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February 03, 1998 - Image 1

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One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom

February 3, 1998

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Russian, French and
urkish envoys speak
ith Saddam Hussein in
opes of peace
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - With the
ted States pressing for support for
ssible military strike, Russia,
rance and Islamic leaders were rush-
ng envoys to Iraq yesterday to push
or a peaceful end to the standoff over
.N. weapons inspections.
A Russian envoy spoke with
resident Saddam Hussein in
aghdad, leading the way among
raq's sympathizers in pushing for a
plomatic solution. France, Turkey,
he Arab League, Jordan and
tinian leader Yasser Arafat all
aunched their own peace missions
d appeals to Saddam.
Envoys from Russia, France and
urkey would stress the same mes-
age, France's Foreign Ministry said:
e danger would end only if Iraq
ve in to U.N. demands for fill
cress to all suspected weapons sites.
At the United Nations, Secretary-
eneral Kofi Annan asked the
urity Council to double the
ount of oil Iraq can sell under an
xemption to a U.N. embargo. The
nited States and Britain, Iraq's lead-
ng adversaries on the council, indi-
ted they could go along with the
ncrease for humanitarian reasons.
e step could ease tensions in the
For its part, Iraq insisted it was open
o anything that would help avert
Iraq will not neglect any opportu-
ty that will help it foil American
hemes to direct a military strike
gainst it," Foreign Minister
viohammed Saecd A-Sahhaf told an
ergency session of Iraq's National
The intercession by Iraq's allies
e as Secretary of State Madeleine
bright visited Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
. Bahrain, making Washington's
e for military force to end the
Iraq repeatedly has refused to allow
N. inspectors into Saddam's palaces
d other off-limits sites, drawing the
.S. threats to attack.
The inspectors are trying to deter-
e whether Iraq has destroyed its
hemical and biological weapons pro-
s, and a U.N. embargo imposed
r the 1990 invasion of Kuwait is to
d until that and other conditions
e met.
Iraqi U.N. Ambassador Nizar
amdoon said Iraq would fax House
peaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) an
vitation to send a congressional del-
tion to one of Saddam's off-limits
"We want to allow them to make
ure for themselves there are no pro-
ted items in those sites,"
doon said.
y de

of race in;
y William Nash
Staff Reporter
Vice Provost for Academic and
ulticultural Affairs Lester Monts
etailed the University's admissions,
licy in front of the Senate Advisory
ornmittee on University Affairs, the
acuity advisory committee, while
efuting a study condcuted by the
enter for Equal Opportunity.
The study reports that even with race-
nitral admissions, minorities would still
opportunities in higher education.
Monts cited the study's focus on both
he American College Testing and
tandardized Aptitude Test scores as one
f its limitations. The study reports that
hite students admitted colleges and uni-
';n c,^r 7 -r brndA x aa c f )I

0 Clinton's $1.7 trillion budget
is the first balanced-;
spending plan in 30 years
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - With a bow to history,1
President Clinton unveiled yesterday the first
balanced budget proposal in 30 years, sending
Congress a $1.7 trillion federal spending plan
that projects a decade's worth of budget surplus-
Declaring an end to "an era of exploding
deficits," Clinton forecasted a $9.5 billion surplus
for fiscal 1999, which begins Oct. 1, and steadily
growing surpluses that would add up to $1.1 tril-
lion 10 years from now.
As he did in his State of the Union address, the


budget plan

president warned Congress not to use up the pro-
jected surpluses - on tax cuts or massive new
spending programs -- until lawmakers can decide
how to overhaul the financially troubled
Social Security program.
He also proposed more than $113.5
billion worth of spending initiatives
over the next five years - from funds,
to hire more teachers to increased sub-
sidies for child care - to be financed
in part by a fee that would boost ciga-
rette prices by $1.24 a pack over five
years, a move he said would raise
$65.5 billion.
Clinton said none of his new initia-Clinton
tives would be paid for with money from the

ing about $71.6 billion in tax hikes - primar-
ily for corporations and investors - over the
next five years.
Budget analysts described the pack-
age as one of the most openly political
budgets in recent memory, designed to
give Democrats an upper hand in
November's congressional elections
and provide Vice President Al Gore
with an edge as the 2000 presidential
election approaches.
Clinton's admonition to "save
Social Security first" - before
spending any of the budget surplus
- already has taken some of the
steam out of Republicans' plans to use the
extra money to finance a new round of tax

