I think this is the best time in the history of the

world to be a woman," Hutchison said. "And
America is the best place in the world to be a
Former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee
Myers, the first female to hold the position, said she
hopes the time of the "first woman" to do something
is coming to an end.
"We have to be grateful for the strides we've made
but also recognize the steps we still have to take,"
Myers said.
University President Lee Bollinger said he was
honored the panel members came to campus, and that
he believed it was due in great part to their deference
to Ford.


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Continued from Page 1A
about is this year's game."
The texture of this year's game,
although unique from any other, is
strangely similar to the season finale
showdowns of previous years.
Michigan, after losing its first two
games of this season and temporarily fell
out of the rankings, rose from the ashes
to clinch a share of the Big Ten title.
Ohio State, on the other hand, was
largely considered the best team in the
nation. Ranked No. I from the onset of
the season, the Buckeyes dropped fol-
lowing a stunning defeat at the hands of
Michigan State two weeks ago. Ohio
State is still considered the best team in
the country by many Michigan players.
"Well, I think that they weren't
ranked No. I in the country for all
those weeks for nothing," Carr said.
With last week's triumph over the
Badgers, the Wolverines are in the dri-
ver's seat to the Rose Bowl and Ohio
State needs a little help to get to
Pasadena. Now, after three straight years
of disappointment, the tables may be
turned in favor of the Buckeyes. Will
they be the spoiler instead of the spoilee?
"It is hard to explain. I guess we just
happened to play better on those given
days"Michigan senior wide receiverTai
Streets said. "Ohio State has had some
great teams over the past few years, so it
is something that is difficult to explain.
Both ofourteams are well-prepared and
it is always a tight game, but somehow
we have been lucky enough to come out
on top lately."

Surplus may not save Social Security
WASHINGTON - The chairperson of the House tax-writ-
ing committee pressed the Clinton administration unsuccess-
fully yesterday for details of how the president envisions using
government budget surpluses to fix Social Security.
Republicans are still eyeing at least some of the money for
tax cuts.
"What do we do out of the general Treasury to save Social
Security?" Rep. Bill Archer, (R-Texas), chairperson of the
House Ways and Means Committee, asked assistant Treasury
Secretary David Wilcox at the first congressional hearing on
the nation's retirement system since the Nov. 3 elections. Clinton
"There is no administration plan," Wilcox said, "and there-
fore I can't speak to how they could be used."
Congressional Republicans abandoned plans for a major tax cut this year in the
face of a politically popular challenge from President Clinton to "Save Social
Security First."
Archer said earlier this week, however, that GOP lawmakers would push next
year for both Social Security changes and a large tax cut and that both are possi-

The University of Michigan
School of Music
Friday, November 20
BFA/BDA I Performance
Dance students perform dance repertory
Betty Pease Studio Theatre, Dance Bldg., 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 21
Musicology Lecture/Recital (rescheduled from 11-15)
A lecture/recital about music, politics and popular culture
McIntosh Theatre, E. V. Moore Bldg., 5:30 p.m.
Women's Glee Club
Sandra Snow, conductor
Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m. (free)
BFA/BDA I Performance
Dance students perform dance repertory
Betty Pease Studio Theatre, Dance Bldg., 8p.m.
Sunday, November 22
Arts Chorale
David Fryling, conductor
. music by Bernstein, Copland, Erb, Persichetti, Rutter
Hill Auditorium, 8p.m.
Brave New Works: by and for concentration camp inmates;
* music by Klein, Haas, Suk, Thomas
Britton Recital Hall, E. V. Moore Bldg., 5:30 p.m.
Monday, November 23
Michigan Youth Ensembles
Hill Auditorium, 7p.m.
University Philharmonia Orchestra
Nan Washburn, guest conductor
* Beethoven: Overture to Prometheus
* Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 1 Winter Dreams
McIntosh Theatre, E. V. Moore Bldg., 8p.m.
Tuesday, November 24
University Symphony Chamber Orchestra
" music by Mozart, Copland, Ravel, Beethoven, Debussy
McIntosh Theatre, E.V. Moore Bldg., 8 p.m.
Events are free, no tickets required and are wheelchair
accessible unless otherwise specified. The E.V. Moore Bldg. Is
located at 1100 Baits Drive, North Campus. For more information
phone (734) 764-0594 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

USDA defends exports
after bad meat found
Agriculture Department tried to allay
concerns yesterday about contaminated
meat being shipped overseas after a
report that foreign officials found seri-
ous violations while inspecting U.S.
processing plants.
The violations of poor handling,
bad employee hygiene and improper
sterilization are detailed in an internal
memo sent by Mark Mina, deputy
administrator of the department's Food
Safety and Inspection Service.
Mina charges that some unidenti-
fied plants are operating with serious
deviations from U.S. standards as
well as those of the importing coun-
Some of those deviations include
"direct carcass contamination from
careless dressing procedure,' Mina
wrote. During careless dressing, stom-
ach contents and feces can be scattered
through the carcass, contaminating it
with E. coli and other bacteria.

