2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 19, 1997
Iraq's arsenal of
toxic agents
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - America's allie
continue to debate the U.S. call for
new crusade against Saddam Hussein
but few dispute its dark premise: The
Iraqi dictator has enough chemical anc
biological weapons to wipe out infantry
divisions, if not whole cities.
Through a six-year cat-and-mouse
game with U.N. weapons inspectors
Hussein has safeguarded the war-mak
ing capability his old adversaries
feared most. He has found it only to
easy to protect his weapons stores
moving them rapidly from place tc
place and burying gear and substances
he doesn't want to surrender, U.S. offi
cials say.
Despite the presence of as many a
140 international inspectors since the
Persian Gulf War ended, U.S. officials
believe Iraq still has roughly 80 to 10
chemical weapons factories and abou
100 germ warfare factories.
Although most of Iraq's missiles have
been destroyed, Hussein can still spread
,toxic agents on at least a limited scale
using low-tech devices such as agricul-
tural sprayers, aerosol dispensers, fog
generators or terrorist "suitcas
bombs," U.S. officials say.
s And with U.N. weapons inspectors
a no longer in the country, U.S. officials
, and outside experts predict Hussein
e will soon once again develop the abili-
d ty to deliver the toxic agents over long
y distances and with even greater deadly
power - on the tips of missiles.
e "We're talking about - and I use the
term advisedly - a diabolical effort,"
- said a senior U.S. official.
S U.S. officials are describing Hussein's
o arsenal in the most grim terms possible,
of course, as a means of building public
o domestic and allied support for possible
s military action. But the United Nations'
- fact-gathering suggest that Hussein's
inventory is, in fact, large, varied and
s frightening. The main ingredients:
e Anthrax, a hardy, spore-encased
s bacteria so deadly that about two pounds
0 of it sprayed in the air under certain con-
t ditions could theoretically kill millions.
The illness that results causes vomiting,
e fever and finally suffocates the victim
d between two and four days.
, Butulinum toxin, a bacteria-gener-
- ated poison that brings on respiratory
g collapse and death within 12 hours.
e Inhaled or ingested, the toxin basically
FBI ends TWA 800 crash investigatio
NEW YORK -The FBI said yesterday that a 16-month probe into the8TWAS
crash had turned up no evidence that a criminal act brought down the jumbo je
leaving mechanical failure as the most likely cause of the 1996 disaster.
Eager to dispel lingering suspicions that a missile destroyed the Boeing 747, th
FBI also released an unusual video simulation of the flight's final minutes off th
coast of Long Island that showed how the streaking lights reported by hundreds o
witnesses were caused by the doomed aircraft's final lurch forward and case
of burning jet fuel.W
The Paris-bound jet blew up over the Atlantic Ocean just 12 minutes afte
departing from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on July 1'
1996, killing all 230 people on board. The occurrence, just before the oper
ing of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, raised widespread suspicion - eve
among top federal investigators - that the fiery cataclysm could have bee
the result of a terrorist act.
Given the magnitude of the disaster and the fears it provoked, Jame
Kallstrom, the FBI assistant director who headed the criminal inquiry, said a
a news conference yesterday that essentially closed out the investigation: "W(
want people to know we left no stone unturned ... in fact we looked under c
stone 10 times."
Hundreds of Iraq families at the Beiji oil refinery 120 miles northwest of Baghdad
yesterday as they offer themselves as human shields against possible attack.
blocks nerve transmission and paralyzes
the lungs within two to 12 hours.
Sarin, the nerve gas that paralyzes
the lungs and kills within minutes. The
agent is most effective in aerosol form,
which is the way it was used in 1995
when a Japanese cult struck the Tokyo
8 VX, an oily substance 100 times
more deadly than sarin that can be fatal
when a pinprick-sized drop lands on the
skin. This agent can be sprayed but also
lies on the ground to injure or kill any
who come in contact with it.
Continued from Page 1
Interim Rackham Dean Earl Lewis
impressed upon the audience the
importance of history, the topic of
Monday's forum, when analyzing affir-
mative action.
"Something had to be done to inte-
grate all Americans into society," Lewis
said of the 1960s, when affirmative
action was implemented.
To understand the purpose of affir-
mative action in contemporary society,
Lewis said recognizing its past and pre-
sent is essential.
University of Toronto Psychology
Prof. John Furedy, the only speaker to
oppose affirmative action, said that
"social engineering" is immoral and
"If you want to fight discrimination,
Iraq is not alone in possessing these
weapons. At least two dozen other
countries have amassed chemical and
germ weapons arsenals. But experts
note that there is a difference between
Hussein and other leaders: He has a
record of using them.
In the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein used
mustard gas, killing and injuring 50,000
between 1984 and 1988, according to
Iranian officials. His 1988 sain gas
attacks on Iraqi Kurds at Halabjah, in
northeastern Iraq, left 5,000 dead and
there is one simple rule: Do not dis-
criminat" Furedy said.
LSA and Music first-year student
Angela Dixon said that although she
did not agree with Furedy's stance
on affirmative action, she appreciat-
ed his opinions. "I think it's good to
see different points of view," she
The Michigan Student Assembly's
Women's Issues and Minority Affairs
commissions sponsored last night's
LSA senior and WIC member Kari
Tervo said whether people support or
reject the debated social policy, they
can become better educated through the
"Even if you come in here knowing
one way or the other, the variety of
viewpoints would definitely add to your
understanding," Tervo said.
