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January 08, 1998 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-08

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 7


il anian Pr
Los Angeles Times
CAIRO, Egypt - Iranian President
Mbliammad Khatami yesterday made one bf his
natoin's strongest overtures toward the United
States -since Iran's Islamic revolution, inviting
American scholars, artists and tourists to visit
is nation to help create a "crack in the wall" of
ostility dividing the two nations.
But Khatami added that "a bulky wall of mis-
trst"-remains and is too great for the U.S.-
sought, government-to-government talks to have
any chance for success at this time.
ATthough the tone of Khatami's speech - an
instance of international diplomacy via the
Cable. News Network - was overwhelmingly
conciliatory and respectful toward America, the
Iranian president said his country is not desper-
ate for political relations. It is prepared to wait
*ntilit sees a more friendly attitude from U.S.

'esident sends peaceful message to U.S.

"We feel no need for ties with the United
States, especially that the modern world is so
diverse and plural that we can reach our objec-
tives without any United States assistance," he
said. "We are carrying out our own activities and
have no need for political ties with the United
Khatami appeared to be choosing his words
carefully, suggesting it is now a matter of when,
not if, the U.S.-Iranian relations, sundered dur-
ing the 1979 hostage crisis, will be resumed.
That alone was a radical departure for a regime
that had made "Death to America" a main motto
and anti-Americanism a central tenant since its
founding by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah
-Still, yesterday's speech was received in
guarded fashion in Washington, where State
Department spokesperson James Rubin
observed of Khatami: "We welcome the fact that

he wants a dialogue with the American people
... But we continue to believe that the way to
address the issues between us is for our two gov-
ernments to talk directly."
As for Khatami, he noted that, in U.S.-Iranian
relations, "There is a great mistrust between us.
If negotiations are not based on mutual respect,
they will never lead to positive results ... There
must first be a crack in this wall of mistrust to
prepare us for a change and create an opportuni-
ty to study a new situation.
"Nothing should prevent dialogue and under-
standing between the two nations, especially
between their scholars and thinkers," he added.
"Right now, I recommend the exchange of pro-
fessors, writers, scholars, artists, journalists and
He criticized the "behavior of the American
government (which) in the past, up to this date,
has always exacerbated the climate of mistrust,

and we have so far not detected any sign of
change of behavior."
He cited decades of American government
actions that he said had angered Iranians:
The U.S.-engineered coup that brought
down Iran's government in 1953.
U.S. financial backing for the unpopular
regime of the late, Shah Mohammed Reza
U.S. efforts, since the 1979 Islamic revolu-
tion that overthrew the shah, to isolate Iran eco-
* And a $20 million allocation by the U.S.
Congress with the purpose of bringing down the
Islamic government.
At the same time, Khatami came close to
apologizing for the 1979 taking of 52 hostages
for 444 days at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran as a
revolutionary excess and denounced terrorist
attacks such as those that have killed innocent

civilians in Israel.
Regarding the hostage crisis, which led the
United States to sever ties with Iran. Khatami
said, "I do know that the feelings of the great
American people have been hurt, and of course
I regret it ... In the heat of the revolutionaryfer-
vor, things happen which cannot be fully con-
tained or judged according to usual norms."
Now, he said, Iran has matured. "With the grace
of God today our new society has been institu-
tionalized ... and there is no need for unconven-
tional methods ... There is no need but anything
but discourse, debate and dialogue."
He denied that Iran is trying to acquire
nuclear weapons and promised that his govern-
ment would "deal" with any Iranian found to be
giving financial support to terrorists.
He challenged critics of the regime to present
proof of allegations that it is bankrolling terror-
ist groups.

Prosecutor plans to focus
on Kaczynsk's admissions


osAngeles Times
SACRAMENTO, Calif -A federal
prosecutor said yesterday that he plans
to make Theodore Kaczynski's own
admissions the cornerstone of his open-
ing statement to jurors in U.S. District
Court on Monday. During a three-hour
court hearing in which lead prosecutor
Robert Cleary sought approval of that
plan, he said Kaczynski has acknowl-
*dged 'his involvement in at least three
of the .four attacks he is accused of
committing. All four incidents resulted
in twoxdeaths and two serious injuries.
Kaczynski has pleaded not guilty.
l ry characterized the admissions,
apparently in Kaczynski's own writ-
ings, as the most persuasive evidence of
the reclusive mathematician's "culpa-
When he makes his opening state-
ent Monday, Cleary further plans to
tell jurors that the reclusive woodsman
formed. the intent to commit a nation-
wide string of bombings as long ago as
1971. The prosecutor said Kaczynski's
whitings also offer details about a dozen

other bomb attacks he is not charged
with in Sacramento.
In outlining his case, Cleary also dis-
closed that Kaczynski made observa-
tions in his writings about the injuries
received by victims of these attacks and
noted his own reaction.
Cleary did not spell out further
details of Kaczynski's alleged thoughts
on the bombings. He spoke only gener-
ally about what was reflected in
Kaczynski's journals.
U.S. District Court Judge Garland
Burrell did not issue a ruling yesterday.
Prosecutors previously have said that
Kacyznski's journals and diaries will
form the backbone of their case against
the man they say was the elusive killer.
They hadn't indicated, however, exactly
what they would tell the jury.
Defense attorney Judy Clarke vigor-
ously objected to Cleary's plans, saying
that he could make an effective case
using other, apparently less graphic,
statements from her 55-year-old client,
who was not present in court yesterday.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys

did tell Burrell that they had agreed to
tell jurors about the 12 bombings that
are not among charges against
Kaczynski. Prosecutors want to cite
these other attacks to show a pattern
that allegedly began in 1978.
Clarke said that as a consequence the
prosecution will need to call fewer wit-
nesses. She said it will "dramatically
reduce the length of the trial."
Prosecutors, who had previously said
their case could take two months, are
now estimating it will only last about a
In another development, Burrell
declined to reveal further details of
closed-door conversations he recently
had with Kaczynski and his attorneys.
Heavily censored transcripts of the
meetings suggest that Kaczynski was
disgruntled with his attorneys, possibly
their efforts to suggest that he is men-
tally ill. Yesterday, Burrell also indicat-
ed in a passing reference that
Kaczynski may have sought to repre-
sent himself. The judge offered no fur-
ther explanation.


