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January 08, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-08

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 3

!9-year study
n pove ,
iealth problems
A 29-year study by the University's
:hool of Public Health researchers
as concluded that people exposed to
onomic hardship are more likely to
veop serious mental and physical
alth problems.
The 1994 study appears in the Dec.
Sissue of the New England Journal of
The researchers related the income
ore than 1,000 adults in Alameda
nty, Calif., in 1965, 1974 and 1983
physical, psychological, cognitive
ad social functioning in 1994.
The study defined economic hard-
tip as having a household income
slow twice the poverty line. In 1965,
e poverty line was $3,317, so house-
>lds where the income fell below
5,634 were experiencing economic
ardship. In 1974, twice the poverty
was $11,000, and in 1983, twice
overty line was $20,356.
Test subjects who were exposed to
onomic hardship once during the test
riods were 1.49 times as likely to
ave difficulties with the activities of
ily living in 1994. Subjects that expe-
enced two exposures were 1.85 times
s likely, and those that experienced
:oiomic hardships three times were
79 times as likely.
imilar results were obtained for
Qsitive functioning and mental prob-
ms such as depression.
iolence explored
O 'study of kids
Contrary to popular theories, violent
oys do not approve of hitting others
tore than non-violent boys, sometimes
ven when provoked, according to a
cen University study.
n Astor, a University assistant
rofessor of Social Work and
ducation, along with graduate student
Villiam Behre, conducted a study of
7 boys, ages 10-13, enrolled in a spe-
ial education program for violent chil-
ren with emotional and behavioral
isorders. The boys were compared
'ith 17 non-violent boys. Both groups
'ere shown six scenarios of unpro-
oked and provoked violence involving
9ren and parents.
The study revealed that every boy in
oth groups condemned the use of vio-
mce in the three unprovoked situations.
lost of the boys used moral arguments,
uch as a concern for the physical dan-
er of the victim, and the unreasonably
ggressive actions of the offender.
In the three scenarios where violence
as provoked by hitting or name-call-
most of the boys still did not
Wove of hitting back.
But the violent and non-violent
oys offered different reasons for
heir reactions to provoked violence.
'he non-violent children gave gen-
ral societal reasons why hitting
:meone wasn't allowed, while the
iolent children gave specific rules
gainst hitting others, as well as the
egative effects it may have.
, educate on
ead poisoning

,Lead poisoning, a problem that often
ft~ets young urban children, is under
ttak by the University School of
ubic Health with the help of a new
4ergctive CD-ROM program.
The CD-ROM, created by the
active Lead Education Project,
*nets middle and high school stu-
ents and is designed to help people
,duce lead poisoning and lead
xposure. In particular, its develop-
rs hope the CD-ROM will help
g4Qce the number of children in
vichigan's urban areas who are
xposed to high levels of lead.
Children in older urban homes are in
articular danger of ingesting lead
ust, created by deteriorating lead-
*d paint. Lead poisoning at a young
ge can lead to permanent brain dam-
ge, impaired motor skills and behav-
:ral problems.
In several Michigan urban areas,
dmost half of all children under age
ix have levels of lead in their blood
hove what the Centers for Disease
ontrol consider a level of concern,.
nd many were confirmed as lead-poi-
U ed.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Sam Stauis.

General counsel becomes vice president post

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
In a move intended to recognize the intricacy
and importance of the University's legal affairs,
the Board of Regents decided last month to make
the general counsel post into a vice presidency
Though the title change will not alter the job
requirements of the position, it will ensure that the
general counsel will report directly to the presi-
dent. In the past, the University's head attorney
reported to the chief financial officer.
The current interim co-general counsels have
been reporting to the president since last February
to prepare for the change.
The regents' decision came under the recom-
mendation of University President Lee Bollinger.

