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March 27, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-03-27

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 27, 1998 - 3

6 CRIME 162

NASA students prepare for annual Pow Wow

Men attempt
robbery at
Elbel Field

A man called the Department of
Public Safety on Tuesday at 1:30 a.m.
to report that two men attempted to rob
him as he walked through Elbel Field.
The man said that the two men
approached him and said they had a
gun. The caller said he ran away from
the men without giving them any
money, according to DPS reports.
The man said he did not get a good
look at the two suspects.
A report was filed.
Husband makes
harassing calls
A woman called the DPS on Tuesday
to report that her husband was harass-
ing her over the telephone.
The woman reportedly filed for
divorce from the man, but he has been
calling her for weeks.
According to DPS reports, the
*woman called DPS after the man told
her he would "burn the house down"
before he gave it to her.
DPS officers met with the woman
and a report was filed.
'Muscular' man
exposes himself
A witness called DPS on Monday to
report that a man exposed himself on
the 1600 block of Cram Circle.
The caller described the man as hav-
ing a "muscular build" and said he was
wearing a beige stocking cap and a blue
denim jacket.
DPS officers arrived at the scene of
the incident after the man left.
A report was filed.
Projectiles worry
Rackham witness
A woman called DPS on Monday
evening to report that three college-
aged males were throwing ice balls at
oncoming traffic. The woman observed
the incident from a window inside the
Rackham Graduate School building,
DPS reports state.
DPS officers made contact with the
three students, who stated that they
were throwing the snowballs at a street
sign. No damage to the sign was report-
A report was filed.
Students caught
smoking marijuana
in campus carport
DPS units responded to a phone
call Wednesday night about two indi-
viduals in the Church Street parking
The two students were found with
marijuana in their car.
DPS reports said the two men did not
have any prior convictions.
They were charged with possession
of marijuana, and a report was filed.
*Irritated man
yells from porch
DPS received a call Tuesday night
from a person who witnessed a male
yelling from the porch of a house on
North Ingalls Street.
The caller said the man was wear-
ing no shirt and seemed to be irritat-
ed by something.
9 The caller also reported that the
man was screaming and smashing
things on the porch, DPS reports
Ann Arbor Police Department
units assisted DPS in response to the

-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Reilly Brennan.

By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
As sage smoke rose from a circle at this past
Wednesday's meeting of the Native American
Student Association, those involved in planning
Ann Arbor's annual Pow Wow shook off tensions
and worries about the event's success.
The ceremony, called smudging, is intended to
give strength to those involved.
"You use sage. It purifies the circle, purifies our
spirit and has us thinking as one," said Shannon
Martin, Native American coordinator for the Office of
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs. "It's to shake off those
tensions in preparing yourself for this weekend."
Later in the evening, members of the NASA con-
tinued planning for the event by making tobacco ties
to give to the dancers who will be performing this
NASA co-chair Jodi Cook described the tobac-
co tie as a sign of thank you and good luck.
In 1972, the first Ann Arbor Pow Wow was held
in a University library with a drummer, a crafts-
man and a singer.

The Ann Arbor Pow Wow has grown during the
past 26 years to become recognized as one of the
largest Native American celebrations in North
America. Martin said 10,000 students, University
community members and visitors are expected to
attend this year. The Ann Arbor Pow Wow is one of the
largest student-run pow wows in North America and
marks NASA's premier event of the year, Martin said.
"This is NASA's largest event in showcasing the
Native American culture in hopes people from all
walks of life will join us and celebrate," Martin said.
Competitions scheduled for this weekend include
social, jinngle dress, traditional, fancy and grass
dances. Singers and Native American artisans are
traveling from the far ends of North America to par-
ticipate in the Pow Wow. Events will also include raf-
fles, dance contests and singers.
The history of the Pow Wow is an important part
of Native American folklore. The celebration tra-
ditionally has taken place during the spring and
summer. After harsh winters, people were encour-
aged to celebrate with their friends and families
and appreciate the gift of life.

