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November 20, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-20

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One hundred eight years of editorfreedom

November 20, 1998

tZ MEN? El-

Michigan vs. Ohio State

No. 6 Ohio State (6-1 Big Ten, 9-1 overall) vs.
No. 11 Michigan (7-0, 8-2)
Ohio Stadium (capacity 89,841)
Tomorrow at noon
Ohio State by 10
ABC (Channel 7)
Last Year:
Michigan won at Michigan Stadium, 20-14

Cinton inquiry begns
Starr testimony marks first day of third presidential impeachment inquiry in history

WASHINGTON (AP) - In a blend of constitution-
al drama and partisan struggle, Kenneth Starr laid out
his evidence against President Clinton yesterday in the
third presidential impeachment inquiry in history, then
fended off a withering attack by Democrats.
The independent counsel, in an appearance before
the House Judiciary Committee that was televised
nationally, also said the "plain language" of the
Constitution makes clear that Clinton could be prose-
cuted for perjury after he leaves office, regardless of
the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.
"I stand behind it because it is mine," Starr said as
he was peppered with criticism for his report outlining
grounds for possible impeachment arising from
Clinton's sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Starr's opening statement accused Clinton of a
months-long "scheme to conceal" his affair with the
former White House intern.
Even before Starr began to speak, Rep. John
Conyers (D-Mich.), accused the former federal judge
of having "crossed the line into obsession" with his
four-year, $40 million investigation.
A second Democrat, Barney Frank of Massachusetts,.
asked why Starr had not told the public before the fall
elections that he had found no evidence of impeachable
offenses in inquiries into other areas covering FBI files,
the dismissal of White House Travel Office employees
and the Whitewater real estate deal.
When Starr responded that his mandate under the law
was only to report on evidence of potentially impeach-

able offenses, Frank said: "In other words, don't have
anything to say unless you have something bad to say."
White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart said
Clinton did not watch any of the live coverage but saw
one short clip of it on a CNN news broadcast.
However, an aide did brief Clinton on Starr's prepared
testimony, Lockhart said.
A battery of the president's lawyers - private attor-
ney David Kendall and White House counsel Charles
Ruff among them - were also present in the commit-
tee room, awaiting their turn to question Starr.
Behind panel members were two big portraits -
one of Hyde, the Illinois Republican at the helm of the
current inquiry; the other of former Rep. Peter
See HEARING, Page 7A
to allow

Wolvennes to
fight for Rose
howl berth

By Sharat Raju
Daily Sports Editor
There is no trophy awarded to the
winner of tomorrow's Ohio State-
Michigan football game in Columbus.
ere isn't an award or a tangible object
that the Wolverines or Buckeyes can
hoist above their heads and pass from
player to player.
No medals are awarded nor certifi-
cates handed out - not since the rival-
ry's beginning in 1897.
But for both the I1th-ranked
Wolverines and the sixth-ranked
Buckeyes, there is a much more impor-
tant reward.
"Even if the Rose Bowl or champi-
ship weren't on the line, this is more
than the Big Ten championship, more
than the Rose Bowl," Michigan football
coach Lloyd Carr said. "It has to do
with two great traditions and two great
schools. There are a lot of things that
come together on this one Saturday
afternoon and you have a lot of people
both nationally and in these two states
who get into the game."
Womorrow at noon at Ohio Stadium,
the Wolverines (7-0 Big Ten, 8-2 over-
all) will do battle with Ohio State (6-1,
9-1) in a game that has national bowl

game implications.
If Michigan wins, the Wolverines will
head to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl for
the second consecutive season.
If Ohio State wins, the Buckeyes will
need Wisconsin to lose to Penn State in
order to advance to Pasadena.
"We know the only way we can go
back to the Rose Bowl is to beat Ohio
State next weekend," Michigan line-
backer Sam Sword said. "I'm pretty
sure that they don't want us to go to the
Rose Bowl, so it's going to be a great
challenge for us."
The challenge playing the Buckeyes
in any year is inherent. That is, Ohio
State usually is ranked higher than the
Wolverines. Last season was an excep-
tion, as No. I Michigan held off No. 4
Ohio State en route to an NCAA cham-
Although the Wolverines are 8-1-1 in
the last 10 games against Ohio State
coach John Cooper, Carr was still not
convinced that the Wolverines have the
Buckeyes' number.
"I don't think we've dominated
them,' Carr said. "I think we have
found a way to win some very close
games. The only thing I'm concerned

