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January 08, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-08

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2 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 8, 1998


Continued from Page 1
attacker's name. When the coach
refused, his team accepted a forfeiture
of the championship game.
But Michigan hockey coach Red
Berenson said he feels that the opposing
team knew who the suspect was, but
waited until recently to press charges.
"The police said they can't support a
warrant for Chris Fox's arrest because
they need witnesses," Berenson said.
"So it was a done deal, and this was
back in October or November.
It's ironic now that I get a call
(Tuesday) about a warrant for Chris
Fox's arrest, like he's been on the
loose for all this time like a crimi-
nal. They knew who he was and
where he was from the day he left
the rink."
Berenson supported Fox, saying that

he is not a physical-style player and that
vicious tactics are not what is empha-
sized in Michigan's program.
"I don't know what is going on, but I
do know that Chris Fox has been a
model player, a solid hockey player,"
Berenson said. "The alleged incident is
not the Chris Fox that I know.
"We don't teach that style of hockey,
anyway. One of our goals last year was
to be the least penalized team in the
league," he said.
Berenson also said that Fox was
originally recruited for being a
finesse-type defenseman, and that
Fox is enrolled in the most difficult
courses out of the players on the
Michigan hockey team, following a
pre-medical curriculum. Fox is
expected to play tomorrow at Yost Ice
Arena against Bowling Green.
- The Associated Press contributed to
this report.

Continued from Page 1
Keen Arena on State and Hoover streets. Unclaimed tickets will be distributed on
a first-come, first-served basis to season ticket holders at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at
Cliff Keen.
Many students who did not get a ticket in the lottery are upset at how the distri-
bution was handled.
"How ridiculous is it that everything else is based on seniority? I've always been
one of the first at everything ... at the games and waiting in line to buy tickets,"
said Jeff Holzhausen, known as "Super Fan."
A student who has attended the University for six years should be given priori-
ty over a first-year student, said Holzhausen, a Public Health second-year graduate
Some students said the Athletic Department should have made logistical
arrangements to ensure that every student could attend the rally.
"We are students at the school and how can we support our school if we can't go
to the rally? Every student has a right to go to the pep rally," said Avhishek Narain,
an SNRE first-year student.
For those unable to attend the rally, the event will be televised live from 7-8 p.m.
on Channel 7, and will be broadcasted live on Detroit's WJR radio station.
To find out whether you have a ticket to attend the rally, visit
http://wwwumich.edu/~mgoblue/p eprally.

Clinton proposes tax cuts for child care
WASHINGTON - Can Uncle Sam help watch the kids '
For millions of working parents struggling to arrange afford-
able child care, President Clinton offered $22 billion in subsi-
dies and tax breaks yesterday.
Republicans said Clinton should expect no blank check from
Congress and suggested he should consider broader tax action.
"No issue is more important to any family," the president
said in an East Room announcement attended by a parade of
children as well as officials and advocates. "It must rise above
politics and partisan interests."
Such statements aside, Republicans were put in the position of Cinton
reacting to a Clinton announcement for the third time in as many
days. On Monday, he declared the federal budget would be balanced in 1998 for the
first time in three decades and on Tuesday he proposed expanding Medicare.
In one major piece of the child care package, Clinton proposed adding $7.5 bil-
lion over five years to the state block grant program that gives child-care subsidie
to low-income parents and parents just getting off welfare. The increase,
approved by Congress, would double to two million the number of children eligi-
ble for assistance by 2003.

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Continued from Page 1
Gaffey said. "I think the students are a
key part to an academic medical center"
Omenn began his lecture by asking
the students how many years into the
future they believe medicine will still
be practiced.
"I think medicine has a wonderful
array of pathways," Omenn said.
"There really are glimpses into the
Several students answered Omenn's
question with responses into the year
"I think we're all curious to see what
the state of the medical field will be
when we get out," said Medical first-
year student Justin Strote.
One ideal Omenn tried to convey to
students is to avoid "tunnel vision" by
staying active members in their com-
"Sample some of the cultural events
and other events here at the University;"
Omenn suggested to students. "I'm very
eager for our facultystaff and students to
be more involved with the community.
"We are in 32 communities now ...
we want people to think of us not just
as a big fortress on a hill"
Medical first-year student Rich
Dopp said he attended the lecture to
meet Omenn.
"It sounded interesting, but more-
over I wanted to get a chance to meet
Dr. Omenn," Dopp said.
Omenn also addressed the trials of
funding in medical facilities.
"There are ups and downs in a path
like this, but I'm still optimistic about
funding," Omenn said.
Omenn concluded his lecture by
encouraging students to "be skeptical,
be open-minded, think outside the box,
challenge your professors, challenge
your classmates."
"You have just as much to offer sub-
jects as do your professors"'Omenn said.
Omenn reminded students to take
advantage of both psychological coun-
seling and psychiatric services, just as
they would advise patients to do.
Dopp said he felt the timing of the
lecture was appropriate, not only for
the first-year students, but for Omenn.
"I can imagine the list (of things to
do) he had on his desk when he got in
- it's an opportune time for both par-
ties," Dopp said.
Continued from Page 1
is "affecting all walks of life, from
blue-collar workers to white-collar
South Korea had to borrow $57 bil-
lion in an International Monetary Fund
(IMF) package. The country received
$21 billion from the United States, $10
billion from the World Bank and $4 bil-
lion from the Asian Development
Bank. South Korea, the world's IIth
largest economy, is now beginning to
implement IMF economic reforms.
"A basic concern for everyone is that
the IMF is pressuring Korea to lay off
many workers. If that happens, a lot of
people are going to be on the street.
They won't be able to sustain them-
selves," Shin said.
"It's going to be very tough. The
exchange rate is very high. It's not what
Korea is used to," Shin said. "Korean
citizens are trying to adjust and adapt to
the situation."
In Ann Arbor, the economic crisis
has primarily affected international stu-
dents from Korea.
"I don't think that many Korean
Americans are aware of it," said Shin.
But LSA senior and Michigan resi-
dent Michael Song said that "the econ-