"The more you look at this budget, the more
you realize how political it is," said Stanley
Collender, . a Congress-watcher at the Burson-
Marsteller lobbying and public relations firm.
"The issue for Republicans is simple: Either pass
the tobacco-tax increase, or explain why you're
against child care," he said.
Even so, budget analysts cautioned that the
projected surplus could easily be eroded if the
economy worsens, the United States gets into
a prolonged military offensive against Iraq or
Congress refuses to go along with the full
range of tax increases that Clinton is propos-
The White House's forecasts are in line with
those of most economists.
Full congressional approval of Clinton's fiscal
See BUDGET, Page 5

budget surpluses.
increase in tobacco

Besides the proposed
prices, he is recommend-

elects ne
faculty chair'ss
By William Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
In an informal and uncontested election yesterday,
William Ensminger, an internal medicine professor, and
Barbara MacAdam, the University's head of educational
and informational services, were elected chair and vice
chair, respectively, of the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, the faculty's
advising committee.
"I give you my condolences ... I
mean congratulations," current Chair
Louis D'Alecy said jokingly.
Both University faculty members '
have served on SACUA for more than
two years and received unanimous
ballots from their colleagues in the
election yesterday. Their terms will
begin May I and will last for one
year. Ensminger
Ensminger and MacAdams will lead
their first meeting on May 4.
"I think this is a very good time for SACUA,"
Ensminger said. "It is the spring time of faculty govern-
ment. We have a president, provost, and administration
which are cooperative, constructive and enjoyable."
In the past, there have been clashes and conflicts between
the administration and faculty, but things are more in harmo-
ny now, Ensminger said.
Ensminger has roots in Ann Arbor.
He graduated from the University in
1964 and became a Medical School
faculty member in 1978.
MacAdam moved her way up the
SACUA ladder. She was first senate
secretary, and then joined the body in
Ensminger said he is looking for-
ward to an eventful year and plans to
be involved in many University
issues. MacAdam
"I'll have to see what gets resolved
between now and May I," Ensminger said of the chal-
lenges he will initially face.
As chair, Esminger is responsible for conducting SACUA
meetings and also meetings of the Senate Assembly, the fac-
ulty's governing body.
The vice chair is given less responsibility and one of the
main expectations of the post is to become the chair after the
year term, D'Alecy said.
"They've both been excellent hands and have years and
years of experience," D'Alecy said.

Reknowned CBS news correspondant and University alumnus Mike Wallace speaks at the Media Conference yesterday at the Michigan
Leauge Ballroom.
Journalists draw crowd at U'

Carissa Van Hewst
For the Daily
More than 500 people packed the
Michigan League Ballroom yesterday to
hear journalists, including Mike Wallace,
Charles Gibson, John Hockenberry and P.J.
O'Rourke, speak at the "Diversity and the
News" forum.
Professional journalists, college stu-
dents, high school journalism students,
professors and concerned citizens were
among those who attended the eight-hour
"When you talk about diversity, it is
relatively easy to be for it, but the practi-
cal applications can be difficult," said

Gibson, who co-anchors "Good Morning
The panels addressed a wide range of
diversity issues including the roles that race,
gender, sexual preference, age, class and
physical abilities should play in news staffs
and news coverage.
"Forty-three and a half percent of daily
newspapers employ no people of color in the
newsroom," said Walt Swanston, executive
director of Unity '99, a National Minority
Journalism Association coalition. "The
issues are not going to be resolved
While the day's discussions generally pro-
ceeded smoothly, a group of activists unhap-

py with the Detroit Free Press and the
Detroit News booed and hissed every time
those newspapers were mentioned or their
staff members spoke.
Members of this group caused such a dis-
turbance that at one point, Gibson, who
moderated the afternoon session, ,said, "I
will take some time while you guys leave. If
you do not feel comfortable here, you are
free to leave."
The protesters said they were unhappy
with the newspapers' handling of a labor
union strike.
This conference, sponsored by the
Michigan Journalism Fellows and the
See FORUM, Page 5

bate use

ing less emphasis on test scores, and
some are considering eliminating
scores as a factor altogether.
Grade point average "is a far more reli-
able predictor of how a student will pre-
form in college," said SACUA member
Donald Deskins, a sociology professor.
The CEO study states that if the
University admitted students on a "col-
orblind" basis, there would be a signif-
icant drop in enrollment of black stu-
dents. This would have a negative effect
on all students Monts said.
"There is no such thing as a great, seg-
regated public university," said President
Lee Bollinger in a written statement.
The study also states that "the six-year
graduation rates of white and Asian stu-
a- d .ntc nn- h hn m o le a

Students plan
for one week of
spIrng break fun

By Eliana Raik
For The Daily
With spring break just around the
corner, advertisements for cruises and
travel packages with catchy phrases
such as "Great beaches and night life"
and "Free beer all week!" are popping
up all across campus.
Students have already started think-
ing about a whole week without class-
es, and are making plans that include
vacationing, relaxing, volunteering and
even working.

But there is a downside to traveling
to these exotic places. Expense is an
important factor affecting where and
how students embark on their spring
break excursions, Weddle said.
"A lot of people go in groups of 10 or
more to make it cheaper," Weddle said.
"It includes airfare and hotel expenses."
LSA first-year student Kyle Marshall
said he was surprised at how affordable
his plane ticket was.
"I got a good deal on a plane ticket,
Marshall said. "It's cheaper than taking

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