By Asma Rafeeq
and Jennifer Yachnin
lDaily Staff Reporters
Upper-class students will once
again have the choice to use a com-
munity bathroom, eat in the dining
halls and sleep in a six-foot high
University Housing officials
announced last night the decision
made last year to ban upper-class
students from traditional residence
halls will be lifted for the 1999 aca-
demic year.
"The only reason we put the
restriction in place last year ... is
that we had to break into the over-
crowding," Director of Housing
Public Affairs Alan Levy said.
Housing removed the restriction
on upper-class students because
overcrowding was eliminated this
"We were never attached to the
policy except in terms of necessity,"
Levy said. A lower return rate of
students to the residence halls in
combination with a smaller first-
year class alleviated the stress on
housing, he added.
This fall marked the first time in
several years that students were not
placed into temporary housing in
residence hall lounges because of
overcrowding. Levy said the number
of overflow triples has been reduced
to less than 20 from 320 in fall '97.
"Student response last year made
it very clear they weren't happy
with the restrictions," Levy said.
Projections for student housing
needs next fall also were taken into
consideration by Housing officials,
Levy said.
"The objective now is to not ever
go back to it," Levy said. But hous-
ing needs will be evaluated on a
year-to-year basis, he said.
Re-application rates should be
similar to those in previous years,
Levy said. Upper-class student
return rates are harder to judge
because fewer upper-class students
lived in the residence halls this year.
Overflow triples will still be used
in traditional residence halls next
fall, Levy said, but will be treated as
"temporary housing." The third stu-
dent assigned to the overflow triple
will be re-assigned when a perma-
nent space is available, Levy said.
Director of Housing William
Zeller said allowing upper-class stu-
dents to return to residence halls
contributes to the diversity of the
residence halls.
"It's very important that residence
halls have a strong mix of new stu-
dents and returning students," Zeller
said. "This would be the healthiest
The re-application process for cam-
pus housing for next year begins in
February. Students wanting to remain
in their current rooms have first prior-
ity, followed by students wanting to
remain in their residence halls.
Students wanting to switch resi-
dence halls for next year will take
part in a lottery to determine priori-
tv for nickinot 'spcific rooms

Orthodox Jewish children watch cement barriers used for fortifications being
unloaded at the Israeli settlement of Maale Amos In the West Bank yesterday.
Israel votes to pull
West Bnk troops

By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
Usually, a conference discussing
American politics would find an easy
headliner in a former president. But
Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the
United States, was not the central
piece of a conference yesterday at the
Michigan League.
Women with decades of political
experience gathered to discuss the
evolution of women in American
politics is a forum sponsored by the
Gerald R. Ford Foundation.
Keynote speaker Eliza',eth .Dole,
president of The An' .rican Red
Cross and a 30-year po'itical veteran,

spoke to an audience of more than
200 people about the changes she has
experienced in her time in politics.
While women previously were
told to keep quiet and smile at cam-
paign events, Dole said an appear-
ance on "The Tonight Show" during
the 1996 presidential campaign in
which she rode a motorcycle displays
the greater freedom and power,
women yield in the 1990s.
"1 can remember a time when the
idea of a woman equal to her male
counterpart in politics was as unlike-
ly as, well, a professional wrestler
being elected governor of a state:'
Dole said.

Dole, who Ford said has "truly
global compassion for all the world's
victims," said there is a constant
pressure on women to be perfect, to
complete a wide variety ofjobs with-
out question. She said that
"inevitably takes a toll."
To the University women of today,
Dole said they should "find that
which you are passionate about.
Then you can have a sense of mission
in your work."
Two separate panel discussions,
the first focusing on the history of
women in politics and the second
focusing on women's current situa-
See PANELS, Page 2A

JENIN, West Bank (AP) - After
nearly two years of U.S. prodding and
bitter disputes with the Palestinians, the
Israeli government gave the final go-
ahead yesterday to withdrawing troops
from a chunk of the West Bank the size
of Chicago.
The Cabinet narrowly approved the
cision, 7-5, with three abstentions,
after acrimonious debate. It marked a
point of no return for Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, who since taking
office in May 1996 had zigzagged on
the peace process and now faces the
loss of support of key allies.

Authority staged a jubilant indepen-
dence day parade in the farming town
of Jenin in the northern West Bank yes-
terday. Most of the land to be handed
over is near Jenin.
Hundreds of Palestinian police offi-
cers in camouflage uniforms, their AK-
47 assault rifles hoisted, marched in
formation through the town's soccer
stadium to the cheers of the crowd.
Tractors draped with Palestinian flags
circled the arena.
Two percent, or 44 square miles, of
the West Bank land in the agreement
approved yesterday is being transferred

Repercussions ac
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
Beware to students hosting a party for tomorrow's big
football game. If your door is open and people are milling
about, any stranger legally is allowed to enter.
And that stranger may be an undercover Ann Arbor
Police Department officer or volunteer.
"I think the key is whether they are invited in," said
Cumberland School of Law Prof. and University alumna
Deborah Young. "If the door's open they can just go in just
like any student can."
Over the past two weekends, Ann Arbor police have sent

'compnay MIPS
Normally, the punishment for those found guilty of an
MIP is a $100 fine. In addition, the citation permanently
remains on a person's driving record.
The repercussions of underaged drinking have extend
beyond AAPD citations.
Gwyn Hulswit, assistant to the resolution coordinator
in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs,
said the University sent a warning letter to students who
received MIPs. She said stricter disciplinary punishment
may occur if a student is caught drinking underage more
than once.
"We will only take action if they've received a previ-



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