The Michigan Daily - Wenesday, November 19, 1997 - 3
t t
Yale bans sex
between students
And teachers
,Yale University administrators
announced Friday that the school will
'ban all sexual relationships between
teachers and students.
The ban comes one year after a
Y'le College sexual harassment
grievance board found assistant
mathematics Prof. Jay Jorgenson
guilty of sexually harassing a female
first-year student in his class.
Administrators said the policy
ange could come into effect as
on as next semester, the Yale Daily
News reported.
The current policy discourages, but
doesnot ban,tsexual relationships
between students and faculty mem-
A faculty and student committee
that convened last year to analyze
Yale's sexual relations policy creat-
e&d the ban by instituting a new
Anflict of interest" rule that is
!parate from the existing sexual
harassment policy. The rule defines
.iriy student-teacher relationship as
an inherent conflict of interest that
could jeopardize the learning envi-
Dartmouth may
face changes in
" Icohol policy
Dartmouth College's security offi-
cers will monitor fraternity basements
during parties and limit the number of
- kegs allowed if Dean Lee Pelton
approves a new alcohol policy recom-
* mendation released by the College
Committee on Alcohol and Other
Drugs last week.
The report contains several recom-
endations that, if implemented by
ton, could alter the Dartmouth
social scene as early as the beginning
'of next term, The Dartmouth report-
The report criticized several aspects
of Dartmouth's current alcohol poli-
cies, particularly the Coed Fraternity-
'Sorority organization's alcohol self-
monitoring system, saying that "it can-
- t be relied upon by itself to carry out
effectively the college's responsibili-
If the proposal is implemented, secu-
rity officials will be allowed to patrol
"CFS organizations, as they do resi-
tece halls and other parts of campus
and any resistance or opposition to
;such patrols will be treated with the
utmost seriousness.'
Although the CCAOD recognized
that CFS organizations were not the
" le source" of campus alcohol, the
tmittee "believes that CFS houses
"" by far the largest identifiable
sources of alcohol consumed by
under-age and intoxicated individu-
Arizona State
.polie arrest
Unlikely suspect
The crime prevention coordinator at
rizona State University was arrested
'reently on charges involving a campus
'tniversity police officers arrested
Mdawna Michelle for allegedly enter-
n a building and stealing compact
discs and a small amount of cash. She
lost her job, which she had held since
William Bess, the university's
*ector of public safety, said
MIchelle had no previous record.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
'sported that she could not be
1eached for comment.
Bess said that police saw Michelle
leave the building with a backpack
aft'er guards reported suspicious
activity. After searching the building,
_fty found a desk had been pried
open. They soon found Michelle in
*r office with the missing items.
. Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Megan Exley from The Chronicle of
,,.igher Education and the University
MSA to lobby for students' right to storm field
By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
On the eve of elections, the Michigan Student
Assembly took a vote of its own choosing to
jump on the school spirit bandwagon just in
time for the Michigan football team's matchup
with Ohio State this weekend.
The assembly passed a resolution supporting
students who want to rush the football field after
Saturday's game. The resolution came just one
day after Department of Public Safety and
University officials said that fans will not be
allowed on the field during or after the game.
Last night's meeting began with assembly
members rising and offering a resounding cho-
rus of "The Victors."
After the musical outpouring, MSA passed a
resolution affirming its support for rushing the
field and stating that police should not arrest
those who cross in order to show their school
MSA President Mike Nagrant said he plans to
take the resolution to the Board of Regents
meeting, where he is scheduled to speak tomor-
row. Nagrant plans to request a vote by the
board on whether or not students will be allowed
to rush the field.
Nagrant said that although he has always per-
sonally wanted to rush the field, he realizes
safety measures will have to be taken if the
regents decide to lend their support.
"We need to make sure there is some way to
do it safely," Nagrant said. "If we can ensure
that, than I think it's OK."
Campus Governance Committee Chair Dan
Serota, who proposed the resolution, said the
measure was appropriate, considering how
many people will be watching the game on TV
and in Michigan Stadium. Serota said police
should be near the field for protection rather
than to arrest students.
"I think the situation on Saturday is going to
be a great moment in Michigan history," said
Serota, an LSA senior. "It's a great way for stu-
dent and fans to be involved."
Public Health Rep. Jeff Holzhausen, also
known at Michigan Stadium as Superfan, said
he thought the resolution was a great idea.