Bollinger said the title modification is not related
to the two recent lawsuits challenging the
University's use of affirmative action in its admis-
sions policies, which have received a great deal of
national attention.
"I feel the general counsel is so important tothe
University ... I want to make sure it has the stature
of a vice president," Bollinger said. "There are few
positions that are more important than the position
of general counsel. It's something I believed long
before I became president"
Bollinger has made a point of bringing greater
attention to the position since the beginning of his
presidency. Earlier this year, Bollinger invited
Interim General Counsel Elizabeth Barry to join
the regents and executive officers at the regents'

table during the board's monthly meetings.
"I'm sitting at the table because he asked me to
and because he wanted me to," Barry said. "I think
it's the same general idea behind (the title change).
It's a kind of recognition that the legal affairs at the
University are significantly complicated and
important.. Itsis an appropriate step to make."
Barry said the recent recognition is the appro-
priate organizational move.
"For how I do my job, having a seat at the
table doesn't really change the way I work,"
Barry said. "The change comes in the way
the office is perceived. To have a seat at the
table is a symbolic gesture signifying how
the office is involved."
Bollinger said the change is consistent with the

By Greg Cox
For the Daily
As University students rush to cam-
pus book stores, a group of student
volunteers is offering another option
to satisfy class reading lists - the
Student Book Exchange.
The exchange, which operates
today and tomorrow in the
Pendelton Room of the Michigan
Union, attempts to give students
more money for returning last
semester's books and cheaper prices
for new books.
"It's basically for students who
want to save when buying and make
more when selling," said SBE volun-
teer Yeh-Won Hwang.
Exchange organizer and.
Engineering senior Matt Thompson
explained that the event is designed
for students, by students.
"Students come in and set their
own prices for books," Thompson
said. "If the book sells, the student
gets 85 percent of the price they
set. Otherwise they get the book
Hwang said the other 15 percent of
the money goes to operating expenses
for the exchange.
"Room fees, equipment fees and
accounting fees make up most of the

policies of most of the University's peer institu-
"The structure at Michigan has been atypical,"
Barry said. "If you look at any major university, or
actually any university, itis pretty typical that it is
a vice president position"
Regent Laurence Deitch (D-Ann Arbor) said the
University's dependence on the services of the
general counsel merit the position's new title.
"So much of the business of the University
involves complex legal issues, so elevating that
position is consistent with what the practices and
policies would be in a large institution and major
corporation," Deitch said.
-Daily StaffRep)orter Janet Adatnv contributed
to this e/mort
chain for-
disclosure -
man with AIDS is suing the Arbor-
Drugs chain, claiming his children
found out about his illness after a phar-
macy clerk who handled his prescrip-
tion disclosed it to her teen-age son.
Stanley Grzadzinski and his wife
planned to keep his condition secret
from their teen-aged son and daughter
to relieve them from worry until he was
on his deathbed, his wife testified yes-
"There is such a stigma attached to
the word IV, AIDS." Kathy
Grzadzinski said in a suburban Detroit
courtroom. "We wanted them to enjoy
their life. We wanted to protect them."
But according to their 1996 lawsuit
in Macomb County Circuit Court, a
sADaily clerk at an Arbor Drugs store recog-
. The nized the prescription drugs that
Grzadzinski was getting as being for
AIDS. She allegedly told her son that
r than his schoolmates' father hadthe disease. -
spson "The only people that knew lie had
AIDS were Stanley Grzadzinski, his
udents wife, one of the grandmothers and a
e ser- best friend," said the couple's attorney,
Christopher Sciotti.
n and The Grzadzinskis are seeking dam-
said. ages of at least S10,000 from Arbor and
at the the employee for breach of pharmacist-
patient confidentiality. and emotional
tudent distress.
ed in "The problem here is Arbor did not
if the have a written policy on confidentiai-
tion at ty." Sciotti said during a break in the
trial. "Now they do, in part because of
this case."

LSA junior Emmeline O'Leary shelves books at the Student Book Exchange in the Michigan Union's Pendleton Room
book exchange will continue today and tomorrow.

costs,' said Hwang, an Engineering
Students have been holding the
event for more than eight years, and it
usually raises around $20,000 per
drive, Thompson said.
"Last semester we had about 600
students participate and raised around
$22,000," he said.
Many students who use the
exchange find that it can net them bet-
ter results than selling their books
back to bookstores.
Engineering junior Karyl Shand
said she finds the prices more to her

"It's more competitive than selling
it back downstairs or any other book-
store," said Shand, who put her books
for sale this year.
Shand even said she has a system
for setting her sell-back prices.
"I set it lower than what the book-
stores would charge, but something
reasonable," Shand said.
Thompson said usually about half
oft he available books end up sold and
some books sell better than others.
"Introductory level courses like
organic chemistry, psychology and

economics usually sell better
upper level courses," Thon
Thompson said he hopes sti
will try to take advantage of th
vices offered by SBE.
"Students should come is
check it out," Thompson
"Usually, they can get more;
Student Book Exchange."
The event is run entirely by s
volunteers. Students interest
helping in the production o
exchange can get more informa
the Pendleton Room.