The modern Pow Wow is based on values
important to many in the Native American com-
munity -honor and respect.
Martin said the growth of the Pow Wow
stemmed from an increase in pride in the Native
American heritage in the '70s.
"The Pow Wow encompasses the honor and
respect we have for Mother Earth and for each new
day and season," Martin said. "It encompasses our
arms reaching out to all relatives.
"These students have to balance their academic
life with the time they choose to share their culture
and to educate with the events they offer the
University," Martin said.
Martin said the mood of the Pow Wow is one of
LSA sophomore Joe Reilly, who co-chairs NASA,
said the Pow Wow gives students the opportunity to
learn more about the Native American community.
"It's a time for us to visit with family and friends
who will be traveling and share this aspect of our
culture with students and the University," Reilly
said. "We have been preparing for it all year."

LSA junior Elizabeth Evans said she is very
excited about this weekend's events.
"It's kind of a time that we cai come together,"
Evans said. "A time to gather and laugh and have
a good time."
Evan said her aunt from Minneapolis is visiting
for the Pow Wow.
"It's a sense of pride just knowing we are putting
this together - not just for Native Americans, but
for the whole University community," Evans said.
Academic and Multicultural Initiatives Program
Coordinator Tara Young said she encourages every-
one to take the opportunity to learn about the Native
American community by attending the Pow Wow.
"I think everyone should go." Young said.
"People can enjoy themselves and see something
about Native American culture because you don't
get to see those things."
Young said spectators should "come and have a
great time - eat and dance."
The modern Pow Wow's roots lay in the Grass
Dance. It gave the tribes the opportunity to re-enact
their adventures for the other tribal members.

Like a Rolling Stone

Deans back midterm survey

By Trevor Gardner
Daily Staff Reporter
Deans within the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts are
supporting a student proposal to insti-
tute a midterm feedback program with-
in the college.
On their own initiative, some LSA
instructors have asked their students for
feedback on the quality of their courses
at the halfway point in the term.
A few LSA students who observed
the process decided to expand the effort
by constructing a feedback form for
instructors to use. They presented it to
LSA- deans, encouraging the formal
implementation of its use. The deans
said they will distribute the forms to
more instructors and hope to expand
their use in subsequent semesters.
The architects of the proposal said this
newer approach will expand student
involvement in the feedback process by
providing the service while the direction
of the course can still be changed.
LSA sophomore Albert Garcia, the
chair of the LSA Student Government
Academic Affairs Committee who
assisted in developing the proposal,

said the program will spark students'
interest in improving the quality of their
"I think students are going to appre-
ciate the opportunity to share feedback
with professors if they genuinely feel it
will have a positive effect on the class,"
Garcia said.
The primary focus of the surveys is
to improve instructors' teaching abili-
"The process is confidential - it's
fair," Garcia said. "We've gotten so
much positive feedback from the facul-
ty. They were not expecting such an
immediate response from students."
The program supports an encourag-
ing classroom atmosphere by asking
students about the aspects of the class
that work well and should be reinforced,
Garcia said. The plan ultimately seeks
to foster growth in the student-teacher
relationship, he said.
"Being able to facilitate that has been
incredible for everyone," Garcia said.
LSA junior Tiffany Cain said the
midterm feedback program is prefer-
able to the end-of-term evaluations
because of its convenience.

"Sometimes the written evaluations
are completely disregarded," Cain said.
"When you ask a class to verbally
express their likes and dislikes about a
teacher or class, they are more willing
to provide their input because it's not as
much of a hassle."
Cain also said the evaluation posi-
tively impacts both students and teach-
ers. "I think it made the class more
comfortable with each other," she said.
Sociology Prof. Alford Young said he
views midterm feedback as a positive
step for the entire academic communi-
ty. "I hope that mid-term feedback will
be a step toward increasing conscious-
ness about teaching at the University.
"I also hope that students use this
opportunity not simply to evaluate the
courses that they select, but to evaluate
their own contributions in the class-
room so that they too can be agents in
the creation of a better course experi-
ence," he said.
Garcia said that next year, the
process will be more widespread. "We
did this at LSA and it's growing, but
there are 15 or 20 other colleges out
there," Garcia said.