"It's a great way to celebrate," Holzhausen
said. "On ABC, the closing shot will be more
impressive to see all of Michigan fans rushing
the field."
Engineering Rep. Mark Dub said if Michigan
wins Saturday and has an undefeated season it's
only fair that the fans be allowed to celebrate the
"If people behave themselves in an orderly
fashion it will be a great show of school spirit"
Dub said.
Student General Counsel David Burden said
he hopes everyone considers their safety at the
""I hope everyone thinks safety first," Burden
I 'I
recycling programs
target waste on campus
By Sarah-Elizabeth K. Langford
For the Daily
Though the University did not participate in America
Recycles Day on Saturday, officials say recycling efforts are
going strong.
"Unfortunately, we were not able to hold any events for
America Recycles Day due to the recent loss of our promo-
tions director," said Jane Reading-Boyd, a representative of
the Waste Management Department. "Despite this, we are
still excited and committed to working hard on upcoming
recycling programs."
Universities across the country have adopted recycling
programs that have become part of school-sponsored pro-
grams within the last 15 years.
The University recycling program began in 1988. In 1990,
the original program was merged with waste management
services on campus. The University recycled more than 2,000
tons of paper and 124 tons of bottles and cans last year.
Students can recycle cans, plastic, glass and paper in resi-
dence halls, University buildings and even specific outside
locations on campus. Each residence hall room is equipped with
a blue recycling tote, enabling students to carry their own recy-
clables to nearby waste-recycling closets in their hallways.
"I think it's really great that the University puts forth such
a big effort to recycle. There are recycling bins everywhere
that people actually use," said Nursing student Theresa
With a grant from the Washtenaw County Department of
Public Works, the University and the city of Ann Arbor will
join forces for a food waste collection program this summer.
This program is designed to promote recycling in both the
University community and throughout Ann Arbor.
Students are one of the driving forces in recycling efforts
on campus.
Graduate students looking to demonstrate environmental
"There are recycling bins
everywhere that people
actually use."
.-- Theresa DeSitter
Nursing student
stewardship established Greening the Maize and Blue, a
course that combined talents of students and faculty in envi-
ronmental projects.
But the University is far from the only institution involved
in large scale recycling efforts.
Running along side the University of Michigan, the
University of Minnesota has one of the premier recycling
programs in the Big Ten. Geared toward environmental
preservation, its current recycling program began in 1984.
Fifty percent of the paper bought by the school has already
been recycled. Last year, the university recycled 2,500 tons of
normal solid waste like paper and tin cans.
"I hope other schools and institutions will look to the
University of Minnesota's recycling program as an example
of how to promote environmental awareness," said Kia
Mitchell, a Minnesota sophomore.
Central Michigan University and the University of
Michigan are members of the College and University
Recycling Caucus, a division of the National Recycling
Coalition. Central Michigan's online recycling site contains
information about the university's collection of recyclable
materials on campus.
"Recycling is convenient and easy because there are recy-
cling containers in every building. There are also large
Recycle America bins in all residence halls, said CMU stu-
dent Gary Elmit.
Virginia Chitanda, new director of SAPAC, plans to use her extensive experi-
ence and international legal training to help women In Ann Arbor.
New dirCtor takes
over SAPACreins
Chitanda has domes-
tic, international train-
ing in sexual assault
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
With a travel log that includes
work in exotic locales such as
Zimbabwe and London, Virginia
Chitanda brings a wealth of interna-
tional experience to the University's
Sexual Assault Prevention
Awareness Center.
Chitanda, who became SAPAC's
new director last month, said she
wants to use the legal training she
received in Zimbabwe, Zambia and
Manitoba to help women in Ann
"This position represents a cul-
mination of all my various pieces of
experience altogether while work-
ing to advance the dignity of human
beings," Chitanda said.
Chitanda worked as a prosecutor
in a sexual assault court in
Zimbabwe and as a consultant for
human rights and women's issues.
After working in a sexual assault
center in London, Chitanda was an
equity services officer at the
University of Western Ontario,
which, she said, is similar to the
position she holds at the University
of Michigan.
"Throughout my entire working
experience, it became obvious to
me how the system worked very
closely to disempower women and
make sure that they never emerged
from the lower ranks of society,"
Chitanda said. "I decided to use my
legal training to untie the many
legal knots that had been tied
against women."