NELP offers unique
summer to 'U' students I [ L

By Peter Meyers
Daily Staff Reporter
On the first day of his summer experi-
ence, Chris McVetty was thrown into a
random group of classmates, given an
address in New Hampshire and the keys
to a van. Getting there was just the first
event in an unique English course at the
"You just go. No professors are with
you, no (graduate student instructors),"
said McVetty, an LSA senior, about the
trip to the New England campsite.
For 24 years, the University has been
operating the New England Literature
Program, which groups 40 students and
12 teachers in the backwoods of New
Hampshire, where they study poetry
and literature in natural seclusion.
"It integrates the New England culture
and mental and physical activity" said
Director Jackie Livesay, an English
senior lecturer. "It's the most wonderful
thing I know of, educationally."
The program runs for six weeks, from
May 4 to June 19. Livesay will be accept-
ing final applications through tomorrow.
While the students are away, a strict
separation from society is enforced.
Electricity and running water are avail-
able, but no stereos, televisions or tele-
phone calls are allowed.
"You're not dealing with everyday life
in Ann Arbor, which can be kind of hec-
tic," explained LSA senior and former
NELP participant Erin Galligan. "There
are no distractions. When you're without
all that stuff, you make your own music
and your own entertainment."
A typical day at the camp starts with
a required class on literature written by
New England authors, Livesay said.
Among the readings in the curriculum
are works by Emily Dickinson,

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Robert Frost and
Henry David Thoreau.
Afternoons are spent in two elective
classes. These classes could include
poetry, painting, bird watching and
astronomy. Students choose these class-
es day-to-day, not necessarily attending
the same course every day.
Students are required to teach some of
these electives. McVetty taught a course
on computer imagery. He said that other
students in his class taught courses it
yoga or on lesser-known poets.
"The distinctions between students
and staff fade away," Livesay said.
NELP was founded in part by retired
English Prof Wilson Clark. "I had the
rather crass idea that Michigan was a
fine University, but that it should be in
New Hampshire;' he said.
Aside from learning about literature,
students are supposed to help integrate
social and physical activities into their
overall education.
When he started the program in
1974, Clark said students at the
University "did not see a connection
between learning aid cleaning.
"We wanted to take people who were
plugged into the television and, let's say,
a 'party lifestyle,' and to remove them
from that," Clark said. "We wanted stu-
dents to listen to other students."
A feature that has existed since the
beginning is the Get Lost Trip.
A group of four or five students "are
taken about eight miles out of the way.
They're given a compass and a map,
and told to get back," Clark said.
This nontraditional program has
gained general acceptance' over the years.
"In the early years. NELP was
regarded with considerable suspicion,
Clark said.

During the Students observing
Ramadan observance, .. Ramadan who have not yet ,.
University Housing offers A D 'signed up for an
alternative meal options alternative meal option
to students who have may do so in the
Entree meal plans. Housing Information Office,
University Housing in cooperation with
the Muslim Students Association

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GsRoUP MEETINGS Sponsored by the Institute for World Wide Web
Research on Women and Gender, U "HIV/AIDS Testing," Community
Shulchan Ivrit, 769-0500, Cava Java, Pierpont Commons, Atrium Family Health Center, 1230 N.
Downstamrs, 5:30 pm.Gallery. Maple Rd., 6-9 p.m.
pm.JNorthwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
SERVICES Lobby,8 p.m.- 1:30 am.
E CEVENTSCQ Psychology Peer Advising Office,
ENENT S 647-3711. E ast H all, R oom 1346,
SCampus Information Centers, 763 11 a H.4 p.m6
U "Crossing Over: Images of INFO, info@umich.edu, and 1 Safewalk, 936-1000. Shapiro Library
Transgender PerformanceAcross www.umich.edu/-info on the Lobby. 6 ,60.-2:30 am. a

Cultures," Photo exhibition,

CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
University community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
charge admission will not be run.
All items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
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