Continued from Page 1
upperclassmen who have time to find off-
campus housing early," Hartford said.
Levy said he understands that the
new system will anger many students,
in particular the estimated 400-600
sophomores and juniors who will not
have the option of returning to tradi-
tional residence halls.
"I hope that people will at least under-
stand these conclusions and why, for
right now, these are the necessary con-
clusions;' Levy said. "If the dynamics
change, I think our philosophy would
prefer to have people choose the places
where they want to live"
Nursing sophomore Elizabeth
Handzlik said it is unfair for the
University to limit living options.
"I think it's kind of crappy that they are
kicking out the people who have been at
the University for two or three years pay-
ing them tuition," Handzlik said.
Handzlik said she was angry that the
change leaves students little time to find
other housing accommodations.
"I think if it was phased in ... it
wouldn't have been a problem,"
Handzlik said. "Having all of these stu-
dents look for housing is ridiculous."
But Ann Arbor landlord Fred
Nonnenmacher said it is not too late for
students to find off-campus housing.
"Usually around the first of the year,
(students) start calling and looking for
places," Nonnenmacher said.
Levy said it is unfortunate that the
new system will not allow junior and
senior women to select all-female resi-
dence halls, with the exception of
Martha Cook, which is not operated by
"It is not, we don't think, possible to
handle Stockwell or Barbour-Newbey
differently that any otherhalls;'Levy said.
Levy said building a new residence
hall was not considered.
"The president has been clear, quite
appropriately, that he needs to get his
team in place," Levy said. "It's not just
a Housing decision, it's a University
RHA President Tim Wright said
Housing came up with the best solution
to the problem.
"If they're not placing their emphasis
on that first-year experience, then the
whole population of the University is
losing out," Wright said.
Engineering sophomore Michelle
Goepp said the residence halls benefit
from having upperclassmen residents.
Congress churned
out bills, few passed
WASHINGTON - If Congress
played only by the numbers, it would
indeed have been a dismal year.
House members introduced 3,036
bills in the congressional session begin-
ning in January and ending last week.
So far, the Congressional Record says,
59 have become law. The Senate didn't
do any better, getting the president's sig-
nature for 19 of the 1,568 bills senators
introduced during the year.
Of those that did survive the odyssey
through committees, House and Senate
votes, House-Senate conferences and
the president, many were not exactly
monumental. There were post office
namings, medal awards, Western land
exchanges and technical amendments to
existing laws.
The Republican-led Congress this
session was also again noteworthy for
its enthusiasm for, and total lack of suc-
cess in, amending the Constitution. In
the House there were 77 proposed
amendments, in the Senate 17, many
overlapping on such subjects as a bal
anced budget, term limits, schoc
prayer and abortion. But not one got th
necessary two-thirds majority in bot
Parents use agencies
to spy on nannieSO
The baby was cranky and sleepin
poorly. The boy's mother, who works
had a hunch. So the father left, th
camcorder running all day - and car
firmed their worst fears on videotape
"The nanny was yelling at the lab}
'You're miserable! You're miserable!'
recalls Glenn B., the father. "h
ignored him while he cried. We wer
More parents are using hidden camera
to find out what goes on when the baby sil
ter is alone with the children.
Despite the murky legalities an
ethics of such spying, detectives.an
electronics shops are expanding int
the business. Specialized agencie
with names like Nannyvision or Baby
Safe are springing up.
Albrightes Pakistan
visit opens doors
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - In
President Clinton's first term, the vast,
violence-plagued lands of South Asia
were a barely visible blip on the U.S.
diplomatic screen.
But the sight of Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright on her hands and
knees, greeting children yesterday in
the mud-walled school of an Afghan
refugee village outside this rugged bor-
der town, showed how much attitudes
in Washington have changed.
Albright's brief visit to Pakistan and
India as they celebrate 50 years of inde-
pendence signals the start of a new era,
according to senior administration offi-
cials. Clinton's scheduled visit next
year, the first by a U.S. president since
Jimmy Carter's in 1978, will confirm a
new U.S. commitment to engage South
Asia on a broad range of economic,
strategic and humanitarian issues,
administration officials said.
"After a long absence, the United
States at the highest levels is getting back
in the South Asian game" said a senior
official traveling with Albright. He sai
the administration has concluded thatth4
end of the Cold War and shifts in etti
tudes in India and Pakistan offer oppor
tunities for U.S. economic expansion, fo
progress in resolving regional tern
and for opening economic and strategi
gateways to Central Asia.
School bus accident
kills Indian children
NEW DELHI, India - Divers an
fishermen used nets to pull childre
dressed in blue-and-white school uni
forms from a New Delhi river yr
day after an overcrowded bus plunge
into the shallow, murky water. At. leas
30 children died and about 20 wer
Witnesses said the driver was rac
ing another bus when his vehicl
skidded off a bridge, plunging 50 fee
into the Yamuna River. Some student
told a local TV network they ha
asked the driver to slow down, but h
did not.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
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