omy is affecting everyone."

Japanese finance
official sent to U.S.
WASHINGTON - A top official
from the Japanese Finance Ministry met
yesterday with officials from the
Treasury Department and the Federal
Reserve, fueling speculation in global
markets that Tokyo is seeking a multina-
tional effort to brake a surge in the U.S.
dollar that is threatening prospects for
recovery in Asia's battered economies.
In international currency markets yes-
terday, the dollar fell about three yen
from an earlier five-and-half year high of
134.25 yen per dollar as traders braced
for the possibility that officials in the
U.S. and Europe might join Japan in a
coordinated effort to stem the dollar's
rise by selling greenbacks.
The yen held steady in early trading
today in Tokyo, but there was no signal
from Treasury that U.S. officials were
contemplating market action. Many ana-
lysts and investors concluded that U.S.
officials were insisting on bolder eco-
nomic reforms from the Japanese gov-
ernment aimed at boosting growth in
Japan, as the price of U.S. help in halting

Phone use increase
is distracting
WASHINGTON - Cellular phones
and other popular new devices - even
laptop computers - are increasingly
distracting drivers on America's streets
and highways, the government said yes-
Driver inattention already is a factor
in half of all auto accidents, officials say,
and things can only be expected to get
"As cars more and more become an
extension of the home and office, we are
creating a whole new array of potential-
ly hazardous distractions," said Dr.
Ricardo Martinez, head of the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
"We are beginning to see crashes ...
where drivers were using laptop com-
puters while driving and third-party sup-
pliers are now providing hardware for
mounting laptop computers adjacent to
the driver or, in some cases, right on the
steering wheel," his agency reported
Martinez, a former emergency room

doctor, recalled treating a driver who
crashed into a tree while changing a
tape. In another case, several bicyclists
were struck by a car when the driver
reached into the glove compartment for
a compact disc.
"We're adding so many distraction
we're creating part-time drivers," he said.
Gay passenger cruise
not aowed to land
It was billed as a typical Caribbegi
cruise for the moderately well-to-do:
dancing in the disco, lounging by the,.
pool and scuba diving at tropical ports.
The only difference was that most of
the 900 scheduled passengers on t1
cruise chartered by a West Hollywoo
Calif., travel agency are gay men.
And the government of one destina--
tion, Grand Cayman, doesn't want them
spending seven daytime hours on its'
streets and coral sand beaches. Citing
fears that gay visitors would fail to
"uphold the standards of appropriate
behavior," the Cayman Islands minister
of tourism denied Norwegian Cruise
Line's request to land Feb. 1.


the dollar's climb.
"I have got to believe that the U.S. is
saying, 'Yes, we can help, but that's only
possible if you make some basic chan4
in your policies. Otherwise, we'd just be
whistling in the wind,"' said C. Fred
Bergsten, director of the Washington-
based Institute for International
Former South Africa
president to be tried
- In a highly charged confrontation
between South Africa's old and new
guard, authorities announced yester-
day that former President Pieter
Botha will be prosecuted for refus-
ing to testify at a government hear-
ing about crimes of the apartheid
Regional prosecutor Frank Kahn
ordered Botha to appear in court Jan.
23 for charges of ignoring a subpoen
from the Truth and Reconciliati
- Compiled from Daily wire reportg.



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PHOTO Sara Stiliman, Ed
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STAFF: Marqunia Iliev, Elizabeth Lucas.
GRAPNIC Jnnthan Weitz. Editnr


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