Niki Deutchman, the forewoman of the jury in the Terry Nichols bombing trial, is surrounded by photographers and
reporters as she enters her east Denver home yesterday.

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Continued from Page :.
Matsch said the jurors, who were empowered to make a
binding sentencing recommendation, disagreed on the issue
that was a legal threshold for deciding on the death penalty -
whether Nichols intended people to die in the blast.
The jury foreman, Niki Deutchman, described a panel
tortured by doubts, wracked by dissension and deeply
skeptical of the government's case. In a 70-minute news
conference in a sun-dappled municipal park near her
Denver neighborhood, Deutchman said the seven women
and five men were a divided and distraught group, rife with
tension and discord, when the decision was taken from
Deutchman, an obstetrical nurse, also slammed the gov-
ernment for "dropping the ball" by not investigating other
possible suspects.
"The government wasn't able to prove beyond a

reasonable doubt a whole lot of the evidence," said
Deutchman, 47. "The government didn't do a good
job of proving Terry Nichols was greatly involved in
The same jury just 15 days ago found that Nichols, 42,
conspired to bomb the building on April 19, 1995, a con-
viction that carried the possibility of a death sentence.
They also found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter in
the deaths of the eight law enforcement officials. But in a
split verdict that foreshadowed yesterday's outcome, the
jurors acquitted Nichols of murder, of using a weapon of
mass destruction and of actually bombing the building.
Nichols' co-conspirator, Timothy McVeigh, was convict-
ed last June in a separate trial on I I counts of conspiracy.
and murder. He was sentenced to death.
"We of course regret the jury was unable to reach a
unanimous decision," said Nichols' chief federal prosecu-
tor, Larry Mackey, as his tense-looking team stood behind
him after yesterday's deadlock.

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WASHINGTON (AP) - A biotech-
nology company agreed yesterday to
plead guilty to conspiring to grow high-
nicotine tobacco secretly in foreign coun-
tries so Brown & Williamson Tobacco
Corp. could "control and manipulate the
nicotine levels in its cigarettes."
In the first charges arising from the
Justice Department's 3-year-old
tobacco investigation, a criminal
information was filed in Washington
against DNA Plant Technology Corp.
of Oakland. The company agreed to
cooperate with the investigation, and
no date was set for its plea.
Last year, 18 Brazilian farmers admit-
ted to The Associated Press they are
growing high-nicotine leaf by the ton,
many for more than five years. The AP
reported the high-nicotine tobacco -
called fumo louco, or crazy tobacco, by
the growers - was the offspring of a

genetically altered plant created in U.S.
laboratories for Brown & Williamson.
The government said the goal of the
plot between B&W and the biotech firm
known as DNAP was to develop a reli-
able source of high-nicotine tobacco.
The Food and Drug Administration
considers nicotine addictive - the key
to hooking smokers. Tobacco compa-
nies dispute nicotine's addictiveness,
but the FDA has begun regulating the
industry on the ground that cigarettes
deliver an addictive drug. Photo and
age IDs are required before some ciga-
rette sales. FDA cigarette advertising
regulations await resolution of a court
In the court documents filed yester-
day, the Justice Department charged
that DNAP and B&W secretly devised
a scheme to improve high-nicotine
tobacco in Brazil and other countries

because federal regulations ban com-
mercial growing of high-nicotine tobac-
co in the United States.
The government charged the tobacco
company contracted with DNAP in
1983 and gave it a strain of flue-cured
tobacco, code-named Y-1, that was
about 6 percent nicotine. That's twice
the level or most tobacco.
The contract specified one goal as
altering tobacco's chemical composition
in ways that "could include production
of lines with elevated nicotine content,"
court papers said. In April 1985, an
expanded contract listed the first goal as
"(d)evelopment of commercial high-
nicotine varieties" of tobacco. ,1
DNAP was charged with a misde-
meanor count of conspiracy to violate
the Tobacco Seed Export law, which
until its repeal in 1991 prohibited export
of tobacco seed without a permit.

Continued from Page 1.
The following day after practice in Ann Arbor, Reese drove
through the night, home to New York, to cheer on his old
teammate at the tournament.
"When he was here, he cared about the team more than
anything, and never got hung up on how good he was," Buck
said. "He really cared about everyone around him and con-
tinued to be a role model for my guys even after he graduat-
ed "
Reese's Michigan coach, Dale Bahr, said one of the
most impressive things about Reese was that he continued
to practice hard and paid his own way to compete in every

Corey Grant, Reese's roommate for the past three years,
said the two visited each other's houses during vacations and
became close with each other's families.
"I got to know him so well," Grant said. "I want everyone
to know how great Jeff was and what a great friend he was.
He always wanted everyone around him to be happy and was
truly a quality person.
"It's so weird to go home or to practice and know he won't
ever be there. I always think about him," said Grant, who is also
a member of the Michigan wrestling team. "I know I couldn't
have asked for a better person to be friends with."
In addition to the lasting impression left on his friends,
teammates and coaches, Reese also made his mark in the

BA YSt ER NEEDED for 2 children. 6
& '9 yrs. Occas. a.m. 9-12. Occas. eves. &

U - -' ~I ~ J ~ ml -

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