ISA sophomore Lori Goodman strikes a pose yesterday at the Rolling
Stone Covers Tour, which is making a stop in the Michigan Union.
Students ar u or
SERVE Week events

By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
For the next week, many University
students will top their "to-do lists" with
decorating nursing homes, painting
mental health centers and showing ele-
mentary students around campus.
The activities, all part of Project
SERVE's SERVE Week, will encourage
service on campus and get students
acquainted with the many service pos-
sibilities available during the year.
"The goal is to get people involved
with good experiences like this so that
they will continue service for the rest of
their life," said LSA senior Karen
Lareau, a member of the SERVE Week
leadership team.
Although the week's main focus is on
student service, other activities, includ-
ing a keynote speaker, will provide
more than just an opportunity to roll up
sleeves and pitch in.
"It will bring students, staff and faculty
together" said Business junior Spencer
Preis, a member of Project SERVE.
The week's highlights will include
consumer activist Ralph Nader's speech
at the Michigan Theater on Monday
night about service and social activism.
Looking for a speaker to bring intel-
lectual and academic perspectives to the
week, the team chose Nader to "tie what
he does with what's going on our campus

and in the United States," Preis said.
Another high point of the week is the
Love to Serve tennis tournament sched-
uled for next Friday. The winner of the
tournament will choose a charity to
receive the money raised by participants.
LSA first-year student Robin
Anderson said she plans to play in the
tournament. She said she thinks the event
is a great way for students to have fun and
help others.
"Getting people to do service is hard.
Combining it with something enjoyable
will get students to do it more," she said.
Anderson said her interest in SERVE
week was a result of her experience par-
ticipating in Community Plunge, an orga-
nized service day, earlier in the year. She
pointed out that some students do not take
the time to serve their community.
"A lot of people are too caught up in
themselves, and that's OK, but there are
so many things out there. There's a huge
book (at the SERVE office) full of vol-
unteer opportunities," Anderson said.
But Lareau said she thinks that many
students have a strong desire to serve at
the University.
"In general, Michigan is good. Lots
of groups get involved during SERVE
Week," Lareau said.
One of the several student groups get-
ting involved is Students Establishing
Educational Dreams.



What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend

0 "An Environmental Oneg Shabbat,"
Sponsored by Hillel, HIllel, 1429
Hill St.
0 "Cheap U.S. Travel for International
Students," Sponsored by
international Center, international
Center, Room 9, 3 p.m.
U "Harold Hemphill Bone Marrow
Drive," S onsored by NTAF,
Faithway Baptist School, Gym,
2020 Packard Rd, Ypsilanti, 4-8
Q "'Joumey' by architects Tod Williams
and Billie. Tsien," Chrysler
Auditorium, 2121 Bonisteel Blvd.,

0 "Ask the Author," Sharon Lovejoy,
Sponsored by Webster's Books,
2607 Plymouth Rd, 1-2 p.m.
Q "Club Fabulous," Sponsored by The
LGBT Affairs, Michigan League,
Ballroom, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
Q "Harold Hemphill Bone Marrow
Drive," Sponsored by NTAF,
Faithway Baptist School, Gym,
2020 Packard Rd, Ypsilanti, 8
a.m.-3:30 p.m.
U "Kids Art Contest," Sponsored by
Alianza, Mosher-Jordan Residence
Hall, Cesar Chavez Lounge, 3-5
U "Student Mediation Services,"
Cnnn-ro byC...t. nt ~latinn

U "Info. Meeting (For Prospective
Members)," Sponsored by The
Student. Co-Ops (ICE), Luthen Co-
Op, 1520 Hill St., 13 p.m.
U "Israel at 50: Academic Reflections
and Analyzes, A Symposium,
Sponsored by Frankel Cent for
Judaic Studies, Michigan League,
Henderson Room, 1-4 p.m.
Q "Israeli Dancing," Sponsored by
Hillel, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 7:30-10
U "Panel Discussion: Hate Speech on
the Internet," Sponsored by Hillel,
Hillel, 1429 HUI St., 7:30 p.m.
0 "Student Mediation Services,"
Sponsored by Student Mediation
Srvics Michigan Inion. Room


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