USDA officials said yesterday any
problems found were immediately cor-
"Several problems were noticed but
they were immediately corrected," said
FSIS spokesperson Linda Swacina.
"No contaminated or adulterated prod-
ucts left any of these plants."
Feds look for ideas to
get kids to buckle up
WASHINGTON - The older chil-
dren get, the more likely they are to die
in auto crashes because they are not
buckled up, government safety offi-
cials said yesterday.
To try to increase the number of older
children who are properly restrained i
vehicles, Transportation Departmeo
officials are enlisting a panel of experts
from industry, the medical profession
and government to map out a strategy.
Children ages 4 through 15 are
most likely to die in auto accidents
while riding unrestrained or improperly
restrained, said Transportation
Secretary Rodney Slater.




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november 25

PISigma Alpha
The National Political Science Honor Society
A brown bag discussion on
President Clinton's impeachment by:
Professor Vincent Hutchings
(American Government)
Professor Michael Traugott
(American Government/Communication Studies)
Professor Paul Huth
(International Relations)
Professor Christina Fastnow
(American Government--Congress)
All students and faculty members are welcome to join our panel of
speakers from The University of Michigan's Political Science
Department in exploring the dynamics of the impeachment process
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SATURDAY: Upbeat Worship at 5:00PM
Lord of Light Lutheran Church(ELCA)
801 S. Forest (at Hill St.) 668-7622
Sun. Worship 10 am, Bible Study 9 am
Tuesday 7 pm: Issues of Faith Group
Wednesday 7 pm: Evening Prayer
Thursday 7 pm: Conversation on Race

Clinton urges
Japan toward revival
TOKYO - President Clinton
offered measured praise today for
Japan's strategy to end the nation's
longest recession since World War II
but said he was "quite worried" about
trade battles unless Tokyo opens its
markets to American-made goods.
The president also suggested that
Japan might have expand its recovery
programs "to jolt the economy back
into growth."
Clinton, in a speech to business
leaders, said the world may resort to
retaliatory protection unless Japan low-
ers trade barriers and opens its markets.
"I'm quite worried about this."
He complained in particular about
a 500 percent increase of Japanese
imports of hot-rolled steel into the
United States. He warned that the lack
of market access for American goods
"will create in our country the poten-
tial for a retrenchment here in a way
that will not be good for Asia or Japan
or for the United States in the long

"We want to keep our markets
open, but we need fair, rule-based, dis-
ciplined expansion," the president
He pressed Japan to vigorously
implement its programs to save failing
banks and to cut spending and taxes
$196 billion. He said that rapid action
is crucial.
Study tracks smoking
epidemic in China
Smoking causes about 750,000 pre-
mature deaths in China each year and
will kill 3 million a year by the middle
the next century if present trends contin-
ue, according to the largest-ever studies
of tobacco's risks released yesterday.
The research-the first nationwide
study of smoking trends in the develop-
ing world-provides the most compelling
evidence yet of how global smoking pat-
terns are shifting, with rates falling in
Western countries but rising in develop-
ing nations to become the world's lead-
ing public health prblem, experts said.
-- Compiled fwn Daily wire report,.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.s, mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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EDITORS: Maria Hackett, Heather Kamins. Jeffrey Kosseff, Chris Metinko.
STAFF: Melissa Andrzejak. Paul Berg, Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley, Kern Chopra, Adam Cohen, Rachel Decker, Gerard CohemVrignaud, Nikita
Easley. Nick Falzone, Lauren Gibbs, Jewel Gopwani, Michael Grass, Katherine Heitruck, Erin Holmes, Josh Kroot, Sarah Lewis, Kelly O'Connor.
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EDITORIAL ,Jade Schiliaci, EditoW
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SPORTS JX+ Rose, Mngng Et
EDTORS: Josh Kleinbaumn, Sharat Reju. Pranay Reddy, Markt Snyder.
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ARTS Kristin Long, Christopher Tkazyk, Editors
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Jessica Eaton, Will Weissert
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Duweke, Gabe Fajur, Laura Flyer, Steve Gertz, Jenni Glenn, Jewel Gopwani, Joe Grossman, Garth Heutel, Kate Kovalski, Bryan Larki, Jie
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PHOTO Margaret Myers, warren Zlnn, Editor
Arts Editor: Adriana Yugovich
STAFF: Louis Brown, Allison Canter, Darby Friedlis. Jessica Johnson, Dana Linnane, And Maio, Roy Michaels, Kelly McKinnell, David Rochknd.
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STAFF: Nate Heisler, Ryan Hopker, Crew lsakow, Melissa Kane, Sonya Keerekoper, Meredith Luck, Sufntha Mani, Jennie Mudrey, Angie Nelson,
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