Chitanda said she hopes to make
SAPAC accessible to students and
"My vision and my hope is that
the University of Michigan will be
the leader in attaining a gender vio-
lence-free campus," Chitanda said.
"I would like to start by emphasiz-
ing the education component of
SAPAC and have the University
community understand the extent
and meaning of violence against
The search for a new SAPAC
director began in May when a com-
mittee of students and faculty was
assembled to fill the shoes of inter-
im director Joyce Wright, who is
now doing sexual assault prevention
work with the state of Michigan.
Dean of Students E. Royster
Harper, who interviewed Chitanda
during the final stages of the selec-
tion process, said Chitanda's experi-
ence made her stand out from the
other candidates.
"Her values and her commitment
to this work and the importance of
the lives of students was com-
pelling," Chitanda said.
LSA senior Brenna DeVaney, a
peer education program coordinator
for SAPAC who served on the
selection committee, said she was
struck by Chitanda's commitment to
students. During her first month on
campus, Chitanda has spoken to a
women's studies class.
"She really has an amazing abili-
ty to speak to people," DeVaney
said. "She's truly an activist at
Chitanda takes the reins of
SAPAC almost two years after
members of the office were accused
of racism and breaching patient
Harper said that despite the past
allegations, the University never
lost confidence in SAPAC.
"What I'm hoping this new direc-
tor will do is continue the hard work
that SAPAC has been doing,"
Harper said.
Chinese dissident focusing on family
DETROIT (AP) - While doctors
continued to conduct tests on China's
most famous dissident yesterday, the
thoughts of Wei Jingsheng and his sister
were on the safety of their siblings still
in China.
Wei's condition was upgraded to
good and stable yesterday. He original-
ly was listed in fair condition after
arriving early Sunday in Detroit on
medical parole after spending most of
the past 18 years in Chinese jails.
He was being treated at Henry Ford
Hospital for hypertension, a heart con-
dition, arthritis, chronic bronchitis and
a slight abnormality in his liver, said Dr.
Thomas Royer, Henry Ford's chief
medical officer.
The conditions can be controlled
with a combination of a low-salt diet
and medication, Royer said. Wei will be
fitted with eyeglasses, but dental work
will wait until Wei moves to New York.
Wei, 47, was expected to be released
from the hospital and travel to New
York tomorrow, according to Xiao
Qiang, executive director of New York-
based Human Rights in China.
Wei is recuperating from his medical
ailments and exhaustion, and said he
will wait to talk to the public until
Friday in New York.
His sister, Wei Shanshan, said yester-
day she is pleased Wei was able to leave
the Chinese prison while he is still
alive. She thanked the American gov-
ernment for helping to secure Wei's
release, but stressed that the United
States needs to put more pressure on
China about human rights violations.
"Our other brother and sister in
China now are going through difficul-
ties," Wei Shanshan said through a
translator. "My sister is a doctor and has
been harassed and intimidated. ... I'm
afraid she will lose her job."
She said police detained her sister
after Wei was beaten in jail because she
refused to sign papers saying he was not
"They were threatened many, many
times," Wei Shanshan said about her
siblings in China.
Wei was pulled out of his jail cell -
a glass-encased room where he spent 24
hours under surveillance - Saturday
night. He was allowed to spend a few
hours with his family before being
placed on a Northwest flight direct to
The release came less than two
weeks after Chinese President Jiang
Zemin returned from a state visit to the
United States, the first by a Chinese
leader in 12 years. During the visit,
Jiang was dogged by human rights pro-
testers at every stop.
But China's Foreign Ministry denied
Wei's release was linked to the visit. It
"was handled independently by the
judicial departments of our country,"
ministry spokesman Shen Guofang said
at a twice-weekly media briefing, and
"has no direct bearing with the visit by
President Jiang Zemin to the United
States, he said.
However, a senior White House offi-
cial said China sent signals last month
that Wei would be allowed to leave the
country after the summit.
President Clinton raised the issue of
Wei's imprisonment during an informal
meeting with Jiang at the White House
on Oct. 28, the paper said.
Wei agreed to leave now even though
he might never be able to return to his
homeland because of his worsening
medical condition and because he want-
ed to send a message to China, Wei
Shanshan said.
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